Exemplo n.º 1
def perform(dkd = 90, side = None, bx = None, by = None):
    # This implementation is very similar to sGetBehindBall (based on 2003)
    # but the ball is on the bottom edge of the circle, not the centre.
    global onCircle

    if side != None:
        print "Warning: sGetBesideBall.perform: side is not yet implemented"

    if bx == None or by == None:
        (bx, by) = Global.gpsGlobalBall.getPos()
    (myx, myy) = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    # Determine the centre of the circle, which is CIRCLE_RADIUS towards
    # dkd from the ball. Global coords.
    cx = bx + math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(dkd)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS
    cy = by + math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(dkd)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS

    # If we are backward of the ball or really close just run at it
    ballRobotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(bx, by, dkd, myx, myy)
    ballDSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)
    if (abs(ballRobotH) > 90 or ballDSquared < hMath.SQUARE(20)):
        ballH = hMath.getHeadingBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)
        hTrack.saGoToTargetFacingHeading(bx, by, ballH)

    # Work out if we are left or right of the centre (relative to DKD as 0)
    robotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(cx, cy, dkd, myx, myy)
    # FIXME: allow choice of direction
    if (robotH > 0):  # robot to the left
        #print "robot to left of ball",
        direction = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
    else:           # robot to the right
        #print "robot to right of ball",
        direction = Constant.dCLOCKWISE
    # The circling point can be calculated as looking from the centre
    # towards the robot at CIRCLE_DEGREES to the left/right, and distance
    # CIRCLE_RADIUS. CircleAng is from the centre facing the robot with
    # positive x at zero degrees.
    # There are two modes here. In the first we are well outside the and
    # running to make a tangent with the circle. In the second we are close
    # to or inside the circle and tracing the circumference
    centreDSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(myx, myy, cx, cy)
    if (centreDSquared > hMath.SQUARE(CIRCLE_RADIUS + 20)):
        #print "Outside circle, running to tangent"
        onCircle = False
        if direction == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
            circleAng = 90 + CIRCLE_DEGREES
            circleAng = 90 - CIRCLE_DEGREES
        circleAng = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(circleAng)
        #print "On circle, tracing circumference"
        onCircle = True
        if direction == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
            circleAng = 110
            circleAng = 70
#    print "me", int(myx), int(myy), "ball", int(bx), int(by), \
#        "centre", int(cx), int(cy), "robotH", int(robotH),
    # relative to centre facing robot
    circleRelX = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS
    circleRelY = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS
    #print "circleAng", circleAng, "rel circle pos", circleRelX, circleRelY
    robotH = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(robotH + dkd) # now global
    (circleX, circleY) = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(cx, cy, robotH, \
                                                    circleRelX, circleRelY)
#    print "gRobotH", robotH, "circle pos", int(circleX), int(circleY)
    # circleX/Y now is the global coords of the circle point, so walk there.

#    ballH = hMath.getHeadingBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)   # global
    if onCircle:
        # Calls the walk directly to ensure smoothness: no stopping to turn
        relX = circleX - myx
        relY = circleY - myy
        relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))
        relTheta = hMath.RAD2DEG(hMath.getHeadingToRelative(relX, relY))

        # Don't turn outwards much, even if we are inside the circle. Walking
        # forward will put us back on it. Nobu can you fix this?
#        print "relTheta", relTheta, "=>",
#        if direction == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE and relTheta < 0:
#            #relTheta = hMath.CLIP(relTheta, 15)
#            relTheta = 0
#        elif direction == Constant.dCLOCKWISE and relTheta > 0:
#            #relTheta = hMath.CLIP(relTheta, 15)
#            relTheta = 0
#        print relTheta
        left = 0
        if abs(relTheta) < 30:
            Action.walk(Action.MAX_FORWARD, left, relTheta)
            Action.walk(Action.MAX_FORWARD, left, relTheta)
        hTrack.saGoToTarget(circleX, circleY)
Exemplo n.º 2
def walkToStillBall(ballD, ballH, getBehind = GET_BEHIND_NONE): 
    global gLastTurnFrame 
    global gGoalie
    if getBehind == GET_BEHIND_GOALIE:
        getBehind = GET_BEHIND_PRIORITY
        gGoalie = True    
    fwd = Action.MAX_FORWARD

