Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, storageDirFd, testModeFlag, sourceUrl):
        """Create a temporary storage file and a handle to it."""
        self.testModeFlag = testModeFlag
        self.sourceUrl = sourceUrl
        self.elementIdParts = DefaultFileSystemSink.internalGetElementIdParts(
            sourceUrl, None)

        self.storageDirFd = None
        if self.elementIdParts[0] == '':
            self.storageDirFd = os.dup(storageDirFd)
            self.storageDirFd = guerillabackup.secureOpenAt(
                dirOpenFlags=os.O_RDONLY | os.O_DIRECTORY | os.O_NOFOLLOW
                | os.O_NOCTTY,
                fileOpenFlags=os.O_DIRECTORY | os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NOFOLLOW
                | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_NOCTTY,

# Generate a temporary file name in the same directory.
        while True:
            self.tmpFileName = 'tmp-%s-%d' % (self.elementIdParts[1],
                                              random.randint(0, 1 << 30))
                self.streamFd = guerillabackup.secureOpenAt(
                    dirOpenFlags=os.O_RDONLY | os.O_DIRECTORY | os.O_NOFOLLOW
                    | os.O_NOCTTY,
                    fileOpenFlags=os.O_RDWR | os.O_NOFOLLOW | os.O_CREAT
                    | os.O_EXCL | os.O_NOCTTY,
            except OSError as openError:
                if openError.errno != errno.EEXIST:
Exemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, storageDirFd, elementId):
    """Create a file based backup data element and make sure the
    storage files are at least accessible without reading or validating
    the content."""
# Extract the source URL from the elementId.
    fileNameSepPos = elementId.rfind('/')
    if (fileNameSepPos < 0) or (elementId[0] != '/'):
      raise Exception('Invalid elementId without a separator')
    lastNameStart = elementId.find('-', fileNameSepPos)
    lastNameEnd = elementId.rfind('-')
    if ((lastNameStart < 0) or (lastNameEnd < 0) or
        (lastNameStart+1 >= lastNameEnd)):
      raise Exception('Malformed last name in elementId')
    self.sourceUrl = elementId[:fileNameSepPos+1]+elementId[lastNameStart+1:lastNameEnd]
# Now try to create the StorageBackupDataElementInterface element.
    self.storageDirFd = storageDirFd
# Just stat the data and info file, that are mandatory.
    os.stat('.'+elementId+'.data', dir_fd=self.storageDirFd)
    os.stat('.'+elementId+'.info', dir_fd=self.storageDirFd)
    self.elementId = elementId
# Cache the metainfo once loaded.
    self.metaInfo = None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, descriptionTuple):
        """Initialize a single input description using a 5-value tuple,
    e.g. extracted directly from the CONFIG_INPUT_LIST_KEY parameter.
    @param descriptionTuple the tuple, the meaning of the 5 values
    to be extracted is:
    * Input directory: directory to search for logfiles
    * Input file regex: regular expression to select compressed
      or uncompressed logfiles for inclusion.
    * Source URL transformation: If None, the first named group
      of the "input file regex" is used as source URL. When not
      starting with a "/", the transformation string is the name
      to include literally in the URL after the "input directory"
    * Policy: If not none, include this string as handling policy
      within the manifest.
    * Encryption key name: If not None, encrypt the input using
      the named key."""

        # Accept list also.
        if ((not isinstance(descriptionTuple, tuple))
                and (not isinstance(descriptionTuple, list))):
            raise Exception('Input description has to be list or tuple')
        if len(descriptionTuple) != 5:
            raise Exception(
                'Input description has to be tuple with 5 elements')
        self.inputDirectoryName = os.path.normpath(descriptionTuple[0])
        # "//..." is a normalized path, get rid of double slashes.
        self.sourceUrlPath = self.inputDirectoryName.replace('//', '/')
        if self.sourceUrlPath[-1] != '/':
            self.sourceUrlPath += '/'
        self.inputFileRegex = re.compile(descriptionTuple[1])
        self.sourceTransformationPattern = descriptionTuple[2]
            if self.sourceTransformationPattern is None:
                    self.sourceUrlPath + 'testname')
            elif self.sourceTransformationPattern[0] != '/':
                    self.sourceUrlPath + self.sourceTransformationPattern)
        except Exception as assertException:
            raise Exception('Source URL transformation malformed: ' +

