def sonobat2guano(fname): """Convert a file with Sonobat metadata to GUANO metadata""" print '\n', fname sb_md = extract_sonobat_metadata(fname) if not sb_md: print >> sys.stderr, 'Skipping non-Sonobat file: ' + fname return False pprint(sb_md) gfile = GuanoFile(fname) gfile['GUANO|Version'] = 1.0 if 'timestamp' in sb_md: gfile['Timestamp'] = sb_md['timestamp'] if sb_md.get('te', 1) != 1: gfile['TE'] = sb_md['te'] gfile['Length'] = sb_md['length'] gfile['Note'] = sb_md['note'].strip().replace('\r\n', '\\n').replace('\n', '\\n') if sb_md.get('species', None): gfile['Species Auto ID'] = sb_md['species'] if 'd500x' in sb_md: for k, v in sb_md['d500x'].items(): gfile['PET', k] = v if 'ar125' in sb_md: for k, v in sb_md['ar125'].items(): gfile['BAT', k] = v print gfile._as_string() gfile.write()
def save(self): fname = self.ui.file_name.text() try: g = GuanoFile(fname) except: msg = f"There was a problem loading the Guano MD from:\n{fname}\n\nPlease verify that it is a valid wav file" QMessageBox.warning(self, "File Error", msg) return None for namespace_name, namespace_group in self.namespaces.items(): print(namespace_name) namespace_data = namespace_group.get_data() if namespace_name == 'guano_base': namespace_name = '' for k, v in namespace_data.items(): if v == '': try: del g[f"{namespace_name}|{k}"] except KeyError: pass else: g[f"{namespace_name}|{k}"] = v g.write(make_backup=False)
def wamd2guano(fname): """Convert a Wildlife Acoustics WAMD metadata file to GUANO metadata format""" wamd_md = wamd(fname) pprint(wamd_md) gfile = GuanoFile(fname) gfile['GUANO|Version'] = 1.0 gfile['Timestamp'] = wamd_md.pop('timestamp') gfile['Note'] = wamd_md.pop('notes', '') gfile['Make'] = 'Wildlife Acoustics' gfile['Model'] = wamd_md.pop('model', '') gfile['Firmware Version'] = wamd_md.pop('firmware', '') gfile['Species Auto ID'] = wamd_md.pop('auto_id', '') gfile['Species Manual ID'] = wamd_md.pop('manual_id', '') gfile['TE'] = wamd_md.pop('time_expansion', 1) gfile['Samplerate'] = gfile.wav_params.framerate * gfile['TE'] gfile['Length'] = gfile.wav_params.nframes / float(gfile.wav_params.framerate) * gfile['TE'] if 'gpsfirst' in wamd_md: lat, lon, alt = wamd_md.pop('gpsfirst') gfile['Loc Position'] = lat, lon gfile['Loc Elevation'] = alt for k, v in wamd_md.items(): gfile['WA', k] = v print(gfile.to_string()) gfile.write()
def batlogger2guano(fname): """Convert an Elekon BatLogger .WAV with sidecar .XML to GUANO metadata""" xmlfname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.xml' if not os.path.exists(xmlfname): raise ValueError('Unable to find XML metadata file for %s' % fname) g = GuanoFile(fname) with open(xmlfname, 'rt') as f: xml = ElementTree.parse(f) g['Timestamp'] = get(xml, 'DateTime', lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')) g['Firmware Version'] = get(xml, 'Firmware') g['Make'] = 'Elekon' g['Model'] = 'BatLogger' g['Serial'] = get(xml, 'SN') g['Samplerate'] = get(xml, 'Samplerate', lambda x: int(x.split()[0])) g['Length'] = get(xml, 'Duration', lambda x: float(x.split()[0])) g['Original Filename'] = get(xml, 'Filename') g['Temperature Ext'] = get(xml, 'Temperature', lambda x: float(x.split()[0])) g['Loc Position'] = get(xml, 'GPS/Position', lambda x: tuple(map(float, x.split()))) g['Loc Elevation'] = get(xml, 'GPS/Altitude', lambda x: float(x.split()[0])) g['Elekon|BattVoltage'] = get(xml, 'BattVoltage') for node in xml.find('Trigger'): g['Elekon|Trigger|%s' % node.tag] = node.text for node in xml.find('GPS'): g['Elekon|GPS|%s' % node.tag] = node.text # for k, v in g.items(): # print('%s:\t%s' % (k, v)) print(g.to_string()) g.write() os.remove(xmlfname) return g
