Exemplo n.º 1
    def parse_request_line(self, line_bytes):
        bits = [bytes_to_str(bit) for bit in line_bytes.split(None, 2)]
        if len(bits) != 3:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))

        # Method
        if not METH_RE.match(bits[0]):
            raise InvalidRequestMethod(bits[0])
        self.method = bits[0].upper()

        # URI
        self.uri = bits[1]

            parts = split_request_uri(self.uri)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))
        self.path = parts.path or ""
        self.query = parts.query or ""
        self.fragment = parts.fragment or ""

        # Version
        match = VERSION_RE.match(bits[2])
        if match is None:
            raise InvalidHTTPVersion(bits[2])
        self.version = (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def parse_request_line(self, line_bytes):
        bits = [bytes_to_str(bit) for bit in line_bytes.split(None, 2)]
        if len(bits) != 3:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))

        # Method
        if not METH_RE.match(bits[0]):
            raise InvalidRequestMethod(bits[0])
        self.method = bits[0].upper()

        # URI
        # When the path starts with //, urlsplit considers it as a
        # relative uri while the RDF says it shouldnt
        # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html#sec5.1.2
        # considers it as an absolute url.
        # fix issue #297
        if bits[1].startswith("//"):
            self.uri = bits[1][1:]
            self.uri = bits[1]

            parts = urlsplit(self.uri)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))
        self.path = parts.path or ""
        self.query = parts.query or ""
        self.fragment = parts.fragment or ""

        # Version
        match = VERSION_RE.match(bits[2])
        if match is None:
            raise InvalidHTTPVersion(bits[2])
        self.version = (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def parse_request_line(self, line_bytes):
        bits = [bytes_to_str(bit) for bit in line_bytes.split(None, 2)]
        if len(bits) != 3:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))

        # Method
        if not METH_RE.match(bits[0]):
            raise InvalidRequestMethod(bits[0])
        self.method = bits[0].upper()

        # URI
        # When the path starts with //, urlsplit considers it as a
        # relative uri while the RDF says it shouldnt
        # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html#sec5.1.2
        # considers it as an absolute url.
        # fix issue #297
        if bits[1].startswith("//"):
            self.uri = bits[1][1:]
            self.uri = bits[1]

            parts = urlsplit(self.uri)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))
        self.path = parts.path or ""
        self.query = parts.query or ""
        self.fragment = parts.fragment or ""

        # Version
        match = VERSION_RE.match(bits[2])
        if match is None:
            raise InvalidHTTPVersion(bits[2])
        self.version = (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def parse_request_line(self, line_bytes):
        bits = [bytes_to_str(bit) for bit in line_bytes.split(None, 2)]
        if len(bits) != 3:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))

        # Method
        if not METH_RE.match(bits[0]):
            raise InvalidRequestMethod(bits[0])
        self.method = bits[0].upper()

        # URI
        self.uri = bits[1]

            parts = split_request_uri(self.uri)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidRequestLine(bytes_to_str(line_bytes))
        self.path = parts.path or ""
        self.query = parts.query or ""
        self.fragment = parts.fragment or ""

        # Version
        match = VERSION_RE.match(bits[2])
        if match is None:
            raise InvalidHTTPVersion(bits[2])
        self.version = (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def parse(self, unreader):
        buf = BytesIO()
        self.get_data(unreader, buf, stop=True)

        # get request line
        line, rbuf = self.read_line(unreader, buf, self.limit_request_line)

        # proxy protocol
        if self.proxy_protocol(bytes_to_str(line)):
            # get next request line
            buf = BytesIO()
            line, rbuf = self.read_line(unreader, buf, self.limit_request_line)

        buf = BytesIO()

        # Headers
        data = buf.getvalue()
        idx = data.find(b"\r\n\r\n")

        done = data[:2] == b"\r\n"
        while True:
            idx = data.find(b"\r\n\r\n")
            done = data[:2] == b"\r\n"

            if idx < 0 and not done:
                self.get_data(unreader, buf)
                data = buf.getvalue()
                if len(data) > self.max_buffer_headers:
                    raise LimitRequestHeaders("max buffer headers")

        if done:
            return b""

        self.headers = self.parse_headers(data[:idx])

        ret = data[idx + 4:]
        buf = BytesIO()
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 6
    def parse(self, unreader):
        buf = BytesIO()
        self.get_data(unreader, buf, stop=True)

        # get request line
        line, rbuf = self.read_line(unreader, buf, self.limit_request_line)

        # proxy protocol
        if self.proxy_protocol(bytes_to_str(line)):
            # get next request line
            buf = BytesIO()
            line, rbuf = self.read_line(unreader, buf, self.limit_request_line)

        buf = BytesIO()

        # Headers
        data = buf.getvalue()
        idx = data.find(b"\r\n\r\n")

        done = data[:2] == b"\r\n"
        while True:
            idx = data.find(b"\r\n\r\n")
            done = data[:2] == b"\r\n"

            if idx < 0 and not done:
                self.get_data(unreader, buf)
                data = buf.getvalue()
                if len(data) > self.max_buffer_headers:
                    raise LimitRequestHeaders("max buffer headers")

        if done:
            return b""

        self.headers = self.parse_headers(data[:idx])

        ret = data[idx + 4:]
        buf = BytesIO()
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 7
    def env(self):
        raw_env = self.settings['raw_env'].get()
        env = {}

        if not raw_env:
            return env

        for e in raw_env:
            s = _compat.bytes_to_str(e)
                k, v = s.split('=', 1)
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError("environment setting %r invalid" % s)

            env[k] = v

        return env
Exemplo n.º 8
    def paste_global_conf(self):
        raw_global_conf = self.settings['raw_paste_global_conf'].get()
        if raw_global_conf is None:
            return None

        global_conf = {}
        for e in raw_global_conf:
            s = _compat.bytes_to_str(e)
                k, v = re.split(r'(?<!\\)=', s, 1)
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError("environment setting %r invalid" % s)
            k = k.replace('\\=', '=')
            v = v.replace('\\=', '=')
            global_conf[k] = v

        return global_conf
Exemplo n.º 9
    def env(self):
        raw_env = self.settings['raw_env'].get()
        env = {}

        if not raw_env:
            return env

        for e in raw_env:
            s = _compat.bytes_to_str(e)
                k, v = s.split('=', 1)
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError("environment setting %r invalid" % s)

            env[k] = v

        return env
Exemplo n.º 10
    def paste_global_conf(self):
        raw_global_conf = self.settings['raw_paste_global_conf'].get()
        if raw_global_conf is None:
            return None

        global_conf = {}
        for e in raw_global_conf:
            s = _compat.bytes_to_str(e)
                k, v = re.split(r'(?<!\\)=', s, 1)
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError("environment setting %r invalid" % s)
            k = k.replace('\\=', '=')
            v = v.replace('\\=', '=')
            global_conf[k] = v

        return global_conf
Exemplo n.º 11
    def parse_headers(self, data):
        headers = []

        # Split lines on \r\n keeping the \r\n on each line
        lines = [bytes_to_str(line) + "\r\n" for line in data.split(b"\r\n")]

        # Parse headers into key/value pairs paying attention
        # to continuation lines.
        while len(lines):
            if len(headers) >= self.limit_request_fields:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields")

            # Parse initial header name : value pair.
            curr = lines.pop(0)
            header_length = len(curr)
            if curr.find(":") < 0:
                raise InvalidHeader(curr.strip())
            name, value = curr.split(":", 1)
            name = name.rstrip(" \t").upper()
            if HEADER_RE.search(name):
                raise InvalidHeaderName(name)

            name, value = name.strip(), [value.lstrip()]

            # Consume value continuation lines
            while len(lines) and lines[0].startswith((" ", "\t")):
                curr = lines.pop(0)
                header_length += len(curr)
                if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                    raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers " +
                                              "fields size")
            value = ''.join(value).rstrip()

            if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields size")
            headers.append((name, value))
        return headers
Exemplo n.º 12
    def parse_headers(self, data):
        headers = []

        # Split lines on \r\n keeping the \r\n on each line
        lines = [bytes_to_str(line) + "\r\n" for line in data.split(b"\r\n")]

        # Parse headers into key/value pairs paying attention
        # to continuation lines.
        while len(lines):
            if len(headers) >= self.limit_request_fields:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields")

            # Parse initial header name : value pair.
            curr = lines.pop(0)
            header_length = len(curr)
            if curr.find(":") < 0:
                raise InvalidHeader(curr.strip())
            name, value = curr.split(":", 1)
            name = name.rstrip(" \t").upper()
            if HEADER_RE.search(name):
                raise InvalidHeaderName(name)

            name, value = name.strip(), [value.lstrip()]

            # Consume value continuation lines
            while len(lines) and lines[0].startswith((" ", "\t")):
                curr = lines.pop(0)
                header_length += len(curr)
                if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                    raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers "
                            + "fields size")
            value = ''.join(value).rstrip()

            if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields size")
            headers.append((name, value))
        return headers
Exemplo n.º 13
 def address(self):
     s = self.settings['bind'].get()
     return [util.parse_address(_compat.bytes_to_str(bind)) for bind in s]
Exemplo n.º 14
 def address(self):
     s = self.settings['bind'].get()
     return [util.parse_address(_compat.bytes_to_str(bind)) for bind in s]
Exemplo n.º 15
    def parse_headers(self, data):
        cfg = self.cfg
        headers = []

        # Split lines on \r\n keeping the \r\n on each line
        lines = [bytes_to_str(line) + "\r\n" for line in data.split(b"\r\n")]

        # handle scheme headers
        scheme_header = False
        secure_scheme_headers = {}
        if '*' in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips:
            secure_scheme_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
        elif isinstance(self.unreader, SocketUnreader):
            remote_addr = self.unreader.sock.getpeername()
            if self.unreader.sock.family in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6):
                remote_host = remote_addr[0]
                if remote_host in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips:
                    secure_scheme_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
            elif self.unreader.sock.family == socket.AF_UNIX:
                secure_scheme_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers

        # Parse headers into key/value pairs paying attention
        # to continuation lines.
        while lines:
            if len(headers) >= self.limit_request_fields:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields")

            # Parse initial header name : value pair.
            curr = lines.pop(0)
            header_length = len(curr)
            if curr.find(":") < 0:
                raise InvalidHeader(curr.strip())
            name, value = curr.split(":", 1)
            if self.cfg.strip_header_spaces:
                name = name.rstrip(" \t").upper()
                name = name.upper()
            if HEADER_RE.search(name):
                raise InvalidHeaderName(name)

            name, value = name.strip(), [value.lstrip()]

            # Consume value continuation lines
            while lines and lines[0].startswith((" ", "\t")):
                curr = lines.pop(0)
                header_length += len(curr)
                if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                    raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers "
                            + "fields size")
            value = ''.join(value).rstrip()

            if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields size")

            if name in secure_scheme_headers:
                secure = value == secure_scheme_headers[name]
                scheme = "https" if secure else "http"
                if scheme_header:
                    if scheme != self.scheme:
                        raise InvalidSchemeHeaders()
                    scheme_header = True
                    self.scheme = scheme

            headers.append((name, value))

        return headers
Exemplo n.º 16
    def parse_headers(self, data):
        cfg = self.cfg
        headers = []

        # Split lines on \r\n keeping the \r\n on each line
        lines = [bytes_to_str(line) + "\r\n" for line in data.split(b"\r\n")]

        # handle scheme headers
        scheme_header = False
        secure_scheme_headers = {}
        if '*' in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips:
            secure_scheme_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
        elif isinstance(self.unreader, SocketUnreader):
            remote_addr = self.unreader.sock.getpeername()
            if isinstance(remote_addr, tuple):
                remote_host = remote_addr[0]
                if remote_host in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips:
                    secure_scheme_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
            elif isinstance(remote_addr, string_types):
                secure_scheme_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers

        # Parse headers into key/value pairs paying attention
        # to continuation lines.
        while lines:
            if len(headers) >= self.limit_request_fields:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields")

            # Parse initial header name : value pair.
            curr = lines.pop(0)
            header_length = len(curr)
            if curr.find(":") < 0:
                raise InvalidHeader(curr.strip())
            name, value = curr.split(":", 1)
            name = name.rstrip(" \t").upper()
            if HEADER_RE.search(name):
                raise InvalidHeaderName(name)

            name, value = name.strip(), [value.lstrip()]

            # Consume value continuation lines
            while lines and lines[0].startswith((" ", "\t")):
                curr = lines.pop(0)
                header_length += len(curr)
                if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                    raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers "
                            + "fields size")
            value = ''.join(value).rstrip()

            if header_length > self.limit_request_field_size > 0:
                raise LimitRequestHeaders("limit request headers fields size")

            if name in secure_scheme_headers:
                secure = value == secure_scheme_headers[name]
                scheme = "https" if secure else "http"
                if scheme_header:
                    if scheme != self.scheme:
                        raise InvalidSchemeHeaders()
                    scheme_header = True
                    self.scheme = scheme

            headers.append((name, value))

        return headers