Exemplo n.º 1
def update_zonal_velocity(
    vorticity: sd,
    ke: sd,
    velocity: sd,
    velocity_c: sd,
    cosa: sd,
    sina: sd,
    rdxc: sd,
    dt2: float,
    from __externals__ import i_end, i_start, namelist

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        assert __INLINED(namelist.grid_type < 3)
        # additional assumption: not __INLINED(spec.grid.nested)

        tmp_flux = dt2 * (velocity - velocity_c * cosa) / sina
        with parallel(region[i_start, :], region[i_end + 1, :]):
            tmp_flux = dt2 * velocity

        flux = vorticity[0, 0, 0] if tmp_flux > 0.0 else vorticity[0, 1, 0]
        velocity_c = velocity_c + tmp_flux * flux + rdxc * (ke[-1, 0, 0] - ke)
Exemplo n.º 2
def transportdelp(delp: sd, pt: sd, utc: sd, vtc: sd, w: sd, rarea: sd,
                  delpc: sd, ptc: sd, wc: sd):
    """Transport delp.

        delp: What is transported (input)
        pt: Pressure (input)
        utc: x-velocity on C-grid (input)
        vtc: y-velocity on C-grid (input)
        w: z-velocity on C-grid (input)
        rarea: Inverse areas (input) -- IJ field
        delpc: Updated delp (output)
        ptc: Updated pt (output)
        wc: Updated w (output)

    from __externals__ import namelist

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        assert __INLINED(namelist.grid_type < 3)
        # additional assumption (not grid.nested)

        delp = fill_4corners_x(delp)
        pt = fill_4corners_x(pt)
        w = fill_4corners_x(w)

        fx, fx1, fx2 = nonhydro_x_fluxes(delp, pt, w, utc)

        delp = fill_4corners_y(delp)
        pt = fill_4corners_y(pt)
        w = fill_4corners_y(w)

        fy, fy1, fy2 = nonhydro_y_fluxes(delp, pt, w, vtc)

        delpc = delp + (fx1 - fx1[1, 0, 0] + fy1 - fy1[0, 1, 0]) * rarea
        ptc = (pt * delp +
               (fx - fx[1, 0, 0] + fy - fy[0, 1, 0]) * rarea) / delpc
        wc = (w * delp +
              (fx2 - fx2[1, 0, 0] + fy2 - fy2[0, 1, 0]) * rarea) / delpc
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_meridional_velocity(
    vorticity: sd,
    ke: sd,
    velocity: sd,
    velocity_c: sd,
    cosa: sd,
    sina: sd,
    rdyc: sd,
    dt2: float,
    from __externals__ import j_end, j_start, namelist

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        assert __INLINED(namelist.grid_type < 3)
        # additional assumption: not __INLINED(spec.grid.nested)

        tmp_flux = dt2 * (velocity - velocity_c * cosa) / sina
        with horizontal(region[:, j_start], region[:, j_end + 1]):
            tmp_flux = dt2 * velocity

        flux = vorticity[0, 0, 0] if tmp_flux > 0.0 else vorticity[1, 0, 0]
        velocity_c = velocity_c - tmp_flux * flux + rdyc * (ke[0, -1, 0] - ke)
Exemplo n.º 4
def update_vorticity_and_kinetic_energy(
    ke: sd,
    vort: sd,
    ua: sd,
    va: sd,
    uc: sd,
    vc: sd,
    u: sd,
    v: sd,
    sin_sg1: sd,
    cos_sg1: sd,
    sin_sg2: sd,
    cos_sg2: sd,
    sin_sg3: sd,
    cos_sg3: sd,
    sin_sg4: sd,
    cos_sg4: sd,
    dt2: float,
    from __externals__ import i_end, i_start, j_end, j_start, namelist

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        assert __INLINED(namelist.grid_type < 3)

        ke = uc if ua > 0.0 else uc[1, 0, 0]
        vort = vc if va > 0.0 else vc[0, 1, 0]

        with horizontal(region[:, j_start - 1], region[:, j_end]):
            vort = vort * sin_sg4 + u[0, 1, 0] * cos_sg4 if va <= 0.0 else vort
        with horizontal(region[:, j_start], region[:, j_end + 1]):
            vort = vort * sin_sg2 + u * cos_sg2 if va > 0.0 else vort

        with horizontal(region[i_end, :], region[i_start - 1, :]):
            ke = ke * sin_sg3 + v[1, 0, 0] * cos_sg3 if ua <= 0.0 else ke
        with horizontal(region[i_end + 1, :], region[i_start, :]):
            ke = ke * sin_sg1 + v * cos_sg1 if ua > 0.0 else ke

        ke = 0.5 * dt2 * (ua * ke + va * vort)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def definition2(f_in: gtscript.Field[np.float_]):
        from __externals__ import flag

        with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
            if __INLINED(flag):
                B = f_in
Exemplo n.º 6
def copy_corners_x_nord(q_in: FloatField, q_out: FloatField):
    from __externals__ import i_end, i_start, j_end, j_start, nord0, nord1, nord2, nord3

