def _make_box(self): radio_box = make_radio_list([("Image Fields", (self.image_hist, per_image_fields)), ("Image Data", (self.data_hist, [])), ("Image Stars", (self.image_stars_hist, per_star_fields)), ("Star Fields", (self.star_hist, per_image_fields + per_star_fields)), ("Sky Value", (self.sky_value_hist, []))], self.radio_callback) self.min_spin = make_float_spinner(0, 0, 1, 0.1) self.max_spin = make_float_spinner(1, 0, 1, 0.1) self.output_box = OutputList(["N: ", "mean: ", "stddev: "]) button = make_button("set", self.replot) self.bin_spin = make_integer_spinner(5, 1000) radio_box.pack_start(make_box(gtk.HBox, [self.min_spin, self.max_spin, button]), False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(self.bin_spin, False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(, False, False, 0) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(radio_box, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(self.image_box) return hbox
def _make_imshow_box(self): self.output_box = OutputList([field.label for field in per_image_fields]) radio_box = make_radio_list([("Image", (self.imshow,)), ("Raw Image", (self.raw_imshow,)), ("X axis spectra", (self.x_spectra,)), ("Edge", (self.edge,)), ("B&W", (self.threshold,))], self.radio_callback) marker_box = make_radio_list([("None", (self.noop,)), ("marker", (self.marker,)), ("stars", (self.stars,)), ("threshold", (self.threshold_points,))], self.marker_callback) button_box = self.make_left_right_arrows(self.parent.image_spin) radio_box.pack_start(marker_box, False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(button_box, False, False, 0) self.display_button = make_button("Display", self.display) self.display16_button = make_button("Display x16", self.display16) self.comment, comment_box = make_entry_button(64, "comment", self.add_comment) disp_box = make_box(gtk.HBox, [self.display_button, self.display16_button]) radio_box.pack_start(disp_box, False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(comment_box, False, False, 0) vbox = make_box(gtk.VBox, [, radio_box]) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(vbox, False, False, 0) box.pack_start(self.image_box, True, True, 0) return box
class HistTab(Tab): label = "Histogram" def __init__(self, parent): Tab.__init__(self, parent) self.fields = per_image_fields + per_star_fields self.image_function = self.image_hist self.fields = per_image_fields def _make_box(self): radio_box = make_radio_list([("Image Fields", (self.image_hist, per_image_fields)), ("Image Data", (self.data_hist, [])), ("Image Stars", (self.image_stars_hist, per_star_fields)), ("Star Fields", (self.star_hist, per_image_fields + per_star_fields)), ("Sky Value", (self.sky_value_hist, []))], self.radio_callback) self.min_spin = make_float_spinner(0, 0, 1, 0.1) self.max_spin = make_float_spinner(1, 0, 1, 0.1) self.output_box = OutputList(["N: ", "mean: ", "stddev: "]) button = make_button("set", self.replot) self.bin_spin = make_integer_spinner(5, 1000) radio_box.pack_start(make_box(gtk.HBox, [self.min_spin, self.max_spin, button]), False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(self.bin_spin, False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(, False, False, 0) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(radio_box, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(self.image_box) return hbox def replot(self, button): self.plot(use_range=True) def plot(self, use_range=False): self.set_busy_message("Plotting...") x, _, _ = self.parent.get_xyc() self.pre_draw() self.image_function(x, self.gca(), use_range) self.f.canvas.draw() self.unset_busy_message() def hist(self, x, ax, star_id, image_id, filter, use_range, data=None): bins = self.bin_spin.get_value_as_int() if data is None: data = self.query([x, SimpleField("")], filter=filter, star_id=star_id, image_id=image_id) data = x.value(data) data = N.asarray(data) if use_range: min = self.min_spin.get_value() max = self.max_spin.get_value() data = data[min <= data] data = data[data <= max] if data.size: result = ax.hist(data, bins) ax.set_xlabel(str(x)) if use_range: range = min, max, len(result[1]) else: range = data.min(), data.max(), len(result[1]) self.min_spin.set_range(range[0], range[1]) self.max_spin.set_range(range[0], range[1]) self.min_spin.set_value(range[0]) self.max_spin.set_value(range[1]) self.min_spin.set_increments((range[1] - range[0])/range[2], 0) self.max_spin.set_increments((range[1] - range[0])/range[2], 0) self.output_box.update([str(len(data)), str(data.mean()), str(data.std())]) if x == "image.time": print "AHA, time!" ax.xaxis_date() self.f.autofmt_xdate() #data.sort() #thirty = data[int(0.3*len(data))] #fifty = data[int(0.5*len(data))] #ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() #ax.vlines([thirty, fifty], ymin, ymax) return data def image_hist(self, x, ax, use_range): return self.hist(x, ax, False, False, True, use_range) def data_hist(self, x, ax, use_range): data = get_image_data(self.get_image_id()).flat #data = get_raw_image_data(self.get_image_id()).flat return self.hist("pixel count", ax, None, None, None, use_range, data) def star_hist(self, x, ax, use_range): return self.hist(x, ax, True, False, True, use_range) def image_stars_hist(self, x, ax, use_range): return self.hist(x, ax, False, True, False, use_range) def sky_value_hist(self, x, ax, use_range): data = get_image_data(self.get_image_id()) mu = data.flat.mean() data = data[600][320:1280] ret = self.hist("pixel count", ax, None, None, None, use_range, data) data.sort() thirty = data[int(0.3*len(data))] ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines([thirty, mu], ymin, ymax) return ret def radio_callback(self, button, fn, fields): self.fields = fields self.on_focus() self.image_function = fn def on_focus(self): refill_cb(self.parent.x_val_combo, self.fields, self.x) refill_cb(self.parent.y_val_combo, [], self.y) refill_cb(self.parent.c_val_combo, [], self.c) def get_hist_params(self): return (self.min_spin.get_value(), self.max_spin.get_value(), self.bin_spin.get_value_as_int()) def set_hist_params(self, params): print "setting", params if params is not None: min, max, bin = params self.min_spin.set_value(float(min)) self.max_spin.set_value(float(max)) self.bin_spin.set_value(int(bin))
class ImageTab(Tab): label = "Image" def __init__(self, parent): Tab.__init__(self, parent) self.image_function = self.imshow self.marker_function = self.noop self.fields = [] def _make_box(self): im_box = self._make_imshow_box() ax = self.gca() ax.imshow([[1,2],[4,5]]) return im_box def _make_imshow_box(self): self.output_box = OutputList([field.label for field in per_image_fields]) radio_box = make_radio_list([("Image", (self.imshow,)), ("Raw Image", (self.raw_imshow,)), ("X axis spectra", (self.x_spectra,)), ("Edge", (self.edge,)), ("B&W", (self.threshold,))], self.radio_callback) marker_box = make_radio_list([("None", (self.noop,)), ("marker", (self.marker,)), ("stars", (self.stars,)), ("threshold", (self.threshold_points,))], self.marker_callback) button_box = self.make_left_right_arrows(self.parent.image_spin) radio_box.pack_start(marker_box, False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(button_box, False, False, 0) self.display_button = make_button("Display", self.display) self.display16_button = make_button("Display x16", self.display16) self.comment, comment_box = make_entry_button(64, "comment", self.add_comment) disp_box = make_box(gtk.HBox, [self.display_button, self.display16_button]) radio_box.pack_start(disp_box, False, False, 0) radio_box.pack_start(comment_box, False, False, 0) vbox = make_box(gtk.VBox, [, radio_box]) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(vbox, False, False, 0) box.pack_start(self.image_box, True, True, 0) return box def noop(self, ax, data, new_data): pass def display(self, button): image_id = self.get_image_id() self.set_busy_message("Displaying image %d..." % image_id ) print "display", image_id single_display(image_id) self.unset_busy_message() def display16(self, button): self.set_busy_message("Displaying multiple images. This may take a while...") image_id = self.get_image_id() image_ids = [x for x in range(image_id-8, image_id + 8) if x > 0] print image_ids print len(image_ids) multi_display(image_ids) self.unset_busy_message() def add_comment(self, button): comment = self.comment.get_text() f = open("comments.txt", "a") f.write("%d: %s\n" % (self.get_image_id(), comment)) f.close() def plot(self): image_id = self.get_image_id() self.update_image(image_id) def update_image(self, image_id): self.set_busy_message("Processing %d..." % image_id) result = self.query(per_image_fields, filter=False, image_id=image_id) self.output_box.update([field.str_value(result[0]) for field in per_image_fields]) data = get_image_data(image_id) ax = self.pre_draw() new_data = self.image_function(ax, data) self.marker_function(ax, data, new_data) self.f.canvas.draw() self.unset_busy_message() def imshow(self, ax, data): mu, sd = data.mean(), data.stddev() data = clip(data, mu - 3*sd, mu + 3*sd) #data = signal.detrend(signal.detrend(data, axis=0), axis=1) #data -= data.min() #data = signal.spline_filter(data) cmap = self.get_cmap() im = ax.imshow(data, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest') self.set_callbacks([("button_release_event", self.imclick, ())]) self.f.colorbar(im, fraction = 0.08) return data def raw_imshow(self, ax, data): data = get_raw_image_data(self.get_image_id()) return self.imshow(ax, data) def edge(self, ax, data): data = N.array(data, dtype=float) arr = data.__array_interface__ print arr['shape'], arr['typestr'] image = PIL.Image.fromarray(N.array(data, dtype=float)) print "SIZE", image.size, image.mode image = image.filter(PIL.ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE) data = N.asarray(image) print "shape", data.shape #data = data.reshape((1200, 1600)) cmap = self.get_cmap() im = ax.imshow(data, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest') self.set_callbacks([("button_release_event", self.imclick, ())]) self.f.colorbar(im, fraction = 0.08) return data def marker(self, ax, data, new_data, star_id=True, condition=None): fields = [SimpleField("phot.X"), SimpleField("phot.Y")] data = self.query(fields, filter=False, image_id=True, star_id=star_id, condition=condition) if data.size: ax.scatter(data['X'] - 1, data['Y'] - 1, s=20, c='r') ax.set_xlim(0, 1600) ax.set_ylim(0, 1200) def stars(self, ax, data, new_data): return self.marker(ax, data, new_data, False, "phot.image_id =") def imclick(self, event): if event.xdata is None or event.ydata is None: return x, y = event.xdata + 1, event.ydata + 1 if x and y and self.toolbar._active not in ["ZOOM", "PAN"]: self.find_closest_star(x, y, self.get_image_id()) if self.marker_function == self.marker: self.plot() def find_closest_star(self, x, y, image_id): sql = "select star_id, X, Y from phot where image_id=%d" % image_id data = run_sql(sql) if len(data): i = N.argmin((data['X'] - x)**2 + (data['Y'] - y)**2) star_id = data[i][0] self.set_busy_message("Processing star %d..." % star_id) self.parent.star_spin.set_value(star_id) self.unset_busy_message() else: print "no stars" def x_spectra(self, ax, data): data = N.array(data) fs = [] for d in data: n = d.shape[0] x = [n] + [n/float(i) for i in range(1, len(d)/2 + 1)] f = N.abs(N.fft.rfft(d)) fs.append(f) f = N.array(fs) fav = f.mean(axis=0) std = f.std(axis=0) print f.shape, fav.shape ax.plot(x, fav) ax.set_xlim(0, 100) ax.set_ylim(0, 20000) def threshold_points(self, ax, data, new_data): data = blur_image(data, 5) ii, jj, ss = get_points(data, new_data) print "POINTS", len(ii) for i, j, s in zip(ii, jj, ss): if True: #print s #print "===" ax.hlines(i, j-s, j+s, colors='r') ax.vlines(j, i-s, i+s, colors='r') #ax.scatter(jj, ii, c='y') print "COUNT", len(ii) ax.set_xlim(0, 1600) ax.set_ylim(0, 1200) #self.stars(ax, data, new_data) def threshold(self, ax, data): data = N.asarray(data) mu, sd = data.mean(), data.std() data = clip(data, mu - 3*sd, mu + 3*sd) data = blur_image(data, 5) orig = data.copy() f = fft.fft2(data) f[0:5,:] = 0 f[:,0:5] = 0 data = N.abs(fft.ifft2(f)) print "mu, std =", orig.mean(), orig.std() """ mu, sigma = data.mean(), data.std() mask = data > mu + 2*sigma """ #im = ax.imshow(data, origin="lower", interpolation='nearest') im = ax.imshow(orig, origin="lower", interpolation='nearest') self.set_callbacks([("button_release_event", self.imclick, ())]) self.f.colorbar(im, fraction = 0.08) return data def radio_callback(self, button, arg): self.image_function = arg def marker_callback(self, button, arg): self.marker_function = arg