def wamd2guano(fname): """Convert a Wildlife Acoustics WAMD metadata file to GUANO metadata format""" wamd_md = wamd(fname) pprint(wamd_md) gfile = GuanoFile(fname) gfile['GUANO|Version'] = 1.0 gfile['Timestamp'] = wamd_md.pop('timestamp') gfile['Note'] = wamd_md.pop('notes', '') gfile['Make'] = 'Wildlife Acoustics' gfile['Model'] = wamd_md.pop('model', '') gfile['Firmware Version'] = wamd_md.pop('firmware', '') gfile['Species Auto ID'] = wamd_md.pop('auto_id', '') gfile['Species Manual ID'] = wamd_md.pop('manual_id', '') gfile['TE'] = wamd_md.pop('time_expansion', 1) gfile['Samplerate'] = gfile.wav_params.framerate * gfile['TE'] gfile['Length'] = gfile.wav_params.nframes / float(gfile.wav_params.framerate) * gfile['TE'] if 'gpsfirst' in wamd_md: lat, lon, alt = wamd_md.pop('gpsfirst') gfile['Loc Position'] = lat, lon gfile['Loc Elevation'] = alt for k, v in wamd_md.items(): gfile['WAC', k] = v print gfile._as_string() gfile.write()
def sonobat2guano(fname): """Convert a file with Sonobat metadata to GUANO metadata""" print('\n', fname) sb_md = extract_sonobat_metadata(fname) if not sb_md: print('Skipping non-Sonobat file: ' + fname, file=sys.stderr) return False pprint(sb_md) gfile = GuanoFile(fname) gfile['GUANO|Version'] = 1.0 if 'timestamp' in sb_md: gfile['Timestamp'] = sb_md['timestamp'] if sb_md.get('te', 1) != 1: gfile['TE'] = sb_md['te'] gfile['Length'] = sb_md['length'] gfile['Note'] = sb_md['note'].strip().replace('\r\n', '\\n').replace('\n', '\\n') if sb_md.get('species', None): gfile['Species Auto ID'] = sb_md['species'] if 'd500x' in sb_md: for k, v in sb_md['d500x'].items(): gfile['PET', k] = v if 'ar125' in sb_md: for k, v in sb_md['ar125'].items(): gfile['BAT', k] = v print(gfile.to_string()) gfile.write()
def update_single_md(fname, guano_md={}, project_md={}, site_md={}): g = GuanoFile(fname) parts = parse_nabat_fname(fname) # content from the NABat filename g['NABat', 'Grid Cell GRTS ID'] = parts['GrtsId'] g['NABat', 'Site Name'] = parts['SiteName'] #content from the site_md if guano_md is None: g['GUANO', 'time_to_time'] = str(parts['datetime']) else: for k, v in guano_md.items(): g['GUANO', k] = v #content from the project_md if project_md is not None: for k, v in project_md.items(): g['NABat', k] = v #content from the site_md if site_md is not None: for k, v in site_md.items(): g['NABat', k] = v g.write(make_backup=False)
def load_file(self): for i in reversed(range(self.namespace_layout.count() - 1)): self.namespace_layout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) for namespce_chk in self.namespace_chks.values(): namespce_chk.setChecked(False) self.namespaces = OrderedDict() fname = self.ui.file_name.text() f = Path(fname) try: exists = f.exists() except: exists = False if exists: try: g = GuanoFile(fname) except: msg = f"There was a problem loading the Guano MD from:\n{fname}\n\nPlease verify that it is a valid wav file" QMessageBox.warning(self, "File Error", msg) return None self.guano_content = {key: {} for key in g.get_namespaces()} for item in g.items_namespaced(): self.guano_content[item[0]][item[1]] = item[2] for namespace in g.get_namespaces(): if namespace == '': namespace = 'guano_base' namespace_fname = utils.resource_path( f"../resources/specs/{namespace}.csv") if Path(namespace_fname).exists(): spec = utils.read_namespace(namespace_fname) else: # if we have a namespace we've never seen, load it up as if it was a complete spec spec = [{ 'tag': tag } for tag in self.guano_content[namespace].keys()] this_namespace = NamespaceGroup(namespace, spec) if namespace == 'guano_base': this_namespace.load_data(self.guano_content['']) else: this_namespace.load_data(self.guano_content[namespace]) index = self.ui.scrollAreaWidgetContents_2.layout().count() - 1 self.ui.scrollAreaWidgetContents_2.layout().insertWidget( index, this_namespace) self.namespaces[namespace] = this_namespace try: self.namespace_chks[namespace].setChecked(True) except KeyError: pass
