def Run(): global startWindow global finalCheck global startButtons startWindow = Window(app, title="Starting Screen", layout="grid") startWindow.width = 360; startWindow.height = 630; = "Lime" playersQuestionText = Text(startWindow, text="How Many Players?", grid=[0, 0], align="top") playersQuestionText.text_size = 25 playerButtonContainer = Box(startWindow, layout="grid", grid=[0, 1], align="top", border=True) playerButtonContainer.set_border(10, "Lime") buttonOnePlayer = PushButton(playerButtonContainer, text="1 Player", grid=[1, 0], command=lambda: SetPlayerNumber(True, "1 Player")) buttonOnePlayer.width = 20; buttonOnePlayer.height = 10; = "White" buttonTwoPlayer = PushButton(playerButtonContainer, text="2 Player", grid=[2, 0], command=lambda: SetPlayerNumber(False, "2 Player")) buttonTwoPlayer.width = 20; buttonTwoPlayer.height = 10; = "White" gameModeQuestionText = Text(startWindow, text="What Game Mode?", grid=[0, 2], align="top") gameModeQuestionText.text_size = 25 gameModeButtonContainer = Box(startWindow, layout="grid", grid=[0, 3], align="top", border=True) gameModeButtonContainer.set_border(10, "Lime") buttonAddition = PushButton(gameModeButtonContainer, text="Addition", grid=[1, 0], command=lambda: SetGameMode(True, "Addition")) buttonAddition.width = 20; buttonAddition.height = 10; = "White" buttonSubtraction = PushButton(gameModeButtonContainer, text="Subtraction", grid=[2, 0], command=lambda: SetGameMode(False, "Subtraction")) buttonSubtraction.width = 20; buttonSubtraction.height = 10; = "White" finalCheck = Box(startWindow, layout="grid", grid=[0, 4], align="top", border=True) finalCheck.set_border(10, "Lime") startButton = PushButton(finalCheck, text="Start!", grid=[0, 2], align="top", command=StartGame) startButton.width = 20; startButton.height = 5; = "White"; startButton.disable()
def __init__(self, cam_control): # Configuring GUI application = App('Pi-Snap', width=1920, height=1200) = Camera() self.cam_control = cam_control # Main page(frame) self.main = Box( self.main_img = Picture(self.main, image='./static/main.png') self.new_pic_btn = PushButton(self.main, cam_control, text='New pic') # Result page(frame) self.result = Box( self.title_txt = Text(self.result, text='Ta-da!', size=40, color='#1956b7') self.result_img = Picture(self.result) self.guide_txt = Text( self.result, text='If you want to receive this picture, Please enter your email :)', size=25 ) self.email_txt = TextBox(self.result, width=25) self.send_btn = PushButton(self.result, self.send_email, text='Send') self.cancel_btn = PushButton(self.result, self.go_to_main, text='Cancel') self.result.visible = False = threading.Thread(target=self.read_button) = True
def StartOnePlayer(): global onePlayerWindow global drawButtonOnePlayer global cardImagesOnePlayer global guessContainerOnePlayer global guessCheckButtonOnePlayer global guessTextBoxOnePlayer global correctOnePlayer global errorTextOnePlayer onePlayerWindow = Window(app, title="One Player Game", layout="grid") onePlayerWindow.width = 320; onePlayerWindow.height = 560; = "Lime" drawButtonOnePlayer = PushButton(onePlayerWindow, text="Draw!", grid=[0, 0], align="top", command=ButtonSwapOnePlayer) drawButtonOnePlayer.width = 20; drawButtonOnePlayer.height = 5; = "White" cardImagesOnePlayer = Box(onePlayerWindow, layout="grid", grid=[0, 1], align="top", border=True) cardImagesOnePlayer.set_border(10, "Lime") guessContainerOnePlayer = Box(onePlayerWindow, layout="grid", grid=[0, 2], align="top", border=True) guessContainerOnePlayer.set_border(10, "Lime") guessTextBoxOnePlayer = TextBox(guessContainerOnePlayer, grid=[0, 