Exemplo n.º 1
def trikap(run):
    # Only execute if plotting
    if run.no_plot:
    print("Plotting scan of triangularity vs elongation...")
    Nfile = len(run.fnames)

    # Init arrays of data used in scan.
    full_lingrowth = [dict() for ifile in range(Nfile)]
    # Get lingrowth data from .dat file.
    for ifile in range(Nfile):
        datfile_name = run.work_dir + run.dirs[ifile] + run.out_dir + run.files[ifile] + '.lingrowth.dat'
        with open(datfile_name,'rb') as datfile:
            full_lingrowth[ifile] = pickle.load(datfile)
    nakx = len(full_lingrowth[0]['kx']) 
    for ifile in range(Nfile):
        if len(full_lingrowth[ifile]['kx']) != nakx:
            quit("Error - number of kx values should be constant across all items in the scan - Exiting...")

    tri,kap = np.zeros(Nfile),np.zeros(Nfile)
    for ifile in range(Nfile):
        tri[ifile] = full_lingrowth[ifile]['tri']
        kap[ifile] = full_lingrowth[ifile]['kap']
    tris = sorted(list(set(tri)))
    kaps = sorted(list(set(kap)))
    print("Triangularity values: " + str(tris))
    print("Elongation values: " + str(kaps))
    if len(tris) * len(kaps) != Nfile:
        quit("Incorrect number of files added to populate the scan - exiting")
    gammas = np.zeros((len(tris), len(kaps), nakx))
    kymax = np.zeros((len(tris), len(kaps), nakx))
    for ifile in range(Nfile):
        gamma = full_lingrowth[ifile]['gamma']
        ky = full_lingrowth[ifile]['ky']
        kx = full_lingrowth[ifile]['kx']
        # Limits search to ITG.
        ikymax = int((np.abs(ky-1.0)).argmin())
        for itri in range(len(tris)):
            for ikap in range(len(kaps)):
                if tri[ifile] == tris[itri] and kap[ifile] == kaps[ikap]:
                    for ikx in range(len(kx)): 
                        gammas[itri,ikap,ikx] = np.nanmax(gamma[:ikymax,ikx])
                        kymax[itri,ikap,ikx] = ky[np.nanargmax(gamma[:ikymax,ikx])]

    pdflist = [] 
    for ikx in range(nakx):    
        gplot.plot_2d(gammas,tris,kaps,np.min(gammas[:,:,ikx]),np.max(gammas[:,:,ikx]),cmp='Reds',xlab='$\delta$',ylab='$\kappa$',title='$\gamma a/v_t: k_x$ = ' + str(full_lingrowth[0]['kx'][ikx])) 
        tmp_pdfname = 'tmp'+str(tmp_pdf_id)
        gplot.save_plot(tmp_pdfname, run)
        tmp_pdf_id += 1

    merged_pdfname = 'tri_kap_scan'
    gplot.merge_pdfs(pdflist, merged_pdfname, run)
Exemplo n.º 2
def plot_zonal_vs_kxt(kx, time, field, title):  ### Evolution of flow in fourier space versus time and kx

    z = (np.abs(field)**2)/(np.max(np.abs(field)**2))
    xlab = '$k_{x}\\rho_{i}$'
    ylab = '$t (v_{t}/a)$'
    cmap = 'YlGnBu'
    fig = gplot.plot_2d(z,kx,time,z.min(),z.max(),xlab,ylab,title,cmap)
    return fig
Exemplo n.º 3
def plot_zonal_vs_xt(xgrid, time, field, title): ### Evolution of flow in real space versus time and x