def test_strict_mode(self): md = '''GUANO|Version: 1.0 TE: no Loc Position: 10N 567288E 4584472N ''' try: GuanoFile.from_string(md, strict=True) except ValueError as e: pass g = GuanoFile.from_string(md, strict=False) self.assertEqual(g.get('TE', None), 'no') self.assertEqual(g.get('Loc Position', None), '10N 567288E 4584472N')
def save(self): d = Path(self.ui.directory_name.text()) wavs = list(d.glob('**\*.wav')) wavs += list(d.glob('**\*.zc')) self.ui.progressBar.setVisible(True) self.ui.progressBar.setMinimum(1) self.ui.progressBar.setMaximum(len(wavs)) self.ui.progressBar.setVisible(1) if self.ui.directory_name_output.text(): if not Path(self.ui.directory_name_output.text()).exists(): msq = r"The output directory specified does not exist! Please point to an existing directory." QMessageBox.warning(self, "Output directory does not exist", msg) return None out_dir = Path(self.ui.directory_name_output.text()) make_copy = True else: out_dir = Path(self.ui.directory_name.text()) make_copy = False for f in wavs: original_fname = new_fname = self.change_fname_function(original_fname, f=f) full_name = f.parent.joinpath(new_fname) full_name = str(full_name).replace(str(Path(self.ui.directory_name.text())), \ str(out_dir)) if not Path(full_name).exists(): Path(full_name).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if make_copy: shutil.copy(str(f), full_name) else: f.rename(full_name) if original_fname != new_fname: try: g = GuanoFile(full_name) g['Original Filename'] = original_fname g.write(make_backup=False) except: pass self.ui.progressBar.setValue(self.ui.progressBar.value() + 1) msg = f"Finished renaming files in directory:\n\n{out_dir}" QMessageBox.information(self, "Renaming Process Complete", msg) self.ui.progressBar.setVisible(False)
def test_file_roundtrip(self): """Write a GUANO .WAV file containing Unicode data, re-read it and confirm value is identical""" fname = 'test_guano.wav' # write a fake .WAV file g = GuanoFile.from_string(self.MD) g.filename = fname g.wav_params = wavparams(1, 2, 500000, 2, 'NONE', None) g._wav_data = b'\01\02' # faking it, don't try this at home! g._wav_data_size = 2 g.write() # read it back in g2 = GuanoFile(fname) self.assertEqual(self.NOTE, g2['Note'])
def process_file(self, filename): filepath = os.path.realpath(filename) filestem = os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0] print(f'Loading {filepath}') existing_audio = AudioRecording.objects.filter(audio_file=filepath) result_count = len(existing_audio) if result_count: if result_count > 1: print(f'Got duplicate records ({result_count}) for {filepath}') audio = existing_audio[0] audio.identifier = filestem if audio.processed and not self.force: print("Already processed this file, skipping") return print('Found incomplete existing record, trying to update') else: audio = AudioRecording(audio_file=filepath, identifier=filestem) self.populate_audio_from_identifier(audio) try: # print(f'Looking for GUANO data for {filename}') guano_file = GuanoFile(filepath) if not guano_file: # print(f'Empty GUANO data for {filename}') guano_file = None except ValueError: print(f'Unable to load GUANO data for {filename}') guano_file = None wamd_file = None if guano_file is not None: self.populate_audio_from_guano(audio, guano_file) else: # print(f'Looking for WAMD data for {filename}') try: wamd_file = WamdFile(filepath) # print(f'Loaded WAMD data for {filename}') except ValueError: print(f'Unable to load WAMD data for {filename}') if wamd_file is not None: try: self.populate_audio_from_wamd(audio, wamd_file) except ValueError: print("Could not load fallback WAMD data") if not audio.duration: self.read_file_duration(filename, audio) if self.subsample: self.subsample_file(audio) if self.spectrogram: self.generate_spectrogram_file(audio)
