Exemplo n.º 1
def init_from_equilibrium(wrf_model, fm10, ts_now, cfg):
  Initialize from the wrf_model equilibrium.
    lat, lon = wrf_model.get_lats(), wrf_model.get_lons()
    dom_shape = lat.shape
    T2 = wrf_model['T2']
    Q2 = wrf_model['Q2']
    PSFC = wrf_model['PSFC']
    hgt = wrf_model['HGT']
    rain = wrf_model['RAIN']
    rain = np.log(rain + 1.0)
    constant = np.ones_like(T2)
    Ed, Ew = compute_equilibria(T2, PSFC, Q2)
    E = 0.5 * (Ed[0, :, :] + Ew[0, :, :])
    P0 = np.diag(cfg['P0'])

    Tk = np.array([1.0, 10.0, 100.0]) * 3600
    model = GridMoistureModel(
        E[:, :, np.newaxis][:, :, np.zeros((3, ), dtype=np.int)], Tk, P0)

    # execute single DA step on the equilibrium with background covariance
    covariates = [
        T2, PSFC, lon - np.mean(lon), lat - np.mean(lat), hgt - np.mean(hgt),
        np.ones(dom_shape), rain
    execute_da_step(model, ts_now, covariates, fm10)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_data_assimilation(wrf_model, fm10, ts_now, cfg):
    lat, lon = wrf_model.get_lats(), wrf_model.get_lons()
    dom_shape = lat.shape
    T2 = wrf_model['T2']
    Q2 = wrf_model['Q2']
    PSFC = wrf_model['PSFC']
    hgt = wrf_model['HGT']
    rain = wrf_model['RAIN']
    rain = np.log(rain + 1.0)
    constant = np.ones_like(T2)
    Ed, Ew = compute_equilibria(T2, PSFC, Q2)
    E = 0.5 * (Ed[0, :, :] + Ew[0, :, :])
    P0 = np.diag(cfg['P0'])

    Tk = np.array([1.0, 10.0, 100.0]) * 3600
    model = GridMoistureModel(
        E[:, :, np.newaxis][:, :, np.zeros((3, ), dtype=np.int)], Tk, P0)

    # try to find a stored covariance matrix
    cov_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cfg['wrf_output_prev'], 'P.nc'))
    if os.path.exists(cov_path):
            'INFO: found stored covariance matrix, loading for init (also FMC_GC)...'
        model.get_state()[:, :, :3] = wrf_model['FMC_GC'][
            0, :3, :, :].transpose((1, 2, 0))
        model.get_state()[:, :, 3:5] = wrf_model['FMEP'][0, :, :, :].transpose(
            (1, 2, 0))
        d = netCDF4.Dataset(cov_path)
        model.get_state_covar()[:, :, :, :] = d.variables['P'][:, :, :, :]
            'INFO: no covariance matrix found, intializing with background covariance.'

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_module():

    # read in configuration file to execute run
    print("Reading configuration from [%s]" % sys.argv[1])

    with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
        cfg = eval(f.read())

    # ensure output path exists
    if not os.path.isdir(cfg['output_dir']):

    # configure diagnostics
        os.path.join(cfg['output_dir'], 'moisture_model_v1_diagnostics.txt'))

    # Trend surface model diagnostics
    diagnostics().configure_tag("kriging_cov_cond", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("s2_eta_hat", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("kriging_rmse", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("kriging_beta", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("kriging_iters", False, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("kriging_subzero_s2_estimates", False, True,
    diagnostics().configure_tag("fm10_kriging_var", True, True, True)

    diagnostics().configure_tag("f0_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("f1_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("f2_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("f3_summary", True, True, True)

    # Assimilation parameters
    diagnostics().configure_tag("K0_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("K1_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("K2_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("K3_summary", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("assim_info", False, False, True)

    # Model forecast, analysis and non-assimilated model: state, covariance, errors
    diagnostics().configure_tag("fm10f_rmse", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("fm10na_rmse", True, True, True)

    # all simulation times and all assimilation times (subset)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("mta", False, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("mt", False, True, True)

    # observation values and their nearest grid points
    diagnostics().configure_tag("obs_vals", False, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("obs_ngp", False, True, True)

    # in test mode, we will emit observations at the target station
    # our predictions, the nearest grid point and the test station id
    diagnostics().configure_tag("test_obs", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("test_pred", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("test_ngp", True, True, True)
    diagnostics().configure_tag("test_station_id", True, True, True)

