Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_realm_checkpoint(alice_workspace_storage):
    aws = alice_workspace_storage
    manifest = create_manifest(aws.device, LocalFileManifest)

    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 0
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set(), set())

    await aws.update_realm_checkpoint(11, {manifest.id: 22, EntryID(): 33})

    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 11
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set(), set())

    await aws.set_manifest(manifest.id, manifest, check_lock_status=False)

    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 11
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set([manifest.id]), set())

    await aws.set_manifest(manifest.id,

    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 11
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set(), set())

    await aws.update_realm_checkpoint(44, {manifest.id: 55, EntryID(): 66})

    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 44
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set(), set([manifest.id]))
Exemplo n.º 2
async def test_path_info_remote_loader_exceptions(monkeypatch, alice_workspace,
    manifest, _ = await alice_workspace.transactions._get_manifest_from_path(
    async with alice_workspace.local_storage.lock_entry_id(manifest.id):
        await alice_workspace.local_storage.clear_manifest(manifest.id)

    vanilla_file_manifest_deserialize = BaseRemoteManifest._deserialize

    def mocked_file_manifest_deserialize(*args, **kwargs):
        return vanilla_file_manifest_deserialize(
            *args, **kwargs).evolve(**manifest_modifiers)

    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseRemoteManifest, "_deserialize",

    manifest_modifiers = {"id": EntryID()}
    with pytest.raises(FSError) as exc:
        await alice_workspace.path_info(FsPath("/foo/bar"))
    assert f"Invalid entry ID: expected `{manifest.id}`, got `{manifest_modifiers['id']}`" in str(

    manifest_modifiers = {"version": 4}
    with pytest.raises(FSError) as exc:
        await alice_workspace.path_info(FsPath("/foo/bar"))
    assert "Invalid version: expected `1`, got `4`" in str(exc.value)

    manifest_modifiers = {"author": DeviceID("mallory@pc1")}
    with pytest.raises(FSError) as exc:
        await alice_workspace.path_info(FsPath("/foo/bar"))
    assert "Invalid author: expected `alice@dev1`, got `mallory@pc1`" in str(
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self) -> None:
     self.oracle = open(tmpdir / "oracle.txt", "w+b")
     self.manifest = LocalFileManifest.new_placeholder(
         DeviceID.new(), parent=EntryID(), blocksize=8
     self.storage = Storage()
Exemplo n.º 4
async def test_synchronization_step_transaction(alice_sync_transactions, type):
    sync_transactions = alice_sync_transactions
    synchronization_step = sync_transactions.synchronization_step
    entry_id = sync_transactions.get_workspace_entry().id

    # Sync a placeholder
    manifest = await synchronization_step(entry_id)

    # Acknowledge a successful synchronization
    assert await synchronization_step(entry_id, manifest) is None

    # Local change
    if type == "file":
        a_id, fd = await sync_transactions.file_create(FsPath("/a"))
        await sync_transactions.fd_write(fd, b"abc", 0)
        await sync_transactions.fd_close(fd)
        a_id = await sync_transactions.folder_create(FsPath("/a"))

    # Sync parent with a placeholder child
    manifest = await synchronization_step(entry_id)
    children = []
    async for child in sync_transactions.get_placeholder_children(manifest):
    (a_entry_id, ) = children
    assert a_entry_id == a_id

    # Sync child
    if type == "file":
        await synchronization_step(a_entry_id)
    a_manifest = await synchronization_step(a_entry_id)
    assert await synchronization_step(a_entry_id, a_manifest) is None

    # Acknowledge the manifest
    assert sorted(manifest.children) == ["a"]
    assert await synchronization_step(entry_id, manifest) is None

    # Local change
    b_id = await sync_transactions.folder_create(FsPath("/b"))

    # Remote change
    children = {**manifest.children, "c": EntryID()}
    manifest = manifest.evolve(version=5, children=children, author="b@b")

    # Sync parent with a placeholder child
    manifest = await synchronization_step(entry_id, manifest)
    children = []
    async for child in sync_transactions.get_placeholder_children(manifest):
    (b_entry_id, ) = children
    assert b_entry_id == b_id

    # Sync child
    b_manifest = await synchronization_step(b_entry_id)
    assert await synchronization_step(b_entry_id, b_manifest) is None

