Exemplo n.º 1
from gwp2d import solver
import numpy as np

n = 256
nangles = 16
alpha = 1
beta = 3
ep = 1e-2
cl = solver.Solver(n, nangles, alpha, beta, ep)
f = np.random.random([n, n]).astype('float32')
coeffs = cl.fwd(f)
fr = cl.adj(coeffs)

s0 = np.sum(f*np.conj(fr))
s1 = np.float32(0)
for k in range(len(coeffs)):
    s1 += np.sum(coeffs[k]*np.conj(coeffs[k]))

print('Adjoint test <fwd(f),fwd(f)> ?= <f,adj(fwd(f))> :', s0, '?=', s1)
Exemplo n.º 2
from gwp2d import solver
import numpy as np
import dxchange

n = 512
nangles = 14
alpha = 1
beta = 3
ep = 1e-2

levels = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
angs = [2, 3, 12, 7, 8, 0]

# init coefficients
cl = solver.Solver(n, nangles, alpha, beta, ep, [0, 1, 2])
f = np.random.random([n, n]).astype('float32')
coeffs = cl.fwd(f)

# zero coefficients and set only the one as 1
for k in range(len(coeffs)):
    coeffs[k][:] = 0
for j in range(len(levels)):
    level = levels[j]
    ang = angs[j]
    cshape = np.array(coeffs[level][0].shape)
    ind = cshape // 2  #+np.int32((np.random.random(2)-0.5)*cshape*0.25)
    coeffs[level][ang, ind[0], ind[1]] = 1

# recover gwp
fr = cl.adj(coeffs)
# check coefficients