    ### Load and preprocess WRF model data

    # load WRF data
    wrf_data = WRFModelData(cfg['wrf_output'],
                            ['T2', 'Q2', 'PSFC', 'RAINNC', 'RAINC', 'HGT'])

    # read in spatial and temporal extent of WRF variables
    lat, lon = wrf_data.get_lats(), wrf_data.get_lons()
    hgt = wrf_data['HGT']
    tm = wrf_data.get_gmt_times()
    Nt = cfg['Nt'] if cfg.has_key('Nt') and cfg['Nt'] is not None else len(tm)
    dom_shape = lat.shape
    print('INFO: domain size is %d x %d grid points.' % dom_shape)
    print('INFO: domain extent is lats (%g to %g) lons (%g to %g).' %
          (np.amin(lat), np.amax(lat), np.amin(lon), np.amax(lon)))

    # if writing is requested, open output file and set up dimensions
    if cfg['write_fields'] not in ['all', 'fmc_gc', 'none']:
        error('FATAL: write_fields must be one of all, fmc_gc or none.')
    if cfg['write_fields'] == 'none':
        cfg['write_fields'] = False
    out_file = None
    ncfmc_gc, ncfm10a, ncfm10aV, ncfm10f, cnfm10fV, ncfm10na = None, None, None, None, None, None
    nctsmV, ncKg = None, None
    if cfg['write_fields']:
        out_file = netCDF4.Dataset(cfg['output_dir'] + '/fields.nc', 'w')
        out_file.createDimension('Time', None)
        out_file.createDimension('fuel_moisture_classes_stag', 5)
        out_file.createDimension('south_north', dom_shape[0])
        out_file.createDimension('west_east', dom_shape[1])
        ncfmc_gc = out_file.createVariable(
            'FMC_GC', 'f4',
            ('Time', 'fuel_moisture_classes_stag', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
        if cfg['write_fields'] == 'all':
            ncfm10a = out_file.createVariable(
                'fm10a', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            ncfm10aV = out_file.createVariable(
                'fm10a_var', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            ncfm10na = out_file.createVariable(
                'fm10na', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            ncfm10f = out_file.createVariable(
                'fm10f', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            ncfm10fV = out_file.createVariable(
                'fm10f_var', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            nctsmV = out_file.createVariable(
                'tsm_var', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            ncKg = out_file.createVariable(
                'kalman_gain', 'f4', ('Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
            print('INFO: opened fields.nc for writing ALL output fields.')
            print('INFO: opened field.nc for writing FMC_GC only.')

    test_mode = (cfg['run_mode'] == 'test')
    tgt_station = None
    if cfg['run_mode'] == 'test':
        print('INFO: running in TEST mode! Will perform leave-one-out tesing.')
        tgt_station_id = cfg['target_station_id']
        diagnostics().push('test_station_id', tgt_station_id)
    elif cfg['run_mode'] == 'production':
            'INFO: running in PRODUCTION mode! Using all observation stations.'
        error('FATAL: invalid run mode! Must be "test" or "production".')

    # determine simulation times
    tm_start = parse_datetime(
        cfg['start_time']) if cfg['start_time'] is not None else tm[0]
    tm_end = parse_datetime(
        cfg['end_time']) if cfg['end_time'] is not None else tm[-1]

    # if the required start time or end time are outside the simulation domain, exit with an error
    if tm_start < tm[0] or tm_end > tm[-1]:
        print('FATAL: invalid time range, required [%s-%s], availble [%s-%s]' %
              (str(tm_start), str(tm_end), str(tm[0]), str(tm[-1])))

    print('INFO: time limits are %s to %s\nINFO: simulation is from %s to %s' %
          (str(tm_start), str(tm_end), str(tm[0]), str(tm[-1])))

    # retrieve dynamic covariates and remove mean at each time point for T2 and PSFC
    T2 = wrf_data['T2']
    #T2 -= np.mean(np.mean(T2,axis=0),axis=0)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]

    PSFC = wrf_data['PSFC']
    #PSFC -= np.mean(np.mean(PSFC,axis=0),axis=0)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]

    # numerical fix - if it rains at an intensity of less than 0.001 per hour, set rain to zero
    # also, use log(rain + 1) to prevent wild trend surface model predictions when stations see little rain
    # but elsewhere there is too much rain
    # without this, numerical errors in trend surface model may pop up
    rain = wrf_data['RAIN']
    #rain[rain < 0.01] = 0.0
    rain = np.log(rain + 1.0)

