Exemplo n.º 1
def get_k_and_p(graph, X, U):
    '''Finds optimal control law given by $u=Kx$ and value function $Vx^2$ aka
        cost-to-go which corresponds to solutions to the algebraic, finite
        horizon Ricatti Equation.  K is Extracted from the bayes net and V is
        extracted by incrementally eliminating the factor graph.
        graph: factor graph containing factor graph in LQR form
        X: list of state Keys
        U: list of control Keys
        K: optimal control matrix, shape (T-1, 1)
        V: value function, shape (T, 1)
            TODO(gerry): support n-dimensional state space
    T = len(X)
    # Find K and V by using bayes net solution
    marginalized_fg = graph
    K = np.zeros((T - 1, 1))
    P = np.zeros((T, 1))
    P[-1] = get_return_cost(marginalized_fg, X[-1])
    for i in range(len(U) - 2, -1, -1):  # traverse backwards in time
        ordering = gtsam.Ordering()
        ordering.push_back(X[i + 1])

        bayes_net, marginalized_fg = marginalized_fg.eliminatePartialSequential(
        P[i] = get_return_cost(marginalized_fg, X[i])
        K[i] = bayes_net.back().S()  # note: R is 1

    return K, P
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_eliminate(self):
        # Recommended way to specify a matrix (see cython/README)
        Ax2 = np.array([[-5., 0.], [+0., -5.], [10., 0.], [+0., 10.]],

        # This is good too
        Al1 = np.array([[5, 0], [0, 5], [0, 0], [0, 0]],

        # Not recommended for performance reasons, but should still work
        # as the wrapper should convert it to the correct type and storage order
        Ax1 = np.array([
            [0, 0],  # f4
            [0, 0],  # f4
            [-10, 0],  # f2
            [0, -10]
        ])  # f2

        x2 = 1
        l1 = 2
        x1 = 3

        # the RHS
        b2 = np.array([-1., 1.5, 2., -1.])
        sigmas = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
        model4 = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(sigmas)
        combined = gtsam.JacobianFactor(x2, Ax2, l1, Al1, x1, Ax1, b2, model4)

        # eliminate the first variable (x2) in the combined factor, destructive
        # !
        ord = gtsam.Ordering()
        actualCG, lf = combined.eliminate(ord)

        # create expected Conditional Gaussian
        R11 = np.array([[11.1803, 0.00], [0.00, 11.1803]])
        S12 = np.array([[-2.23607, 0.00], [+0.00, -2.23607]])
        S13 = np.array([[-8.94427, 0.00], [+0.00, -8.94427]])
        d = np.array([2.23607, -1.56525])
        expectedCG = gtsam.GaussianConditional(x2, d, R11, l1, S12, x1, S13,
        # check if the result matches
        self.gtsamAssertEquals(actualCG, expectedCG, 1e-4)

        # the expected linear factor
        Bl1 = np.array([[4.47214, 0.00], [0.00, 4.47214]])

        Bx1 = np.array(
            # x1
            [[-4.47214, 0.00], [+0.00, -4.47214]])

        # the RHS
        b1 = np.array([0.0, 0.894427])

        model2 = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(np.array([1., 1.]))
        expectedLF = gtsam.JacobianFactor(l1, Bl1, x1, Bx1, b1, model2)

        # check if the result matches the combined (reduced) factor
        self.gtsamAssertEquals(lf, expectedLF, 1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_ordering(self):
        """Test ordering"""
        gfg, keys = create_graph()
        ordering = gtsam.Ordering()
        for key in keys[::-1]:

        bn = gfg.eliminateSequential(ordering)
        self.assertEqual(bn.size(), 3)

        keyVector = gtsam.KeyVector()
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_k(graph, X, U):
    """Finds the optimal control law given by $u=Kx$ but not the value function
        $Vx^2$ aka cost-to-go.
        graph: factor graph containing factor graph in LQR form
        X: list of state Keys
        U: list of control Keys
        K: optimal control matrix, shape (T-1, 1)
            TODO(gerry): support n-dimensional state space (just change size of K)
    T = len(U)
    K = np.zeros((T-1, 1))
    ordering = gtsam.Ordering()
    for i in range(T - 1, -1, -1): # traverse backwards in time
    net = graph.eliminateSequential(ordering)
    for i in range(T - 1):
        cond = net.at(2 * (T - 1 - i))
        K[i] = solve_triangular(cond.R(), cond.S())
    return K