0], align="top") guessTextBoxOnePlayer.text_size = 20; = "White"; guessTextBoxOnePlayer.disable(); guessCheckButtonOnePlayer = PushButton(guessContainerOnePlayer, text="Check!", grid=[0, 1], align="top", command=CheckValuesOnePlayer) guessCheckButtonOnePlayer.width = 20; guessCheckButtonOnePlayer.height = 5; = "White"; guessCheckButtonOnePlayer.disable(); pointsTextOnePlayer = Text(guessContainerOnePlayer, text="Score: ", grid=[0, 2], align="top") correctOnePlayer = Text(onePlayerWindow, text="", grid=[0, 3]) errorTextOnePlayer = Text(onePlayerWindow, text="Please enter a number!", grid=[0, 4]) errorTextOnePlayer.hide()
def main(): global ledButton # App app = App(title="Project house", height=400, width=400) # Boxes displayBox = Box(app, border=True, height=35, width=400) buttonBox = Box(app, layout="grid", align="top") # Title title = Text(displayBox, text="Push a button") title.text_size = 20 # Buttons ledButton = PushButton(buttonBox, toggle_led, text="LED ON", grid=[0, 0]) ledButton.text_size = 25 blinkButton = PushButton(buttonBox, led_blink, text="Push to party", grid=[10, 0]) blinkButton.text_size = 25 exitButton = PushButton(app, exit_app, text="EXIT", align="bottom", width=16, height=2) exitButton.text_size = 32 app.display()
def user_input(self, appname): from guizero import Box appname = appname # second_message.value = "User Input Selected" self.window4 = Window(app, bg="#424242", height=280, width=480,layout="grid") Text(self.window4, "User Input Mode", size=18, font="Calibri Bold", color="white",grid=[1,0]) Text(self.window4, "Please select a distance:", size=14, font="Calibri Bold", color="white",grid=[1,1]) distance = Slider(self.window4, command=self.distance_slider, start=5, end=25,grid=[1,2]) distance.text_size=14 Box(self.window4,width=100,height=10,grid=[1,3])"white" self.textbox = TextBox(self.window4,grid=[0,4,3,1]) self.textbox.width = 40 = "white" self.textbox.text_size=14 Box(self.window4,width=100,height=10,grid=[1,5]) send = PushButton(self.window4, command=self.send_data, args=[], image="include/images/startbut.png",grid=[1,6]) # send.width = 30"#37f100" left = PushButton(self.window4,command=self.left_curve,args=[],text="Left",grid=[0,6]) right = PushButton(self.window4,command=self.right_curve,args=[],text="Right",grid=[2,6]) exit = PushButton(self.window4, command=self.close_test, args=[self.window4], image="include/images/stopbut.png",grid=[1,7]) = "#e9002a"
def __init__(self, controller): self.almacenes = [] self.selected = None self.controller = controller = App(title="Interfaces", layout="grid", width=600, height=200) # 0, 0 self.lista = ListBox(, items=[], grid=[0,0], command=self.handleListChange) self.lista.width = 30 # 1, 0 self.detalle = Box(, grid=[1,0], layout="grid") self.nombreLabel = Text(self.detalle, size=DETALLE_LABEL_FSIZE, text="Nombre", grid=[0,0]) self.direcionLabel = Text(self.detalle, size=DETALLE_LABEL_FSIZE, text="Dirección", grid=[0,1]) self.provinciaLabel = Text(self.detalle, size=DETALLE_LABEL_FSIZE, text="Provincia", grid=[0,2]) self.cpLabel = Text(self.detalle, size=DETALLE_LABEL_FSIZE, text="CP", grid=[0,3]) self.telefonoLabel = Text(self.detalle, size=DETALLE_LABEL_FSIZE, text="Teléfono", grid=[0,4]) self.nombre = TextBox(self.detalle, "", grid=[1,0], width=30, enabled=False) self.direccion = TextBox(self.detalle, "", grid=[1,1], width=30, enabled=False) self.provincia = TextBox(self.detalle, "", grid=[1,2], width=30, enabled=False) self.cp = TextBox(self.detalle, "", grid=[1,3], width=30, enabled=False) self.telefono = TextBox(self.detalle, "", grid=[1,4], width=30, enabled=False) # 0, 1 self.toolbar = Box(, grid=[0,1], layout="grid") self.buttonEdit = PushButton(self.toolbar, command=self.handleEdit, text="Editar", grid=[0,0]) self.buttonAdd = PushButton(self.toolbar, command=self.handleAdd, text="Añadir", grid=[1,0]) # 1, 1 self.detalleToolbar = Box(, grid=[1,1], layout="grid") self.buttonSave = PushButton(self.detalleToolbar, command=self.handleSave, text="Guardar", grid=[0,0], enabled=False)