    # moisture equilibria are now computed from averaged Q,P,T at beginning and end of period
    Ed, Ew = wrf_data.get_moisture_equilibria()

    ### Load observation data from the stations

    # compute the diagonal distance between grid points
    grid_dist_km = great_circle_distance(lon[0, 0], lat[0, 0], lon[1, 1],
                                         lat[1, 1])
    print('INFO: diagonal distance in grid is %g' % grid_dist_km)

    # load station data from files
    with open(cfg['station_list_file'], 'r') as f:
        si_list = f.read().split('\n')

    si_list = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0 and x[0] != '#',
                     map(string.strip, si_list))

    # for each station id, load the station
    stations = []
    for code in si_list:
        mws = MesoWestStation(code)
            os.path.join(cfg["station_info_dir"], "%s.info" % code))
        if mws.get_dist_to_grid() < grid_dist_km / 2.0:
                'Station %s: lat %g lon %g nearest grid pt %s lat %g lon %g dist_to_grid %g'
                % (code, mws.lat, mws.lon, str(mws.grid_pt), lat[mws.grid_pt],
                   lon[mws.grid_pt], mws.dist_grid_pt))
                os.path.join(cfg["station_data_dir"], "%s.obs" % code))
            if test_mode and mws.get_id() == tgt_station_id:
                tgt_station = mws
                    'INFO: in test mode, targeting station %s (removed from data pool).'
                    % tgt_station_id)
                diagnostics().push("test_ngp", mws.get_nearest_grid_point())

    print('Loaded %d stations (discarded %d stations, too far from grid).' %
          (len(stations), len(si_list) - len(stations)))

    if test_mode and tgt_station is None:
            'FATAL: in test mode, a station was removed that was not among accepted stations.'

    # build the observation data
    obs_data_fm10 = build_observation_data(stations, 'FM')

    # build target data if in test mode
    tgt_obs_fm10 = None
    test_ngp = None
    if test_mode:
        test_ngp = tgt_station.get_nearest_grid_point()
        tgt_obs_fm10 = build_observation_data([tgt_station], 'FM')

    ### Initialize model and visualization

    # construct initial conditions from timestep 0
    E = 0.5 * (Ed[0, :, :] + Ew[0, :, :])

    # set up parameters
    Nk = 4  # we simulate 4 types of fuel
    Q = np.diag(cfg['Q'])
    P0 = np.diag(cfg['P0'])
    Tk = np.array([1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0]) * 3600
    dt = (tm[1] - tm[0]).seconds
    print("INFO: Computed timestep from WRF is is %g seconds." % dt)
    mresV = np.zeros_like(E)
    mid = np.zeros_like(E)
    Kg = np.zeros((dom_shape[0], dom_shape[1], len(Tk) + 2))

    # preprocess all static covariates
    cov_ids = cfg['covariates']
    Xd3 = len(cov_ids) + 1
    X = np.zeros((dom_shape[0], dom_shape[1], Xd3))
    Xr = np.zeros((dom_shape[0], dom_shape[1], Xd3))
    static_covar_map = {
        "lon": lon - np.mean(lon),
        "lat": lat - np.mean(lat),
        "elevation": hgt - np.mean(hgt),
        "constant": np.ones(dom_shape)
    dynamic_covar_map = {"temperature": T2, "pressure": PSFC, "rain": rain}

    for i in range(1, Xd3):
        cov_id = cov_ids[i - 1]
        if cov_id in static_covar_map:
            print('INFO: found static covariate %s' % cov_id)
            Xr[:, :, i] = static_covar_map[cov_id]
        elif cov_id in dynamic_covar_map:
            print('INFO: found dynamic covariate %s' % cov_id)
            print('FATAL: unknown covariate %s encountered' % cov_id)

    print("INFO: there are %d covariates (including model state)" % Xd3)

    # retrieve assimilation time window
    assim_time_win = cfg['assimilation_time_window']

    print('GMM init: equilibrium (%g,%g,%g) and at 86,205 %g' %
          (np.amin(E), np.mean(E), np.amax(E), E[86, 205]))

    models = GridMoistureModel(
        E[:, :, np.newaxis][:, :, np.zeros((4, ), dtype=np.int)], Tk, P0)
    models_na = GridMoistureModel(
        E[:, :, np.newaxis][:, :, np.zeros((4, ), dtype=np.int)], Tk, P0)