    # Lighting challenge and penalty shooter don't get behind. It makes the
    # grab a bit harder and takes time
    if Global.lightingChallenge or Global.penaltyShot:
        getBehind = GET_BEHIND_NONE

    # Don't get behind when close to our goal box since 
    # this moves us towards it (unless we are the goalie)
    if not gGoalie and hWhere.selfInOwnGoalBox(20, sideoffset = 10):
        getBehind = GET_BEHIND_NONE

    # Calculate getBehind adjustment
    leftAdj = 0
    if getBehind > GET_BEHIND_NONE:
        myx, myy = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
        myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
        ballx, bally = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(myx, myy, myh, 
                                    *hMath.polarToCart(ballD, ballH+90))

        # In defense we get between our goal and the ball. In attack we line
        # up the ball and target goal. In the (small) midfield we line up with
        # upfield
        reversePoints = False
        if bally < Constant.FIELD_LENGTH/2 - 20 \
                or hTeam.amIFurthestBack(ignoreRoles = []):
            lineX, lineY = Constant.OWN_GOAL_X, Constant.OWN_GOAL_Y
        elif bally > Constant.FIELD_LENGTH/2 + 20:
            lineX, lineY = Constant.TARGET_GOAL_X, Constant.TARGET_GOAL_Y
            reversePoints = True
            lineX, lineY = ballx, 0

        # Draw a line between ball and goal. Find self offset from the line
        dist = ((ballx - lineX)*(lineY - myy)-(lineX - myx)*(bally - lineY)) /\
                math.sqrt(hMath.SQUARE(ballx - lineX) \
                            + hMath.SQUARE(bally - lineY))
        # If dist > 0 we are to the right of the line, so adjustment left
        # These adjustments will only be applied assuming we are facing
        # the ball
        if dist > 15:
            leftAdj = 14
        elif dist < -15:
            leftAdj = -12
        elif myy > bally:   # Always sidestep from in front
            if dist >= 0:
                leftAdj = 14
            elif dist < 0:
                leftAdj = -12
            leftAdj = 0

        if leftAdj != 0:
            # At this point check that sidestepping in this direction is not
            # going to put obstacles between us and the ball. If so it would be
            # better to go direct (and let dodgy dog do its thing)
            (lBallX, lBallY) = Global.gpsLocalBall.getPos()
            nobs = VisionLink.getNoObstacleBetween(leftAdj, 0,
                                              int(lBallX) + leftAdj,
                                              int(lBallY) - 30,
                                              abs(leftAdj), 0,
            if nobs > 2 * Constant.MIN_GPS_OBSTACLE_BOX:
                #Indicator.showFacePattern([3, 2, 0, 2, 3])
                leftAdj = 0
            # Multiply getBehind in some cases. Only one of these can apply at
            # at time so put them in order of importance.
            leftAdjMult = 1

            if getBehind == GET_BEHIND_DEFAULT:
                # Last man attacker must be behind
                if hTeam.amIFurthestBack(ignoreRoles = []):
                    if myy < bally:
                        getBehind = GET_BEHIND_PRIORITY
                        getBehind = GET_BEHIND_LOTS

                # In defense do lots of getBehind
                elif bally < Constant.FIELD_LENGTH * 0.25:
                    getBehind = GET_BEHIND_LOTS

                # From in front of the ball do a little more to get behind the
                # ball
                elif myy > bally:
                    getBehind = GET_BEHIND_MORE

            # Lots of getBehind if requested
            if getBehind >= GET_BEHIND_ONLY:
                fwd = 10        # Walk in a circular arc
                leftAdjMult = 2
            elif getBehind >= GET_BEHIND_PRIORITY:
                fwd = 30        # Slow down so getBehind has more effect
                leftAdjMult = 2
            elif getBehind >= GET_BEHIND_LOTS:
                leftAdjMult = 2
            elif getBehind >= GET_BEHIND_MORE:
                leftAdjMult = 1.5

            leftAdj *= leftAdjMult 
            # If the line was to a target to line up, reverse direction
            if reversePoints:
                leftAdj = -leftAdj


#    if leftAdj > 0:
#        Indicator.showFacePattern([0, 0, 0, 2, 3])
#    elif leftAdj < 0:
#        Indicator.showFacePattern([3, 2, 0, 0, 0])

