Exemplo n.º 1
def criar_funcao_objetivo(model, lista_variaveis, variables, lista_coef):
    # inicializando a expressão com a primeira variável
    linear_expression = LinExpr()
    for i in range(1, len(lista_variaveis)):
        linear_expression.add(variables.values()[i], lista_coef[i])
    model.setObjective(linear_expression, GRB.MINIMIZE)
    return model
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _set_objective(self, objective):
        expr = LinExpr()

        for elem in objective.expr:
            var = self.problem.getVarByName(elem.name)
            expr.add(var, elem.coefficient)

        self.problem.setObjective(expr, objective.sense)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _add_constraint(self, const):
        lhs = LinExpr()

        for elem in const.lhs:
            var = self.problem.getVarByName(elem.name)
            lhs.add(var, elem.coefficient)

        self.problem.addConstr(lhs, const.sense, const.rhs, const.name)
    def solve_restricted_primal(self, demands, demands_next, p):
        self.obj = 0.
        m = Model("multi-unit-auction")
        # self.m.params.LogToConsole = 0
        self.allocation_vars = dict()
        for agent in self.agents:
            for i in range(1, self.supply + 1):
                self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] = m.addVar(lb=0., ub=1., vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
                                                                  name='x_%s_%s' % (agent.id, i))
        for agent in self.agents:
            if len(demands[agent.id]) > 0 and len(demands_next[agent.id]) > 0:
                m.addConstr(quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] for i in range(1, self.supply + 1)),
                                 GRB.EQUAL, 1, name="u_%s_strict" % agent.id)
                m.addConstr(quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] for i in range(1, self.supply + 1)),
                                 GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1, name="u_%s" % agent.id)
            for j in range(1, self.supply + 1):
                if j not in [demand.quantity for demand in demands[agent.id]]:
                    m.addConstr(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, j], GRB.EQUAL, 0, name='x_%s_%s_undemanded' % (agent.id, j))

        if p > 0:
                quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] * i for i in range(1, self.supply + 1) for agent in self.agents),
                GRB.EQUAL, self.supply, name="price_strict")
                quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] * i for i in range(1, self.supply + 1) for agent in self.agents),
                GRB.LESS_EQUAL, self.supply, name="price")
        obj_expr = LinExpr()
        for agent in self.agents:
            for valuation in agent.valuations:
                obj_expr.addTerms(valuation.quantity, self.allocation_vars[agent.id, valuation.quantity])
        m.setObjective(obj_expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE)


        if m.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            for v in [v for v in m.getVars() if v.x != 0.]:
                print('%s %g' % (v.varName, v.x))

            print ''
            print 'CONSTRAINTS:'

            for l in m.getConstrs():
                if l.Pi > 0:
                    print('%s %g' % (l.constrName, l.Pi))

            print m.getObjective().getValue()

        return m
Exemplo n.º 5
    def objective_function(self, beta=1):
        # Set objective function
        obj = LinExpr()

        for e in self.network.edges.values():
            obj.addTerms(e.value, e.var)

        for n in self.network.nodes.values():
            if n.type == Type.NORMAL:
                obj.addTerms(-n.value * beta, n.var)

        self.lp.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)
Exemplo n.º 6
def solve(model, lista_caminhos, variables, lista_cores, path):
    # Criar array de constraints para limitar as colunas
    # uma por vertice
    num_cores = obter_numero_cores(path)
    num_vertices = obter_numero_vertices(path)
    constraints = []
    nomes_vertices = []
    pi = []

    # gerar lista de nomes
    for i in range(0, num_vertices):
        for j in range(0, num_cores):
            nomes_vertices.append("vertice" + str(i + 1) + "_cor" + str(j + 1))

    for i in range(0, num_vertices * num_cores):
        expr = LinExpr()
        # Criando a expressão e já atribuindo o nome para poder recuperar
        # na geração de coluna
        constraints.append(model.addRange(expr, 1, 1, nomes_vertices[i]))

    # Aplicando a heuristica desenvolvida para encontrar solução inicial
    caminhos_possiveis = encontrar_caminhos_validos(lista_caminhos,
    caminhos_possiveis = unificar_caminho(model, caminhos_possiveis)

    # pra cada caminho possivel, achar uma coluna
    for i in range(0, len(caminhos_possiveis)):
        coluna = gerar_coluna(caminhos_possiveis[i], constraints)