def test_new_empty(self): """Verify that "new" GUANO file metadata is "falsey" but populated metadata is "truthy".""" g = GuanoFile('nonexistent_file.wav') self.assertFalse(g) self.assertFalse('GUANO|Version' in g) g['Foo'] = 'bar' self.assertTrue(g) self.assertTrue('GUANO|Version' in g)
def d500x2guano(fname): """Convert a file with raw D500X metadata to use GUANO metadata instead""" print('\n', fname) md = extract_d500x_metadata(fname) if not md: print('Skipping non-D500X file: ' + fname, file=sys.stderr) return False pprint(md) gfile = GuanoFile(fname) gfile['GUANO|Version'] = 1.0 gfile['Make'] = 'Pettersson' gfile['Model'] = 'D500X' gfile['Timestamp'] = md.pop('File Time') gfile['Original Filename'] = md.pop('File Name') gfile['Samplerate'] = md.pop('Samplerate') gfile['Length'] = md.pop('Length') if md.get('Profile HP', None) == 'Y': gfile['Filter HP'] = 20 lat, lon = md.pop('LAT', None), md.pop('LON', None) if lat and lon: gfile['Loc Position'] = dms2decimal(lat), dms2decimal(lon) for k, v in md.items(): gfile['PET', k] = v print(gfile.to_string()) gfile.wav_data = gfile.wav_data[D500X_DATA_SKIP_BYTES:] # throw out the metadata bytes from 'data' chunk unlock(fname) # D500X "locks" files as unwriteable, we must unlock before we can modify gfile.write()
def d500x2guano(fname): """Convert a file with raw D500X metadata to use GUANO metadata instead""" print "\n", fname md = extract_d500x_metadata(fname) if not md: print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping non-D500X file: " + fname return False pprint(md) gfile = GuanoFile(fname) gfile["GUANO|Version"] = 1.0 gfile["Make"] = "Pettersson" gfile["Model"] = "D500X" gfile["Timestamp"] = md.pop("File Time") gfile["Samplerate"] = md.pop("Samplerate") gfile["Length"] = md.pop("Length") if md.get("Profile HP", None) == "Y": gfile["Filter HP"] = 20 lat, lon = md.pop("LAT", None), md.pop("LON", None) if lat and lon: gfile["Loc Position"] = dms2decimal(lat), dms2decimal(lon) for k, v in md.items(): gfile["PET", k] = v print gfile._as_string() gfile.wav_data = gfile.wav_data[D500X_DATA_SKIP_BYTES:] # throw out the metadata bytes from 'data' chunk unlock(fname) # D500X "locks" files as unwriteable, we must unlock before we can modify gfile.write()
def test_delete_namespaced(self): """Verify that we can delete namespaced fields""" g = GuanoFile() g['Foo|Bar'] = 'xyz' self.assertTrue('Foo|Bar' in g) self.assertTrue('Foo' in g.get_namespaces()) del g['Foo|Bar'] self.assertFalse('Foo|Bar' in g) self.assertFalse('Foo' in g.get_namespaces()) try: del g['Foo|Bar']'Deleting a deleted key should throw KeyError') except KeyError: pass g['Foo|Bar1'] = 'xyz' g['Foo|Bar2'] = 'abc' del g['Foo|Bar1'] self.assertFalse('Foo|Bar1' in g) self.assertTrue('Foo|Bar2' in g) self.assertTrue('Foo' in g.get_namespaces())
def test_delete_simple(self): """Verify that we can delete fields""" g = GuanoFile() g['Foo'] = 'xyz' self.assertTrue('Foo' in g) del g['Foo'] self.assertFalse('Foo' in g) try: del g['Foo']'Deleting a deleted key should throw KeyError') except KeyError: pass