def build_runtime(app): global tfile global rt_getfile, rt_settings, rt_drawimage, rt_quit # box = for full window wbox = Box(app, layout="auto", width="fill", height="fill") heading_box = Box(wbox, layout="auto", width="fill") t = Text(heading_box, height=2, text="Runtime", font="Helvetica", size=16, align="left") #--------------file row file_box = Box(wbox, layout="auto", width="fill", height=60) file_val = display_file_name("File: " + str(DataDict["default_file"])) tfile = Text(file_box, text=file_val, height=60, align="left") #--------------Start spacer_box controls_box = Box(wbox, layout="auto", width="fill", height=5) pad = Text(controls_box, width="fill") #--------------Start buttons_box bbox = Box(wbox, layout="grid", width="fill", height=50) line = 0 col = -1 col += 1 pad = Text(bbox, grid=[col, line], width=2) col += 1 rt_getfile = PushButton(bbox, text="Get file", grid=[col, line], command=load_image_fileT) col += 1 pad = Text(bbox, grid=[col, line], width=2) col += 1 rt_drawimage = PushButton(bbox, text="Draw Image", grid=[col, line], command=draw_image) col += 1 pad = Text(bbox, grid=[col, line], width=2) col += 1 rt_settings = PushButton(bbox, text="Settings", grid=[col, line], command=activate_settings) col += 1 pad = Text(bbox, grid=[col, line], width=2) col += 1 rt_quit = PushButton(bbox, text="Quit", grid=[col, line], command=lasergui_quit) rt_drawimage.disable() # enable when we load a good file. return wbox
def test(): app = App(title='Robo', height=300, width=400, layout='grid') box = Box(app, layout='grid', grid=[0, 0]) PushButton(box, r.leftMotorForward, text='Left Motor Forward', grid=[0, 0]) PushButton(box, r.rightMotorForward, text='Right Motor Forward', grid=[1, 0]) box = Box(app, layout='grid', grid=[0, 1]) PushButton(box, r.forwardLeft, text='Forward Left', grid=[0, 0]) PushButton(box, r.forward, text='Forward', grid=[1, 0]) PushButton(box, r.forwardRight, text='Forward Right', grid=[2, 0]) PushButton(box, r.pivotLeft, text='Pivot Left', grid=[0, 1]) PushButton(box, r.stop, text='Stop', grid=[1, 1]) PushButton(box, r.pivotRight, text='Pivot Right', grid=[2, 1]) PushButton(box, r.backwardLeft, text='Backward Left', grid=[0, 2]) PushButton(box, r.backward, text='Backward', grid=[1, 2]) PushButton(box, r.backwardRight, text='Backward Right', grid=[2, 2]) box = Box(app, layout='grid', grid=[0, 2]) PushButton(box, r.leftMotorBackward, text='Left Motor Backward', grid=[0, 0]) PushButton(box, r.rightMotorBackward, text='Right Motor Backward', grid=[1, 0]) app.display()
def staticDrill(self,appname): from guizero import Box appname = appname # second_message.value = "Static Passing Selected" self.drillType = "Static" self.window1 = Window(app, bg="#424242",height=280, width=480, layout="grid") # logo = Picture(self.window1, image="include/logo.gif", align="left", grid=[0, 0]) # logo.resize(40, 40) Heading = Text(self.window1, "Basic Tracking", size=18, font="Calibri Bold", color="white",grid=[1,0,3,1]) Slide1 = Text(self.window1, "Ball Speed:", size=14, font="Calibri Bold", color="white", grid=[1, 1]) # , 2, 1]) speed = Slider(self.window1, command=self.ball_speed_slider, start=1, end=5, grid=[1, 2]) speed.width = 150 speed.text_color = "black" = "white" speed.text_size=14 Slide2 = Text(self.window1, "Pass Difficulty:", size=14, font="Calibri Bold", color="white", grid=[3, 1]) difficulty = Slider(self.window1, command=self.difficulty_slider, start=1, end=5, grid=[3, 2]) difficulty.width = 150 difficulty.text_color = "black" = "white" difficulty.text_size=14 start = PushButton(self.window1, command=self.start_command, args=[self.ballSpeed, self.difficulty, self.drillType, appname], image="include/images/startbut.png", grid=[1, 5]) = "#37f100" start.text_color = "white" stop = PushButton(self.window1, command=self.pause_command, args=[self.window1], image="include/images/pausebut.png", grid=[3, 5]) = "#ffb000" stop.text_color = "white" exit_win = PushButton(self.window1, command=self.exit_command, args=[appname, self.window1], image="include/images/stopbut.png", grid=[1, 6]) = "#e9002a" exit_win.text_color = "white" camera = PushButton(self.window1, command=self.show_cam, args=[], image="include/images/camerabut.png", grid=[3, 6]) = "#002ff5" camera.text_color = "white" Center = Box(self.window1, width=50, height=165, grid=[2, 1, 1, 7]) Left = Box(self.window1, width=60, height=200, grid=[0, 0, 1, 7]) Right = Box(self.window1, width=20, height=200, grid=[4, 0, 1, 7]) VC = PushButton(Center, command=self.enable_voice, args=[], image="include/images/micbut.png", align="bottom")
def __init__(self, input_excel_db): self.min_size = 32 self.no_bits = 8 self.value = 0 self.bit_map = {} self.bit_descr = {} self.endianess = "big" = App(layout="grid", height=350, width=550) self.top_box = Box(, layout = "grid", grid = [0, 0]) self.bottom_box = Box(, layout = "grid", grid = [0, 1]) self.right_box = Box(, grid = [1, 0, 1, 2]) self.window = Window(, width=250, height=150, visible=False) self.description = Text(self.window) # Create the text field to enter data self.input = TextBox(self.top_box, width=25, grid=[0,0,3,1], command=self.process_input) = "white" self.input.text_size = 16 # Display the hex value self.out_hex = Text(self.top_box, grid=[2,1], text="0x<waiting for valid input>") # Display the min number of bits selector self.in_minsize = Combo(self.top_box, grid=[0, 1], options=["32"], command=self.process_minsize, selected="32") # Endianess selector self.in_endianess = Combo(self.top_box, grid=[1, 1], options=["little", "big"], command=self.process_endianess, selected=self.endianess) # Display the binary value self.out_bin = Text(self.top_box, grid=[0, 2, 2, 1], size=17, text="0b<waiting for valid input>") # Display little number after the binary value self.out_num = Text(self.top_box, grid=[0, 3, 2, 1], size=7, text="") # Prepare the waffle list self.waffle_list = [] self.box_list = [] self.text_list = [] self.append_wb(4) self.append_tx(self.no_bits) # Read the worksheets in the input dictionary and create the list self.in_excel = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = input_excel_db, read_only=True) self.in_regs = self.in_excel.sheetnames self.in_regs.insert(0, "OFF") # Display the list of registers self.in_reglist = ListBox(self.right_box, items = self.in_regs, command=self.process_reglist) self.input.focus()