        # adicionar ao modelo
        model.addVar(0, 1, cst_red, GRB.CONTINUOUS, coluna)

    solve_lp(pi, path, model)
    def add_benders_cut(self, allocation, name):
        Adds another cut z <= wb - (c + wA) * X.
        :param allocation: Allocation as list of Assignment.
        :param name: Name for new constraint.
        # wb part of cut
        expr = LinExpr(self.b, self.utility_vars.values() + [self.price_var])
        for assignment in allocation.assignments:
            # c
            # if w=(u, p) then this is the uA part (for columns where X is 1)
            expr.addTerms(-1, self.utility_vars[assignment.agent_id])
            # if w=(u, p) then this is the pA part (for columns where X is 1)
            expr.addTerms(-assignment.quantity, self.price_var)
            # we get v_i(j) + u_i + j * price summed over all i,j where x_ij = 1

        self.m.addConstr(self.z, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, expr, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def initialise(self):
        # Initialise variables
        for n in self.network.nodes.values():
            n.var = self.lp.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=n.id)

        for e in self.network.edges.values():
            e.var = self.lp.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=e.id)

        # Update variables

        # Root restriction
        lhs = LinExpr()
        for root_out in self.network.out_edges(self.network.root.id):
            lhs.addTerms(1, root_out.var)

        self.lp.addConstr(lhs, GRB.EQUAL, 1)

        # Income constraints
        for n in self.network.nodes.values():
            lhs = LinExpr()
            for e in self.network.in_edges(n.id):
                lhs.addTerms(1, e.var)

            self.lp.addConstr(lhs, GRB.EQUAL, LinExpr(n.var))

        # Reversibility constraint
        for e in self.network.edges.values():
            if e.inverse is not None:
                lhs = LinExpr([1, 1], [e.var, self.network.get_edge(e.inverse).var])

                self.lp.addConstr(lhs, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, self.network.get_node(e.source).var)
                self.lp.addConstr(lhs, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, self.network.get_node(e.target).var)

        for n in self.network.nodes.values():
            if n.type == Type.LEAF or n.type == Type.LEAF_TERMINAL:
                for in_edge in self.network.in_edges(n.id):
                    source = self.network.get_node(in_edge.source)
                    if source.type != Type.ROOT:
                        print n.id, in_edge.source
                        self.lp.addConstr(source.var, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, n.var)
Exemplo n.º 9
def equationBuilder(index_inequacao, model_vars):
    sinal = '+'
    expr = LinExpr()

    for i in range(0, len(index_inequacao)):
        if sinal == '+':
            var = model_vars[index_inequacao[i]]
            # adicionar variavel a expressao
            expr.add(var, 1)
            # alterar sinal
            sinal = '-'
        elif sinal == '-':
            var = model_vars[index_inequacao[i]]
            # adicionar variavel a expressao
            expr.add(var, -1)
            # alterar sinal
            sinal = '+'
    return expr
Exemplo n.º 10
    for out_edge in out_edges:
        if out_edge.startswith(site):
            lp.addConstr(lp.getVarByName(out_edge), GRB.EQUAL, lp.getVarByName(site))

for kinase in kinases:
    for in_edge in in_edges:
        if in_edge.startswith(kinase):
            lp.addConstr(lp.getVarByName(kinase), GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, lp.getVarByName(in_edge))

for substrate in substrates:
    for out_edge in out_edges:
        if out_edge.endswith(substrate):
            lp.addConstr(lp.getVarByName(substrate), GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, lp.getVarByName(out_edge))

# Initialise objective function
obj = LinExpr()

for edge in in_edges:
    obj.addTerms(in_edges_costs[edge] if edge in in_edges_costs else 1, lp.getVarByName(edge))

for edge in out_edges:
    obj.addTerms(out_edges_costs[edge] if edge in out_edges_costs else 1, lp.getVarByName(edge))

for node in sites:
    obj.addTerms(-sites_fc[node] * beta if node in sites_fc else 0, lp.getVarByName(node))

for node in kinases:
    obj.addTerms(1e-6, lp.getVarByName(node))

for node in substrates:
    obj.addTerms(1e-6, lp.getVarByName(node))
Exemplo n.º 11
def defineObjectives(data: DataInstance, model: Model, boolVars, N, posVars):
    LAG, RAG, TAG, BAG = boolVars
    L, R, T, B, H, W = posVars

    maxX = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="maxX")
    maxY = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="maxY")
    for element in range(data.element_count):
        model.addConstr(maxX >= R[element])
        model.addConstr(maxY >= B[element])