def run(self): md = self.zc.metadata timestamp = md.get('timestamp', None) species = md.get('species', '') note1 = md.get('note1', '') if note1: note2 = 'Myotisoft ZCANT' else: note1, note2 = 'Myotisoft ZCANT', '' if self.zc.supports_amplitude: log.debug('Adding GUANO metadata :-)') guano = GuanoFile() guano['ZCANT|Amplitudes'] = self.zc.amplitudes else: log.debug('Not adding GUANO metadata :-(') guano = None log.debug('Saving %s ...', self.fname) outdir = os.path.dirname(self.fname) if not os.path.exists(outdir): log.debug('Creating outdir %s ...', outdir) os.makedirs(outdir) with AnabatFileWriter(self.fname) as out: out.write_header(timestamp, self.divratio, species=species, note1=note1, note2=note2, guano=guano) time_indexes_us = self.zc.times * 1000000 intervals_us = np.diff(time_indexes_us) intervals_us = intervals_us.astype( int ) # TODO: round before int cast; consider casting before diff for performance out.write_intervals(intervals_us)
def populate_audio_from_guano(audio: AudioRecording, guano_file: GuanoFile): guano_dict = {k: v for k, v in guano_file.items()} for k, v in guano_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, datetime): guano_dict[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') audio.guano_data = json.dumps(guano_dict) # Species Auto ID: PIPPYG # Species Manual ID: if 'Species Manual ID' in guano_dict and len( guano_dict['Species Manual ID']) > 0: populate_audio_identification(audio, guano_dict['Species Manual ID']) elif 'Species Auto ID' in guano_dict and len( guano_dict['Species Auto ID']) > 0: populate_audio_identification(audio, guano_dict['Species Auto ID']) if 'Loc Position' in guano_dict: audio.latitude, audio.longitude = guano_dict['Loc Position'] if 'Serial' in guano_file: audio.recorder_serial = guano_file['Serial'] if 'Length' in guano_file: audio.duration = guano_file['Length'] try: if 'Timestamp' in guano_file and guano_file[ 'Timestamp'] is not None: if guano_file['Timestamp'].utcoffset() is None: print('Timestamp with no tzinfo from guano ' 'cannot be saved') else: audio.set_recording_time(guano_file['Timestamp']) except ValueError: print('Cannot use timestamp from guano - no valid TZ?') finally: audio.processed = True
def setUp(self): GuanoFile.register('User', 'Answer', int) = GuanoFile.from_string(self.MD)
def setUp(self): self.g = g = GuanoFile() g['A'] = 'A value' g['Foo Bar'] = 'Foo Bar value' g['NS|C'] = 'C value' g['NS|Foo Bar'] = 'Namespaced Foo Bar value'
def extract_anabat(fname, hpfilter_khz=8.0, **kwargs): """Extract (times, frequencies, amplitudes, metadata) from Anabat sequence file""" amplitudes = None with open(fname, 'rb') as f, contextlib.closing( mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)) as m: size = len(m) # parse header data_info_pointer, file_type, tape, date, loc, species, spec, note1, note2 = struct.unpack_from( ANABAT_129_HEAD_FMT, m) data_pointer, res1, divratio, vres = struct.unpack_from( ANABAT_129_DATA_INFO_FMT, m, data_info_pointer) species = [_s(species).split('(', 1)[0]] if '(' in species else [ s.strip() for s in _s(species).split(',') ] # remove KPro junk metadata = dict(date=date, loc=_s(loc), species=species, spec=_s(spec), note1=_s(note1), note2=_s(note2), divratio=divratio) if file_type >= 132: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, second_hundredths, microseconds, id_code, gps_data = struct.unpack_from( ANABAT_132_ADDL_DATA_INFO_FMT, m, 0x120) try: timestamp = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, second_hundredths * 10000 + microseconds) except ValueError as e: log.exception('Failed extracting timestamp') timestamp = None metadata.update( dict(timestamp=timestamp, id=_s(id_code), gps=_s(gps_data))) if data_pointer - 0x150 > 12: # and m[pos:pos+5] == 'GUANO': try: guano = GuanoFile.from_string(m[0x150:data_pointer]) log.debug(guano.to_string()) amplitudes = guano.get('ZCANT|Amplitudes', None) except: log.exception('Failed parsing GUANO metadata block') else: log.debug('No GUANO metadata found') log.debug( 'file_type: %d\tdata_info_pointer: 