def manualDrill(self,appname): # if self.player != "None": from guizero import Box appname = appname # second_message.value = "Entering Manual Mode" self.drillType = "Manual" self.window3 = Window(app, bg="#424242",height=280, width=480, layout="grid") # logo = Picture(self.window3, image="include/logo.gif", align="left", grid=[0, 0]) # logo.resize(75, 75) Heading = Text(self.window3, "Voice Activated Launch", size=18, font="Calibri Bold", color="white",grid=[1,0,3,1]) Slide1 = Text(self.window3, "Ball Speed:", size=14, font="Calibri Bold", color="white", grid=[1, 1]) # , 2, 1]) speed = Slider(self.window3, command=self.ball_speed_slider, start=1, end=5, grid=[1, 2]) speed.width = 150 speed.text_color = "black" = "white" speed.text_size=14 Slide2 = Text(self.window3, "Pass Difficulty:", size=14, font="Calibri Bold", color="white", grid=[3, 1]) difficulty = Slider(self.window3, command=self.difficulty_slider, start=1, end=5, grid=[3, 2]) # , 2, 1]) difficulty.width = 150 difficulty.text_color = "black" = "white" difficulty.text_size=14 start = PushButton(self.window3, command=self.start_command, args=[self.ballSpeed, self.difficulty, self.drillType, appname], image="include/images/startbut.png", grid=[1, 5]) = "#37f100" start.text_color = "white" stop = PushButton(self.window3, command=self.pause_command, args=[self.window3], image="include/images/pausebut.png", grid=[3, 5]) = "#ffb000" stop.text_color = "white" exit_win = PushButton(self.window3, command=self.exit_command, args=[appname, self.window3], image="include/images/stopbut.png", grid=[1, 6]) = "#e9002a" exit_win.text_color = "white" camera = PushButton(self.window3, command=self.show_cam, args=[], image="include/images/camerabut.png", grid=[3, 6]) = "#002ff5" camera.text_color = "white" Center = Box(self.window3, width=50, height=200, grid=[2, 1, 1, 7]) Left = Box(self.window3, width=60, height=200, grid=[0, 0, 1, 7]) Right = Box(self.window3, width=20, height=200, grid=[4, 0, 1, 7])
def test_grid_layout(): a = App(layout="grid") w = Box(a, grid=[1,2]) grid_layout_test(w, 1, 2, 1, 1, None) ws = Box(a, grid=[1,2,3,4]) grid_layout_test(ws, 1, 2, 3, 4, None) wa = Box(a, grid=[1,2], align="top") grid_layout_test(wa, 1, 2, 1, 1, "top") a.destroy()
def spin_up_top_bottom_spacers(parent): global top_space_box top_space_box = Box(parent, width='fill', align='top') global top_space_text top_space_text = Text(top_space_box, height='fill', width='fill', text='') global bottom_space_box bottom_space_box = Box(parent, width='fill', align='bottom') global bottom_space_text bottom_space_text = Text(bottom_space_box, height='fill', width='fill', text='')
def generateNewBoard(self): if self.emojiShowBox != None: self.emojiShowBox.destroy() if self.emojiGuessBox != None: self.emojiGuessBox.destroy() self.emojiShowBox = Box(self, layout="grid") self.emojiGuessBox = Box(self, layout="grid") emojis_path = os.listdir("images") show_images = [] guess_images = [] # Get random images for both boxes for i in range(0, self.config["board_size"] - 1): show_images.append( "images/" + emojis_path.pop(random.randint(0, len(emojis_path) - 1))) guess_images.append( "images/" + emojis_path.pop(random.randint(0, len(emojis_path) - 1))) # Get image that is equal between both boxes rand_index = random.randint(0, len(emojis_path) - 1) self.same_image = "images/" + emojis_path[rand_index] show_images.append(self.same_image) guess_images.append(self.same_image) random.shuffle(show_images) random.shuffle(guess_images) board_size_rows = math.floor(math.sqrt(self.config["board_size"])) for i in range(0, self.config["board_size"]): x = i // board_size_rows y = i % board_size_rows picture = Picture(self.emojiShowBox, grid=[x, y], image=show_images[i]) pushButton = PushButton(self.emojiGuessBox, grid=[x, y], image=guess_images[i]) pushButton.update_command(command=self.is_correct_guess, args=[pushButton])
