Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_compactness(self):
        """Tests `hacking_the_election.utils.geometry.get_compactness`

        original_gerrymander_polygon = \

        original_reock_score = round(geometry.get_compactness(original_gerrymander_polygon), 3)
        self.assertEqual(original_reock_score, 0.32)

        vermont_reock_score = round(geometry.get_compactness(self.vermont), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vermont_reock_score, 0.423)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):
        """Loads data files and saves as instance attributes.

        with open(f"{SOURCE_DIR}/data/geometry/original_gerrymander.json", "r") as f:
            # Stored as GeoJson, not shapely object.
            self.original_gerrymander = \

        with open(f"{SOURCE_DIR}/data/geometry/vermont_precincts.json", "r") as f:
            vermont_precincts_json = json.load(f)

        # Dict linking geoid10 to shapely object containing coordinates.
        self.vermont_precincts = {}
        for precinct in vermont_precincts_json["features"]:
            self.vermont_precincts[precinct["properties"]["GEOID10"]] = \

        with open(f"{SOURCE_DIR}/data/geometry/vermont.json", "r") as f:
            # Total state boundary of Vermont.
            self.vermont = geometry.geojson_to_shapely(
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_geojson_to_shapely(self):
        """Tests `hacking_the_election.utils.geometry.geojson_to_shapely`
        If SHOW is True, then:
        Working under assumption that visualization functions are working.
        Purely for human observation.

        Otherwise simply checks that the function does not throw an error.

        original_gerrymander_polygon = geometry.geojson_to_shapely(self.original_gerrymander)

        if SHOW:
            visualize_map([original_gerrymander_polygon], None, show=True)
def _find_voter_data(geodata, state_graph, party_list):
    Takes shapely coords from a district and returns election results.
    precinct_list = []
    votes_list = [0 for party in party_list]
    total_party_list = ["total" + party[7:] for party in party_list]
    if isinstance(geodata, Community):
        for precinct in geodata.precincts.values():
            for num, party in enumerate(total_party_list):
                exec('votes_list[num] += (precinct.' + party + ')')
        for node in state_graph:
        shapely_district = geojson_to_shapely(geodata)
        district_bounding_box = shapely_district.bounds
        considerable_precincts = []
        # Cull the list of precincts to only those worthy of consideration
        for precinct in precinct_list:
            bounding_box = precinct.coords.bounds
            if not (bounding_box[0] < district_bounding_box[0] or bounding_box[1] < district_bounding_box[1]):
                if not (bounding_box[2] > district_bounding_box[2] or bounding_box[3] > district_bounding_box[3]):
        for precinct in considerable_precincts:
            intersection = shapely_district.intersection(precinct.coords).area
            if intersection > 0:
                percent_precinct = intersection/precinct.coords.area
                if percent_precinct < 0:
                    print(f'Precinct {precinct.id} has negative area. That\'s extremely bad.')
                for num, party in enumerate(total_party_list):
                    exec('votes_list[num] += (percent_precinct * precinct.' + party + ')')
            elif intersection < 0:
                raise Exception(f'Precinct {precinct.id} has negative intersection area with district. How did this happen?????')
    # If total number of "other" votes is negative (possible), round to 0 as long as it's not too bad.
    if votes_list[0] < 0:
        if votes_list[0] > -1:
            votes_list[0] = 0
            print(f'Problematic number of negative other votes: {votes_list[0]}') 
    return votes_list
def create_graph(election_file, geo_file, pop_file, state):
    Returns graph with precinct ids stored in nodes (string of XML)
    and list of Precinct objects.
    start_time = time()
    with open(f"{SOURCE_DIR}/state_metadata.json", "r") as f:
        state_metadata = json.load(f)

