Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, dimensions=(100,100), numbugs=30):
        self.grid = GridSpace(dimensions=dimensions, cell_fn = BugCell)
        self.bugs = set()
        self.max_heat = 0

        self.cell_iter_random = cycle(self.grid.cells(CellSpace.tr_random))
        self.available_cell_iter = ifilter(lambda x: self._can_add(*x), self.cell_iter_random)

        # scatter bugs around
        for x in range(numbugs):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, dimensions=(100,100), numbugs=30):
        self.grid = GridSpace(dimensions=dimensions, cell_fn = BugCell)
        self.bugs = set()
        self.max_heat = 0

        # cheat a little: know some implementation details. This is GridSpace specific.
        # replace for other cellspace
        self.cell_iter_random = cycle(self.grid.cells(CellSpace.tr_random))
        self.available_cell_iter = ifilter(lambda x: self._can_add(*x), self.cell_iter_random)

        # scatter bugs around
        for x in range(numbugs):
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, c_size, c_dim):
        self.c_size = c_size
        self.c_dim = c_dim
        self.Space = []
        self.numObjects = 0

        self.cellsWithChanges = []

        for k in range(0, c_dim):
            newLevel = []
            for i in range(0, c_dim):
                newCol = []
                for j in range(0, c_dim):
                    grid = GridSpace()
Exemplo n.º 4
class Heatbugs(Simulation):
    class properties:
        heat = 1.5          # how much heat the bug emits per turn
        t_max = 2
        t_min = 0.4
        max_bugs_per_cell = 1

    def __init__(self, dimensions=(100,100), numbugs=30):
        self.grid = GridSpace(dimensions=dimensions, cell_fn = BugCell)
        self.bugs = set()
        self.max_heat = 0

        # cheat a little: know some implementation details. This is GridSpace specific.
        # replace for other cellspace
        self.cell_iter_random = cycle(self.grid.cells(CellSpace.tr_random))
        self.available_cell_iter = ifilter(lambda x: self._can_add(*x), self.cell_iter_random)

        # scatter bugs around
        for x in range(numbugs):

    def _can_add(self, idx=None, cell=None):
        cell = cell or self.grid[idx]
        return len(cell.bugs) < self.properties.max_bugs_per_cell

    def add_bug(self, index=None, bug=None, cell_iter=None):
        Add a single bug to the simulation.
        bug = bug or Bug()
        if bug in self.bugs:
            LOG.warn("Bug %s already added" % bug)
            return False
        if index:
            cell = self.grid[index]
            cell_iter = cell_iter or self.available_cell_iter
            index, cell = cell_iter.next()

        if self._can_add(index, cell):
            bug.idx = index
            return bug
            LOG.debug("No more bug vacancies at cell (%s,%s)" % index)
            return False

    def move_bug(self, bug, idx):
        # yay, move
        cell = self.grid[bug.idx]
        new_cell = self.grid[idx]
        LOG.debug("%s -> %s" % (bug.idx, idx))
        bug.idx = idx
        return bug, idx

    def step_bug(self, bug):
        # emit heat.
        cell = self.grid[bug.idx]
        cell.heat += self.properties.heat
        if cell.heat > self.max_heat:
            self.max_heat = cell.heat
            #LOG.debug("max heat: %s" % cell.heat)

        too_hot = cell.heat > self.properties.t_max
        too_cold = cell.heat < self.properties.t_min
        if too_hot or too_cold:
            # FFFUUUUUuuu!
            bug.happiness -= 1
            # Find a cell to migrate to.
            neighbors = self.grid.neighbors(bug.idx)
            for idx, new_cell in sorted(neighbors, key=lambda (k,v): v.heat, reverse=too_cold):
                if self.properties.t_min < new_cell.heat < self.properties.t_max:
                    if self._can_add(cell=new_cell):
                        bug, idx = self.move_bug(bug, idx)
            # A bug that does not move is a happier bug.
            bug.happiness += 1

    def diffuse(self):
        Rudimentary heat diffusion.
        transmission_coeff = 0.3
        # allow the grid to cool down
        sink_coeff = 0.1
        for idx,cell in self.grid.cells():
            # how much total heat the cell radiates
            emission_loss = cell.heat * transmission_coeff
            neighbors = self.grid.neighbors(idx)
            for nidx,n in neighbors:
                # Only colder cells (positive delta) will absorb the heat.
                # Sum of transmissions cannot be greater that the total emission.
                delta = cell.heat - n.heat
                n.heat += emission_loss / len(neighbors)
            cell.heat -= emission_loss + (cell.heat * sink_coeff)