#     if gGoalie:
#         Indicator.setDefault()
#     # DANGER CASE: Goalie Facing Backwards 
#     if gGoalie and (225 <= myh < 315):
#         Indicator.showHeadColor(Indicator.RGB_ORANGE)
#         #ball to goalie's right
#         if ballx <= myx:
#             print "Ball to my RIGHT"
#             Action.walk(-5,Action.MAX_LEFT,-Action.MAX_TURN,
#             "ddd",minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT) 
#         #ball to goalie's left
#         else:
#             print "Ball to my LEFT"
#             Action.walk(-5,-Action.MAX_LEFT,Action.MAX_TURN,
#             "ddd",minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)   
    # Walk direct - with getBehind adjustment
    if abs(ballH) < 30:
#         if gGoalie:
#             Indicator.showHeadColor(Indicator.RGB_GREEN)
        Action.walk(fwd, leftAdj, ballH,
    # Walk and turn to face
    elif abs(ballH) < 80:                                  
        gLastTurnFrame = Global.frame
        fwd = max(ballD * math.cos(ballH),0)
        left = ballD * math.sin(ballH)
#         if gGoalie:
#             left = leftAdj
#             Indicator.showHeadColor(Indicator.RGB_BLUE)
    # Turn on the spot
        gLastTurnFrame = Global.frame
        fwd = 0
        left = 0
        turnccw = hMath.CLIP(ballH,60)

#         if gGoalie:
#             fwd = -Action.MAX_FORWARD
#             if abs(ballx - myx) > Constant.DOG_WIDTH * 2:
#                 left = (myx - ballx) * 0.7
#             turnccw = 0
#             Indicator.showHeadColor(Indicator.RGB_PURPLE)
Exemplo n.º 3
def performBall(dkd=90, dist=20, direction=None, accuracy=20):
    global gLastCalledFrame
    global gDirection
    global gLastCalledFrame

    bx, by = Global.ballX, Global.ballY
    myx, myy = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    # If this function wasn't called in previous frame, then reset the direction.
    if Global.frame == gLastCalledFrame:
        gDirection = None
    gLastCalledFrame = Global.frame

    # Work out if we are to the left or right of the ball (relative to DKD as 0)
    lRobotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(bx, by, dkd, myx, myy)
    if abs(lRobotH) > 70:
        gDirection = None

    if direction == None and gDirection == None:
        if lRobotH < 0:  # robot to the left
            #print "robot to left of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
        else:  # robot to the right
            #print "robot to right of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dCLOCKWISE

    elif direction != None:
        gDirection = direction

    if gDirection == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
        circleAng = 90 + CIRCLE_DEGREES
        circleAng = 90 - CIRCLE_DEGREES
    circleAng = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(circleAng)

    # This factor is used to adjust the dodgyness of the sidewards and
    factor = max(min(abs(180 - lRobotH) / 90.0, 1), 0)
    lcx = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor
    lcy = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor

    robotH = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(lRobotH + dkd)  # now global
    cx, cy = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(bx, by, robotH, lcx, lcy)

    bh = Global.ballH

    lcx, lcy = hMath.getLocalCoordinate(myx, myy, myh, cx, cy)

    if abs(bh) > 30 and Global.ballD > dist:
        Action.walk(0, 0, bh, minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)
                    bh * 0.75,

    if abs(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(myh + bh -
                                    dkd)) < accuracy and abs(bh) < accuracy:
        return Constant.STATE_SUCCESS

    gLastCalledFrame = Global.frame

    return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING
Exemplo n.º 4
def perform(dkd=90, dist=20, direction=None, bx=None, by=None, accuracy=20):
    global gDirection

    #if side != None:
    #    print "Warning: sGetBehindBall.perform: side is not yet implemented"

    if bx == None or by == None:
        (bx, by) = Global.gpsGlobalBall.getPos()
    (myx, myy) = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    # Work out if we are to the left or right of the ball (relative to DKD as 0)
    lRobotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(bx, by, dkd, myx, myy)

    if direction == None and gDirection == None:
        if lRobotH < 0:  # robot to the left
            #print "robot to left of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
        else:  # robot to the right
            #print "robot to right of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dCLOCKWISE

    elif direction != None:
        gDirection = direction

    # The circling point can be calculated as looking from the ball
    # towards the robot at CIRCLE_DEGREES to the left/right, and distance
    # dist. CircleAng is from the ball facing the robot with positive x
    # at zero degrees

