Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_put(self):
        print "Put one doc"
        print "^^^^^^^^^^^"

        db = self.db
        generic = controllers.Generic(db)

        response = self.load_sample('contacts')
        assert response['status'] == 200

        sample_docs = response['response']['docs']
        # grab a random doc from sample docs
        sample_doc_offset = randint(0, len(sample_docs) - 1)
        sample_doc = sample_docs[sample_doc_offset]
        sample_doc_id = sample_doc['_id']

        # here is the basic function call being tested
        fn = "controllers.generic.put(db, **args)"

        test_field = 'fNam'
        sample_doc = {'where': {'_id': sample_doc['_id']},
            'patch': {
                "_c": self.class_name,
                test_field: "longname",
                "oOn": isodate.parse_datetime("2012-09-27T21:43:33.927Z"),
                "oBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd0"),
                "rBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7"),
                "emails" : [{
                    "email" : "*****@*****.**"

        args = {}
        args['class_name'] = self.class_name
        args['data'] = sample_doc
        args['usrid'] = ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd0")

        response = generic.put(**args)

        printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
        formatParagraph(fn, 8)
        printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
        printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

        assert response['status'] == 200
        data = response['response']

        got_doc = data['doc']

        # verify that the doc correctly shows user that modified the doc
        assert got_doc['mBy'] == args['usrid']

        # verify that the doc correctly reflects new fNam
        assert got_doc[test_field] == sample_doc['patch'][test_field]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_post_one(self):
        print "Post one doc"
        print "^^^^^^^^^^^^"

        db = self.db
        generic = controllers.Generic(db)

        # here is the basic function call being tested
        fn = "controllers.generic.get(db, **args)"

        # POST ONE ################################
        host = self.host
        sample_doc = {
            "mOn": isodate.parse_datetime("2012-09-27T21:43:33.927Z"),
            "oBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd0"),
            "rBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7"),
            "emails" : [{
                "email" : "*****@*****.**"

        args = {}
        args['class_name'] = self.class_name
        args['docs'] = [sample_doc]

        response = generic.post(**args)

        printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
        formatParagraph(fn, 8)
        printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
        printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

        assert response['status'] == 200
        data = response['response']
        got_docs = data['docs']

        assert data['total_inserted'] == 1

        doc = data['docs'][0]['doc']
        id = data['docs'][0]['id']
        printIndentedString("INSERTED OBJECT_ID: " + id, 0)
        assert doc['fNam'] == sample_doc['fNam']
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_initial(self):
        es              = self.es
        es_index_name   = es.__dict__['index_name']
        generic = controllers.Generic(self.db, es)

        args    = {
            'class_name': 'Usr',
            'docs': [{
                "uNam"  :"jkutz", "fNam"  :"Josh", "lNam"  :"Kutz", "gen"   :'m', "emails": [{"email" : "*****@*****.**"}]
        rs           = generic.post(**args)
        assert rs['status'] == 200 and rs['response']['total_inserted'] == 1
        doc = rs['response']['docs'][0]['doc']

        q = TermQuery("dNam", "josh")
        results = es.search(query = q)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_get(self):
        print "Get sample docs"
        print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"

        db = self.db
        generic = controllers.Generic(db)

        response = self.load_sample('contacts')
        assert response['status'] == 200

        sample_docs = response['response']['docs']
        # grab a random doc from sample docs
        sample_doc_offset = randint(0, len(sample_docs) - 1)
        sample_doc = sample_docs[sample_doc_offset]
        sample_doc_id = sample_doc['_id']

        # here is the basic function call being tested
        fn = "generic  = controllers.Generic(db) ; generic.get(**args)"

        # I have all these if doit: so that I can code-fold and/or switch off
        doit = 1
        if doit: # ALL ################################
            test_expected_count = 5 # Note the filter on _c

            args = {'class_name': self.class_name}

            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "GET ALL docs:"
            print "------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200
            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            assert test_expected_count == len(got_docs)
            print "Successfully returned %d sample docs." % len(got_docs)
        if doit: # VIRTUAL FIELDS ################################
            vflds = ["dNam"]
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['vflds'] = vflds

