def test_for_nltk( self ):
        # Attempting to use nltk. This will cause an error if the corpora is not downloaded
            # Creating a new compare object
            compare_nltk = compare()

            # Comparing using the nltk parser
            compare_nltk.compare_strings( [ "Back at my desk, I poured and killed him a rattlesnake and some more rattlesnake", "the cat and the mouse in the house is sitting, in the house, on the mat", "time is it?", "what time is it here?", "This is the cat's hat" ], False, 'nltk'  )

            # If that was successfuly, getting information
            sentence_information = compare_nltk.get_sentence_information()
            for sentence in sentence_information:
                my_pattern           = "[ Pattern ]          : " + sentence.pattern
                my_subject           = "[ Subject ]          : " + sentence.subject
                my_verb              = "[ Verb ]             : " + sentence.verb
                my_object            = "[ Object ]           : " + sentence.object[0]
                my_reliability_score = "[ Reliability Score ]: " + str( sentence.reliability_score )
            # If it didn't work, this means the dependencies are missing from the system
            # The user will be asked whether he/she wants to install the dependencies. If so, they will be installed.
            # Otherwise, the program will quit and an error will appear saying the dependencies must be installed to use that parser
            if tkMessageBox.askokcancel( "Dependency Downloader", "Would you like to download the dependencies for nltk? The nltk parser will not be able to be used until the dependencies are downloaded.\n\nThe required space is: 1 GB" ):
                nltk_downloader = gui_downloader()
       "NLTK Corpora", "1 GB" )
                print ""
                print "Dependencies MUST be downloaded to use this parser. Either do not use this parser, or download the dependencies."
                print ""

                exit( 0 )
    def test_for_textblob( self ):
        # Attempting to use textblob. This will cause an error if the textblob corpora is not downloaded
            # Creating a textblob object
            my_blob = TextBlob( "This is the first test sentence. This is the second test sentence. This it the third and final test sentence." )

            # Testing to see whether the textblob corpora has been downloaded
            for sentence in my_blob.sentences:
                str_sentence = str( sentence )
            if tkMessageBox.askokcancel( "Dependency Downloader", "Would you like to download the dependencies for TextBlob? All parsers will not be able to be used until the dependencies are downloaded.\n\nThe required space is: 45.7 MB" ):
                textblob_downloader = gui_downloader()
       "TextBlob Corpora", "45.7 MB" )
                print ""
                print "Dependencies MUST be downloaded to use this library's parsers."
                print ""

                exit( 0 )