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, 1):
        if __INLINED(nord0 > 0):
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, 5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, 1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, -1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, -5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, -3, 0]
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(1, 2):
        if __INLINED(nord1 > 0):
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, 5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, 1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, -1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, -5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, -3, 0]

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(2, 3):
        if __INLINED(nord2 > 0):
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, 5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, 1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, -1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, -5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, -3, 0]
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(3, None):
        if __INLINED(nord3 > 0):
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, 5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 3], region[i_end + 3, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, 4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 2], region[i_end + 2, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, 3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, 2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_start - 1], region[i_end + 1, j_start - 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, 1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[2, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 1], region[i_end + 1, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[0, -1, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[0, -3, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 2], region[i_end + 2, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -2, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 3, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 3]
                q_out = q_in[0, -5, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 2, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 2]
                q_out = q_in[-1, -4, 0]
            with horizontal(
                region[i_start - 1, j_end + 3], region[i_end + 3, j_end + 1]
                q_out = q_in[-2, -3, 0]
Exemplo n.º 7
def finalize(
    u0: FloatField,
    v0: FloatField,
    w0: FloatField,
    t0: FloatField,
    ua: FloatField,
    va: FloatField,
    ta: FloatField,
    w: FloatField,
    u_dt: FloatField,
    v_dt: FloatField,
    q0_vapor: FloatField,
    q0_liquid: FloatField,
    q0_rain: FloatField,
    q0_ice: FloatField,
    q0_snow: FloatField,
    q0_graupel: FloatField,
    q0_o3mr: FloatField,
    q0_sgs_tke: FloatField,
    q0_cld: FloatField,
    qvapor: FloatField,
    qliquid: FloatField,
    qrain: FloatField,
    qice: FloatField,
    qsnow: FloatField,
    qgraupel: FloatField,
    qo3mr: FloatField,
    qsgs_tke: FloatField,
    qcld: FloatField,
    timestep: float,
    from __externals__ import fv_sg_adj, hydrostatic

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        fra = timestep / fv_sg_adj
        if fra < 1.0:
            t0 = readjust_by_frac(t0, ta, fra)
            u0 = readjust_by_frac(u0, ua, fra)
            v0 = readjust_by_frac(v0, va, fra)
            if __INLINED(not hydrostatic):
                w0 = readjust_by_frac(w0, w, fra)
            q0_vapor = readjust_by_frac(q0_vapor, qvapor, fra)
            q0_liquid = readjust_by_frac(q0_liquid, qliquid, fra)
            q0_rain = readjust_by_frac(q0_rain, qrain, fra)
            q0_ice = readjust_by_frac(q0_ice, qice, fra)
            q0_snow = readjust_by_frac(q0_snow, qsnow, fra)
            q0_graupel = readjust_by_frac(q0_graupel, qgraupel, fra)
            q0_o3mr = readjust_by_frac(q0_o3mr, qo3mr, fra)
            q0_sgs_tke = readjust_by_frac(q0_sgs_tke, qsgs_tke, fra)
            q0_cld = readjust_by_frac(q0_cld, qcld, fra)
        rdt = 1.0 / timestep
        u_dt = rdt * (u0 - ua)
        v_dt = rdt * (v0 - va)
        ta = t0
        ua = u0
        va = v0
        w = w0
        qvapor = q0_vapor
        qliquid = q0_liquid
        qrain = q0_rain
        qice = q0_ice
        qsnow = q0_snow
        qgraupel = q0_graupel
        qo3mr = q0_o3mr
        qsgs_tke = q0_sgs_tke
        qcld = q0_cld
Exemplo n.º 8
def heat_source_from_vorticity_damping(
    vort_x_delta: FloatField,
    vort_y_delta: FloatField,
    ut: FloatField,
    vt: FloatField,
    u: FloatField,
    v: FloatField,
    delp: FloatField,
    rsin2: FloatFieldIJ,
    cosa_s: FloatFieldIJ,
    rdx: FloatFieldIJ,
    rdy: FloatFieldIJ,
    heat_source: FloatField,
    heat_source_total: FloatField,
    dissipation_estimate: FloatField,
    kinetic_energy_fraction_to_damp: FloatFieldK,
    Calculates heat source from vorticity damping implied by energy conservation.
        vort_x_delta (in)
        vort_y_delta (in)
        ut (in)
        vt (in)
        u (in)
        v (in)
        delp (in)
        rsin2 (in)
        cosa_s (in)
        rdx (in): 1 / dx
        rdy (in): 1 / dy
        heat_source (out): heat source from vorticity damping
            implied by energy conservation
        heat_source_total: (out) accumulated heat source
        dissipation_estimate (out): dissipation estimate, only calculated if
            calculate_dissipation_estimate is 1
        kinetic_energy_fraction_to_damp (in): according to its comment in fv_arrays,
            the fraction of kinetic energy to explicitly damp and convert into heat.
            TODO: confirm this description is accurate, why is it multiplied
            by 0.25 below?
    from __externals__ import d_con, do_skeb, local_ie, local_is, local_je, local_js