def read_working_hours_line(start_hour, stop_hour, pump_1_value, pump_2_value, pump_3_value, row_number): working_hour = Box(working_hours, align="left", layout="grid", grid=[0, row_number]) Text(working_hour, text=str(row_number) + ".", grid=[0, 0]) start_hour_input = TextBox(working_hour, text=start_hour, width="4", grid=[1, 0], enabled=False) Text(working_hour, text=" - ", grid=[2, 0]) stop_hour_input = TextBox(working_hour, text=stop_hour, width="4", grid=[3, 0], enabled=False) pump_1 = CheckBox(working_hour, text="Dom", grid=[4, 0], enabled=False) pump_2 = CheckBox(working_hour, text="Haft", grid=[5, 0], enabled=False) pump_3 = CheckBox(working_hour, text="Firany", grid=[6, 0], enabled=False) if (bool(pump_1_value)): pump_1.value = pump_1_value if (bool(pump_2_value)): pump_2.value = pump_2_value if (bool(pump_3_value)): pump_3.value = pump_3_value return True
def dashboard(self): dashboard_box = Box(, layout='grid') Picture(dashboard_box, image="sutro.png", grid=[2, 0]) PushButton(dashboard_box, text='pH Level', command=calculate, args=[99], grid=[1, 2], width=10, height=1).text_size = 15 PushButton(dashboard_box, text='ORP', command=calculate, args=[98], grid=[2, 2], width=10, height=1).text_size = 15 PushButton(dashboard_box, text='Temperature', command=calculate, args=[100], grid=[3, 2], width=10, height=1).text_size = 15 pHVal = Text(dashboard_box, text='_ _ _ _', grid=[1, 4], size=25) orpVal = Text(dashboard_box, text='_ _ _ _', grid=[2, 4], size=25) tempVal = Text(dashboard_box, text='_ _ _ _', grid=[3, 4], size=25)
def run_Self(): def updateCountDownText(): print("func rGUI") # imgBox1.destroy() # imgBox1 = Picture(box1, image="qrcode.bmp") # imgBox1.value("qrcode.bmp") countDownText.after(1000, updateCountDownText) app = App(title="Seeed interactive camera demo on raspberry pi", width=1280, height=768, bg="black", layout="auto")"-fullscreen", True) box1 = Box(app, layout="auto", grid=[0, 0]) rabbit1 = Text(box1, text="#", size=100, color="black") # # imgBox1 = Picture(app, image="qrcode.bmp") countDownText = Text(box1, text="请领取二维码小票", size=100, color="white") rabbit2 = Text(box1, text="#", size=70, color="black") warningText = Text(box1, text="或站到拍照点开始新一轮拍照", size=50, color="white") countDownText.after(1000, updateCountDownText) app.display() def hide_self(): app.visible = False def show_self(): app.visible = True
def gui_main(): """ The main function for GUI mode. This function sets up the GUI elements and launches the GUI event loop. """ app = App(title="Nikola", bg="black") text = Text(app, color="light sky blue") text.text_size = 36 keybox = Box(app, layout="grid", border=3) keybox.text_color = "white" = "gray" for row in range(4): keys.append([]) for col in range(4): key = Text(keybox, grid=[col, row], text=keypad.names[row][col], size=24) keys[row].append(key) slider = Slider(app, height=36, width="fill", end=100) = "blue" slider.text_color = "white" app.repeat(100, gui_loop, args=[text, slider]) keypad.init() rotary_encoder.init() app.set_full_screen() app.display()
def haveRegBefore(): global app global subjects row = 0 count = 0 app.destroy() app = App("tjek ind V1") Text(app, "click your name") box = Box(app, layout="grid") for i in range(1, len(subjects)): if ((i - 1) % 5 == 0): row = row + 1 count = 0 count = count + 1 PushButton(box, takeImg, args=[i], text=subjects[i], grid=[count - 1, row], align="left") app.display()