    for element in range(data.element_count):
        OBJECTIVE_GRIDCOUNT.addTerms([1.0, 1.0], [LAG[element], TAG[element]])
        OBJECTIVE_GRIDCOUNT.addTerms([1.0, 1.0], [BAG[element], RAG[element]])
    OBJECTIVE_LT = LinExpr(0)
    for element in range(data.element_count):
        OBJECTIVE_LT.addTerms([1, 1, 2, 2, -1, -1],
                              [T[element], L[element], B[element], R[element], W[element], H[element]])
    Objective = LinExpr(0)
    Objective.add(OBJECTIVE_GRIDCOUNT, 1)
    Objective.add(OBJECTIVE_LT, 0.001)
    # Objective.add(maxX, 10)
    # Objective.add(maxY, 10)
    model.addConstr(OBJECTIVE_GRIDCOUNT >= (calculateLowerBound(N)))
    model.setObjective(Objective, GRB.MINIMIZE)
Exemplo n.º 12
def setConstraints(data: DataInstance, model: Model, relVars, boolVars, vVars, elemVars, posVars, N):
    L, R, T, B, H, W = posVars
    ABOVE, LEFT = relVars
    LAG, RAG, TAG, BAG = boolVars
    vLAG, vRAG, vTAG, vBAG = vVars
    elemAtLAG, elemAtRAG, elemAtTAG, elemAtBAG = elemVars

    # Known Position constraints X Y

    for element in range(data.element_count):
        print("At element ", element, "with lock = ", data.elements[element].isLocked)
        if data.elements[element].isLocked:
            if data.elements[element].X is not None and data.elements[element].X >= 0:
                model.addConstr(L[element] == data.elements[element].X, "PrespecifiedXOfElement(", element, ")")
            if data.elements[element].Y is not None and data.elements[element].Y >= 0:
                model.addConstr(T[element] == data.elements[element].Y, "PrespecifiedYOfElement(", element, ")")
            if data.elements[element].X is not None and data.elements[element].X >= 0:
                model.addConstr(L[element] >= data.elements[element].X - HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCE,
                                "PrespecifiedXminOfElement(", element, ")")
                model.addConstr(L[element] <= data.elements[element].X + HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCE,
                                "PrespecifiedXmaxOfElement(", element, ")")
            if data.elements[element].Y is not None and data.elements[element].Y >= 0:
                model.addConstr(T[element] >= data.elements[element].Y - VERTICAL_TOLERANCE,
                                "PrespecifiedYminOfElement(", element, ")")
                model.addConstr(T[element] <= data.elements[element].Y + VERTICAL_TOLERANCE,
                                "PrespecifiedYmaxOfElement(", element, ")")

        if data.elements[element].aspectRatio is not None and data.elements[element].aspectRatio > 0.001:
            model.addConstr(W[element] == data.elements[element].aspectRatio * H[element],
                            "PrespecifiedAspectRatioOfElement(", element, ")")