    # ensure there is no divide by zero
#    denom = np.max(np.abs(field))
#    test = denom==0
#    denom[test] = 1
    z = field
    z_min, z_max = -np.abs(z).max(), np.abs(z).max()
    xlab = '$x/\\rho_{i}$'
    ylab = '$t (v_{t}/a)$'
    cmap = 'RdBu'
    fig = gplot.plot_2d(z,xgrid,time,z_min,z_max,xlab,ylab,title,cmap)
    return fig
Exemplo n.º 4
def plot_flux_vs_vpth(mygrids, flx, title):

    from gs2_plotting import plot_2d

    xlab = '$\\theta$'
    ylab = '$v_{\parallel}$'
    cmap = 'RdBu'
    for idx in range(flx.shape[0]):
        z = flx[idx, :, :]
        z_min, z_max = z.min(), z.max()
        fig = plot_2d(z, mygrids.theta, mygrids.vpa, z_min, z_max, xlab, ylab,
                      title + ' (is= ' + str(idx + 1) + ')', cmap)

    return fig
Exemplo n.º 5
def plot_phi2_vs_kxky(kx, ky, phi2, has_flowshear):

    from gs2_plotting import plot_2d

    title = '$\\langle\\vert\\hat{\\varphi}_k\\vert ^2\\rangle_{t,\\theta}$'
    title += ' $\\forall$ $k_y > 0$'

    if has_flowshear:
        xlab = '$\\bar{k}_{x}\\rho_i$'
        xlab = '$k_{x}\\rho_i$'
    ylab = '$k_{y}\\rho_i$'

    cmap = 'RdBu'  # 'RdBu_r','Blues'
    z = phi2[1:, :]  # taking out zonal modes because they are much larger
    z_min, z_max = z.min(), z.max()
    use_logcolor = True
    fig = plot_2d(np.transpose(z), kx, ky[1:], z_min, z_max, xlab, ylab, title,
                  cmap, use_logcolor)

    return fig
Exemplo n.º 6
def plot_flux_vs_kxky(ispec, spec_names, kx, ky, flx, title, has_flowshear):

    from gs2_plotting import plot_2d

    if has_flowshear:
        xlab = '$\\bar{k}_{x}\\rho_i$'
        xlab = '$k_{x}\\rho_i$'
    ylab = '$k_{y}\\rho_i$'

    cmap = 'Blues'  # 'Reds','Blues'
    z = flx[ispec, :, :]  # OB 140918 ~ Don't take absolute value of fluxes.
    z_min, z_max = 0.0, z.max()

    title = 'Contributions to ' + title
    if ispec > 1:
        title += ' (impurity ' + str(ispec - 1) + ')'
        title += ' (' + spec_names[ispec] + 's)'
    fig = plot_2d(np.transpose(z), kx, ky, z_min, z_max, xlab, ylab, title,

    return fig
Exemplo n.º 7
def my_task_single(ifile, run, myin, myout):

    # User parameters
    dump_at_start = 0.3 # fraction of initial time to dump when fitting
    ikx_list = [-1] # choose which kx to plot, negative means plot all

    # Compute and save growthrate
    if not run.only_plot:
        grid_option = myin['kt_grids_knobs']['grid_option']

        t = myout['t']
        nt = t.size
        it_start = round(nt*dump_at_start)
        kx = myout['kx']
        nakx = kx.size
        ky = myout['ky']
        naky = ky.size
        phi2 = myout['phi2_by_mode'] # modulus squared, avged over theta (indices: [t,ky,kx])
        it_end  = nt
        for it in range(nt):
            for ikx in range(nakx):
                for iky in range(naky):
                    if it < it_end and not np.isfinite(phi2[it,iky,ikx]):
                        it_end = it - 10 
        if grid_option=='range':
            # In range, plot the only kx
            ikx_list = [0]
        elif grid_option=='box':
            if ikx_list[0]==-1:
                ikx_list = [i in range(nakx)]

        # Fit phi to get growthrates
        gamma = np.zeros([naky,len(ikx_list)])
        gamma[0,:]=float('nan') # skip zonal mode
        for iky in range(1,naky):
            for ikx in ikx_list:
                gamma[iky,ikx] = get_growthrate(t,phi2,it_start,it_end,ikx,iky)
        mydict = {'ikx_list':ikx_list,'kx':kx,'ky':ky,'gamma':gamma,'tri':myin['theta_grid_parameters']['tri'],
        # Save to .dat file 
        # OB 170918 ~ Changed output to a dict and added kappa, tri
        datfile_name = run.work_dir + run.dirs[ifile] + run.out_dir + run.files[ifile] + '.lingrowth.dat'
        with open(datfile_name, 'wb') as datfile:
    # or read from .dat file
        datfile_name = run.work_dir + run.dirs[ifile] + run.out_dir + run.files[ifile] + '.lingrowth.dat'
        with open(datfile_name, 'rb') as datfile:
            mydict = pickle.load(datfile)