    # Acknowledge the manifest
    assert sorted(manifest.children) == ["a", "b", "c"]
    assert await synchronization_step(entry_id, manifest) is None
Exemplo n.º 5
async def test_unknown_workspace(alice_user_fs):
    bad_wid = EntryID()

    with pytest.raises(FSWorkspaceNotFoundError):
        await alice_user_fs.workspace_start_reencryption(bad_wid)

    with pytest.raises(FSWorkspaceNotFoundError):
        await alice_user_fs.workspace_continue_reencryption(bad_wid)
Exemplo n.º 6
 async def _transactions_controlled_cb(started_cb):
     async with WorkspaceStorage.run(alice, Path("/dummy"),
                                     EntryID()) as local_storage:
         file_transactions = await file_transactions_factory(
         await started_cb(file_transactions=file_transactions)
Exemplo n.º 7
async def foo_txt(alice, alice_file_transactions):
    local_storage = alice_file_transactions.local_storage
    now = datetime(2000, 1, 2)
    placeholder = LocalFileManifest.new_placeholder(alice.device_id,
    remote_v1 = placeholder.to_remote(author=alice.device_id, timestamp=now)
    manifest = LocalFileManifest.from_remote(remote_v1)
    async with local_storage.lock_entry_id(manifest.id):
        await local_storage.set_manifest(manifest.id, manifest)
    return File(local_storage, manifest)
Exemplo n.º 8
async def make_workspace_dir_inconsistent(workspace: WorkspaceFS, dir: FsPath):
    await workspace.mkdir(dir)
    await workspace.touch(dir / "foo.txt")
    rep_info = await workspace.transactions.entry_info(dir)
    rep_manifest = await workspace.local_storage.get_manifest(rep_info["id"])
    children = rep_manifest.children
    children["newfail.txt"] = EntryID("b9295787-d9aa-6cbd-be27-1ff83ac72fa6")
    async with workspace.local_storage.lock_manifest(rep_info["id"]):
        await workspace.local_storage.set_manifest(rep_info["id"],
    await workspace.sync()
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_merge_folder_children():
    m1 = EntryID()
    m2 = EntryID()
    a1 = {"a": m1}
    a2 = {"a": m2}
    b1 = {"b.txt": m1}
    b2 = {"b.txt": m2}
    c1 = {"c.tar.gz": m1}
    c2 = {"c.tar.gz": m2}

    # Empty folder
    assert merge_folder_children({}, {}, {}, "a@a") == {}

    # Adding children
    assert merge_folder_children({}, a1, {}, "a@a") == a1
    assert merge_folder_children({}, {}, a1, "a@a") == a1
    assert merge_folder_children({}, a1, a1, "a@a") == a1

    # Removing children
    assert merge_folder_children(a1, {}, a1, "a@a") == {}
    assert merge_folder_children(a1, a1, {}, "a@a") == {}
    assert merge_folder_children(a1, {}, {}, "a@a") == {}

    # Renaming children
    assert merge_folder_children(a1, a1, b1, "a@a") == b1
    assert merge_folder_children(a1, b1, a1, "a@a") == b1
    assert merge_folder_children(a1, b1, b1, "a@a") == b1

    # Conflicting renaming
    result = merge_folder_children(a1, b1, c1, "a@a")
    assert result == {"c (renamed by a@a).tar.gz": m1}

    # Conflicting names
    result = merge_folder_children({}, a1, a2, "a@a")
    assert result == {"a": m2, "a (conflicting with a@a)": m1}
    result = merge_folder_children({}, b1, b2, "a@a")
    assert result == {"b.txt": m2, "b (conflicting with a@a).txt": m1}
    result = merge_folder_children({}, c1, c2, "a@a")
    assert result == {"c.tar.gz": m2, "c (conflicting with a@a).tar.gz": m1}
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_merge_manifests_with_a_placeholder():
    my_device = DeviceID("b@b")
    other_device = DeviceID("a@a")
    parent = EntryID()

    m1 = LocalFolderManifest.new_placeholder(my_device, parent=parent)
    m2 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m1)
    assert m2 == m1
    v1 = m1.to_remote(author=my_device)

    m2a = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m1, v1)
    assert m2a == LocalFolderManifest.from_remote(v1, empty_filter)

    m2b = m1.evolve_children_and_mark_updated({"a": EntryID()}, empty_filter)
    m3b = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m2b, v1)
    assert m3b == m2b.evolve(base=v1)