0x%3x\tdata_pointer: 0x%3x', file_type, data_info_pointer, data_pointer) log.debug(metadata) if res1 != 25000: raise ValueError( 'Anabat files with non-standard RES1 (%s) not yet supported!' % res1) # parse actual sequence data i = data_pointer # byte index as we scan through the file (data starts at 0x150 for v132, 0x120 for older files) intervals_us = np.empty(2**14, np.dtype('uint32')) offdots = OrderedDict() # dot index -> number of subsequent dots int_i = 0 # interval index while i < size: if int_i >= len(intervals_us): # Anabat files were formerly capped at 16384 dots, but may now be larger; grow intervals_us = np.concatenate( (intervals_us, np.empty(2**14, np.dtype('uint32')))) byte = Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] if byte <= 0x7F: # Single byte is a 7-bit signed two's complement offset from previous interval offset = byte if byte < 2**6 else byte - 2**7 # clever two's complement unroll if int_i > 0: intervals_us[int_i] = intervals_us[int_i - 1] + offset int_i += 1 else: log.warning( 'Sequence file starts with a one-byte interval diff! Skipping byte %x', byte) #intervals.append(offset) # ?! elif 0x80 <= byte <= 0x9F: # time interval is contained in 13 bits, upper 5 from the remainder of this byte, lower 8 bits from the next byte accumulator = (byte & 0b00011111) << 8 i += 1 accumulator |= Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] intervals_us[int_i] = accumulator int_i += 1 elif 0xA0 <= byte <= 0xBF: # interval is contained in 21 bits, upper 5 from the remainder of this byte, next 8 from the next byte and the lower 8 from the byte after that accumulator = (byte & 0b00011111) << 16 i += 1 accumulator |= Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] << 8 i += 1 accumulator |= Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] intervals_us[int_i] = accumulator int_i += 1 elif 0xC0 <= byte <= 0xDF: # interval is contained in 29 bits, the upper 5 from the remainder of this byte, the next 8 from the following byte etc. accumulator = (byte & 0b00011111) << 24 i += 1 accumulator |= Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] << 16 i += 1 accumulator |= Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] << 8 i += 1 accumulator |= Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] intervals_us[int_i] = accumulator int_i += 1 elif 0xE0 <= byte <= 0xFF: # status byte which applies to the next n dots status = byte & 0b00011111 i += 1 dotcount = Byte.unpack_from(m, i)[0] if status == DotStatus.OFF: offdots[int_i] = dotcount else: log.debug( 'UNSUPPORTED: Status %X for %d dots at dot %d (file offset 0x%X)', status, dotcount, int_i, i) else: raise Exception('Unknown byte %X at offset 0x%X' % (byte, i)) i += 1 intervals_us = intervals_us[:int_i] # TODO: should we free unused memory? intervals_s = intervals_us * 1e-6 times_s = np.cumsum(intervals_s) freqs_hz = 1 / (times_s[2:] - times_s[:-2]) * divratio freqs_hz[freqs_hz == np.inf] = 0 # TODO: fix divide-by-zero freqs_hz[freqs_hz < 4000] = 0 freqs_hz[freqs_hz > 250000] = 0 if offdots: n_offdots = sum(offdots.values()) log.debug('Throwing out %d off-dots of %d (%.1f%%)', n_offdots, len(times_s), float(n_offdots) / len(times_s) * 100) off_mask = np.zeros(len(intervals_us), dtype=bool) for int_i, dotcount in offdots.items(): off_mask[int_i:int_i + dotcount] = True times_s = masked_array(times_s, mask=off_mask).compressed() freqs_hz = masked_array(freqs_hz, mask=off_mask).compressed() min_, max_ = min(freqs_hz) if any(freqs_hz) else 0, max(freqs_hz) if any( freqs_hz) else 0 log.debug('%s\tDots: %d\tMinF: %.1f\tMaxF: %.1f', basename(fname), len(freqs_hz), min_ / 1000.0, max_ / 1000.0) times_s, freqs_hz, amplitudes = hpf_zc(times_s, freqs_hz, amplitudes, hpfilter_khz * 1000) assert (len(times_s) == len(freqs_hz) == len(amplitudes or freqs_hz)) return times_s, freqs_hz, amplitudes, metadata