    # Plotting
    if not run.no_plot:
        # If we ran for many kx ky, then plot colormap
        if len(ikx_list) > 3 and ky.size > 3:

            title = '$\\gamma \\ [v_{thr}/r_r]$'
            xlab = '$k_{x}\\rho_i$'
            ylab = '$k_{y}\\rho_i$'

            cmap = 'RdBu'
            z = gamma[:,:]
            z_min, z_max = z.min(), z.max()

            fig = gplot.plot_2d(z,kx,ky,z_min,z_max,xlab,ylab,title,cmap)

        # Otherwise plot curves vs ky for each kx
            plt.ylabel('$\\gamma \\ [v_{thr}/r_r]$')
            plt.title('Linear growthrate')

            my_legend = []
            for ikx in ikx_list:
                my_legend.append('$\\rho_i k_x='+str(kx[ikx])+'$')

        pdfname = 'lingrowth'
        gplot.save_plot(pdfname, run, ifile)

        print('Maximum linear growthrate: '+str(np.nanmax(gamma)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def trikap(run):
    # Only execute if plotting
    if run.no_plot:
    print("Plotting scan of triangularity vs elongation...")
    Nfile = len(run.fnames)

    # Init arrays of data used in scan.
    full_fluxes = [dict() for ifile in range(Nfile)]
    full_time = [dict() for ifile in range(Nfile)]

    # Initialize fluxes and grids from .dat files.
    for ifile in range(Nfile):
        datfile_name = run.work_dir + run.dirs[
            ifile] + run.out_dir + run.files[ifile] + '.fluxes.dat'
        with open(datfile_name, 'rb') as datfile:
            full_fluxes[ifile] = pickle.load(datfile)
        datfile_name = run.work_dir + run.dirs[
            ifile] + run.out_dir + run.files[ifile] + '.time.dat'
        with open(datfile_name, 'rb') as datfile:
            full_time[ifile] = pickle.load(datfile)

    # Uses nspec from first file. Will quit if not constant between files.
    nspec = full_fluxes[0]['nspec']
    print("Number of species " + str(nspec))
    tri, kap = np.zeros(Nfile), np.zeros(Nfile)
    for ifile in range(Nfile):
        tri[ifile] = full_fluxes[ifile]['tri']
        kap[ifile] = full_fluxes[ifile]['kap']
        if full_fluxes[ifile]['nspec'] != nspec:
            quit("Number of species varies between files - exiting")
    tris = sorted(list(set(tri)))
    kaps = sorted(list(set(kap)))
    print("Triangularity values: " + str(tris))
    print("Elongation values: " + str(kaps))
    if len(tris) * len(kaps) != Nfile:
        quit("Too few files added to populate the scan - exiting")

    qflx = np.zeros((len(tris), len(kaps), nspec))
    for itri in range(len(tris)):
        for ikap in range(len(kaps)):
            for ifile in range(Nfile):
                if tri[ifile] == tris[itri] and kap[ifile] == kaps[ikap]:
                    for ispec in range(nspec):
                        qflx[itri, ikap, ispec] = full_time[ifile].timeavg(
                            full_fluxes[ifile]['qflx'][:, ispec])

    spec_names = full_fluxes[0]['spec_names']
    pdflist = []
    tmp_pdf_id = 0
    for ispec in range(nspec):
        print("Plotting for species: " + spec_names[ispec])
        gplot.plot_2d(qflx[:, :, ispec],
                      np.min(qflx[:, :, ispec]),
                      np.max(qflx[:, :, ispec]),
                      title='$Q_{GS2}$: ' + spec_names[ispec])
        tmp_pdfname = 'tmp' + str(tmp_pdf_id)
        gplot.save_plot(tmp_pdfname, run)
        tmp_pdf_id += 1

    merged_pdfname = 'tri_kap_scan'
    gplot.merge_pdfs(pdflist, merged_pdfname, run)