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        ubt = (vort_x_delta + vt) * rdx
        fy = u * rdx
        gy = fy * ubt
        vbt = (vort_y_delta - ut) * rdy
        fx = v * rdy
        gx = fx * vbt

        if (kinetic_energy_fraction_to_damp > dcon_threshold) or do_skeb:
            u2 = fy + fy[0, 1, 0]
            du2 = ubt + ubt[0, 1, 0]
            v2 = fx + fx[1, 0, 0]
            dv2 = vbt + vbt[1, 0, 0]
            dampterm = heat_damping_term(
                ubt, vbt, gx, gy, rsin2, cosa_s, u2, v2, du2, dv2
            heat_source = delp * (
                heat_source - 0.25 * kinetic_energy_fraction_to_damp * dampterm

        if __INLINED((d_con > dcon_threshold) or do_skeb):
            with horizontal(region[local_is : local_ie + 1, local_js : local_je + 1]):
                heat_source_total = heat_source_total + heat_source
                # TODO: do_skeb could be renamed to calculate_dissipation_estimate
                if __INLINED(do_skeb):
                    dissipation_estimate -= dampterm
Exemplo n.º 9
def ray_fast_wind_compute(
    u: FloatField,
    v: FloatField,
    w: FloatField,
    dp: FloatFieldK,
    pfull: FloatFieldK,
    dt: float,
    ptop: float,
    rf_cutoff_nudge: float,
    ks: int,
    from __externals__ import hydrostatic, local_ie, local_je, rf_cutoff, tau

    # dm_stencil
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        # TODO -- in the fortran model rf is only computed once, repeating
        # the computation every time ray_fast is run is inefficient
        if pfull < rf_cutoff:
            rf = compute_rff_vals(pfull, dt, rf_cutoff, tau * SDAY, ptop)
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(0, 1):
            if pfull < rf_cutoff_nudge:  # TODO and kaxes(k) < ks:
                dm = dp
        with interval(1, None):
            dm = dm[0, 0, -1]
            if pfull < rf_cutoff_nudge:  # TODO and kaxes(k) < ks:
                dm += dp
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -1):
        if pfull < rf_cutoff_nudge:
            dm = dm[0, 0, 1]
    # ray_fast_wind(u)
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(0, 1):
            with horizontal(region[:local_ie + 1, :]):
                if pfull < rf_cutoff:
                    dmdir = dm_layer(rf, dp, u)
                    u *= rf
                    dm = 0
        with interval(1, None):
            with horizontal(region[:local_ie + 1, :]):
                dmdir = dmdir[0, 0, -1]
                if pfull < rf_cutoff:
                    dmdir += dm_layer(rf, dp, u)
                    u *= rf
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -1):
        if pfull < rf_cutoff:
            dmdir = dmdir[0, 0, 1]
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        with horizontal(region[:local_ie + 1, :]):
            if pfull < rf_cutoff_nudge:  # TODO and axes(k) < ks:
                u += dmdir / dm
    # ray_fast_wind(v)
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(0, 1):
            with horizontal(region[:, :local_je + 1]):
                if pfull < rf_cutoff:
                    dmdir = dm_layer(rf, dp, v)
                    v *= rf
                    dm = 0
        with interval(1, None):
            with horizontal(region[:, :local_je + 1]):
                dmdir = dmdir[0, 0, -1]
                if pfull < rf_cutoff:
                    dmdir += dm_layer(rf, dp, v)
                    v *= rf
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -1):
        if pfull < rf_cutoff:
            dmdir = dmdir[0, 0, 1]
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        with horizontal(region[:, :local_je + 1]):
            if pfull < rf_cutoff_nudge:  # TODO and axes(k) < ks:
                v += dmdir / dm
    # ray_fast_w
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        with horizontal(region[:local_ie + 1, :local_je + 1]):
            if __INLINED(not hydrostatic):
                if pfull < rf_cutoff:
                    w *= rf
Exemplo n.º 10
 def assert_in_func(field):
     assert __INLINED(GLOBAL_CONSTANT < 2), "An error occurred"
     return field[0, 0, 0] + GLOBAL_CONSTANT
Exemplo n.º 11
def set_initial_vals(
    gam: FloatField,
    q: FloatField,
    delp: FloatField,
    a4_1: FloatField,
    a4_2: FloatField,
    a4_3: FloatField,
    a4_4: FloatField,
    q_bot: FloatField,
    qs: FloatFieldIJ,
    from __externals__ import iv, kord