def __init__(self): self.components = { "AND": And, "OR": Or, "XOR": Xor, "NOT": Not, "Half Adder": HalfAdder, "Full Adder": FullAdder, "8 bit Ripple Carry Adder": EightBitRippleCarryAdder, "8 bit Ripple Carry Adder Subtractor": EightBitRippleCarryAdderSubtractor, "ALU": ALU, "2 to 1 Multiplexer": TwoToOneMultiplexer, "4 to 1 Multiplexer": FourToOneMultiplexer, "2 to 4 Decoder": TwoToFourDecoder, "And Or Latch": AndOrLatch, "Gated Latch": GatedLatch, "RAM Cell": RAMCell, "Eight Bit Register": EightBitRegister, } = App(title="Philbin SS Control Panel", layout="grid") self.box_component = Box(, grid=[0, 1]) self.combo = Combo(self.box_component, options=list(self.components.keys()), command=self.reload_component) self.setup_component()
def spin_up_main_buttons(parent, commands): global buttons_box buttons_box = Box(parent, width='fill', height='fill', layout='auto') scan_in_button = PushButton(buttons_box, text='SCAN IN', height='fill', width='fill') scan_in_button.font = display_config.text_font scan_in_button.text_color = '#00FF21' scan_in_button.text_size = display_config.button_text_size scan_in_button.update_command(commands[0]) scan_out_button = PushButton(buttons_box, text='SCAN OUT', height='fill', width='fill') scan_out_button.font = display_config.text_font scan_out_button.text_color = '#B60000' scan_out_button.text_size = display_config.button_text_size scan_out_button.update_command(commands[1]) look_up_button = PushButton(buttons_box, text='LOOKUP', height='fill', width='fill') look_up_button.font = display_config.text_font look_up_button.text_color = '#FFD800' look_up_button.text_size = display_config.button_text_size look_up_button.update_command(commands[2])
def test_enable(): a = App() b = Box(a) t = Text(b) cascading_enable_test(a) cascading_enable_test(b) a.destroy()
def run_self(): def updateCountDownText(): countDownText.value = input_val() print("func tGUI") countDownText.after(1000, updateCountDownText) def input_val(): global input_countdownText if input_countdownText == 0: input_countdownText = 5 app.destroy() return -1 input_countdownText = input_countdownText - 1 if input_countdownText == 0: return "..." else: return input_countdownText app = App(title="Seeed interactive camera demo on raspberry pi", width=1280, height=768, bg="black", layout="auto")"-fullscreen", True) box1 = Box(app, layout="auto", grid=[0, 0]) countDownText = Text(box1, text="5", size=400, color="white") warningText = Text(box1, text="拍照倒计时", size=70, color="white") countDownText.after(1000, updateCountDownText) app.display()
def game(): global app, questions, answers, correct_answers, qnum, questionText, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, nextBtn eh.light.on() questionText = Text(app, questions[qnum]) questionText.text_size = 40 buttons_box = Box(app, width="fill", align="top") btn1 = PushButton(buttons_box, text=answers[qnum][0], align="left") = "blue" btn1.text_color = "white" btn1.text_size = 40 btn2 = PushButton(buttons_box, text=answers[qnum][1], align="left") = (209, 182, 16) btn2.text_color = "white" btn2.text_size = 40 btn3 = PushButton(buttons_box, text=answers[qnum][2], align="left") = "red" btn3.text_color = "white" btn3.text_size = 40 btn4 = PushButton(buttons_box, text=answers[qnum][3], align="left") = "green" btn4.text_color = "white" btn4.text_size = 40 nextBtn = PushButton(app, command=nextQ, text="Next", align="left")
def willYouReg(): global app app.destroy() app = App("tjek ind V1") Text(app, "will you registrate?") box = Box(app, layout="grid") PushButton(box, takeImg, text="yes", grid=[0, 1]) PushButton(box, app.destroy, text="no", grid=[0, 0])
def test_default_values(): a = App() b = Box(a) assert b.master == a assert b.layout == "auto" assert b.grid == None assert b.align == None a.destroy()