            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "VIRTUAL FIELDS:"
            print "---------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            print "Verify virtual field was returned with result. "
            assert vflds[0] in got_docs[0]
            print "Success"
        if doit: # ONE BY ID ################################
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['id'] = sample_doc_id.__str__()
            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "ONE BY ID:"
            print "----------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_doc = data['doc']

            assert sample_doc['_id'] == got_doc['_id']
            print 'Success'
        if doit: # WHERE by fNam ################################
            test_expected_count = 1
            where_test = {"fNam":"sue"}
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['where'] = where_test

            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "WHERE by fNam:"
            print "--------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            print "Success. Expected %d docs and found %d docs" % (test_expected_count, len(got_docs))
            assert len(got_docs) == test_expected_count

        if doit: # WHERE by datetime ################################
            test_field = 'dOn'
            test_value = isodate.parse_datetime("2012-09-14T23:00Z")
            test_expected_count = 1
            # where_test          = '{"%s":"%s"}' % (test_field, test_value)
            where_test = {test_field:test_value}
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['where'] = where_test

            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "WHERE by datetime:"
            print "------------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            print "Success. Expected %d docs and found %d docs" % (test_expected_count, len(got_docs))
            assert len(got_docs) == test_expected_count

        if doit: # WHERE by ObjectId ################################
            test_field = 'mBy'
            test_value = ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03ed7")
            where_test = {test_field:test_value}
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            #args['where']       = json.dumps(where_test)
            args['where'] = where_test
            test_expected_count = 1

            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "WHERE by ObjectId:"
            print "------------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            print "Success. Expected %d docs and found %d docs" % (test_expected_count, len(got_docs))
            assert len(got_docs) == test_expected_count

        if doit: # SORT ################################
            # sort                = [{test_field:"1"}]
            sort = [{test_field: "1"}]
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['sort'] = sort
            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "SORT:"
            print "-----"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            sort_values = sort_test['values']
            for i in range(len(sort_test['values'])):
                assert got_docs[i][sort_test['fld']] == sort_values[i]
            print 'Success'

        if doit: # FIELDS LIST ################################
            fields = ['prefix', '_id', 'fNam']
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['fields'] = fields

            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "FIELDS LIST:"
            print "------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            assert fields == got_docs[0].keys()
            print 'Success'

        if doit: # SKIP & LIMIT ################################
            skip = 1
            limit = 1
            args = {}
            args['class_name'] = self.class_name
            args['skip'] = json.dumps(skip)
            args['limit'] = json.dumps(limit)
            response = generic.get(**args)

            print "SKIP & LIMIT:"
            print "--------------"

            printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
            formatParagraph(fn, 8)
            printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
            printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

            assert response['status'] == 200

            data = response['response']
            got_docs = data['docs']

            assert len(got_docs) == limit
            print "Success. Expected %d docs and found %d docs" % (limit, len(got_docs))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_post_list(self):
        print "Post one list"
        print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^"

        db = self.db
        generic = controllers.Generic(db)

        # here is the basic function call being tested
        fn = "controllers.generic.get(db, **args)"

        # POST THREE ################################
        host = self.host
        sample_docs = [{
            "mOn": isodate.parse_datetime("2012-09-27T21:43:33.927Z"),
            "oBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd0"),
            "rBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7"),
            "emails" : [{
                "email" : "*****@*****.**"
        }, {
            "mOn": isodate.parse_datetime("2012-09-27T21:43:33.927Z"),
            "oBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd0"),
            "rBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7"),
            "emails" : [{
                "email" : "*****@*****.**"
        }, {
            "mOn": isodate.parse_datetime("2012-09-27T21:43:33.927Z"),
            "oBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd0"),
            "rBy": ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7"),
            "emails" : [{
                "email" : "*****@*****.**"

        args = {}
        args['class_name'] = self.class_name
        args['docs'] = sample_docs

        response = generic.post(**args)

        printIndentedString("CALL:", 4)
        formatParagraph(fn, 8)
        printIndentedString("WHERE:", 4)
        printParams('args', args, 4, 8)

        assert response['status'] == 200
        data = response['response']
        got_docs = data['docs']

        assert data['total_inserted'] == len(sample_docs)

        doc = data['docs'][0]['doc']
        assert doc['fNam'] == sample_docs[0]['fNam']