Exemplo n.º 1
def admin_wizard(request):
  apps = appmanager.get_apps(request.user)
  app_names = [app.name for app in sorted(apps, key=lambda app: app.menu_index)]

  tours_and_tutorials = Settings.get_settings().tours_and_tutorials

  return render('admin_wizard.mako', request, {
      'version': settings.HUE_DESKTOP_VERSION,
      'apps': dict([(app.name, app) for app in apps]),
      'app_names': app_names,
      'tours_and_tutorials': tours_and_tutorials,
      'trash_enabled': get_trash_interval()
Exemplo n.º 2
def admin_wizard(request):
  apps = appmanager.get_apps(request.user)
  app_names = [app.name for app in sorted(apps, key=lambda app: app.menu_index)]

  collect_usage = Settings.get_settings().collect_usage

  return render('admin_wizard.mako', request, {
      'version': settings.HUE_DESKTOP_VERSION,
      'check_config': check_config(request).content,
      'apps': dict([(app.name, app) for app in apps]),
      'app_names': app_names,
      'collect_usage': collect_usage,
      'trash_enabled': get_trash_interval()
Exemplo n.º 3
def admin_wizard(request):
    apps = appmanager.get_apps(request.user)
    app_names = [
        app.name for app in sorted(apps, key=lambda app: app.menu_index)

    tours_and_tutorials = Settings.get_settings().tours_and_tutorials

    return render(
        'admin_wizard.mako', request, {
            'version': settings.HUE_DESKTOP_VERSION,
            'apps': dict([(app.name, app) for app in apps]),
            'app_names': app_names,
            'tours_and_tutorials': tours_and_tutorials,
            'trash_enabled': get_trash_interval()
Exemplo n.º 4
def listdir_paged(request, path):
    A paginated version of listdir.

    Query parameters:
      pagenum           - The page number to show. Defaults to 1.
      pagesize          - How many to show on a page. Defaults to 15.
      sortby=?          - Specify attribute to sort by. Accepts:
                            (type, name, atime, mtime, size, user, group)
                          Defaults to name.
      descending        - Specify a descending sort order.
                          Default to false.
      filter=?          - Specify a substring filter to search for in
                          the filename field.
    if not request.fs.isdir(path):
        raise PopupException("Not a directory: %s" % (path,))

    trash_enabled = get_trash_interval()

    pagenum = int(request.GET.get('pagenum', 1))
    pagesize = int(request.GET.get('pagesize', 30))

    home_dir_path = request.user.get_home_directory()
    breadcrumbs = parse_breadcrumbs(path)

    all_stats = request.fs.listdir_stats(path)

    # Filter first
    filter_str = request.GET.get('filter', None)
    if filter_str:
        filtered_stats = filter(lambda sb: filter_str in sb['name'], all_stats)
        all_stats = filtered_stats

    # Sort next
    sortby = request.GET.get('sortby', None)
    descending_param = request.GET.get('descending', None)
    if sortby is not None:
        if sortby not in ('type', 'name', 'atime', 'mtime', 'user', 'group', 'size'):
            logger.info("Invalid sort attribute '%s' for listdir." %
            all_stats = sorted(all_stats,

    # Do pagination
    page = paginator.Paginator(all_stats, pagesize).page(pagenum)
    shown_stats = page.object_list

    # Include parent dir always as second option, unless at filesystem root.
    if Hdfs.normpath(path) != posixpath.sep:
        parent_path = request.fs.join(path, "..")
        parent_stat = request.fs.stats(parent_path)
        # The 'path' field would be absolute, but we want its basename to be
        # actually '..' for display purposes. Encode it since _massage_stats expects byte strings.
        parent_stat['path'] = parent_path
        parent_stat['name'] = ".."
        shown_stats.insert(0, parent_stat)

