Exemplo n.º 1
def runs_delete(runs=None, cwd=".", guild_home=None):
    from guild import click_util
    from guild.commands import runs_delete
    from guild.commands import runs_impl
    runs = runs or []
    args = runs + ["--yes"]
    ctx = runs_delete.delete_runs.make_context("", args)
    with Env(cwd, guild_home):
        runs_impl.delete_runs(click_util.Args(**ctx.params), ctx)
Exemplo n.º 2
def runs_delete(runs=None, permanent=False, cwd=".", guild_home=None, **kw):
    from guild import click_util
    from guild.commands import runs_impl

    args = click_util.Args(
        runs=(runs or []), permanent=permanent, remote=False, yes=True
    _apply_runs_filters(kw, args)
    _assert_empty_kw(kw, "runs_delete()")
    with Env(cwd, guild_home):