    v2 = v1.evolve(version=2, author=other_device, children={"b": EntryID()})
    m2c = m1.evolve_children_and_mark_updated({"a": EntryID()}, empty_filter)
    m3c = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m2c, v2)
    children = {**v2.children, **m2c.children}
    assert m3c == m2c.evolve(base=v2, children=children, updated=m3c.updated)
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_manifest(device,
    author = device.device_id
    if type is LocalUserManifest:
        manifest = LocalUserManifest.new_placeholder(author)
    elif type is LocalWorkspaceManifest:
        manifest = type.new_placeholder(author)
        manifest = type.new_placeholder(author, parent=EntryID())
    if use_legacy_none_author:
        base = manifest.base.evolve(author=None)
        manifest = manifest.evolve(base=base)
    return manifest
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_merge_folder_manifests():
    my_device = DeviceID("b@b")
    other_device = DeviceID("a@a")
    parent = EntryID()
    v1 = LocalFolderManifest.new_placeholder(
        my_device, parent=parent).to_remote(author=other_device)

    # Initial base manifest
    m1 = LocalFolderManifest.from_remote(v1, empty_filter)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m1) == m1

    # Local change
    m2 = m1.evolve_children_and_mark_updated({"a": EntryID()}, empty_filter)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m2) == m2

    # Successful upload
    v2 = m2.to_remote(author=my_device)
    m3 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m2, v2)
    assert m3 == LocalFolderManifest.from_remote(v2, empty_filter)

    # Two local changes
    m4 = m3.evolve_children_and_mark_updated({"b": EntryID()}, empty_filter)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m4) == m4
    m5 = m4.evolve_children_and_mark_updated({"c": EntryID()}, empty_filter)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m4) == m4

    # M4 has been successfully uploaded
    v3 = m4.to_remote(author=my_device)
    m6 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m5, v3)
    assert m6 == m5.evolve(base=v3)

    # The remote has changed
    v4 = v3.evolve(version=4,
                       "d": EntryID(),
    m7 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m6, v4)
    assert m7.base_version == 4
    assert sorted(m7.children) == ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
    assert m7.need_sync

    # Successful upload
    v5 = m7.to_remote(author=my_device)
    m8 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m7, v5)
    assert m8 == LocalFolderManifest.from_remote(v5, empty_filter)

    # The remote has changed
    v6 = v5.evolve(version=6,
                       "e": EntryID(),
    m9 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m8, v6)
    assert m9 == LocalFolderManifest.from_remote(v6, empty_filter)
Exemplo n.º 13
async def test_timestamped_storage(alice_workspace_storage):
    timestamp = now()
    aws = alice_workspace_storage
    taws = aws.to_timestamped(timestamp)
    assert taws.timestamp == timestamp
    assert taws.device == aws.device
    assert taws.path == aws.path
    assert taws.workspace_id == aws.workspace_id
    assert taws.manifest_storage is None
    assert taws.block_storage == aws.block_storage
    assert taws.chunk_storage == aws.chunk_storage

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.set_chunk("chunk id", "data")

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.clear_chunk("chunk id")

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.clear_manifest("manifest id")

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.run_vacuum()

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.get_need_sync_entries()

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.get_realm_checkpoint()

    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.clear_memory_cache("flush")

    with pytest.raises(FSLocalMissError):
        await taws.get_manifest(EntryID())

    manifest = create_manifest(aws.device)
    with pytest.raises(FSError):
        await taws.set_manifest(manifest.id, manifest)

    manifest = manifest.evolve(need_sync=False)
    async with taws.lock_entry_id(manifest.id):
        await taws.set_manifest(manifest.id, manifest)
    assert await taws.get_manifest(manifest.id) == manifest

    # No-op
    await taws.ensure_manifest_persistent(manifest.id)
Exemplo n.º 14
async def test_realm_checkpoint(alice, alice_user_storage,
    aws = alice_user_storage
    user_manifest_id = alice.user_manifest_id

    # Brand new user storage contains user manifest placeholder
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 0
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == ({user_manifest_id}, set())

    # Modified entries not in storage should be ignored
    await aws.update_realm_checkpoint(1, {EntryID(): 2})
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 1
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == ({user_manifest_id}, set())