    # Include same dir always as first option to see stats of the current folder
    current_stat = request.fs.stats(path)
    # The 'path' field would be absolute, but we want its basename to be
    # actually '.' for display purposes. Encode it since _massage_stats expects byte strings.
    current_stat['path'] = path
    current_stat['name'] = "."
    shown_stats.insert(0, current_stat)

    page.object_list = [ _massage_stats(request, s) for s in shown_stats ]

    data = {
        'path': path,
        'breadcrumbs': breadcrumbs,
        'current_request_path': request.path,
        'files': page.object_list,
        'page': _massage_page(page),
        'pagesize': pagesize,
        'home_directory': request.fs.isdir(home_dir_path) and home_dir_path or None,
        'trash_enabled': trash_enabled,
        'sortby': sortby,
        'descending': descending_param,
        # The following should probably be deprecated
        'cwd_set': True,
        'file_filter': 'any',
        'current_dir_path': path,
        'is_fs_superuser': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser,
        'is_superuser': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser,
        'groups': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser and [str(x) for x in Group.objects.values_list('name', flat=True)] or [],
        'users': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser and [str(x) for x in User.objects.values_list('username', flat=True)] or [],
        'superuser': request.fs.superuser
    return render('listdir.mako', request, data)
Exemplo n.º 5
def listdir_paged(request, path):
    A paginated version of listdir.

    Query parameters:
      pagenum           - The page number to show. Defaults to 1.
      pagesize          - How many to show on a page. Defaults to 15.
      sortby=?          - Specify attribute to sort by. Accepts:
                            (type, name, atime, mtime, size, user, group)
                          Defaults to name.
      descending        - Specify a descending sort order.
                          Default to false.
      filter=?          - Specify a substring filter to search for in
                          the filename field.
    if not request.fs.isdir(path):
        raise PopupException("Not a directory: %s" % (path,))

    trash_enabled = get_trash_interval()

    pagenum = int(request.GET.get('pagenum', 1))
    pagesize = int(request.GET.get('pagesize', 30))

    home_dir_path = request.user.get_home_directory()
    breadcrumbs = parse_breadcrumbs(path)

    all_stats = request.fs.listdir_stats(path)

    # Filter first
    filter_str = request.GET.get('filter', None)
    if filter_str:
        filtered_stats = filter(lambda sb: filter_str in sb['name'], all_stats)
        all_stats = filtered_stats

    # Sort next
    sortby = request.GET.get('sortby', None)
    descending_param = request.GET.get('descending', None)
    if sortby is not None:
        if sortby not in ('type', 'name', 'atime', 'mtime', 'user', 'group', 'size'):
            logger.info("Invalid sort attribute '%s' for listdir." %
            all_stats = sorted(all_stats,

    # Do pagination
    page = paginator.Paginator(all_stats, pagesize).page(pagenum)
    shown_stats = page.object_list

    # Include parent dir always as second option, unless at filesystem root.
    if Hdfs.normpath(path) != posixpath.sep:
        parent_path = request.fs.join(path, "..")
        parent_stat = request.fs.stats(parent_path)
        # The 'path' field would be absolute, but we want its basename to be
        # actually '..' for display purposes. Encode it since _massage_stats expects byte strings.
        parent_stat['path'] = parent_path
        parent_stat['name'] = ".."
        shown_stats.insert(0, parent_stat)

    # Include same dir always as first option to see stats of the current folder
    current_stat = request.fs.stats(path)
    # The 'path' field would be absolute, but we want its basename to be
    # actually '.' for display purposes. Encode it since _massage_stats expects byte strings.
    current_stat['path'] = path
    current_stat['name'] = "."
    shown_stats.insert(0, current_stat)

    page.object_list = [ _massage_stats(request, s) for s in shown_stats ]

    data = {
        'path': path,
        'breadcrumbs': breadcrumbs,
        'current_request_path': request.path,
        'files': page.object_list,
        'page': _massage_page(page),
        'pagesize': pagesize,
        'home_directory': request.fs.isdir(home_dir_path) and home_dir_path or None,
        'trash_enabled': trash_enabled,
        'sortby': sortby,
        'descending': descending_param,
        # The following should probably be deprecated
        'cwd_set': True,
        'file_filter': 'any',
        'current_dir_path': path,
        'is_fs_superuser': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser,
        'is_superuser': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser,
        'groups': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser and [str(x) for x in Group.objects.values_list('name', flat=True)] or [],
        'users': request.user.username == request.fs.superuser and [str(x) for x in User.objects.values_list('username', flat=True)] or [],
        'superuser': request.fs.superuser
    return render('listdir.mako', request, data)