        self.handlingPolicyName = descriptionTuple[3]
        self.encryptionKeyName = descriptionTuple[4]
Exemplo n.º 4
  def getBackupDataElementForMetaData(self, sourceUrl, metaData):
    """Retrieve a single stored backup data element from the storage.
    @param sourceUrl the URL identifying the source that produced
    the stored data elements.
    @param metaData metaData dictionary for the element of interest.
    @throws Exception when an incompatible query, update or read
    is in progress.
    @return the element or None if no matching element was found."""
# At first get an iterator over all elements in file system that
# might match the given query.
    elementIdParts = \
            sourceUrl, metaData)
# Now search the directory for all files conforming to the specifiction.
# As there may exist multiple files with the same time stamp and
# type, load also the meta data and check if matches the query.
    elementDirFd = None
    if len(elementIdParts[0]) == 0:
      elementDirFd = os.dup(self.storageDirFd)
        elementDirFd = guerillabackup.secureOpenAt(
            self.storageDirFd, elementIdParts[0][1:], symlinksAllowedFlag=False,
      except OSError as dirOpenError:
# Directory does not exist, so there cannot be any valid element.
        if dirOpenError.errno == errno.ENOENT:
          return None
    searchPrefix = elementIdParts[2]
    searchSuffix = '-%s-%s.data' % (elementIdParts[1], elementIdParts[3])
    result = None
      fileList = guerillabackup.listDirAt(elementDirFd)
      for fileName in fileList:
        if ((not fileName.startswith(searchPrefix)) or
            (not fileName.endswith(searchSuffix))):
# Just verify, that the serial part is really an integer but no
# need to handle the exception. This would indicate storage corruption,
# so we need to stop anyway.
        serialStr = fileName[len(searchPrefix):-len(searchSuffix)]
        if serialStr != '':
# So file might match, load the meta data.
        metaDataFd = -1
        fileMetaInfo = None
          metaDataFd = guerillabackup.secureOpenAt(
              elementDirFd, './%s.info' % fileName[:-5],
          metaInfoData = guerillabackup.readFully(metaDataFd)
          fileMetaInfo = BackupElementMetainfo.unserialize(metaInfoData)
          if metaDataFd >= 0:
        if fileMetaInfo.get('DataUuid') != metaData.get('DataUuid'):
        elementId = '%s/%s' % (elementIdParts[0], fileName[:-5])
        result = FileStorageBackupDataElement(self.storageDirFd, elementId)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
  def __init__(self, sourceUrl, descriptionDict):
    """Initialize a single tar backup description using values
    from a dictionary, e.g. extracted directly from the CONFIG_LIST_KEY
    @param sourceUrl the URL which will identify the backups from
    this subunit. It is used also to store persistency information
    for that unit.
    @param descriptionDict dictionary containing the parameters
    for a single tar backup task.
    * PreBackupCommand: execute this command given as list of
      arguments before starting the backup, e.g. create a filesystem
      or virtual machine snapshot, perform cleanup.
    * PostBackupCommand: execute this command after starting the
    * Root: root directory of tar backup, "/" when missing.
    * Include: list of pathes to include, ["."] when missing.
    * Exclude: list of patterns to exclude from backup (see tar
      documentation "--exclude"). When missing and Root is "/",
      list ["./var/lib/guerillabackup/data"] is used.
    * IgnoreBackupRaces: flag to indicate if races during backup
      are acceptable, e.g. because the directories are modified,
      files changed or removed. When set, such races will not
      result in non-zero exit status. Off course, it would be
      more sensible to deploy a snapshot based backup variant
      using the Pre/PostBackupCommand functions.
    * FullBackupTiming: tuple with minimum and maximum interval
      between full backup invocations and modulo base and offset,
      all in seconds. Without modulo invocation (all values None),
      full backups will run as soon as minimum interval is exceeded.
      With modulo timing, modulo trigger is ignored when below
      minimum time. When gap above maximum interval, immediate
      backup is started.
    * IncBackupTiming: When set, incremental backups are created
      to fill the time between full backups. Timings are specified
      as tuple with same meaning as in FullBackupTiming parameter.
      This will also trigger generation of tar file indices when
      running full backups.
    * FullOverrideCommand: when set, parameters Exclude, Include,
      Root are ignored and exactly the given command is executed.
    * IncOverrideCommand: when set, parameters Exclude, Include,
      Root are ignored and exactly the given command is executed.
    * KeepIndices: number of old incremental tar backup indices
      to keep. With -1 keep all, otherwise keep one the given
      number. Default is 0.
    * Policy: If not none, include this string as handling policy
      within the manifest.
    * EncryptionKey: If not None, encrypt the input using the
      named key. Otherwise default encryption key from global
      configuration might be used."""