    # This should be a race for president
    dem_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["dem_keys"][0]
    rep_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["rep_keys"][0]
        total_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["total_keys"][0]
        total_key = None
        other_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["other_keys"][0]
        other_key = None

        green_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["green_keys"][0]
        green_key = None
        lib_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["libertarian_keys"][0]
        lib_key = None
        reform_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["reform_keys"][0]
        reform_key = None
        ind_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["independent_keys"][0]
        ind_key = None
        const_key = state_metadata[state]["party_data"]["constitution_keys"][0]
        const_key = None 

    json_ids  = state_metadata[state]["geo_id"]
    json_pops = state_metadata[state]["pop_key"]
    ele_ids   = state_metadata[state]["ele_id"]

    # Water precincts in geodata that should be excluded have this id 
    # for whatever json_id should normally be there.
    non_precinct_ids = state_metadata[state]["non_precinct_ids"]

    # Read election and geo data files.
    with open(geo_file, "r") as f:
        geodata = json.load(f)

    if election_file != "none":
        # Find election precincts not in geodata and vice versa

        if election_file[-5:] == ".json":
            election_data_type = "json"
            with open(election_file, "r") as f:
                election_data = json.load(f)

            election_data_ids = [tostring("".join([precinct["properties"][ele_id] for ele_id in ele_ids]))
                                 for precinct in election_data["features"]]
            geodata_ids = [tostring("".join([precinct["properties"][json_id] for json_id in json_ids]))
                           for precinct in geodata["features"]]
            election_data_to_geodata = compare_ids(election_data_ids, geodata_ids)

        elif election_file[-4:] == ".tab":
            election_data_type = "tab"
            with open(election_file, "r") as f:
                election_file_contents = f.read().strip()
            # create a list of rows that are a list of values in that row
            election_data = [line.split("\t") for line in
            ele_id_col_indices = [i for i, header in enumerate(election_data[0]) if header in ele_ids]
            election_data_ids = [tostring("".join([election_data_row[ele_id_index] for ele_id_index in ele_id_col_indices]))
                                 for election_data_row in election_data[1:]]
            geodata_ids = [tostring("".join([precinct["properties"][json_id] for json_id in json_ids])) 
                           for precinct in geodata["features"]]
            election_data_to_geodata = compare_ids(election_data_ids, geodata_ids)
            # Election Data can only be .tab or .json files
            raise ValueError('.json or .tab file required')

        election_data_type = False

    if pop_file != "none":
        # Finds population data, any population_ids to geodata_ids will be done when finding pop
        if pop_file[-4:] == ".json":
            pop_data_type = "json"
            with open(pop_file, "r") as f:
                popdata = json.load(f)
        elif pop_file[-4:] == ".tab":
            pop_data_type = "tab"
            with open(pop_file, 'r') as f:
                popdata = f.read().strip()
            # Population Data can only be .tab or .json files
            raise ValueError('.json or .tab file required')
        pop_data_type = False

    unordered_precinct_graph = graph()

    # Get election data. If needed, converts election data ids to geodata ids 
    # using election_data_to_geodata, thus all keys are those of geodata.
    # {precinct_id: [{dem:data}, {rep:data}], [{green:data}, {lib:data}] as neeeded}
    precinct_election_data = {}
    # If there is an election data file...
    if election_data_type:
        # If the election data file is a .json file
        if election_data_type == "json":
             # Fill precinct_election_data
            for precinct1 in election_data["features"]:
                properties1 = precinct1["properties"]
                # Convert election data id to geodata id
                    precinct_id1 = election_data_to_geodata[
                        tostring("".join(properties1[ele_id] for ele_id in ele_ids))
                except KeyError:
                party_data = [
                    {'dem': convert_to_float(properties1[dem_key])},
                    {'rep': convert_to_float(properties1[rep_key])}
                if total_key:
                    remainder = {'other': convert_to_float(properties1[total_key]) - sum(
                        [properties1[key] for key in [dem_key, rep_key, green_key, lib_key, reform_key, ind_key, const_key] if key != None]
                    if list(remainder.values())[0] < 0:
                        if list(remainder.values())[0] < -1:
                            raise Exception(f'Negative other votes: {list(remainder.values())[0]} from precinct {precinct_id1}')
                            print(f'Note: Negative other votes: {list(remainder.values())[0]} from precinct {precinct_id1}, rounded up to 0')
                # If there is already a total_key, the other_key id is not needed.
                elif other_key:
                    party_data.append({'other': convert_to_float(properties1[other_key])})