def render_node(self, current_component, parent_component=None, index=0): if self.name_exists(current_component.element_name): raise ValueError('An element with the name "' + current_component.element_name + '" already exists!') parent = if parent_component is None else parent_component.element current_component.parent = if parent_component is None else parent_component.element current_component.parent_name = 'app' if parent_component is None else parent_component.element_name current_component.parent_chain = 'app' if parent_component is None else parent_component.parent_chain + '>' + parent_component.element_name current_component.index = index if current_component.element_type == 'component': current_component.element = Box(parent) current_component.gzframe = self.gzframe = if current_component.width is not None: current_component.element.width = current_component.width current_component.gz_on_init() for child_index, child in enumerate(current_component.children): self.render_node(child, current_component, index=child_index) if current_component.element_type == 'box': current_component.element = Box(parent, **current_component.props) = if current_component.width is not None: current_component.element.width = current_component.width for child_index, child in enumerate(current_component.children): self.render_node(child, current_component, index=child_index) elif current_component.element_type == 'text': current_component.element = Text(parent, **current_component.props) elif current_component.element_type == 'button': current_component.element = PushButton(parent, **current_component.props) if not (current_component.on_click is None): current_component.element.when_clicked = current_component.on_click elif current_component.element_type == 'picture': current_component.element = Picture(parent, **current_component.props) current_component.element.height = current_component.height current_component.element.width = current_component.width if parent_component is not None: if not includes(parent_component.children, current_component): parent_component.children.append(current_component) self.__elements.append(current_component)
def test_alt_values(): a = App(layout="grid") b = Box(a, layout="grid", grid=[0, 1], align="top") assert b.layout == "grid" assert b.grid[0] == 0 assert b.grid[1] == 1 assert b.align == "top" a.destroy()
def regBefore(): global app app.destroy() app = App("tjek ind V1") Text(app, "have registratet before?") box = Box(app, layout="grid") PushButton(box, haveRegBefore, text="yes", grid=[0, 1]) PushButton(box, willYouReg, text="no", grid=[0, 0]) app.display()
def main(): global tempText, humidBox, picBox, todayTemps, todayPic, todayHum, dayPic, dayText, dayDOWText, descBox, todayDesc, descText app = App(title="Weather-inator", layout="grid", width=500, height=600) #boxes tempBox = Box(app, grid=[0, 0, 5, 1], border=True, width=500, height=400) tempText = Text(tempBox, size=32) humidBox = Text(tempBox, size=32) picBox = Picture(tempBox) descBox = Text(tempBox, size=12) todayForecastBox = Box(tempBox, layout="grid") todayTemps = Text(todayForecastBox,grid=[0,0]) todayPic = Picture(todayForecastBox, width=100, height=100, grid=[1,0]) todayHum = Text(todayForecastBox,grid=[2,0]) todayDesc = Text(todayForecastBox,grid=[0,3,3,1]) dayDOWText = [] dayBox = [] dayPic = [] dayText = [] descText = [] for x in range(0,5): dayBox.append(Box(app, grid=[x, 1], border=True, width=100, height=200)) dayDOWText.append(Text(dayBox[x])) dayPic.append(Picture(dayBox[x], width=100, height=100)) dayText.append(Text(dayBox[x])) descText.append(Text(dayBox[x], size=10)) updateWeather() updateForecast() app.repeat((10 * 60 * 1000),updateWeather) #update every 10 minutes app.repeat((60*60*1000),updateForecast) #update every hour app.display()