    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(0, 1):
            # set top
            if __INLINED(iv == -2):
                # gam = 0.5
                q = 1.5 * a4_1
                grid_ratio = delp[0, 0, 1] / delp
                bet = grid_ratio * (grid_ratio + 0.5)
                q = (
                    (grid_ratio + grid_ratio) * (grid_ratio + 1.0) * a4_1
                    + a4_1[0, 0, 1]
                ) / bet
                gam = (1.0 + grid_ratio * (grid_ratio + 1.5)) / bet
        with interval(1, 2):
            if __INLINED(iv == -2):
                gam = 0.5
                grid_ratio = delp[0, 0, -1] / delp
                bet = 2.0 + grid_ratio + grid_ratio - gam
                q = (3.0 * (a4_1[0, 0, -1] + a4_1) - q[0, 0, -1]) / bet
    with computation(FORWARD), interval(1, -1):
        if __INLINED(iv != -2):
            # set middle
            d4 = delp[0, 0, -1] / delp
            bet = 2.0 + d4 + d4 - gam[0, 0, -1]
            q = (3.0 * (a4_1[0, 0, -1] + d4 * a4_1) - q[0, 0, -1]) / bet
            gam = d4 / bet
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(2, -1):
            if __INLINED(iv == -2):
                old_grid_ratio = delp[0, 0, -2] / delp[0, 0, -1]
                old_bet = 2.0 + old_grid_ratio + old_grid_ratio - gam[0, 0, -1]
                gam = old_grid_ratio / old_bet
                grid_ratio = delp[0, 0, -1] / delp
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(2, -2):
            if __INLINED(iv == -2):
                # set middle
                bet = 2.0 + grid_ratio + grid_ratio - gam
                q = (3.0 * (a4_1[0, 0, -1] + a4_1) - q[0, 0, -1]) / bet
                # gam[0, 0, 1] = grid_ratio / bet
        with interval(-2, -1):
            if __INLINED(iv == -2):
                # set bottom
                q = (3.0 * (a4_1[0, 0, -1] + a4_1) - grid_ratio * qs - q[0, 0, -1]) / (
                    2.0 + grid_ratio + grid_ratio - gam
                q_bot = qs
        with interval(-1, None):
            if __INLINED(iv == -2):
                q_bot = qs
                q = qs
                # set bottom
                d4 = delp[0, 0, -2] / delp[0, 0, -1]
                a_bot = 1.0 + d4 * (d4 + 1.5)
                q = (
                    2.0 * d4 * (d4 + 1.0) * a4_1[0, 0, -1]
                    + a4_1[0, 0, -2]
                    - a_bot * q[0, 0, -1]
                ) / (d4 * (d4 + 0.5) - a_bot * gam[0, 0, -1])
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -1):
        if __INLINED(iv != -2):
            q = q - gam * q[0, 0, 1]
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -2):
        if __INLINED(iv == -2):
            q = q - gam[0, 0, 1] * q[0, 0, 1]
    # set_avals
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        if __INLINED(kord > 16):
            a4_2 = q
            a4_3 = q[0, 0, 1]
            a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(-1, None):
        if __INLINED(kord > 16):
            a4_3 = q_bot
def calc_t1g(dt, gama):
        t1g = 2. * dt * dt
        t1g = gama * 2. * dt * dt
    return t1g
def riem_solver_c(ms: int, dt: float, akap: float, cappa: Field[float, IJK],
                  cp: float, ptop: float, hs: Field[float,
                                                    IJ], w3: Field[float, IJK],
                  pt: Field[float, IJK], q_con: Field[float, IJK],
                  delp: Field[float, IJK], gz: Field[float, IJK],
                  pef: Field[float, IJK], ws: Field[float, IJK], p_fac: float,
                  scale_m: float, pe: Field[float, IJK]):
    C-grid Riemann solver.