                if green_key:
                    party_data.append({'green': convert_to_float(properties1[green_key])})
                if lib_key:
                    party_data.append({'lib': convert_to_float(properties1[lib_key])})
                if reform_key:
                    party_data.append({'reform': convert_to_float(properties1[reform_key])})
                if ind_key:
                    party_data.append({'ind': convert_to_float(properties1[ind_key])})
                if const_key:
                    party_data.append({'const': convert_to_float(properties1[const_key])})

                precinct_election_data[precinct_id1] = party_data
        # If the election data file is a .tab file
        elif election_data_type == "tab":
            total_sum = 0
            # headers for different categories
            election_column_names = election_data[0]
            # Get the index of each of the relevant columns.
            dem_key_col_index = \
                [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                if col == dem_key][0]

            rep_key_col_index = \
                [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                if col == rep_key][0]

            ele_id_col_indices = [i for i, header in enumerate(election_column_names) if header in ele_ids]

            # Fill precinct_election_data
            for precinct in election_data[1:]:
                # convert election data id to geodata id
                    election_data_id = election_data_to_geodata[
                        tostring("".join([precinct[ele_id_col_index] for ele_id_col_index in ele_id_col_indices]))
                except KeyError:
                party_data = [
                    {'dem': precinct[dem_key_col_index]
                    {'rep': precinct[rep_key_col_index]
                if total_key:
                    # I apologize. This basically finds indexes, then subtracts values from total, even
                    # if it doesn't look like it.
                    total_key_col_index = \
                        [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == total_key][0]
                    total_sum += convert_to_float(precinct[total_key_col_index])
                    remainder = {'other': convert_to_float(precinct[total_key_col_index]) 
                        - sum([convert_to_float(precinct[[i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names) if col == key][0]]) 
                        for key in [dem_key, rep_key, green_key, lib_key, reform_key, ind_key, const_key] if key != None]
                    if list(remainder.values())[0] < 0:
                        # if list(remainder.values())[0] < -1:
                        #     raise Exception(f'Negative other votes: {list(remainder.values())[0]} from precinct {election_data_id}')
                        # else:
                        print(f'Note: Negative other votes: {list(remainder.values())[0]} from precinct {election_data_id}, rounded up to 0')
                # If there is already a total_key, the other_key id is not needed.
                elif other_key:
                    other_key_col_index = \
                        [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == other_key][0]
                    party_data.append({'other': convert_to_float(precinct[other_key_col_index])})

                if green_key:
                    key_index = [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == green_key][0]
                    party_data.append({'green': convert_to_float(precinct[key_index])})
                if lib_key:
                    key_index = [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == lib_key][0]
                    party_data.append({'lib': convert_to_float(precinct[key_index])})
                if reform_key:
                    key_index = [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == reform_key][0]
                    party_data.append({'reform': convert_to_float(precinct[key_index])})
                if ind_key:
                    key_index = [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == ind_key][0]
                    party_data.append({'ind': convert_to_float(precinct[key_index])})
                if const_key:
                    key_index = [i for i, col in enumerate(election_column_names)
                        if col == const_key][0]
                    party_data.append({'const': convert_to_float(precinct[key_index])})