    if not isinstance(sourceUrl, str):
      raise Exception('Source URL has to be string')
    self.sourceUrl = sourceUrl

    if not isinstance(descriptionDict, dict):
      raise Exception('Input description has to be dictionary')

    self.preBackupCommandList = None
    self.postBackupCommandList = None
    self.backupRoot = None
    self.backupIncludeList = None
    self.backupExcludeList = None
    self.ignoreBackupRacesFlag = False
    self.fullBackupTiming = None
    self.incBackupTiming = None
    self.fullBackupOverrideCommand = None
    self.incBackupOverrideCommand = None
    self.handlingPolicyName = None
    self.encryptionKeyName = None
    self.keepOldIndicesCount = 0

    for configKey, configValue in descriptionDict.items():
      if ((configKey == 'PreBackupCommand') or
          (configKey == 'PostBackupCommand') or
          (configKey == 'FullOverrideCommand') or
          (configKey == 'IncOverrideCommand')):
        if not guerillabackup.isValueListOfType(configValue, str):
          raise Exception('Parameter %s has to be list of string' % configKey)
        if configKey == 'PreBackupCommand':
          self.preBackupCommandList = configValue
        elif configKey == 'PostBackupCommand':
          self.postBackupCommandList = configValue
        elif configKey == 'FullOverrideCommand':
          self.fullBackupOverrideCommand = configValue
        elif configKey == 'IncOverrideCommand':
          self.incBackupOverrideCommand = configValue
          raise Exception('Logic error')
      elif configKey == 'Root':
        self.backupRoot = configValue
      elif configKey == 'Include':
        if not (isinstance(configValue, list) or
            isinstance(configValue, tuple)):
          raise Exception(
              'Parameter %s has to be list or tuple' % configKey)
        self.backupIncludeList = configValue
      elif configKey == 'Exclude':
        if not (isinstance(configValue, list) or
            isinstance(configValue, tuple)):
          raise Exception(
              'Parameter %s has to be list or tuple' % configKey)
        self.backupExcludeList = configValue
      elif configKey == 'IgnoreBackupRaces':
        self.ignoreBackupRacesFlag = configValue
      elif ((configKey == 'FullBackupTiming') or
            (configKey == 'IncBackupTiming')):
        if (not isinstance(configValue, list)) or (len(configValue) != 4):
          raise Exception(
              'Parameter %s has to be list with 4 values' % configKey)
        if configValue[0] is None:
          raise Exception('Parameter %s minimum interval value must not be None' % configKey)
        for timeValue in configValue:
          if (timeValue != None) and (not isinstance(timeValue, int)):
            raise Exception(
                'Parameter %s contains non-number element' % configKey)
        if configValue[2] != None:
          if ((configValue[2] <= 0) or (configValue[3] < 0) or
              (configValue[3] >= configValue[2])):
            raise Exception(
                'Parameter %s modulo timing values invalid' % configKey)
        if configKey == 'FullBackupTiming':
          self.fullBackupTiming = configValue
        else: self.incBackupTiming = configValue
      elif configKey == 'KeepIndices':
        if not isinstance(configValue, int):
          raise Exception('KeepIndices has to be integer value')
        self.keepOldIndicesCount = configValue
      elif configKey == 'Policy':
        self.handlingPolicyName = configValue
      elif configKey == 'EncryptionKey':
        self.encryptionKeyName = configValue
        raise Exception('Unsupported parameter %s' % configKey)

    if self.fullBackupTiming is None:
      raise Exception('Mandatory FullBackupTiming parameter missing')

# The remaining values are not from the unit configuration but
# unit state persistency instead.
    self.lastFullBackupTime = None
    self.lastAnyBackupTime = None
    self.lastUuidValue = None
# When not None, delay execution of any any backup for that resource
# beyond the given time. This is intended for backups that failed
# to run to avoid invocation loops. This value is not persistent
# between multiple software invocations.
    self.nextRetryTime = None