        ms: ...
        dt: Timestep
        akap: TBD
        cappa: TBD
        cp: TBD
        ptop: TBD
        hs: TBD
        w3: TBD
        pt: TBD
        q_con: TBD
        delp: TBD
        gz: TBD [inout]
        pef: TBD [out]
        ws: TBD
        p_fac: TBD
        scale_m: TBD
    from __externals__ import A_IMP

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        dm = delp
        gama = 1. / (1. - akap)
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(0, 1):
            pef = ptop
            pem = ptop
            if __INLINED(USE_COND):
                peg = ptop

        with interval(2, None):
            pem = pem[0, 0, -1] + dm[0, 0, -1]
            if __INLINED(USE_COND):
                peg = peg[0, 0, -1] + dm[0, 0, -1] * (1. - q_con[0, 0, -1])

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, -1):
        dz2 = gz[0, 0, 1] - gz[0, 0, 0]

        if __INLINED(USE_COND):
            pm2 = (peg[0, 0, 1] - peg[0, 0, 0]) / log(
                peg[0, 0, 1] / peg[0, 0, 0])
            if __INLINED(MOIST_CAPPA):
                cp2 = cappa
                gm2 = 1. / (1. - cp2)
            pm2 = dm / log(pem[0, 0, 1] / pem[0, 0, 0])

        dm = dm * 1. / GRAV
        w2 = w3

    # SIM1_solver {
    # Line 232
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, -1):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            if __INLINED(MOIST_CAPPA):
                fac = gm2
                fac = gama
            pe = exp(fac * log(-dm / dz2 * RDGAS * pt)) - pm2

            w1 = w2

    # Line 245
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(1, -2):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            g_rat = dm[0, 0, 0] / dm[0, 0, 1]
            bb = 2. * (1. + g_rat)
            dd = 3. * (pe + g_rat) * pe[0, 0, 1]
        # with interval(-2, -1):
        #     bb = 2.0
        #     dd = 3.0 * pe

    # Line 255
    with computation(FORWARD):
        # Set special conditions on pp, bb, dd
        with interval(0, 1):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                pp = 0
        with interval(1, 2):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                pp = dd[0, 0, -1] / bb[0, 0, -1]
        with interval(-2, -1):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                bb = 2.
                dd = 3 * pe

    with computation(FORWARD), interval(2, 3):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            bet = bb[0, 0, -1]

    # Line 265
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(2, -1):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            gam = g_rat[0, 0, -1] / bet[0, 0, 0]
            bet = bb - gam

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(3, None):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            pp = (dd[0, 0, 0] - pp[0, 0, 0]) / bet[0, 0, -1]

    # Line 275
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(1, -1):  # this may need to be -2
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            pp = pp - gam * pp[0, 0, 1]

            aa = (pem[0, 0, 0] + pp[0, 0, 0]) / (dz2[0, 0, -1] + dz2[0, 0, 0])

            t1g = calc_t1g(dt, gama)
            if __INLINED(MOIST_CAPPA):
                aa *= t1g * 0.5 * (gm2[0, 0, -1] + gm2[0, 0, 0])
                aa *= t1g

    # Line 295
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(1, 2):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            bet = dm[0, 0, 0] - aa[0, 0, 1]
            w2 = (dm[0, 0, 0] * w1[0, 0, 0] + dt * pp[0, 0, 1]) / bet

    # Line 302
    with computation(FORWARD), interval(2, -2):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            gam = aa / bet
            bet = dm - (aa * (gam + 1) + aa[0, 0, 1])
            w2 = (dm * w1 + dt *
                  (pp[0, 0, 1] - pp[0, 0, 0]) - aa * w2[0, 0, -1]) / bet

    # Line 312
    with computation(FORWARD), interval(-2, -1):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            t1g = calc_t1g(dt, gam)
            if __INLINED(MOIST_CAPPA):
                p1 = t1g * gm2 / dz2 * (pem[0, 0, 1] + pp[0, 0, 1])
                p1 = t1g / dz2 * (pem[0, 0, 1] + pp[0, 0, 1])
            gam = aa / bet
            bet = dm - (aa * (1 + gam) + p1)
            w2 = (dm * w1 + dt * (pp[0, 0, 1] - pp[0, 0, 0]) - p1 * ws -
                  aa * w2[0, 0, -1]) / bet

    # Line 325
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -2):
        if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
            w2 -= gam[0, 0, 1] * w2[0, 0, 1]

