Exemplo n.º 1
def test_slipwall_flux(actx_factory, dim, order):
    """Check for zero boundary flux.

    Check for vanishing flux across the slipwall.
    actx = actx_factory()

    wall = AdiabaticSlipBoundary()
    eos = IdealSingleGas()

    from pytools.convergence import EOCRecorder
    eoc = EOCRecorder()

    for nel_1d in [4, 8, 12]:
        from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

        mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(-0.5, ) * dim,
                                          b=(0.5, ) * dim,
                                          nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

        discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
        nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())
        nhat = thaw(actx, discr.normal(BTAG_ALL))
        h = 1.0 / nel_1d

        from functools import partial
        bnd_norm = partial(discr.norm, p=np.inf, dd=BTAG_ALL)

        logger.info(f"Number of {dim}d elems: {mesh.nelements}")
        # for velocities in each direction
        err_max = 0.0
        for vdir in range(dim):
            vel = np.zeros(shape=(dim, ))

            # for velocity directions +1, and -1
            for parity in [1.0, -1.0]:
                vel[vdir] = parity
                from mirgecom.initializers import Uniform
                initializer = Uniform(dim=dim, velocity=vel)
                uniform_state = initializer(nodes)
                bnd_pair = wall.boundary_pair(discr,

                # Check the total velocity component normal
                # to each surface.  It should be zero.  The
                # numerical fluxes cannot be zero.
                avg_state = 0.5 * (bnd_pair.int + bnd_pair.ext)
                err_max = max(err_max,
                              bnd_norm(np.dot(avg_state.momentum, nhat)))

                from mirgecom.euler import _facial_flux
                bnd_flux = _facial_flux(discr,
                err_max = max(err_max, bnd_norm(bnd_flux.mass),

        eoc.add_data_point(h, err_max)

    message = (f"EOC:\n{eoc}")
    assert (eoc.order_estimate() >= order - 0.5 or eoc.max_error() < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_slipwall_identity(actx_factory, dim):
    """Identity test - check for the expected boundary solution.

    Checks that the slipwall implements the expected boundary solution:
    rho_plus = rho_minus
    v_plus = v_minus - 2 * (n_hat . v_minus) * n_hat
    mom_plus = rho_plus * v_plus
    E_plus = E_minus
    actx = actx_factory()

    nel_1d = 4

    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(-0.5, ) * dim,
                                      b=(0.5, ) * dim,
                                      nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

    order = 3
    discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
    nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())
    eos = IdealSingleGas()
    orig = np.zeros(shape=(dim, ))
    nhat = thaw(actx, discr.normal(BTAG_ALL))

    logger.info(f"Number of {dim}d elems: {mesh.nelements}")

    # for velocity going along each direction
    for vdir in range(dim):
        vel = np.zeros(shape=(dim, ))
        # for velocity directions +1, and -1
        for parity in [1.0, -1.0]:
            vel[vdir] = parity  # Check incoming normal
            initializer = Lump(dim=dim, center=orig, velocity=vel, rhoamp=0.0)
            wall = AdiabaticSlipBoundary()

            uniform_state = initializer(nodes)
            from functools import partial
            bnd_norm = partial(discr.norm, p=np.inf, dd=BTAG_ALL)

            bnd_pair = wall.boundary_pair(discr,

            # check that mass and energy are preserved
            mass_resid = bnd_pair.int.mass - bnd_pair.ext.mass
            mass_err = bnd_norm(mass_resid)
            assert mass_err == 0.0

            energy_resid = bnd_pair.int.energy - bnd_pair.ext.energy
            energy_err = bnd_norm(energy_resid)
            assert energy_err == 0.0

            # check that exterior momentum term is mom_interior - 2 * mom_normal
            mom_norm_comp = np.dot(bnd_pair.int.momentum, nhat)
            mom_norm = nhat * mom_norm_comp
            expected_mom_ext = bnd_pair.int.momentum - 2.0 * mom_norm
            mom_resid = bnd_pair.ext.momentum - expected_mom_ext
            mom_err = bnd_norm(mom_resid)

            assert mom_err == 0.0
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_facial_flux(actx_factory, nspecies, order, dim):
    """Check the flux across element faces.

    The flux is checked by prescribing states (q) with known fluxes. Only uniform
    states are tested currently - ensuring that the Lax-Friedrichs flux terms which
    are proportional to jumps in state data vanish.