    # Another device updated the user manifest remotly
    await aws.update_realm_checkpoint(2, {user_manifest_id: 1})
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 2
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == ({user_manifest_id},

    # Load the up to date version of the user manifest
    manifest_v1 = initial_user_manifest_state.get_user_manifest_v1_for_device(
    await aws.set_user_manifest(manifest_v1)
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 2
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set(), set())

    # Provide new remote changes
    await aws.update_realm_checkpoint(3, {user_manifest_id: 2})
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 3
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == (set(), {user_manifest_id})

    # Provide new local changes too
    manifest_v1_modified = manifest_v1.evolve(need_sync=True)
    await aws.set_user_manifest(manifest_v1_modified)
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 3
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == ({user_manifest_id},

    # Checkpoint's remote version should be ignored if manifest base version is greater
    manifest_v2 = manifest_v1_modified.evolve(base=manifest_v1.base.evolve(
    await aws.set_user_manifest(manifest_v2)
    assert await aws.get_realm_checkpoint() == 3
    assert await aws.get_need_sync_entries() == ({user_manifest_id}, set())
Exemplo n.º 15
def generate_new_device(
    organization_addr: BackendOrganizationAddr,
    profile: UserProfile = UserProfile.STANDARD,
    device_id: Optional[DeviceID] = None,
    human_handle: Optional[HumanHandle] = None,
    device_label: Optional[str] = None,
    signing_key: Optional[SigningKey] = None,
    private_key: Optional[PrivateKey] = None,
) -> LocalDevice:
    return LocalDevice(
        device_id=device_id or DeviceID.new(),
        signing_key=signing_key or SigningKey.generate(),
        private_key=private_key or PrivateKey.generate(),
Exemplo n.º 16
    async def get_need_sync_entries(self) -> Tuple[Set[EntryID], Set[EntryID]]:
        Raises: Nothing !
        remote_changes = set()
        local_changes = {
            entry_id for entry_id, manifest in self._cache.items() if manifest.need_sync

        async with self._open_cursor() as cursor:
                "SELECT vlob_id, need_sync, base_version, remote_version "
                "FROM vlobs WHERE need_sync = 1 OR base_version != remote_version"
            for manifest_id, need_sync, bv, rv in cursor.fetchall():
                manifest_id = EntryID(manifest_id)
                if need_sync:
                if bv != rv:
            return local_changes, remote_changes
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_merge_file_manifests():
    my_device = DeviceID("b@b")
    other_device = DeviceID("a@a")
    parent = EntryID()
    v1 = LocalFileManifest.new_placeholder(
        my_device, parent=parent).to_remote(author=other_device)

    def evolve(m, n):
        chunk = Chunk.new(0, n).evolve_as_block(b"a" * n)
        blocks = ((chunk, ), )
        return m1.evolve_and_mark_updated(size=n, blocks=blocks)

    # Initial base manifest
    m1 = LocalFileManifest.from_remote(v1)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m1) == m1

    # Local change
    m2 = evolve(m1, 1)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m2) == m2

    # Successful upload
    v2 = m2.to_remote(author=my_device)
    m3 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m2, v2)
    assert m3 == LocalFileManifest.from_remote(v2)

    # Two local changes
    m4 = evolve(m3, 2)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m4) == m4
    m5 = evolve(m4, 3)
    assert merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m4) == m4

    # M4 has been successfully uploaded
    v3 = m4.to_remote(author=my_device)
    m6 = merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m5, v3)
    assert m6 == m5.evolve(base=v3)

    # The remote has changed
    v4 = v3.evolve(version=4, size=0, author=other_device)
    with pytest.raises(FSFileConflictError):
        merge_manifests(my_device, empty_filter, m6, v4)
Exemplo n.º 18
        async def init(self):
            nonlocal tentative
            tentative += 1
            await reset_testbed()

            self.device = alice
            await self.start_transactions()
            self.file_transactions = self.transactions_controller.file_transactions
            self.local_storage = self.file_transactions.local_storage

            self.fresh_manifest = LocalFileManifest.new_placeholder(
                alice.device_id, parent=EntryID())
            self.entry_id = self.fresh_manifest.id
            async with self.local_storage.lock_entry_id(self.entry_id):
                await self.local_storage.set_manifest(self.entry_id,