    # Line 332
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(0, 2):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                pe = 0.
        with interval(2, -1):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                rdt = 1. / dt
                pe = pe[0, 0, -1] + dm * (w2 - w1) * rdt

    # Line 346
    with computation(BACKWARD):
        with interval(-2, -1):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                r3 = 1. / 3.
                p1 = (pe + 2. * pe[0, 0, 1]) * r3
                dz2 = calc_dz2(dm, pt, cp2, akap, p_fac, pm2, p1)
        with interval(0, -2):
            if __INLINED(A_IMP > 0.5):
                r3 = 1. / 3.
                p1 = (pe + bb * pe[0, 0, 1] +
                      g_rat * pe[0, 0, 2]) * r3 - g_rat * p1
                dz2 = calc_dz2(dm, pt, cp2, akap, p_fac, pm2, p1)

    # } SIM1_solver

    # Line 177
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(2, None):
        pef = pe + pem

    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(1, -2):
        gz = gz[0, 0, 1] - dz2 * GRAV
def calc_dz2(dm2, pt, cp2, akap, p_fac, pm2, p1):
        fac = cp2 - 1.
        fac = akap - 1
    return -dm2 * RDGAS * pt * exp(fac * log(max(p_fac * pm2, p1 + pm2)))
Exemplo n.º 15
        def definition(inout_field: gtscript.Field[float]):
            from __externals__ import EXTERNAL

            with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
                assert __INLINED(EXTERNAL < 1), "An error occurred"
                inout_field = inout_field[0, 0, 0] + EXTERNAL
Exemplo n.º 16
def apply_constraints(
    q: FloatField,
    gam: FloatField,
    a4_1: FloatField,
    a4_2: FloatField,
    a4_3: FloatField,
    a4_4: FloatField,
    ext5: BoolField,
    ext6: BoolField,
    extm: BoolField,
    from __externals__ import iv, kord

    # apply constraints
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(1, None):
        a4_1_0 = a4_1[0, 0, -1]
        tmp = a4_1_0 if a4_1_0 > a4_1 else a4_1
        tmp2 = a4_1_0 if a4_1_0 < a4_1 else a4_1
        gam = a4_1 - a4_1_0
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(1, 2):
        # do top
        if q >= tmp:
            q = tmp
        if q <= tmp2:
            q = tmp2
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(2, -1):
            # do middle
            if (gam[0, 0, -1] * gam[0, 0, 1]) > 0:
                if q >= tmp:
                    q = tmp
                if q <= tmp2:
                    q = tmp2
            elif gam[0, 0, -1] > 0:
                # there's a local maximum
                if q <= tmp2:
                    q = tmp2
                # there's a local minimum
                if q >= tmp:
                    q = tmp
                if __INLINED(iv == 0):
                    if q < 0.0:
                        q = 0.0
            # q = constrain_interior(q, gam, a4_1)
        with interval(-1, None):
            # do bottom
            if q >= tmp:
                q = tmp
            if q <= tmp2:
                q = tmp2
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        # re-set a4_2 and a4_3
        a4_2 = q
        a4_3 = q[0, 0, 1]
    # set_extm
    with computation(PARALLEL):
        with interval(0, 1):
            extm = (a4_2 - a4_1) * (a4_3 - a4_1) > 0.0
        with interval(1, -1):
            extm = gam * gam[0, 0, 1] < 0.0
        with interval(-1, None):
            extm = (a4_2 - a4_1) * (a4_3 - a4_1) > 0.0
    # set_exts
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        if __INLINED(kord > 9):
            x0 = 2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3)
            x1 = abs(a4_2 - a4_3)
            a4_4 = 3.0 * x0
            ext5 = abs(x0) > x1
            ext6 = abs(a4_4) > x1
Exemplo n.º 17
 def definition(inout_field: gtscript.Field[float]):
     with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
         assert __INLINED(GLOBAL_VERY_NESTED_CONSTANTS.nested.A > 1), "An error occurred"
         inout_field = inout_field[0, 0, 0] + GLOBAL_VERY_NESTED_CONSTANTS.nested.A
Exemplo n.º 18
def set_interpolation_coefficients(
    q: FloatField,
    gam: FloatField,
    a4_1: FloatField,
    a4_2: FloatField,
    a4_3: FloatField,
    a4_4: FloatField,
    ext5: BoolField,
    ext6: BoolField,
    extm: BoolField,
    qmin: float,
    from __externals__ import iv, kord

    # set_top_as_iv0
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, 1):
        if __INLINED(iv == 0):
            if a4_2 < 0.0:
                a4_2 = 0.0
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, 2):
        if __INLINED(iv == 0):
            a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
    # set_top_as_iv1
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, 1):
        if __INLINED(iv == -1):
            if a4_2 * a4_1 <= 0.0:
                a4_2 = 0.0
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, 2):
        if __INLINED(iv == -1):
            a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
    # set_top_as_iv2
    with computation(PARALLEL):
        with interval(0, 1):
            if __INLINED(iv == 2):
                a4_2 = a4_1
                a4_3 = a4_1
                a4_4 = 0.0
        with interval(1, 2):
            if __INLINED(iv == 2):
                a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
    # set_top_as_else
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, 2):
        if __INLINED(iv < -1 or iv == 1 or iv > 2):
            a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
    with computation(PARALLEL):
        with interval(0, 1):
            if __INLINED(iv != 2):
                a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4 = posdef_constraint_iv1(a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4)
        with interval(1, 2):
            a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4 = remap_constraint(a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4, extm)

    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(2, -2):
        # set_inner_as_kordsmall
        if __INLINED(kord < 9):
            # left edges?
            pmp_1 = a4_1 - gam[0, 0, 1]
            lac_1 = pmp_1 + 1.5 * gam[0, 0, 2]
            tmp_min = (
                if (a4_1 < pmp_1) and (a4_1 < lac_1)
                else pmp_1
                if pmp_1 < lac_1
                else lac_1
            tmp_max0 = a4_2 if a4_2 > tmp_min else tmp_min
            tmp_max = (
                if (a4_1 > pmp_1) and (a4_1 > lac_1)
                else pmp_1
                if pmp_1 > lac_1
                else lac_1
            a4_2 = tmp_max0 if tmp_max0 < tmp_max else tmp_max
            # right edges?
            pmp_2 = a4_1 + 2.0 * gam[0, 0, 1]
            lac_2 = pmp_2 - 1.5 * gam[0, 0, -1]
            tmp_min = (
                if (a4_1 < pmp_2) and (a4_1 < lac_2)
                else pmp_2
                if pmp_2 < lac_2
                else lac_2
            tmp_max0 = a4_3 if a4_3 > tmp_min else tmp_min
            tmp_max = (
                if (a4_1 > pmp_2) and (a4_1 > lac_2)
                else pmp_2
                if pmp_2 > lac_2
                else lac_2
            a4_3 = tmp_max0 if tmp_max0 < tmp_max else tmp_max
            a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
        # set_inner_as_kord9
        if __INLINED(kord == 9):
            pmp_1 = a4_1 - 2.0 * gam[0, 0, 1]
            lac_1 = pmp_1 + 1.5 * gam[0, 0, 2]
            pmp_2 = a4_1 + 2.0 * gam
            lac_2 = pmp_2 - 1.5 * gam[0, 0, -1]
            tmp_min = a4_1
            tmp_max = a4_2
            tmp_max0 = a4_1
            if (
                (extm and extm[0, 0, -1])
                or (extm and extm[0, 0, 1])
                or (extm and (qmin > 0.0 and a4_1 < qmin))
                a4_2 = a4_1
                a4_3 = a4_1
                a4_4 = 0.0
                a4_4 = 6.0 * a4_1 - 3.0 * (a4_2 + a4_3)
                if abs(a4_4) > abs(a4_2 - a4_3):
                    tmp_min = (
                        if (a4_1 < pmp_1) and (a4_1 < lac_1)
                        else pmp_1
                        if pmp_1 < lac_1
                        else lac_1
                    tmp_max0 = a4_2 if a4_2 > tmp_min else tmp_min
                    tmp_max = (
                        if (a4_1 > pmp_1) and (a4_1 > lac_1)
                        else pmp_1
                        if pmp_1 > lac_1
                        else lac_1
                    a4_2 = tmp_max0 if tmp_max0 < tmp_max else tmp_max
                    tmp_min = (
                        if (a4_1 < pmp_2) and (a4_1 < lac_2)
                        else pmp_2
                        if pmp_2 < lac_2
                        else lac_2
                    tmp_max0 = a4_3 if a4_3 > tmp_min else tmp_min
                    tmp_max = (
                        if (a4_1 > pmp_2) and (a4_1 > lac_2)
                        else pmp_2