    ###  Run model for each WRF timestep and assimilate data when available
    t_start, t_end = 1, len(tm) - 1
    while tm_start > tm[t_start]:
        t_start += 1
    while tm_end < tm[t_end]:
        t_end -= 1

    # the first FMC_GC value gets filled out with equilibria
    if cfg['write_fields']:
        for i in range(Nk):
            ncfmc_gc[0, i, :, :] = E

    print('INFO: running simulation from %s (%d) to %s (%d).' %
          (str(tm[t_start]), t_start, str(tm[t_end]), t_end))
    for t in range(t_start, t_end + 1):
        model_time = tm[t]
        print("INFO: time: %s, step: %d" % (str(model_time), t))

        diagnostics().push("mt", model_time)

        models_na.advance_model(Ed[t - 1, :, :], Ew[t - 1, :, :],
                                rain[t - 1, :, :], dt, Q)
        models.advance_model(Ed[t - 1, :, :], Ew[t - 1, :, :],
                             rain[t - 1, :, :], dt, Q)

        # extract fuel moisture contents [make a fresh copy every iteration!]
        f = models.get_state().copy()
        f_na = models_na.get_state().copy()

        # push 10-hr fuel state & variance of forecast
        if cfg['write_fields'] == 'all':
            ncfm10f[t, :, :] = models.get_state()[:, :, 1]
            ncfm10fV[t, :, :] = models.P[:, :, 1, 1]
            ncfm10na[t, :, :] = models_na.get_state()[:, :, 1]

        # examine the assimilated fields (if assimilation is activated)
        for i in range(4):
            diagnostics().push("f%d_summary" % i, (t, np.amin(
                f[:, :, i]), np.mean(f[:, :, i]), np.amax(f[:, :, i])))
            if np.any(f[:, :, i] < 0.0):
                    "WARN: in field %d there were %d negative moisture values !"
                    % (i, np.count_nonzero(f[:, :, i] < 0.0)))
                ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(f[:, :, i]), f.shape[:2])
                print(models.P[ind[0], ind[1], :, :])
                print("Full model state at position %d,%d:" % (ind[0], ind[1]))
                print(models.m_ext[ind[0], ind[1], :])
            if np.any(f[:, :, i] > 2.5):
                    "WARN: in field %d there were %d moisture values above 2.5!"
                    % (i, np.count_nonzero(f[:, :, i] > 2.5)))
                ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(f[:, :, i]), f.shape[:2])
                print(models.P[ind[0], ind[1], :, :])
                print("Full model state at position %d,%d:" % (ind[0], ind[1]))
                print(models.m_ext[ind[0], ind[1], :])

        if cfg['assimilate']:

            # run Kriging on each observed fuel type
            Kfs, Vfs, fns = [], [], []
            for obs_data, fuel_ndx in [(obs_data_fm10, 1)]:

                # run the kriging subsystem and the Kalman update only if have valid observations
                valid_times = [
                    z for z in obs_data.keys()
                    if abs(total_seconds(z - model_time)) < assim_time_win /
                    'INFO: there are %d valid times at model time %s for fuel index %d'
                    % (len(valid_times), str(model_time), fuel_ndx))
                if len(valid_times) > 0:

                    # add model time as time when assimilation occurred
                    diagnostics().push("mta", model_time)

                    # retrieve observations for current time
                    obs_valid_now = []
                    for z in valid_times:

                        'INFO: model time %s, assimilating %d observations.' %
                        (str(model_time), len(obs_valid_now)))

                    # construct covariates for this time instant
                    X[:, :, 0] = f[:, :, fuel_ndx]
                    for i in range(1, Xd3):
                        cov_id = cov_ids[i - 1]
                        if cov_id in static_covar_map:
                            X[:, :, i] = Xr[:, :, i]
                        elif cov_id in dynamic_covar_map:
                            F = dynamic_covar_map[cov_id]
                            X[:, :, i] = F[t, :, :]
                            error('FATAL: found unknown covariate %s' % cov_id)

                    # find differences (residuals) between observed measurements and nearest grid points
                    obs_vals = [o.get_value() for o in obs_valid_now]
                    obs_ngp = [
                        o.get_nearest_grid_point() for o in obs_valid_now
                    diagnostics().push("obs_vals", obs_vals)
                    diagnostics().push("obs_ngp", obs_ngp)

                    mod_vals = np.array(
                        [f[i, j, fuel_ndx] for i, j in obs_ngp])
                    mod_na_vals = np.array(
                        [f_na[i, j, fuel_ndx] for i, j in obs_ngp])
                                       np.mean((obs_vals - mod_vals)**2)**0.5)
                        np.mean((obs_vals - mod_na_vals)**2)**0.5)

