Exemplo n.º 1
def write_flatfile(node_count=2, base_port=None, hosts=None, rand_shuffle=True):
    # too bad this must be in two places..here and build_cloud()..could do a global above?
    base_port = get_base_port(base_port)

    # always create the flatfile.
    ports_per_node = 2
    pff = open(flatfile_pathname(), "w+")
    # doing this list outside the loops so we can shuffle for better test variation
    hostPortList = []

    if hosts is None:
        ip = h2o_args.python_cmd_ip
        for i in range(node_count):
            hostPortList.append(ip + ":" + str(base_port + ports_per_node * i))
        for h in hosts:
            for i in range(node_count):
                # removed leading "/"
                hostPortList.append(h.h2o_addr + ":" + str(base_port + ports_per_node * i))

    # note we want to shuffle the full list of host+port
    if rand_shuffle:
    for hp in hostPortList:
        pff.write(hp + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 2
def write_flatfile(node_count=2, base_port=None, hosts=None, rand_shuffle=True):
    # too bad this must be in two places..here and build_cloud()..could do a global above?
    base_port = get_base_port(base_port)

    # always create the flatfile.
    ports_per_node = 2
    pff = open(flatfile_pathname(), "w+")
    # doing this list outside the loops so we can shuffle for better test variation
    hostPortList = []

    if hosts is None:
        ip = h2o_args.python_cmd_ip
        for i in range(node_count):
            hostPortList.append(ip + ":" + str(base_port + ports_per_node * i))
        for h in hosts:
            for i in range(node_count):
                # removed leading "/"
                hostPortList.append(h.h2o_addr + ":" + str(base_port + ports_per_node * i))

    # note we want to shuffle the full list of host+port
    if rand_shuffle:
    for hp in hostPortList:
        pff.write(hp + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
def upload_jar_to_remote_hosts(hosts, slow_connection=False):
    def prog(sofar, total):
        # output is bad for jenkins.
        username = getpass.getuser()
        if username != 'jenkins':
            p = int((10.0*sofar)/total)
            sys.stdout.write('\rUploading jar [%s%s] %02d%%' % ('#'*p, ' ' * (10-p), (100*sofar)/total))

    if not slow_connection:
        for h in hosts:
            f = find_file('target/h2o.jar')
            h.upload_file(f, progress=prog)
            # skipping progress indicator for the flatfile
        f = find_file('target/h2o.jar')
        hosts[0].upload_file(f, progress=prog)
        hosts[0].push_file_to_remotes(f, hosts[1:])

        f = find_file(flatfile_pathname())
        hosts[0].upload_file(f, progress=prog)
        hosts[0].push_file_to_remotes(f, hosts[1:])
Exemplo n.º 4
def upload_jar_to_remote_hosts(hosts, slow_connection=False):
    def prog(sofar, total):
        # output is bad for jenkins.
        username = getpass.getuser()
        if username != 'jenkins':
            p = int((10.0 * sofar) / total)
            sys.stdout.write('\rUploading jar [%s%s] %02d%%' %
                             ('#' * p, ' ' * (10 - p), (100 * sofar) / total))

    if not slow_connection:
        for h in hosts:
            f = find_file('target/h2o.jar')
            h.upload_file(f, progress=prog)
            # skipping progress indicator for the flatfile
        f = find_file('target/h2o.jar')
        hosts[0].upload_file(f, progress=prog)
        hosts[0].push_file_to_remotes(f, hosts[1:])

        f = find_file(flatfile_pathname())
        hosts[0].upload_file(f, progress=prog)
        hosts[0].push_file_to_remotes(f, hosts[1:])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LocalH2O, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.rc = None
        # FIX! no option for local /home/username ..always the sandbox (LOG_DIR)
        self.ice = tmp_dir('ice.')
        self.flatfile = flatfile_pathname()
        # so we can tell if we're remote or local. Apparently used in h2o_import.py
        self.remoteH2O = False 


        if self.node_id is not None:
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o-' + str(self.node_id)
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o'

        spawn = spawn_cmd(logPrefix, cmd=self.get_args(), capture_output=self.capture_output)
        self.ps = spawn[0]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LocalH2O, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.rc = None
        # FIX! no option for local /home/username ..always the sandbox (LOG_DIR)
        self.ice = tmp_dir('ice.')
        self.flatfile = flatfile_pathname()
        # so we can tell if we're remote or local. Apparently used in h2o_import.py
        self.remoteH2O = False


        if self.node_id is not None:
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o-' + str(self.node_id)
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o'

        # see https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen
        # for why I'm using shlex to split the cmd string into a sequence
        # confusing issues, especially when thinking about windows too
        # OS/build     | os.name | platform.system()
        # -------------+---------+-----------------------
        # Win32 native | nt      | Windows
        # Win32 cygwin | posix   | CYGWIN_NT-5.1*
        # Win64 native | nt      | Windows
        # Win64 cygwin | posix   | CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64*
        # Linux        | posix   | Linux

        # make it a string if cygwin or windows
        # in unix, the args was created with split by space. (assumption is no pathname has space)
        # need to pass string in windows..doesn't seem to assemble string from args list correctly
        # could make unix use shell and pass string?
        pf = platform.system()
        print "System is %s" % pf
        cmd = self.get_args()
        if re.match('win', pf, re.IGNORECASE):  # covers cygwin and windows
            cmd = " ".join(cmd)
        spawn = spawn_cmd(logPrefix,
        self.ps = spawn[0]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LocalH2O, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.rc = None
        # FIX! no option for local /home/username ..always the sandbox (LOG_DIR)
        self.ice = tmp_dir('ice.')
        self.flatfile = flatfile_pathname()
        # so we can tell if we're remote or local. Apparently used in h2o_import.py
        self.remoteH2O = False


        if self.node_id is not None:
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o-' + str(self.node_id)
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o'

        spawn = spawn_cmd(logPrefix,
        self.ps = spawn[0]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LocalH2O, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.rc = None
        # FIX! no option for local /home/username ..always the sandbox (LOG_DIR)
        self.ice = tmp_dir('ice.')
        self.flatfile = flatfile_pathname()
        # so we can tell if we're remote or local. Apparently used in h2o_import.py
        self.remoteH2O = False 


        if self.node_id is not None:
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o-' + str(self.node_id)
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o'

        # see https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen
        # for why I'm using shlex to split the cmd string into a sequence
        # confusing issues, especially when thinking about windows too
        # OS/build     | os.name | platform.system() 
        # -------------+---------+-----------------------
        # Win32 native | nt      | Windows
        # Win32 cygwin | posix   | CYGWIN_NT-5.1*
        # Win64 native | nt      | Windows
        # Win64 cygwin | posix   | CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64*
        # Linux        | posix   | Linux

        # make it a string if cygwin or windows
        # in unix, the args was created with split by space. (assumption is no pathname has space)
        # need to pass string in windows..doesn't seem to assemble string from args list correctly
        # could make unix use shell and pass string?
        pf = platform.system()
        print "System is %s" % pf
        cmd = self.get_args()
        if re.match('win', pf, re.IGNORECASE): # covers cygwin and windows
            cmd = " ".join(cmd)
        spawn = spawn_cmd(logPrefix, cmd=cmd, capture_output=self.capture_output)
        self.ps = spawn[0]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LocalH2O, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.rc = None
        # FIX! no option for local /home/username ..always the sandbox (LOG_DIR)
        self.ice = tmp_dir('ice.')
        self.flatfile = flatfile_pathname()
        # so we can tell if we're remote or local. Apparently used in h2o_import.py
        self.remoteH2O = False 


        if self.node_id is not None:
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o-' + str(self.node_id)
            logPrefix = 'local-h2o'

        # see https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen
        # for why I'm using shlex to split the cmd string into a sequence
        # confusing issues, especially when thinking about windows too
        cmd = " ".join(self.get_args())
        cmdSplit = shlex.split(cmd)
        spawn = spawn_cmd(logPrefix, cmd=cmdSplit, capture_output=self.capture_output)
        self.ps = spawn[0]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, host, *args, **kwargs):
        super(RemoteH2O, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # it gets set True if an address is specified for LocalH2o init. Override.
        if 'force_ip' in kwargs:
            self.force_ip = kwargs['force_ip']

        self.remoteH2O = True # so we can tell if we're remote or local
        self.jar = host.upload_file('build/h2o.jar')
        # need to copy the flatfile. We don't always use it (depends on h2o args)
        self.flatfile = host.upload_file(flatfile_pathname())
        # distribute AWS credentials
        if self.aws_credentials:
            self.aws_credentials = host.upload_file(self.aws_credentials)

        if self.hdfs_config:
            self.hdfs_config = host.upload_file(self.hdfs_config)

        if self.use_home_for_ice:
            # this will be the username used to ssh to the host
            self.ice = "/home/" + host.username + '/ice.%d.%s' % (self.port, time.time())
            self.ice = '/tmp/ice.%d.%s' % (self.port, time.time())

        self.channel = host.open_channel()
        ### FIX! TODO...we don't check on remote hosts yet

        # this fires up h2o over there
        cmd = ' '.join(self.get_args())
        # UPDATE: somehow java -jar on cygwin target (xp) can't handle /tmp/h2o*jar
        # because it's a windows executable and expects windows style path names.
        # but if we cd into /tmp, it can do java -jar h2o*jar.
        # So just split out the /tmp (pretend we don't know) and the h2o jar file name
        # Newer windows may not have this problem? Do the ls (this goes into the local stdout
        # files) so we can see the file is really where we expect.
        # This hack only works when the dest is /tmp/h2o*jar. It's okay to execute
        # with pwd = /tmp. If /tmp/ isn't in the jar path, I guess things will be the same as
        # normal.
        if 1 == 0: # enable if you want windows remote machines
            cmdList = ["cd /tmp"] # separate by ;<space> when we join
            cmdList += ["ls -ltr " + self.jar]
            cmdList += [re.sub("/tmp/", "", cmd)]
            self.channel.exec_command("; ".join(cmdList))

        if self.capture_output:
            if self.node_id is not None:
                logPrefix = 'remote-h2o-' + str(self.node_id)
                logPrefix = 'remote-h2o'

            logPrefix += '-' + host.h2o_addr

            outfd, outpath = tmp_file(logPrefix + '.stdout.', '.log')
            errfd, errpath = tmp_file(logPrefix + '.stderr.', '.log')

            drain(self.channel.makefile(), outfd)
            drain(self.channel.makefile_stderr(), errfd)
            comment = 'Remote on %s, stdout %s, stderr %s' % (
                self.h2o_addr, os.path.basename(outpath), os.path.basename(errpath))
            drain(self.channel.makefile(), sys.stdout)
            drain(self.channel.makefile_stderr(), sys.stderr)
            comment = 'Remote on %s' % self.h2o_addr

        log(cmd, comment=comment)