Exemplo n.º 1
def test_parallel_clustering_metric_affinity_precomputed_not_implemented():
    class DummyClusterer(sk.base.BaseEstimator, sk.base.ClusterMixin):
        def __init__(self, metric="precomputed", affinity="precomputed"):
            self.metric = metric
            self.affinity = affinity

    pc = ParallelClustering(DummyClusterer())
    X = [np.random.random((5, 4)), np.ones((5, 4), dtype=bool)]

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError,
                       match="Behaviour when metric and affinity"):
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_parallel_clustering_kmeans(sample_weight):
    kmeans = sk.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0)
    pc = ParallelClustering(kmeans)
    X = [np.random.random((5, 4)), np.ones((5, 4), dtype=bool)]
    single_labels = kmeans.fit_predict(X[0], sample_weight=sample_weight)
    unique_labels, inverse = np.unique(single_labels, return_inverse=True)

    res = pc.fit_predict(X, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    res = [[(i, label, list(indices)) for [i, label, indices] in sublist]
           for sublist in res]
    exp = [[(i, label, list(np.flatnonzero(inverse == label)))
            for label in unique_labels] for i in range(X[1].shape[1])]

    assert res == exp
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_parallel_clustering_kmeans(n_jobs, sample_weight):
    kmeans = sk.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0)
    pc = ParallelClustering(kmeans)
    X = [np.random.random((5, 4)), np.ones((5, 4), dtype=bool)]
    single_labels = kmeans.fit_predict(X[0], sample_weight=sample_weight)
    _, inverse = np.unique(single_labels, return_inverse=True)

    res = pc.fit_predict(X, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    exp = np.empty(5, dtype=object)
    exp[:] = [tuple([])] * 5
    for i in range(4):
        labels_i = np.empty(len(single_labels), dtype=object)
        labels_i[:] = [((i, rel_label), ) for rel_label in inverse]
        exp[:] += labels_i

    assert np.array_equal(res, exp)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_parallel_clustering_precomputed(n_jobs):
    pc = ParallelClustering(sk.cluster.DBSCAN())
    masks = np.random.choice([True, False], size=20).reshape((10, 2))
    X = [np.random.random((10, 4)), masks]
    pc_precomp = ParallelClustering(sk.cluster.DBSCAN(metric="precomputed"))
    X_precomp = [sk.metrics.pairwise_distances(X[0]), masks]

    res = pc.fit_predict(X)
    res_precomp = pc_precomp.fit_predict(X_precomp)

    assert np.array_equal(res, res_precomp)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_parallel_clustering_bad_input():
    pc = ParallelClustering(sk.cluster.DBSCAN())
    X = [np.random.random((5, 4)), np.random.random((5, 4))]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="`masks` must be a boolean array."):

    X[1] = np.ones((6, 4), dtype=bool)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="`X_tot` and `masks` must have the same number"):
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_parallel_clustering_precomputed():
    pc = ParallelClustering(sk.cluster.DBSCAN())
    masks = np.random.choice([True, False], size=20).reshape((10, 2))
    X = [np.random.random((10, 4)), masks]
    pc_precomp = ParallelClustering(sk.cluster.DBSCAN(metric="precomputed"))
    X_precomp = [sk.metrics.pairwise_distances(X[0]), masks]

    res = pc.fit_predict(X)
    res_precomp = pc_precomp.fit_predict(X_precomp)
    res = [[(i, label, list(indices)) for [i, label, indices] in sublist]
           for sublist in res]
    res_precomp = [[(i, label, list(indices))
                    for [i, label, indices] in sublist]
                   for sublist in res_precomp]

    assert res == res_precomp
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_parallel_clustering_transform_not_implemented():
    pc = ParallelClustering(sk.cluster.DBSCAN())
    X = [np.random.random((5, 4)), np.ones((5, 4), dtype=bool)]

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_parallel_clustering_bad_clusterer():
    pc = ParallelClustering(sk.decomposition.PCA())
    X = [np.random.random((5, 4)), np.ones((5, 4), dtype=bool)]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="`clusterer` must be an instance of"):