    Since the returned fluxes use state data which has been interpolated
    to-and-from the element faces, this test is grid-dependent.
    actx = actx_factory()

    tolerance = 1e-14
    p0 = 1.0

    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh
    from pytools.convergence import EOCRecorder

    eoc_rec0 = EOCRecorder()
    eoc_rec1 = EOCRecorder()
    for nel_1d in [4, 8, 12]:

        mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(-0.5, ) * dim,
                                          b=(0.5, ) * dim,
                                          nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

        logger.info(f"Number of elements: {mesh.nelements}")

        discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
        zeros = discr.zeros(actx)
        ones = zeros + 1.0

        mass_input = discr.zeros(actx) + 1.0
        energy_input = discr.zeros(actx) + 2.5
        mom_input = flat_obj_array(
            [discr.zeros(actx) for i in range(discr.dim)])
        mass_frac_input = flat_obj_array(
            [ones / ((i + 1) * 10) for i in range(nspecies)])
        species_mass_input = mass_input * mass_frac_input

        cv = make_conserved(dim,
        from grudge.trace_pair import interior_trace_pairs
        cv_interior_pairs = interior_trace_pairs(discr, cv)
        # Check the boundary facial fluxes as called on an interior boundary
        # eos = IdealSingleGas()
        from mirgecom.gas_model import (GasModel, make_fluid_state)
        gas_model = GasModel(eos=IdealSingleGas())
        from mirgecom.gas_model import make_fluid_state_trace_pairs
        state_tpairs = make_fluid_state_trace_pairs(cv_interior_pairs,
        interior_state_pair = state_tpairs[0]
        from mirgecom.inviscid import inviscid_facial_flux
        interior_face_flux = \
            inviscid_facial_flux(discr, state_tpair=interior_state_pair)

        def inf_norm(data):
            if len(data) > 0:
                return actx.to_numpy(discr.norm(data, np.inf, dd="all_faces"))
                return 0.0

        assert inf_norm(interior_face_flux.mass) < tolerance
        assert inf_norm(interior_face_flux.energy) < tolerance
        assert inf_norm(interior_face_flux.species_mass) < tolerance

        # The expected pressure is 1.0 (by design). And the flux diagonal is
        # [rhov_x*v_x + p] (etc) since we have zero velocities it's just p.
        # The off-diagonals are zero. We get a {ndim}-vector for each
        # dimension, the flux for the x-component of momentum (for example) is:
        # f_momx = < 1.0, 0 , 0> , then we return f_momx .dot. normal, which
        # can introduce negative values.
        # (Explanation courtesy of Mike Campbell,
        # https://github.com/illinois-ceesd/mirgecom/pull/44#discussion_r463304292)

        nhat = thaw(actx, discr.normal("int_faces"))
        mom_flux_exact = discr.project("int_faces", "all_faces", p0 * nhat)
        momerr = inf_norm(interior_face_flux.momentum - mom_flux_exact)
        assert momerr < tolerance
        eoc_rec0.add_data_point(1.0 / nel_1d, momerr)

        # Check the boundary facial fluxes as called on a domain boundary
        dir_mass = discr.project("vol", BTAG_ALL, mass_input)
        dir_e = discr.project("vol", BTAG_ALL, energy_input)
        dir_mom = discr.project("vol", BTAG_ALL, mom_input)
        dir_mf = discr.project("vol", BTAG_ALL, species_mass_input)

        dir_bc = make_conserved(dim,
        dir_bval = make_conserved(dim,
        state_tpair = TracePair(BTAG_ALL,
                                interior=make_fluid_state(dir_bval, gas_model),
                                exterior=make_fluid_state(dir_bc, gas_model))
        boundary_flux = inviscid_facial_flux(discr, state_tpair=state_tpair)

        assert inf_norm(boundary_flux.mass) < tolerance
        assert inf_norm(boundary_flux.energy) < tolerance
        assert inf_norm(boundary_flux.species_mass) < tolerance

        nhat = thaw(actx, discr.normal(BTAG_ALL))
        mom_flux_exact = discr.project(BTAG_ALL, "all_faces", p0 * nhat)
        momerr = inf_norm(boundary_flux.momentum - mom_flux_exact)
        assert momerr < tolerance

        eoc_rec1.add_data_point(1.0 / nel_1d, momerr)

    logger.info(f"standalone Errors:\n{eoc_rec0}"
                f"boundary Errors:\n{eoc_rec1}")
    assert (eoc_rec0.order_estimate() >= order - 0.5
            or eoc_rec0.max_error() < 1e-9)
    assert (eoc_rec1.order_estimate() >= order - 0.5
            or eoc_rec1.max_error() < 1e-9)