    # Known Position constraints TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT
    coeffsForAbsolutePositionExpression = []
    varsForAbsolutePositionExpression = []
    for element in range(data.element_count):
        for other in range(data.element_count):
            if element != other:
                if data.elements[element].verticalPreference is not None:
                    if data.elements[element].verticalPreference.lower() == "top":
                        varsForAbsolutePositionExpression.append(ABOVE[other, element])
                    if data.elements[element].verticalPreference.lower() == "bottom":
                        varsForAbsolutePositionExpression.append(ABOVE[element, other])
                if data.elements[element].horizontalPreference is not None:
                    if data.elements[element].horizontalPreference.lower() == "left":
                        varsForAbsolutePositionExpression.append(LEFT[other, element])
                    if data.elements[element].horizontalPreference.lower() == "right":
                        varsForAbsolutePositionExpression.append(LEFT[element, other])
    expression = LinExpr(coeffsForAbsolutePositionExpression, varsForAbsolutePositionExpression)
    model.addConstr(expression == 0, "Disable non-permitted based on prespecified")
    # Height/Width/L/R/T/B Summation Sanity
    for element in range(N):
        model.addConstr(W[element] + L[element] == R[element], "R-L=W(" + str(element) + ")")
        model.addConstr(H[element] + T[element] == B[element], "B-T=H(" + str(element) + ")")
    # MinMax limits of Left-Above interactions
    for element in range(N):
        for otherElement in range(N):
            if element > otherElement:
                    ABOVE[element, otherElement] + ABOVE[otherElement, element] + LEFT[element, otherElement] +
                        otherElement, element] >= 1,
                    "NoOverlap(" + str(element) + str(otherElement) + ")")
                    ABOVE[element, otherElement] + ABOVE[otherElement, element] + LEFT[element, otherElement] +
                        otherElement, element] <= 2,
                    "UpperLimOfQuadrants(" + str(element) + str(otherElement) + ")")
                model.addConstr(ABOVE[element, otherElement] + ABOVE[otherElement, element] <= 1,
                                "Anti-symmetryABOVE(" + str(element) + str(otherElement) + ")")
                model.addConstr(LEFT[element, otherElement] + LEFT[otherElement, element] <= 1,
                                "Anti-symmetryLEFT(" + str(element) + str(otherElement) + ")")
    # Interconnect L-R-LEFT and T-B-ABOVE
    for element in range(N):
        for otherElement in range(N):
            if element != otherElement:
                    R[element] + data.elementXPadding <= L[otherElement] + (1 - LEFT[element, otherElement]) * (
                            data.canvasWidth + data.elementXPadding),
                    (str(element) + "(ToLeftOf)" + str(otherElement)))
                    B[element] + data.elementYPadding <= T[otherElement] + (1 - ABOVE[element, otherElement]) * (
                            data.canvasHeight + data.elementYPadding),
                    (str(element) + "(Above)" + str(otherElement)))
                    (L[otherElement] - R[element] - data.elementXPadding) <= data.canvasWidth * LEFT[
                        element, otherElement]
                    , (str(element) + "(ConverseOfToLeftOf)" + str(otherElement)))
                    (T[otherElement] - B[element] - data.elementYPadding) <= data.canvasHeight * ABOVE[
                        element, otherElement]
                    , (str(element) + "(ConverseOfAboveOf)" + str(otherElement)))
    # One Alignment-group for every edge of every element
    for element in range(N):
        coeffsForLAG = []
        coeffsForRAG = []
        coeffsForTAG = []
        coeffsForBAG = []
        varsForLAG = []
        varsForRAG = []
        varsForTAG = []
        varsForBAG = []
        for alignmentGroupIndex in range(data.element_count):
            varsForLAG.append(elemAtLAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex])
            varsForRAG.append(elemAtRAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex])
            varsForTAG.append(elemAtTAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex])
            varsForBAG.append(elemAtBAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex])

        model.addConstr(LinExpr(coeffsForLAG, varsForLAG) == 1, "OneLAGForElement[" + str(element) + "]")
        model.addConstr(LinExpr(coeffsForTAG, varsForTAG) == 1, "OneTAGForElement[" + str(element) + "]")
        model.addConstr(LinExpr(coeffsForBAG, varsForBAG) == 1, "OneBAGForElement[" + str(element) + "]")
        model.addConstr(LinExpr(coeffsForRAG, varsForRAG) == 1, "OneRAGForElement[" + str(element) + "]")
    # Symmetry breaking and sequencing of alignment groups
    # for alignmentGroupIndex in range(data.N):
    #	 if(alignmentGroupIndex >= 1):
    #		 print()
    # gurobi.addConstr(LAG[alignmentGroupIndex] <= LAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1], "SymmBreakLAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+ "]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(TAG[alignmentGroupIndex] <= TAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1], "SymmBreakTAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+ "]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(RAG[alignmentGroupIndex] <= RAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1], "SymmBreakRAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+ "]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(BAG[alignmentGroupIndex] <= BAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1], "SymmBreakBAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+ "]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(vLAG[alignmentGroupIndex] >= vLAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1]+1, "ProgressiveIndexLAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+"]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(vTAG[alignmentGroupIndex] >= vTAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1]+1, "ProgressiveIndexTAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+"]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(vRAG[alignmentGroupIndex] >= vRAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1]+1, "ProgressiveIndexRAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+"]")
    # gurobi.addConstr(vBAG[alignmentGroupIndex] >= vBAG[alignmentGroupIndex-1]+1, "ProgressiveIndexBAG["+str(alignmentGroupIndex)+"]")
    # Assign alignment groups to elements only if groups are enabled
    for alignmentGroupIndex in range(data.element_count):
        for element in range(N):
            model.addConstr(elemAtLAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex] <= LAG[alignmentGroupIndex])
            model.addConstr(elemAtRAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex] <= RAG[alignmentGroupIndex])
            model.addConstr(elemAtTAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex] <= TAG[alignmentGroupIndex])
            model.addConstr(elemAtBAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex] <= BAG[alignmentGroupIndex])
    # Correlate alignment groups value with element edge if assigned
    for alignmentGroupIndex in range(data.element_count):
        for element in range(N):
            model.addConstr(L[element] <= vLAG[alignmentGroupIndex] + data.canvasWidth * (
                    1 - elemAtLAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MinsideConnectL[" + str(element) + "]ToLAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
            model.addConstr(R[element] <= vRAG[alignmentGroupIndex] + data.canvasWidth * (
                    1 - elemAtRAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MinsideConnectR[" + str(element) + "]ToRAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
            model.addConstr(T[element] <= vTAG[alignmentGroupIndex] + data.canvasHeight * (
                    1 - elemAtTAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MinsideConnectT[" + str(element) + "]ToTAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
            model.addConstr(B[element] <= vBAG[alignmentGroupIndex] + data.canvasHeight * (
                    1 - elemAtBAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MinsideConnectB[" + str(element) + "]ToBAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")

            model.addConstr(L[element] >= vLAG[alignmentGroupIndex] - data.canvasWidth * (
                    1 - elemAtLAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MaxsideConnectL[" + str(element) + "]ToLAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
            model.addConstr(R[element] >= vRAG[alignmentGroupIndex] - data.canvasWidth * (
                    1 - elemAtRAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MaxsideConnectR[" + str(element) + "]ToRAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
            model.addConstr(T[element] >= vTAG[alignmentGroupIndex] - data.canvasHeight * (
                    1 - elemAtTAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MaxsideConnectT[" + str(element) + "]ToTAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
            model.addConstr(B[element] >= vBAG[alignmentGroupIndex] - data.canvasHeight * (
                    1 - elemAtBAG[element, alignmentGroupIndex]),
                            "MaxsideConnectB[" + str(element) + "]ToBAG[" + str(alignmentGroupIndex) + "]")
    # obtendo dados dos arquivos
    df = obter_variaveis(path)

    # obtendo a lista de variaveis e respectivos coeficientes para função
    # obj.
    lista_variaveis = df['nome_variavel']
    lista_coeficientes = df['coeff']

    # CRIANDO AS VARIÁVEIS DO MODELO ------------------------------------------
    # variables = adicionar_variaveis_modelo(m, lista_variaveis,
    # "modelo_var")
    variables = m.addVars(lista_variaveis, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="variables")

    # inicializando a expressão com a primeira variável
    linear_expression = LinExpr()
    for i in range(1, len(lista_variaveis)):
        linear_expression.add(variables.values()[i], lista_coeficientes[i])
        m.setObjective(linear_expression, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    # Garantindo que todos os vértices sejam pintados.
    for numero_vertice in map(int, obter_lista_vertices(path)):
        # Abaixo, obtendo indices das variáveis do vertice N, que devem ser
        # somados em uma restrição linear para garantir que assumam
        # apenas uma
        # cor. Nesse caso, itero por cada vertice X de cor 'qualquer', para
        # posteriomente somar todos quando construo a restrição.
        lista_temp = [
            r[0] for r in [i.lower().split('_') for i in lista_variaveis]
    def __init__(self, supply, agents, gap, restriced=False):
        print ''
        print 'Optimal Solver:'

        self.m = Model("multi-unit-auction")
        self.m.params.LogToConsole = 0
        self.allocation_vars = dict()
        for agent in agents:
            for i in range(1, supply + 1):
                self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] = self.m.addVar(lb=0., ub=1., vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='x_%s_%s' % (agent.id, i))


        for agent in agents:
            self.m.addConstr(quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] for i in range(1, supply + 1)), GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1, name="u_%s" % agent.id)
            if restriced:
                for valuation in agent.valuations:
                    if valuation.valuation > 0:
                        self.m.addConstr(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, valuation.quantity] >= epsilon, name="not_zero_%s_%s" % (agent.id, valuation.quantity))

        self.m.addConstr(quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i]*i for i in range(1, supply + 1) for agent in agents), GRB.LESS_EQUAL, supply, name="price")

        obj_expr = LinExpr()
        for agent in agents:
            for valuation in agent.valuations:
                obj_expr.addTerms(valuation.valuation, self.allocation_vars[agent.id, valuation.quantity])
        self.m.setObjective(obj_expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE)


        # for agent in agents:
        #     for i in range(1, supply + 1):
        #         self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] = self.m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0,
        #                                                           name='x_%s_%s' % (agent.id, i))
        # self.m.update()
        # self.m.addConstr(quicksum(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i] for i in range(1, supply + 1) for agent in agents),
        #                  GRB.LESS_EQUAL, supply / gap, name="price")
        # for agent in agents:
        #     for i in range(1, supply):
        #         self.m.addConstr(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i + 1] - self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i],
        #                          GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 0, name="chain_%s_%s" % (agent.id, i))
        #         self.m.addConstr(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, i], GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1. / gap,
        #                          name="p_%s_%s" % (agent.id, i))
        #     self.m.addConstr(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, supply], GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, 0, name="greater_%s" % agent.id)
        #     self.m.addConstr(self.allocation_vars[agent.id, 1], GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1. / gap, name="u_%s" % agent.id)
        # # m.addConstr(x11 + 2*x12 + 3*x13 + 4*x14 + x21 + 2*x22 + 3*x23 + 4*x24, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 4, name="p_an")
        # obj_expr = LinExpr()
        # for agent in agents:
        #     prev_val = None
        #     for valuation in agent.valuations:
        #         try:
        #             prev_val = next(val for val in agent.valuations if val.quantity == valuation.quantity - 1)
        #         except StopIteration:
        #             pass
        #         marginal_value = valuation.valuation - (prev_val.valuation if prev_val else 0)
        #         obj_expr.addTerms(marginal_value, self.allocation_vars[agent.id, valuation.quantity])
        # self.m.setObjective(obj_expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
        # self.m.optimize()

        for v in [v for v in self.m.getVars() if v.x != 0.]:
            print('%s %g' % (v.varName, v.x))

        print ''
        print 'CONSTRAINTS:'

        for l in self.m.getConstrs():
            if l.Pi > 0:
                print('%s %g' % (l.constrName, l.Pi))

        print self.m.getObjective().getValue()

        # print 'Optimal solution:'
        # for v in self.m.getVars():
        #     print('%s %g' % (v.varName, v.x))
        # for l in self.m.getConstrs():
        #     if l.Pi > 0:
        #         print('%s %g' % (l.constrName, l.Pi))
        print 'OPT social welfare %s | %s/%s=%s' % (
        self.m.getObjective().getValue(), self.m.getObjective().getValue(), gap,
        self.m.getObjective().getValue() / gap)

Exemplo n.º 15
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
from gurobipy.gurobipy import LinExpr

# Create a new model
m = gp.Model("mip1")

# Create the set of variables
lista_variaveis = ['x', 'y', 'z']
vertices = m.addVars(lista_variaveis, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="lista_variaveis")

#  FO: Maximize the linear expression
#        x +   y + 2 z
expr = LinExpr([1], [vertices['x']])
expr.add(vertices['y'], 1)
expr.add(vertices['z'], 2)
m.setObjective(expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
# (outra maneira de passar o mesmo código acima, seria:
# expr = LinExpr([1, 1, 2], [vertices['x'],
#                            vertices['y'],
#                            vertices['z']])

# Adding contraints
# Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
expr = LinExpr([1], [vertices['x']])
expr.add(vertices['y'], 2)
expr.add(vertices['z'], 3)
m.addConstr(expr, "<=", 4)
# (outra maneira de passar o mesmo código acima, seria:
#expr = LinExpr([1, 2, 3], [vertices['x'],
#                           vertices['y'],
    # obtendo dados dos arquivos
    df = obter_variaveis(path)

    # obtendo a lista de variaveis e respectivos coeficientes para função
    # obj.
    lista_variaveis = df['nome_variavel']
    lista_coeficientes = df['coeff']

    # CRIANDO AS VARIÁVEIS DO MODELO ------------------------------------------
    # variables = adicionar_variaveis_modelo(m, lista_variaveis,
    # "modelo_var")
    variables = m.addVars(lista_variaveis, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="variables")

    # inicializando a expressão com a primeira variável
    linear_expression = LinExpr()
    for i in range(1, len(lista_variaveis)):
        linear_expression.add(variables.values()[i], lista_coeficientes[i])
        m.setObjective(linear_expression, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    # Garantindo que todos os vértices sejam pintados.
    for numero_vertice in map(int, obter_lista_vertices(path)):
        # Abaixo, obtendo indices das variáveis do vertice N, que devem ser
        # somados em uma restrição linear para garantir que assumam
        # apenas uma
        # cor. Nesse caso, itero por cada vertice X de cor 'qualquer', para
        # posteriomente somar todos quando construo a restrição.
        lista_temp = [
            r[0] for r in [i.lower().split('_') for i in lista_variaveis]