                        if pmp_2 > lac_2
                        else lac_2
                    a4_3 = tmp_max0 if tmp_max0 < tmp_max else tmp_max
                    a4_4 = 6.0 * a4_1 - 3.0 * (a4_2 + a4_3)
                    a4_2 = a4_2
        # set_inner_as_kord10
        if __INLINED(kord == 10):
            pmp_1 = a4_1 - 2.0 * gam[0, 0, 1]
            lac_1 = pmp_1 + 1.5 * gam[0, 0, 2]
            pmp_2 = a4_1 + 2.0 * gam
            lac_2 = pmp_2 - 1.5 * gam[0, 0, -1]
            tmp_min2 = (
                if (a4_1 < pmp_1) and (a4_1 < lac_1)
                else pmp_1
                if pmp_1 < lac_1
                else lac_1
            tmp_max2 = (
                if (a4_1 > pmp_1) and (a4_1 > lac_1)
                else pmp_1
                if pmp_1 > lac_1
                else lac_1
            tmp2 = a4_2 if a4_2 > tmp_min2 else tmp_min2
            tmp_min3 = a4_1 if a4_1 < pmp_2 else pmp_2
            tmp_min3 = lac_2 if lac_2 < tmp_min3 else tmp_min3
            tmp_max3 = a4_1 if a4_1 > pmp_2 else pmp_2
            tmp_max3 = lac_2 if lac_2 > tmp_max3 else tmp_max3
            tmp3 = a4_3 if a4_3 > tmp_min3 else tmp_min3
            if ext5:
                if ext5[0, 0, -1] or ext5[0, 0, 1]:
                    a4_2 = a4_1
                    a4_3 = a4_1
                elif ext6[0, 0, -1] or ext6[0, 0, 1]:
                    a4_2 = tmp2 if tmp2 < tmp_max2 else tmp_max2
                    a4_3 = tmp3 if tmp3 < tmp_max3 else tmp_max3
                    a4_2 = a4_2
            elif ext6:
                if ext5[0, 0, -1] or ext5[0, 0, 1]:
                    a4_2 = tmp2 if tmp2 < tmp_max2 else tmp_max2
                    a4_3 = tmp3 if tmp3 < tmp_max3 else tmp_max3
                    a4_2 = a4_2
                a4_2 = a4_2
            a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
        # remap_constraint
        if __INLINED(iv == 0):
            a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4 = posdef_constraint_iv0(a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4)
    # set_bottom_as_iv0, set_bottom_as_iv1
    # TODO(rheag) temporary workaround to gtc:gt:gpu bug
    # this computation can get out of order with the one that follows
    with computation(FORWARD), interval(-1, None):
        if __INLINED(iv == 0):
            if a4_3 < 0.0:
                a4_3 = 0.0
        if __INLINED(iv == -1):
            if a4_3 * a4_1 <= 0.0:
                a4_3 = 0.0
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(-2, None):
        # set_bottom_as_iv0, set_bottom_as_iv1, set_bottom_as_else
        a4_4 = 3.0 * (2.0 * a4_1 - (a4_2 + a4_3))
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(-2, -1):
            a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4 = remap_constraint(a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4, extm)
        with interval(-1, None):
            a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4 = posdef_constraint_iv1(a4_1, a4_2, a4_3, a4_4)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def definition(inout_field: gtscript.Field[float]):
     with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
         assert __INLINED(inout_field[0, 0, 0] < 0), "An error occurred"
Exemplo n.º 20
def moist_cv_pt_pressure(
    qvapor: FloatField,
    qliquid: FloatField,
    qrain: FloatField,
    qsnow: FloatField,
    qice: FloatField,
    qgraupel: FloatField,
    q_con: FloatField,
    gz: FloatField,
    cvm: FloatField,
    pt: FloatField,
    cappa: FloatField,
    delp: FloatField,
    delz: FloatField,
    pe: FloatField,
    pe2: FloatField,
    ak: FloatFieldK,
    bk: FloatFieldK,
    dp2: FloatField,
    ps: FloatFieldIJ,
    pn2: FloatField,
    peln: FloatField,
    r_vir: float,
    from __externals__ import hydrostatic, kord_tm

    # moist_cv.moist_pt
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, -1):
        if __INLINED(kord_tm < 0):
            cvm, gz, q_con, cappa, pt = moist_pt_func(
        # delz_adjust
        if __INLINED(not hydrostatic):
            delz = -delz / delp
    # pressure_updates
    with computation(FORWARD):
        with interval(-1, None):
            ps = pe
    with computation(PARALLEL):
        with interval(0, 1):
            pn2 = peln
        with interval(1, -1):
            pe2 = ak + bk * ps
        with interval(-1, None):
            pn2 = peln
    with computation(BACKWARD), interval(0, -1):
        dp2 = pe2[0, 0, 1] - pe2
    # copy_stencil
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(0, -1):
        delp = dp2