                precinct_election_data[election_data_id] = party_data
        # Fill precinct_election_data
        for precinct in geodata["features"]:
            properties = precinct["properties"]
            precinct_id = tostring("".join(properties[json_id] for json_id in json_ids))
            party_data = [
                {'dem': convert_to_float(properties[dem_key])},
                {'rep': convert_to_float(properties[rep_key])}
            if total_key:
                remainder = {'other': convert_to_float(properties[total_key]) - sum(
                        [properties[key] for key in [dem_key, rep_key, green_key, lib_key, reform_key, ind_key, const_key] if key != None]
                if list(remainder.values())[0] < 0:
                    # if list(remainder.values())[0] < -1:
                    #     raise Exception(f'Negative other votes: {list(remainder.values())[0]} from precinct {precinct_id}')
                    # else:
                    print(f'Note: Negative other votes: {list(remainder.values())[0]} from precinct {precinct_id}, rounded up to 0')
            # If there is already a total_key, the other_key id is not needed.
            elif other_key:
                party_data.append({'other': convert_to_float(properties[other_key])})

            if green_key:
                party_data.append({'green': convert_to_float(properties[green_key])})
            if lib_key:
                party_data.append({'lib': convert_to_float(properties[lib_key])})
            if reform_key:
                party_data.append({'reform': convert_to_float(properties[reform_key])})
            if ind_key:
                party_data.append({'ind': convert_to_float(properties[ind_key])})
            if const_key:
                party_data.append({'const': convert_to_float(properties[const_key])})
            precinct_election_data[precinct_id] = party_data

    # Then find population. pop should have keys that use geodata ids
    # {precinct_id : population}
    pop = {}
    if pop_data_type:
        if pop_data_type == "json":
            for pop_precinct in popdata["features"]:
                pop_properties = pop_precinct["properties"]
                # Assumes the same Ids are used in geodata as in population data
                pop_precinct_id = tostring("".join(pop_properties[json_id] for json_id in json_ids))
                if sum([pop_properties[key] for key in json_pops]) < 0:
                    raise Exception(f'Negative population: {sum([pop_properties[key] for key in json_pops])} from precinct {pop_precinct_id}')
                pop[pop_precinct_id] = sum([pop_properties[key] for key in json_pops])
        # individual conditionals for states, they should go here
        # elif pop_data_type == "tab":
            # In these condtionals, pop should have keys that match geodata. this is done here. 
            # compare_ids() from the serialization file in utils can be used for population
        #     if state == "south carolina":
        #         for precinct in geodata["features"]:
        #             precinct_id = tostring("".join(str(precinct["properties"][json_id]) for json_id in json_ids)) 
        #             pop_dict = {row.split("\t")[0] :
        #                 row.split("\t")[1]
        #                 for row in popdata.split("\n")}
        #             try:
        #                 pop[precinct_id] = pop_dict[precinct_id]
        #             except KeyError:
        #                 print(f"Failed to find value of {precinct_id}")
        # else:
            # raise AttributeError
        # find where population is stored, either election or geodata
            _ = geodata["features"][0]["properties"][json_pops[0]]
        except (ValueError or KeyError):
            pop_data_type = "tab"
            # population is in election data
            pop_col_indices = [i for i, header in enumerate(election_data[0]) if header in json_pops]
            # find which indexes have population data
            for row in election_data[1:]:
                pop_precinct_id = election_data_to_geodata[
                    tostring("".join([row[ele_id_col_index] for ele_id_col_index in ele_id_col_indices]))
                precinct_populations = [convert_to_float(row[i]) for i in pop_col_indices]
                if sum(precinct_populations) < 0:
                    raise Exception(f'Negative population: {precinct_populations} from precinct {pop_precinct_id}')
                pop[pop_precinct_id] = sum(precinct_populations)
            # population is in geodata
            for geodata_pop_precinct in geodata["features"]:
                geodata_pop_properties = geodata_pop_precinct["properties"]
                geodata_pop_precinct_id = tostring("".join(str(geodata_pop_properties[json_id]) for json_id in json_ids))
                precinct_populations = [convert_to_float(geodata_pop_properties[key]) for key in json_pops]
                if sum(precinct_populations) < 0:
                    raise Exception(f'Negative population: {precinct_populations} from precinct {pop_precinct_id}')
                pop[geodata_pop_precinct_id] = sum(precinct_populations)