#    if robotH > 180 - CIRCLE_DEGREES:
#        # If we are within CIRCLE_DEGREES of the target point don't overshoot
#        circleAng = 90 + (180 - robotH)
#    elif robotH < -180 + CIRCLE_DEGREES:
#        circleAng = 90 - (-180 + robotH)
#    else:
    if gDirection == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
        circleAng = 90 + CIRCLE_DEGREES
        circleAng = 90 - CIRCLE_DEGREES
    circleAng = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(circleAng)

    #print ""
    #print "local robot H ", lRobotH
    # relative to target facing robot

    # This factor is used to adjust the dodgyness of the sidewards and
    # backwards ability of fast skelliptical walk.
    factor = 1  #max(min(abs(180-lRobotH)/60.0,2),1)
    lcx = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor
    lcy = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor

    #print "circleAng", circleAng, "rel circle pos", circleRelX, circleRelY

    robotH = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(lRobotH + dkd)  # now global
    cx, cy = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(bx, by, robotH, lcx, lcy)

    #print " local circle pos : (", lcx ,",",lcy,")"
    #print "my pos : (", myx, ",", myy, ",",myh,")"
    #print "global robotH ", robotH
    #print "global ball :(", bx, ",", by, ") global circle pos : (", cx ,",",cy,")"
    # circleX/Y now is the global coords of the circle point, so walk there.

    bh = hMath.getHeadingBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)  # global
    lbh = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(bh - myh)

    lcx, lcy = hMath.getLocalCoordinate(myx, myy, myh, cx, cy)
    #lcdSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(0,0,lcx,lcy)
    Action.walk(lcy, lcx, lbh, "ddd", minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)

    if abs(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(bh -
                                    dkd)) < accuracy and abs(lbh) < accuracy:
        return Constant.STATE_SUCCESS

    return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING
Exemplo n.º 5
def walkToStillBall(ballD, ballH, getBehind=False):
    # Calculate getBehind adjustment
    leftAdj = 0
    if getBehind:
        myx, myy = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
        myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
        ballx, bally = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(
            myx, myy, myh, *hMath.polarToCart(ballD, ballH + 90))

        # In defense we get between our goal and the ball. In attack we line
        # up the ball and target goal. In the (small) midfield we line up with
        # upfield
        reversePoints = False
        if bally < Constant.FIELD_LENGTH / 2 - 20:
            lineX, lineY = Constant.OWN_GOAL_X, Constant.OWN_GOAL_Y
        elif bally > Constant.FIELD_LENGTH / 2 + 20:
            lineX, lineY = Constant.TARGET_GOAL_X, Constant.TARGET_GOAL_Y
            reversePoints = True
            lineX, lineY = ballx, 0

        # Draw a line between ball and own goal. Find self offset from the line
        dist = ((ballx - lineX)*(lineY - myy)-(lineX - myx)*(bally - lineY)) /\
                math.sqrt(hMath.SQUARE(ballx - lineX) \
                            + hMath.SQUARE(bally - lineY))
        # If dist > 0 we are to the right of the line, so adjustment left
        # These adjustments will only be applied assuming we are facing
        # the ball
        if dist > 15:
            leftAdj = 14
        elif dist < -15:
            leftAdj = -12
            leftAdj = 0

        # From in front of the ball adjust even more to get more behind
        if myy > bally:
            leftAdj *= 1.5

        # If the line was to a target to line up, reverse direction
        if reversePoints:
            leftAdj = -leftAdj

    Indicator.showFacePattern([0] * 5)
    if ballD < MID_BALL_DIST and abs(ballH) > 30:
        # Turn on the spot
        ballH = hMath.CLIP(ballH, 70)
        Action.walk(0, 0, ballH, minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)
        # Walk direct - with getBehind adjustment
        if leftAdj > 0:
            Indicator.showFacePattern([0, 0, 0, 2, 3])
        elif leftAdj < 0:
            Indicator.showFacePattern([3, 2, 0, 0, 0])
        if abs(ballH) < 30:
            ballH = hMath.CLIP(ballH, 70)
            Action.walk(0, 0, ballH, minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)