                    # krige observations to grid points
                    Kf_fn, Vf_fn = fit_tsm(obs_valid_now, X)
                    if np.count_nonzero(Kf_fn > 2.5) > 0:
                        rain_t = dynamic_covar_map['rain'][t, :, :]
                            'WARN: in TSM found %d values over 2.5, %d of those had rain, clamped to 2.5'
                            % (np.count_nonzero(Kf_fn > 2.5),
                                   np.logical_and(Kf_fn > 2.5, rain_t > 0.0))))
                        Kf_fn[Kf_fn > 2.5] = 2.5
                    if np.count_nonzero(Kf_fn < 0.0) > 0:
                            'WARN: in TSM found %d values under 0.0, clamped to 0.0'
                            % np.count_nonzero(Kf_fn < 0.0))
                        Kf_fn[Kf_fn < 0.0] = 0.0

                    krig_vals = np.array([Kf_fn[ngp] for ngp in obs_ngp])
                                       (t, fuel_ndx, obs_vals, krig_vals,
                                        mod_vals, mod_na_vals))
                    diagnostics().push("fm10_kriging_var", (t, np.mean(Vf_fn)))

                    if cfg['write_fields'] == 'all':
                        nctsmV[t, :, :] = Vf_fn

                    # append to storage for kriged fields in this time instant

            # if there were any observations, run the kalman update step
            if len(fns) > 0:
                NobsClasses = len(fns)

                O = np.zeros((dom_shape[0], dom_shape[1], NobsClasses))
                V = np.zeros(
                    (dom_shape[0], dom_shape[1], NobsClasses, NobsClasses))

                for i in range(NobsClasses):
                    O[:, :, i] = Kfs[i]
                    V[:, :, i, i] = Vfs[i]

                # execute the Kalman update
                if len(fns) == 1:
                    models.kalman_update_single2(O, V, fns[0], Kg)
                    models.kalman_update(O, V, fns, Kg)

                # push new diagnostic outputs
                if cfg['write_fields'] == 'all':
                    ncKg[t, :, :] = Kg[:, :, 1]

                for i in range(4):
                        "K%d_summary" % i,
                        (t, np.amin(Kg[:, :, i]), np.mean(
                            Kg[:, :, i]), np.amax(Kg[:, :, i])))
                    if np.any(models.get_state()[:, :, i] < 0.0):
                            "WARN: in field %d there were %d negative moisture values !"
                            % (i,
                                   models.get_state()[:, :, i] < 0.0)))
                        ind = np.unravel_index(
                            np.argmin(models.get_state()[:, :, i]),
                        print(models.P[ind[0], ind[1], :, :])
                            "TSM input at given position: value %g variance %g"
                            % (O[ind[0], ind[1]], V[ind[0], ind[1]]))
                        print("Model state at given position:")
                        print(models.m_ext[ind[0], ind[1], :])

            # store post-assimilation (or forecast depending on whether observations were available) FM-10 state and variance
            if cfg['write_fields'] == 'all':
                ncfm10a[t, :, :] = models.get_state()[:, :, 1]
                ncfm10aV[t, :, :] = models.P[:, :, 1, 1]

            # we don't care if we assimilated or not, we always check our error on target station if in test mode
            if test_mode:
                valid_times = [
                    z for z in tgt_obs_fm10.keys()
                    if abs(total_seconds(z - model_time)) < assim_time_win /
                tgt_i, tgt_j = test_ngp
                diagnostics().push("test_pred", f[tgt_i, tgt_j, 1])
                if len(valid_times) > 0:
                    # this is our target observation [FIXME: this disregards multiple observations if multiple happen to be valid]
                    tgt_obs = tgt_obs_fm10[valid_times[0]][0]
                    obs = tgt_obs.get_value()
                    diagnostics().push("test_obs", obs)
                    diagnostics().push("test_obs", np.nan)

            # store data in wrf_file variable FMC_G
            if cfg['write_fields']:
                ncfmc_gc[t, :Nk, :, :] = np.transpose(
                    models.get_state()[:, :, :Nk], axes=[2, 0, 1])

        # store the diagnostics in a binary file when done

    # close the netCDF file (relevant if we did write into FMC_GC)
    if out_file is not None: