Exemplo n.º 1
	def control(self, devices, control, GPIO):
		import growControl as gc
		oldStatus = self.status
		testOn = gc.getMinuteDiff(self.timeOn)
		testOff = gc.getMinuteDiff(self.timeOff)
		if testOn >= 0 and testOff < 0:
			# time in the off times, set light off
			self.status = self.relayOn
			print "Controling Light" + str(self.id) + ": Set to On"
			# if the light is not between the off times, it should be on
			self.status = self.relayOff
			print "Controling Light" + str(self.id) + ": Set to Off"
		if oldStatus != self.status:
			print "STATUS CHANGE: LIGHT " + str(seld.id)
		# this must always be the last thing to run in the control method
		# it checks if any of the temperature sensors are exceeding the limit set in control and if so, sets light to low
		# by being the last check in the control method, it insures a high temp will cause light on
		for d in devices:
			if d.growType == "tempSensor":
				if d.lastTemp >control.MaxTemp:
					self.status = self.relayOff
					gc.errorDisplay("-- Light " + str(self.id) + " status changed because of high reading on Temp Sensor " + str(d.id))
		GPIO.output(self.pin, self.status) #finally set the light value
Exemplo n.º 2
	def control(self, devices, control, GPIO):
		import growControl as gc
		oldStatus = self.status #record the original status so we know if it changes
		#run checks to see what type of fan and what controls to use, then actually control it
		if self.fanOnType == 1:
			#print "fanOnType == 1"
			testOn = gc.getMinuteDiff(self.fanOnAt)
			testOff = gc.getMinuteDiff(self.fanOffAt)
			#print ""
			#print "Fan " + str(self.id) + " testOn = " + str(testOn)
			#print "Fan " + str(self.id) + " testOff = " + str(testOn)

			if testOn >= 0 and testOff < 0:
				# time in the off times, set fan off
				self.status = self.relayOn
				print "Controling Fan" + str(self.id) + ": Set to On"
				# if the fan is not between the off times, it should be on
				self.status = self.relayOff
				print "Controling Fan" + str(self.id) + ": Set to Off"
		elif self.fanOnType ==2:
			# this type runs for fanOnAt minutes, then turns off for fanOffAt minutes
			print "fanOnType == 2 is not yet supported, please change the type of fan #" + str(self.id)
		elif self.fanOnType ==3:
			# this type is always on
			print "fanOnType == 3"				
			self.status = self.relayOn
			print "In fan" + str(self.id) + " fanOnType not defined or not recognized, setting to always on"
			self.status = self.relayOn

		if oldStatus != self.status:
			print "STATUS CHANGE: FAN " + str(self.id)
		#this should always be the last thing to run in the control method
		# it checks if any of the temperature sensors are exceeding the limit set in control and if so, sets fan to high
		#by being the last check in the control method, it insures a high temp will cause fans on
		for d in devices:
			if d.growType == "tempSensor":
				if d.lastTemp > control.MaxTemp:
					self.status = self.relayOn
					gc.errorDisplay("-- Fan " + str(self.id) + " status changed because of high reading on Temp Sensor " + str(d.id))
		GPIO.output(self.pin, self.status) #finally set the fan value