def dump(fname): print() print(fname) gfile = GuanoFile(fname, strict=False) print(gfile.to_string())
def test_sb42_bad_timestamp(self): """SonoBat 4.2 blank timestamp""" md = '''GUANO|Version: 1.0 Timestamp: ''' GuanoFile.from_string(md)
def test_sb41_bad_key(self): """SonoBat 4.1 disembodied colon""" md = '''GUANO|Version: 1.0 : ''' self.assertEqual(1, len(list(GuanoFile.from_string(md).items())))
def test_sb42_bad_encoding(self): """SonoBat 4.2 doesn't actually encode as UTF-8. At least try not to blow up when reading.""" # SonoBat *probably* uses mac-roman on OS X and windows-1252 on Windows... in the US at least. md = b'GUANO|Version: 1.0\nNote: Mobile transect with mic 4\xd5 above roof.\n\x00\x00' GuanoFile.from_string(md)
def dump(fname): print print fname gfile = GuanoFile(fname) print gfile._as_string()
def test_sb42_bad_guano_version(self): """Some version of SonoBat 4.2 writes a GUANO|Version of "1.0:" by accident.""" md = b'GUANO|Version: 1.0:\n1.0:\n' GuanoFile.from_string(md)
def test_from_string(self): """Parse a GUANO metadata block containing Unicode data""" g = GuanoFile.from_string(self.MD) self.assertEqual(self.NOTE, g['Note'])
from guano import GuanoFile, base64decode, base64encode from zcant import print_timing import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) Byte = struct.Struct('< B') ANABAT_129_HEAD_FMT = '< H x B 2x 8s 8s 40s 50s 16s 73s 80s' # 0x0: data_info_pointer, file_type, tape, date, loc, species, spec, note1, note2 ANABAT_129_DATA_INFO_FMT = '< H H B B' # 0x11a: data_pointer, res1, divratio, vres ANABAT_132_ADDL_DATA_INFO_FMT = '< H B B B B B B H 6s 32s' # 0x120: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, second_hundredths, microseconds, id_code, gps_data GuanoFile.register('ZCANT', 'Amplitudes', lambda b64data: np.frombuffer(base64decode(b64data)), lambda data: base64encode(data.tobytes())) class DotStatus: """Enumeration of dot status types""" OUT_OF_RANGE = 0 OFF = 1 NORMAL = 2 MAIN = 3 def _s(s): """Strip whitespace and null bytes from string""" return s.strip('\00\t ')
def get_row_from_guano(fname): row = get_empty_row() try: g = GuanoFile(fname) for i, keyvalue in row_lookup.iterrows(): value = g.get(keyvalue.guano_tag2, '') if value.lower() == 'nan': value = '' row[keyvalue.df_columns] = value if g.get('NABat|Site coordinates'): # print('.') lat, long = g.get('NABat|Site coordinates').split() row['latitude'] = lat row['longitude'] = long # parse the software type from vendor namespaces if 'SB' in g.get_namespaces(): software = 'Sonobat ' if g.get('SB|Version').startswith('4.2'): software += '4.2' elif g.get('SB|Version').startswith('4.'): software += '4.x' elif g.get('SB|Version').startswith('3.'): software += '3.x' row['software_type'] = software else: # TODO: add logic for Kaleidoscope pass # Make sure we're using a auto/manual ID if available if row['auto_id'] == '': row['auto_id'] = g.get('GUANO|Species Auto ID', '') if row['manual_id'] == '': row['manual_id'] = g.get('GUANO|Species Manual ID', '') # convert nan to empty string for which in ['auto', 'manual']: if row[f'{which}_id'].lower() == 'nan': row[f'{which}_id'] = '' except: # Something went dreadfully wrong. We'll populate with what we have parts = parse_nabat_fname(fname) row['grts_cell_id'] = parts['GrtsId'] row['location_name'] = parts['SiteName'] row['detector'] = "Problem extracting row from Guano" row['audio_recording_name'] = Path(fname).name return row
def test_sb41_bad_te(self): """SonoBat 4.1 "optional" TE value""" md = '''GUANO|Version: 1.0 TE: ''' GuanoFile.from_string(md)