Exemplo n.º 1
 def testGetNumOfBins(self):
     self.assertEqual(0, CompBinManager.getNumOfBins(GenomeRegion('hg18', 'chr1', 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(1, CompBinManager.getNumOfBins(GenomeRegion('hg18', 'chr1', 0, 100)))
     self.assertEqual(2, CompBinManager.getNumOfBins(GenomeRegion('hg18', 'chr1', 200, 400)))
     self.assertEqual(4, CompBinManager.getNumOfBins(GenomeRegion('hg18', 'chr1', 67, 314)))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def storeBoundingRegions(self, boundingRegionTuples, genomeElementChrList, sparse):
        assert sparse in [False, True]

        tempContents = OrderedDict()

        genomeElementChrs = set(genomeElementChrList)    
        lastRegion = None
        chrStartIdxs = OrderedDict()
        chrEndIdxs = OrderedDict()
        totElCount = 0
        totBinCount = 0
        for br in boundingRegionTuples:
            if lastRegion is None or br.region.chr != lastRegion.chr:
                if br.region.chr in tempContents:
                    raise InvalidFormatError("Error: bounding region (%s) is not grouped with previous bounding regions of the same chromosome (sequence)." % br.region)
                lastRegion = None
                tempContents[br.region.chr] = OrderedDict()
                if sparse:
                    chrStartIdxs[br.region.chr] = totElCount
                if br.region < lastRegion:
                    raise InvalidFormatError("Error: bounding regions in the same chromosome (sequence) are unsorted: %s > %s." % (lastRegion, br.region))
                if lastRegion.overlaps(br.region):
                    raise InvalidFormatError("Error: bounding regions '%s' and '%s' overlap." % (lastRegion, br.region))
                if lastRegion.end == br.region.start:
                    raise InvalidFormatError("Error: bounding regions '%s' and '%s' are adjoining (there is no gap between them)." % (lastRegion, br.region))
            if len(br.region) < 1:
                raise InvalidFormatError("Error: bounding region '%s' does not have positive length." % br.region)
            if not sparse and len(br.region) != br.elCount:
                raise InvalidFormatError("Error: track type representation is dense, but the length of bounding region '%s' is not equal to the element count: %s != %s" % (br.region, len(br.region), br.elCount))
            startIdx, endIdx = (totElCount, totElCount + br.elCount) if not sparse else (None, None)
            totElCount += br.elCount
            if sparse:
                chrEndIdxs[br.region.chr] = totElCount
            tempContents[br.region.chr][br.region.start] = BoundingRegionInfo(br.region.start, br.region.end, startIdx, endIdx, 0, 0)
            lastRegion = br.region
        if sparse:
            totBinCount = 0
            for chr in tempContents:
                chrLen = GenomeInfo.getChrLen(self._genome, chr)
                numBinsInChr = CompBinManager.getNumOfBins(GenomeRegion(start=0, end=chrLen))
                for key in tempContents[chr].keys():
                    startBinIdx = totBinCount
                    endBinIdx = totBinCount + numBinsInChr
                    brInfo = tempContents[chr][key]
                    if chr in genomeElementChrs:
                        tempContents[chr][key] = BoundingRegionInfo(brInfo.start, brInfo.end, \
                                                                    chrStartIdxs[chr], chrEndIdxs[chr], \
                                                                    startBinIdx, endBinIdx)
                        if chrEndIdxs[chr] - chrStartIdxs[chr] > 0:
                            raise InvalidFormatError("Error: bounding region '%s' has incorrect element count: %s > 0" % (GenomeRegion(chr=chr, start=brInfo.start, end=brInfo.end), chrEndIdxs[chr] - chrStartIdxs[chr]))
                        tempContents[chr][key] = BoundingRegionInfo(brInfo.start, brInfo.end, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                if chr in genomeElementChrs:
                    totBinCount += numBinsInChr
        if len(genomeElementChrs - set(tempContents.keys())) > 0:
            raise InvalidFormatError('Error: some chromosomes (sequences) contains data, but has no bounding regions: %s' % ', '.join(genomeElementChrs - set(tempContents.keys())))
        for chr in tempContents:
            brInfoDict = tempContents[chr]
            tempContents[chr] = BrInfoHolder(tuple(brInfoDict.keys()), tuple(brInfoDict.values()))
        brShelve = safeshelve.open(self._fn)
        while not self.fileExists():
            from gtrackcore_memmap.application.LogSetup import logMessage
            logMessage("Bounding region shelve file '%s' has yet to be created" % self._fn)
            import time