Exemplo n.º 1
def state_3(user_fb_id, user_msg, states):
    print("state three executing")

    #Check for reset command
    if user_msg == "reset" or user_msg == "Reset":
        new_state = 0
        msg = "Reset Selected - Please enter the city you live in"
        temp = [user_fb_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False]
        return new_state, msg

    #This should be main menu!
    #for now just output what they are
    #user id, current state, city, address, week type, pickup day,reminder setting
    user = pull_user(user_fb_id)

    #Check for tricky stuff
    #if holiday is not true
    garbage_date, holiday_flag = guelph_garbage_api.next_pickup_date(
        datetime.date.today(), user[5])
    garbage_day = garbage_date.strftime("%A")
    garbage_type = guelph_garbage_api.garbage_type(user[4], garbage_date)

    #if holiday = true some message, not working yet

    new_state = 3

    msg = "Your upcoming garbage day is " + garbage_day.upper() + " and you should put out ORGANICS and " + \
        garbage_type.upper() + ". Message anything whenever you want an update and type reset to change any settings"

    return new_state, msg
Exemplo n.º 2
def state_3(user_fb_id, user_msg, states):
    #print("state three executing")

    #Check for reset command
    if user_msg == "reset" or user_msg == "Reset":
        new_state = 0
        msg = "Reset Selected - Please enter the city you live in"
        temp = [user_fb_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False]
        return new_state, msg

    #This should be main menu!
    #for now just output what they are
    #user id, current state, city, address, week type, pickup day,reminder setting
    user = pull_user(user_fb_id)

    #Check for tricky stuff
    #if holiday is not true
    garbage_date, holiday_flag = guelph_garbage_api.next_pickup_date(
        datetime.date.today(), user[5])
    garbage_day = garbage_date.strftime("%A")
    garbage_type = guelph_garbage_api.garbage_type(user[4], garbage_date)

    #if holiday = true some message, not working yet
    #if today modify garbage_day
    if datetime.date.today().strftime("%A").lower() == garbage_day.lower():
        msg = "Your Garbage day is TODAY, you should, or should have :), put out your ORGANICS and " + \
            garbage_type.upper() + " this morning."
        msg = "Your upcoming garbage day is " + garbage_day.upper() + " and you should put out ORGANICS and " + \
            garbage_type.upper() + "."

    new_state = 3

    return new_state, msg
Exemplo n.º 3
def state_1(user_fb_id, user_msg, states):
    #print("state one executing")

    #Check for reset command
    if user_msg == "reset" or user_msg == "Reset":
        new_state = 0
        msg = "Reset Selected - Please enter the city you live in"
        temp = [user_fb_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True]
        return new_state, msg

    #Some address check, if invalid send to state_1_error
    parsed = re.split(r'(?<=\d)(?:-\d+)?\s+', user_msg)

    #Check that address has two parts and that the first part is a string

    if len(parsed) != 2 or type(parsed[0]) == int:
        return 1, "Sorry I don't think this is a valid address! Try re-entering it."

    user = pull_user(user_fb_id)
    user[3] = user_msg

    #Pull the relevant garbage day info out!
    #assuming just for guelph for now
    pickup_info = guelph_garbage_api.guelph_garbage(parsed[0], parsed[1])

    #If error flag is passed through guelph_garbage function then prompt for re-entry
    if pickup_info[0] == "error":
        msg = "Sorry I can't find the address you entered, please re-enter your address or type reset to change the city you live in."
        return 1, msg

    user[4] = pickup_info[0]
    user[5] = pickup_info[1]
    #user id, current state, city, address, week type, pickup day,reminder setting


    #Get tailored info
    garbage_date, holiday_flag = guelph_garbage_api.next_pickup_date(
        datetime.date.today(), user[5])
    garbage_day = garbage_date.strftime("%A")
    garbage_type = guelph_garbage_api.garbage_type(user[4], garbage_date)

    if datetime.date.today().strftime("%A").lower() == garbage_day.lower():
        msg = "Great this means that your pickup day is "+pickup_info[1]+ " and you are on the " + pickup_info[0] + \
            " schedule. So this morning you should, or should have :), put out your ORGANICS and " + garbage_type.upper() + \
            ". Do you want to setup a reminder for the evening before?"
        msg = "Great this means that your pickup day is "+pickup_info[1]+ " and you are on the " + pickup_info[0] + \
            " schedule. So this upcoming " + pickup_info[1] + " you should put out your ORGANICS and " + garbage_type.upper() + \
            ". Do you want to setup a reminder for the evening before?"