    # Create a geodata dictionary
    geodata_dict = {
        tostring("".join(str(precinct["properties"][json_id]) for json_id in json_ids)) :
        for precinct in geodata["features"]
        if not any([non_precinct_id in 
        tostring("".join(precinct["properties"][json_id] for json_id in json_ids))
        for non_precinct_id in non_precinct_ids])
    with open('./maryland_election_data.tab', 'a') as f:
        for precinct_id, data in precinct_election_data.items():
            for party in data:
    # Remove multipolygons from our dictionaries. (This is so our districts/communities stay contiguous)
    split_multipolygons(geodata_dict, pop, precinct_election_data)
    # Combine precincts with holes in them
    combine_holypolygons(geodata_dict, pop, precinct_election_data)
    # Change geometry to prevent invalid Shapely polygons
    # Modify geodata_dict to use 'shapely.geometry.Polygon's
    geodata_dict = {
        precinct :
        for precinct, coords in geodata_dict.items()

    # Create list of Precinct objects
    precinct_list = []
    for precinct_id, coordinate_data in geodata_dict.items():
            precinct_pop = pop[precinct_id]
            precinct_election = {
                (list(party_dict.keys())[0] + '_data') :
                for party_dict in precinct_election_data[precinct_id]
        # Precincts in geodata that are not in election or population data, just skip
        except KeyError:
                Precinct(precinct_pop, coordinate_data, state, precinct_id, **precinct_election)
    print(f"{state} dem votes: {sum([precinct.total_dem for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    print(f"{state} rep votes: {sum([precinct.total_rep for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    if precinct_list[0].total_green != 0:
        print(f"{state} green votes: {sum([precinct.total_green for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    if precinct_list[0].total_lib != 0:
        print(f"{state} libertarian votes: {sum([precinct.total_lib for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    if precinct_list[0].total_reform != 0:
        print(f"{state} reform votes: {sum([precinct.total_reform for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    if precinct_list[0].total_const != 0:
        print(f"{state} constitution votes: {sum([precinct.total_const for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    if precinct_list[0].total_ind != 0:
        print(f"{state} independent votes: {sum([precinct.total_ind for precinct in precinct_list])}")
    if precinct_list[0].total_other != 0:
        print(f"{state} other votes: {sum([precinct.total_other for precinct in precinct_list])}")

    # Add nodes to our unordered graph
    for i, precinct in enumerate(precinct_list):
        unordered_precinct_graph.add_node(i, attrs=[precinct])
    node_num = len(unordered_precinct_graph.nodes())
    print('Nodes: ', node_num)
    print(time() - start_time)

    # Add edges to our graph
    completed_precincts = []
    for node in unordered_precinct_graph.nodes():
        coordinate_data = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(node)[0].coords
        min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = coordinate_data.bounds
        x_length = max_x - min_x
        y_length = max_y - min_y
        # Given a bounding box, how much it should be scaled by for precincts to consider
        scale_factor = 0.02

        min_x -= (x_length * scale_factor)
        max_x += (x_length * scale_factor)
        min_y -= (y_length * scale_factor)
        max_y += (y_length * scale_factor)
        precincts_to_check = []
        for check_node in unordered_precinct_graph.nodes():
            # If the node being checked is the node we checking to
            if check_node == node:
            # If the node being checked already has edges, then no point in checking
            if check_node in completed_precincts:
            # If there is already an edge between the two
            if unordered_precinct_graph.has_edge((node, check_node)):
            check_coordinate_data = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(check_node)[0].coords
                for point in check_coordinate_data.exterior.coords:
                    if min_x <= point[0] <= max_x:
                        if min_y <= point[1] <= max_y:
                for geom in check_coordinate_data:
                    for point in geom.exterior.coords:
                        if min_x <= point[0] <= max_x:
                            if min_y <= point[1] <= max_y:
        sys.stdout.write("\r                                ")
        sys.stdout.write(f"\rAdding edges progress: {round(100 * node/node_num, 2)}%")
        for precinct10 in precincts_to_check: 
                if get_if_bordering(coordinate_data, unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(precinct10)[0].coords):
                    unordered_precinct_graph.add_edge((node, precinct10))
            except AdditionError:
                node_precinct_id = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(node)[0].id
                precinct10_precinct_id = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(precinct10)[0].id
                raise Exception(f'Failed intersection check, precincts being checked were {node_precinct_id}, {precinct10_precinct_id} of nodes {node} and {precinct10}, respectively')