            self.fd = self.local_storage.create_file_descriptor(
            self.file_oracle_path = tmpdir / f"oracle-test-{tentative}.txt"
            self.file_oracle_fd = os.open(self.file_oracle_path,
                                          os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
Exemplo n.º 19
async def alice_transaction_local_storage(alice, persistent_mockup):
    async with WorkspaceStorage.run(alice, Path("/dummy"),
                                    EntryID()) as storage:
        yield storage
Exemplo n.º 20
def workspace_id():
    return EntryID()
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_complete_scenario():
    storage = Storage()

    with freeze_time("2000-01-01"):
        base = manifest = LocalFileManifest.new_placeholder(
            DeviceID.new(), parent=EntryID(), blocksize=16
        assert manifest == base.evolve(size=0)

    with freeze_time("2000-01-02") as t2:
        manifest = storage.write(manifest, b"Hello ", 0)
        assert storage.read(manifest, 6, 0) == b"Hello "

    ((chunk0,),) = manifest.blocks
    assert manifest == base.evolve(size=6, blocks=((chunk0,),), updated=t2)
    assert chunk0 == Chunk(id=chunk0.id, start=0, stop=6, raw_offset=0, raw_size=6, access=None)
    assert storage[chunk0.id] == b"Hello "

    with freeze_time("2000-01-03") as t3:
        manifest = storage.write(manifest, b"world !", 6)
        assert storage.read(manifest, 13, 0) == b"Hello world !"

    ((_, chunk1),) = manifest.blocks
    assert manifest == base.evolve(size=13, blocks=((chunk0, chunk1),), updated=t3)
    assert chunk1 == Chunk(id=chunk1.id, start=6, stop=13, raw_offset=6, raw_size=7, access=None)
    assert storage[chunk1.id] == b"world !"

    with freeze_time("2000-01-04") as t4:
        manifest = storage.write(manifest, b"\n More kontent", 13)
        assert storage.read(manifest, 27, 0) == b"Hello world !\n More kontent"

    (_, _, chunk2), (chunk3,) = manifest.blocks
    assert storage[chunk2.id] == b"\n M"
    assert storage[chunk3.id] == b"ore kontent"
    assert manifest == base.evolve(
        size=27, blocks=((chunk0, chunk1, chunk2), (chunk3,)), updated=t4

    with freeze_time("2000-01-05") as t5:
        manifest = storage.write(manifest, b"c", 20)
        assert storage.read(manifest, 27, 0) == b"Hello world !\n More content"

    chunk4, chunk5, chunk6 = manifest.blocks[1]
    assert chunk3.id == chunk4.id == chunk6.id
    assert storage[chunk5.id] == b"c"
    assert manifest == base.evolve(
        size=27, blocks=((chunk0, chunk1, chunk2), (chunk4, chunk5, chunk6)), updated=t5

    with freeze_time("2000-01-06") as t6:
        manifest = storage.resize(manifest, 40)
        expected = b"Hello world !\n More content" + b"\x00" * 13
        assert storage.read(manifest, 40, 0) == expected

    (_, _, _, chunk7), (chunk8,) = manifest.blocks[1:]
    assert storage[chunk7.id] == b"\x00" * 5
    assert storage[chunk8.id] == b"\x00" * 8
    assert manifest == base.evolve(
        blocks=((chunk0, chunk1, chunk2), (chunk4, chunk5, chunk6, chunk7), (chunk8,)),

    with freeze_time("2000-01-07") as t7:
        manifest = storage.resize(manifest, 25)
        expected = b"Hello world !\n More conte"
        assert storage.read(manifest, 25, 0) == expected

    ((_, _, chunk9),) = manifest.blocks[1:]
    assert chunk9.id == chunk6.id
    assert manifest == base.evolve(
        size=25, blocks=((chunk0, chunk1, chunk2), (chunk4, chunk5, chunk9)), updated=t7

    with freeze_time("2000-01-08"):
        assert not manifest.is_reshaped()
        manifest = storage.reshape(manifest)
        expected = b"Hello world !\n More conte"
        assert storage.read(manifest, 25, 0) == expected
        assert manifest.is_reshaped()

    (chunk10,), (chunk11,) = manifest.blocks
    assert storage[chunk10.id] == b"Hello world !\n M"
    assert storage[chunk11.id] == b"ore conte"
    assert manifest == base.evolve(size=25, blocks=((chunk10,), (chunk11,)), updated=t7)