    #send to new state
    new_state = 2

    return new_state, msg
Exemplo n.º 4
def pickup_day(message, user):
    '''pickup day routine, this controls flow through the pickup day routine'''
    #user id, current state, city, address, week type, pickup day, reminder setting, confusion, thread, lvl

    if user.address != 'first' and int(user.lvl) != 2:
        #reply_msg = 'Your address is set to: ' + user.address + ' which means your garbage day is ' + user.pickup_day.upper() + ' and you are on the ' + user.week_type.upper() + ' schedule.'
        garbage_date, holiday_flag = guelph_garbage_api.next_pickup_date(
            datetime.date.today(), user.pickup_day)
        garbage_day = garbage_date.strftime("%A")
        garbage_type = guelph_garbage_api.garbage_type(user.week_type,

        #if holiday = true some message, not working yet
        #if today modify garbage_day
        if datetime.date.today().strftime("%A").lower() == garbage_day.lower():
            reply_msg = "Your Garbage day is TODAY, you should, or should have :), put out your ORGANICS and " + \
             garbage_type.upper() + " this morning."
            reply_msg = "Your upcoming garbage day is " + garbage_day.upper() + " and you should put out ORGANICS and " + \
             garbage_type.upper() + "."

        user.thread = '?'
        user.lvl = '0'

    elif int(user.lvl) == 0:
        reply_msg = 'To help you I need your STREET ADDRESS, please enter it now.'
        user.lvl = 1

    elif int(user.lvl) == 1:

        #test for valid address
        parsed = re.split(r'(?<=\d)(?:-\d+)?\s+', message)

        #Check that address has two parts and that the first part is a string
        if len(parsed) != 2 or type(parsed[0]) == int:

            #Check for previous confusion and exit if they are confused again
            if int(user.confusion) == 1:
                reply_msg = 'Alright there seems to be some confusion, I let my supervisor know and ' + \
                 'they will be getting back to you. In the mean time is there anything else I can do for you?'
                notify_human(message, user)
                user.confusion = 0
                user.thread = '?'
                user.lvl = 0
                reply_msg = 'Sorry I don\'t think this is a valid address! Try re-entering it.'
                user.confusion = 1

            #Check address in Guelph Database
            pickup_info = guelph_garbage_api.guelph_garbage(
                parsed[0], parsed[1])

            #If error flag is passed through guelph_garbage function then prompt for re-entry
            if pickup_info[0] == "error":
                reply_msg = "Sorry I can't find your address in my database, I let my supervisor know and they will be getting back to you."
                notify_human(message, user)
                user.confusion = 0
                user.thread = '?'
                user.lvl = 0
                #This mean the information received back from the garbage day lookup is good so it can be stored
                user.week_type = pickup_info[0]
                user.pickup_day = pickup_info[1]

                user.address = message
                #reply_msg = 'Great that means your garbage day is ' + user.pickup_day.upper() + '. Would you like to set a reminder?'

                #Get tailored info ******************************************************************
                garbage_date, holiday_flag = guelph_garbage_api.next_pickup_date(
                    datetime.date.today(), user.pickup_day)
                garbage_day = garbage_date.strftime("%A")
                garbage_type = guelph_garbage_api.garbage_type(
                    user.week_type, garbage_date)

                if datetime.date.today().strftime(
                        "%A").lower() == garbage_day.lower():
                    reply_msg = "Great this means that your pickup day is "+pickup_info[1]+ " and you are on the " + pickup_info[0] + \
                     " schedule. So this morning you should, or should have :), put out your ORGANICS and " + garbage_type.upper() + \
                     ". Do you want to setup a REMINDER?"
                    reply_msg = "Great this means that your pickup day is "+pickup_info[1]+ " and you are on the " + pickup_info[0] + \
                     " schedule. So this upcoming " + pickup_info[1] + " you should put out your ORGANICS and " + garbage_type.upper() + \
                     ". Do you want to setup a REMINDER?"

                user.lvl = 2  #Move to next step

    elif int(user.lvl) == 2:

        #this should be converted to natural language processing
        lower_msg = message.lower()

        if lower_msg == "yes" or lower_msg == "sure" or lower_msg == "yeah" or lower_msg == "okay" or lower_msg == "yes please" or lower_msg == "thanks" or lower_msg == "thank you" or lower_msg == "thanks!":
            #If reminder requested pass directly to change_reminder routine
            #this should work if the user requests a reminder with or without a time
            user.thread = 'start_reminder'
            user.lvl = 0
            user.confusion = 0
            reply_msg, user = change_reminder(message, user)

        #this should be replaced with language processing
        elif lower_msg == "no" or lower_msg == "nah" or lower_msg == "no thanks" or lower_msg == "nope":
            reminder = False
            reply_msg = "Understood, anything else I can do for you?"
            user.reminder = reminder
            user.thread = '?'
            user.lvl = 0
            user.confusion = 0

            #Check for confusion
            if int(user.confusion) == 1:
                reply_msg = 'Sorry I still don\'t understand if you want a reminder or not, no problem I sent our conversation to my supervisor for clarification. ' + \
                 'They will get back to you on this, in the mean time please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!'
                user.thread = '?'
                user.lvl = 0
                user.confusion = 0

                reply_msg = 'Sorry I didn\'t understand that, can you try re-entering'
                user.confusion = '1'

    return reply_msg, user