    print(time() - start_time)

    # The graph will have multiple representations, i.e. an "edge" going both ways, 
    # but it's only considered one edge in has_edge(), add_edge(), delete_edge(), etc.
    print('Edges: ', len(unordered_precinct_graph.edges())/2)

    print(time() - start_time)
    original_graph_components_num = len(get_components(unordered_precinct_graph))
    # Repeat until entire graph is contiguous
    # Get components of graph (islands of precincts)
    if not len(get_components(unordered_precinct_graph)) == 1:
        while len(get_components(unordered_precinct_graph)) != 1:
            graph_components = get_components(unordered_precinct_graph)
            # print(graph_components, '# of graph components')
            # Create list with dictionary containing keys as precincts, 
            # values as centroids for each component
            centroid_list = []
            for component in graph_components:
                component_list = {}
                for precinct in component:
                    component_list[precinct] = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(precinct)[0].centroid
            # Keys are minimum distances to and from different islands, 
            # values are tuples of nodes to add edges between
            min_distances = {}
            # print(len(list(combinations([num for num in range(0, len(graph_components))], 2))), 'list of stuffs')
            # For nonrepeating combinations of components, add to list of edges
            for combo in list(combinations([num for num in range(0, (len(graph_components) - 1))], 2)):
                # Create list of centroids to compare
                centroids_1 = centroid_list[combo[0]]
                centroids_2 = centroid_list[combo[1]]
                min_distance = 0
                min_tuple = None
                for precinct_1, centroid_1 in centroids_1.items():
                    for precinct_2, centroid_2 in centroids_2.items():
                        x_distance = centroid_1[0] - centroid_2[0]
                        y_distance = centroid_1[1] - centroid_2[1]
                        # No need to sqrt unnecessarily
                        distance = (x_distance ** 2) + (y_distance ** 2)
                        if min_distance == 0:
                            min_distance = distance
                            min_tuple = (precinct_1, precinct_2)
                        elif distance < min_distance:
                            # print(precinct_1, precinct_2)
                            min_distance = distance
                            min_tuple = (precinct_1, precinct_2)
                min_distances[min_distance] = min_tuple
            # combinations() fails once the graph is one edge away from completion, so this is manual
            if len(graph_components) == 2:
                min_distance = 0
                for precinct_1 in graph_components[0]:
                    centroid_1 = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(precinct_1)[0].centroid
                    for precinct_2 in graph_components[1]:
                        centroid_2 = unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(precinct_2)[0].centroid
                        x_distance = centroid_1[0] - centroid_2[0]
                        y_distance = centroid_1[1] - centroid_2[1]
                        # No need to sqrt unnecessarily
                        distance = (x_distance ** 2) + (y_distance ** 2)
                        if min_distance == 0:
                            min_distance = distance
                            min_tuple = (precinct_1, precinct_2)
                        elif distance < min_distance:
                            # print(precinct_1, precinct_2)
                            min_distance = distance
                            min_tuple = (precinct_1, precinct_2)
                min_distances[min_distance] = min_tuple

