Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, num_rows, num_cols, num_sources, num_steps,
                 angular_step, sensor_params, num_samples):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.num_rows_ = num_rows
        self.num_cols_ = num_cols
        self.num_sources_ = num_sources
        self.num_steps_ = num_steps
        self.angular_step_ = angular_step
        self.sensor_params_ = sensor_params
        self.num_samples_ = num_samples

        # Keep track of map, pose, true sources, and past poses.
        self.map_ = GridMap2D(self.num_rows_, self.num_cols_, self.num_sources_)
        self.pose_ = GridPose2D(self.num_rows_, self.num_cols_,
                                int(np.random.uniform(0.0, self.num_rows_)) + 0.5,
                                int(np.random.uniform(0.0, self.num_cols_)) + 0.5,
                                np.random.uniform(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi))
        self.sources_ = []
        self.past_poses_ = []

        # Generate random sources on the grid.
        for ii in range(self.num_sources_):
            x = float(np.random.random_integers(0, self.num_rows_-1)) + 0.5
            y = float(np.random.random_integers(0, self.num_cols_-1)) + 0.5
            self.sources_.append(Source2D(x, y))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, nrows, ncols, k, angular_step, sensor_params):
        Constructor. Takes in dimensions, number of sources, resolution,
        and sensor parameters.
        self.angular_step_ = angular_step
        self.sensor_params_ = sensor_params
        self.map_ = GridMap2D(nrows, ncols, k)
        self.pose_ = GridPose2D(nrows, ncols, 0.5 * nrows, 0.5 * ncols, 0.0)
        self.sources_ = []
        self.past_poses_ = []

        # Generate random sources on the grid.
        for ii in range(k):
            x = math.floor(np.random.uniform(0.0, float(nrows))) + 0.5
            y = math.floor(np.random.uniform(0.0, float(ncols))) + 0.5
            self.sources_.append(Source2D(x, y))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_distribution_convergence():
    # Max deviation at any point in estimated matrices/vectors.
    kPrecision = 0.5

    # Define hyperparameters.
    kNumSamples = 1000
    kNumRows = 5
    kNumCols = 5
    kNumSources = 1
    kNumSteps = 1
    kAngularStep = 0.25 * math.pi
    kSensorParams = {
        "x": kNumRows / 2,
        "y": kNumCols / 2,
        "angle": 0.0,
        "fov": 0.5 * math.pi

    # Generate conditionals from the specified pose.
    pose = GridPose2D(kNumRows, kNumCols,
                      int(np.random.uniform(0.0, kNumRows)) + 0.5,
                      int(np.random.uniform(0.0, kNumCols)) + 0.5,
                      np.random.uniform(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi))

    # Create a problem.
    problem = Problem(kNumRows, kNumCols, kNumSources, kNumSteps, kAngularStep,
                      kSensorParams, kNumSamples)

    (pzx1, hzm1, traj_ids1) = problem.GenerateConditionals(pose)
    (pzx2, hzm2, traj_ids2) = problem.GenerateConditionals(pose)

    # Check that distributions are close.
    assert_equal(traj_ids1, traj_ids2)
    assert_array_less(abs(pzx1 - pzx2).max(), kPrecision)
    assert_array_less(abs(hzm1 - hzm2).max(), kPrecision)

    # Check that cost vectors are not too different.
    c1 = pzx1.T * hzm1
    c2 = pzx2.T * hzm2
    assert_array_less(abs(c1 - c2).max(), kPrecision)
Exemplo n.º 4
# Files to save to.
pzx_file = "pzx_5x5_1000.csv"
hzm_file = "hmz_5x5_1000.csv"

# Define hyperparameters.
kNumSamples = 1000
kNumRows = 5
kNumCols = 5
kNumSources = 1
kNumSteps = 1
kAngularStep = 0.25 * math.pi
kSensorParams = {"x" : kNumRows/2,
                 "y" : kNumCols/2,
                 "angle" : 0.0,
                 "fov" : 0.5 * math.pi}

# Create a problem.
problem = Problem(kNumRows, kNumCols, kNumSources, kNumSteps,
                  kAngularStep, kSensorParams, kNumSamples)

# Generate conditionals from the specified pose.
pose = GridPose2D(kNumRows, kNumCols, kNumRows/2, kNumCols/2, 0.0)
(pzx, hzm, trajectory_ids) = problem.GenerateConditionals(pose)

print "P_{Z|X} shape: " + str(pzx.shape)
print "h_{M|Z} shape: " + str(hzm.shape)

np.savetxt(pzx_file, pzx, delimiter=",")
np.savetxt(hzm_file, hzm, delimiter=",")
print "Successfully saved to disk."
Exemplo n.º 5
measurements = np.zeros((kNumSimulations, kNumSteps))
for ii in range(kNumSimulations):
    # Generate random sources on the grid.
    sources = []
    for jj in range(kNumSources):
        x = float(np.random.random_integers(0, kNumRows - 1)) + 0.5
        y = float(np.random.random_integers(0, kNumCols - 1)) + 0.5
        sources.append(Source2D(x, y))

    sensor = Sensor2D(kSensorParams, sources)
    maps[ii] = EncodeMap(kNumRows, kNumCols, sources)

    # Generate a valid trajectory of the given length.
    step_counter = 0
    current_pose = GridPose2D(kNumRows, kNumCols,
                              int(np.random.uniform(0.0, kNumRows)) + 0.5,
                              int(np.random.uniform(0.0, kNumCols)) + 0.5,
                              np.random.uniform(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi))
    while step_counter < kNumSteps:
        dx = np.random.choice(delta_xs)
        dy = np.random.choice(delta_ys)
        da = np.random.choice(delta_as)

        next_pose = GridPose2D.Copy(current_pose)
        if next_pose.MoveBy(dx, dy, da):
            # If a valid move, append to list.
            trajectories[ii, step_counter] = (
                int(next_pose.x_) + int(next_pose.y_) * kNumRows +
                (int(next_pose.angle_ / kAngularStep) % kNumAngles) *
                kNumRows * kNumAngles)
            current_pose = next_pose