            # Find edge to add
                edge_to_add = min_distances[min(min_distances)]
            except ValueError:
            print(f"\rConnecting islands progress: {100 - round(100 * len(graph_components)/original_graph_components_num, 2)}%")
            print('yo', unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(edge_to_add[0])[0].id, unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(edge_to_add[1])[0].id)
    print(f'Number of islands (including mainland if applicable): {original_graph_components_num}')
    print('Edges after island linking: ', round(len(unordered_precinct_graph.edges())/2))

    # Create list of nodes in ascending order by degree
    ordered_nodes = sorted(
        key=lambda n: unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(n)[0].centroid[0]) 
    print(time() - start_time)
    # Create ordered graph
    ordered_precinct_graph = graph()
    # Add nodes from unordered graph to ordered
    for i, node in enumerate(ordered_nodes):
        ordered_precinct_graph.add_node(i, attrs=[unordered_precinct_graph.node_attributes(node)[0]])
    # Then, add EDGES.
    for node in ordered_nodes:
        neighbors = unordered_precinct_graph.neighbors(node)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if ordered_precinct_graph.has_edge((ordered_nodes.index(node), ordered_nodes.index(neighbor))):
                ordered_precinct_graph.add_edge((ordered_nodes.index(node), ordered_nodes.index(neighbor)))
    print("Total time taken:", time() - start_time)
    return ordered_precinct_graph
def combine_holypolygons(geodata, pop_data, election_data):
    Precincts that are inside holes need to be removed in order to preserve contiguity of districts.
    This function detects precincts inside holes and combines them with the precinct they are in.
    This function only works when run after split_multipolygons().

    :param geodata: Coordinate data for precincts
    :type geodata: dictionary of ids and polygons

    :param pop_data: Population data for precincts
    :type pop_data: dictionary of ids and floats

    :param election_data: Voting/Election data for precincts
    :type election_data: dictionary of ids and lists with dictionaries of parties and election results inside (see serialize.py)

    # Test for multipolygons
    for precinct_id, precinct_coords in geodata.items():
            _ = precinct_coords[0][0][0][0]
            raise MultiPolygonFoundException
    # So we don't end up checking more than we need to
    already_checked_holes = []
    holes = []
    for precinct_id, precinct_coords in geodata.items():
        # If there is more than one linear ring, there is a hole in this precinct.
        if len(precinct_coords) > 1:
            precinct_hole_num = len(precinct_coords) - 1

            total_pop = pop_data[precinct_id]
            total_election = election_data[precinct_id]
            shapely_holes = [Polygon(geojson_to_shapely(ring)) for ring in precinct_coords[1:]]
            hole_area = sum([area(hole) for hole in precinct_coords[1:]])
            found_area = 0
            # hole_point = hole.centroid

            for check_id, check_coords in geodata.items():
                # No need to check further if all area in hole is already found
                if found_area > hole_area:
                # If the check_id is already in the holes list, it will already have been
                # accounted for, so this prevents double counting
                if check_id in holes:
                if check_id == precinct_id:
                check_centroid = geojson_to_shapely(check_coords).centroid
                for hole in shapely_holes:
                    if check_centroid.within(hole):
                        total_pop += pop_data[check_id]
                        new_election_data = []
                        for party_num, party_dict in enumerate(total_election):
                            party = str(list(party_dict.keys())[0])
                            result = float(list(party_dict.values())[0])
                                to_add = list(election_data[check_id][party_num].values())[0]
                                result += float(to_add)
                            except ValueError:
                            new_election_data.append({party : result})
                        total_election = new_election_data

            # Assign new data for precinct with holes to data dictionaries 
            pop_data[precinct_id] = total_pop
            election_data[precinct_id] = total_election
    for precinct_id in already_checked_holes:
        geodata[precinct_id] = [geodata[precinct_id][0]]
    for check_id in holes:
        del geodata[check_id]
        del pop_data[check_id]
        del election_data[check_id]
    print(f"Precincts with holes Found: {len(already_checked_holes)}")
    print(f"Precincts in holes Found {len(holes)}")