Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_pattern(c):
     x = hl.Var("x")
     f = hl.Func("f")
     f[x] = x * hl.f64(c) * (hl.f64(0.1) + hl.f64(0.2))
     for i, hl_value in enumerate(numpy.asarray(f.realize(10))):
         py_value = i * c * (0.1 + 0.2)
         check = math.isclose(hl_value, py_value)
         assert check, "{}[{}]: {} != {}".format(i, c, hl_value, py_value)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test():
    def test_pattern(c):
        x = hl.Var("x")
        f = hl.Func("f")
        f[x] = x * hl.f64(c) * (hl.f64(0.1) + hl.f64(0.2))
        for i, hl_value in enumerate(numpy.asarray(f.realize(10))):
            py_value = i * c * (0.1 + 0.2)
            check = math.isclose(hl_value, py_value)
            assert check, "{}[{}]: {} != {}".format(i, c, hl_value, py_value)


    x = hl.Var("x")
    with AssertWarnsContext(RuntimeWarning) as ctx:
        x + 0.123456789012345678
    assert ctx.occurred, "RuntimeWarning didn't occur."

    with AssertWarnsContext(RuntimeWarning) as ctx:
        x + hl.f64(0.123456789012345678)
    assert not ctx.occurred, "RuntimeWarning occurred."

    with AssertWarnsContext(RuntimeWarning) as ctx:
        x + 0.75  # 0.5 + 0.25
    assert not ctx.occurred, "RuntimeWarning occurred."
Exemplo n.º 3
    def gen_outputs(self):
        ''' define the outputs '''
        nbfn = self.nbfn
        i, j = [self.vars[c] for c in "ij"]
        g_fock = self.funcs["g_fock"]
        g_dens = self.clamps["g_dens"]
        # output scalars
        rv = hl.Func("rv")

        # output matrix
        g_fock_out = hl.Func("g_fock_out")
        self.funcs.update({"rv": rv, "g_fock_out": g_fock_out})
        self.outputs.update({"rv": rv, "g_fock_out": g_fock_out})

        g_fock_out[i, j] = g_fock[i, j]

        rv[i] = hl.f64(0.0)
        r_rv = hl.RDom([(0, nbfn), (0, nbfn)])
        rv[0] += g_fock[r_rv] * g_dens[r_rv]
        rv[0] *= hl.f64(0.5)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_typed_funcs():
    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')

    f = hl.Func('f')
    assert not f.defined()
        assert f.output_type() == Int(32)
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'it is undefined' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'

        assert f.outputs() == 0
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'it is undefined' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'

        assert f.dimensions() == 0
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'it is undefined' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'

    f = hl.Func(hl.Int(32), 2, 'f')
    assert not f.defined()
    assert f.output_type() == hl.Int(32)
    assert f.output_types() == [hl.Int(32)]
    assert f.outputs() == 1
    assert f.dimensions() == 2

    f = hl.Func([hl.Int(32), hl.Float(64)], 3, 'f')
    assert not f.defined()
        assert f.output_type() == hl.Int(32)
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'it returns a Tuple' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'

    assert f.output_types() == [hl.Int(32), hl.Float(64)]
    assert f.outputs() == 2
    assert f.dimensions() == 3

    f = hl.Func(hl.Int(32), 1, 'f')
        f[x, y] = hl.i32(0)
        f.realize([10, 10])
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'is constrained to have exactly 1 dimensions, but is defined with 2 dimensions' in str(
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'

    f = hl.Func(hl.Int(32), 2, 'f')
        f[x, y] = hl.i16(0)
        f.realize([10, 10])
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'is constrained to only hold values of type int32 but is defined with values of type int16' in str(
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'

    f = hl.Func((hl.Int(32), hl.Float(32)), 2, 'f')
        f[x, y] = (hl.i16(0), hl.f64(0))
        f.realize([10, 10])
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'is constrained to only hold values of type (int32, float32) but is defined with values of type (int16, float64)' in str(
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'
Exemplo n.º 5
    def gen_g(self):
        ''' define g() function '''
        # vars
        i, j, k, l = [self.vars[c] for c in "ijkl"]
        # clamped inputs
        x, y, z, expnt, fm, rnorm = [
            self.clamps[c] for c in ["x", "y", "z", "expnt", "fm", "rnorm"]
        # unclamped input (for sizing)
        fm_in = self.inputs["fm_in"]
        # scalar inputs
        delo2, delta, rdelta = [
            self.inputs[c] for c in ["delo2", "delta", "rdelta"]

        dx = hl.Func("dx")
        dy = hl.Func("dy")
        dz = hl.Func("dz")
        r2 = hl.Func("g_r2")
        expnt2 = hl.Func("expnt2")
        expnt_inv = hl.Func("expnt_inv")
        self.add_funcs_by_name([dx, dy, dz, r2, expnt2, expnt_inv])

        dx[i, j] = x[i] - x[j]
        dy[i, j] = y[i] - y[j]
        dz[i, j] = z[i] - z[j]

           j] = dx[i, j] * dx[i, j] + dy[i, j] * dy[i, j] + dz[i, j] * dz[i, j]

        expnt2[i, j] = expnt[i] + expnt[j]
        expnt_inv[i, j] = hl.f64(1.0) / expnt2[i, j]

        fac2 = hl.Func("fac2")
        ex_arg = hl.Func("ex_arg")
        ex = hl.Func("ex")
        denom = hl.Func("denom")
        fac4d = hl.Func("fac4d")
        self.add_funcs_by_name([fac2, ex_arg, ex, denom, fac4d])
        fac2[i, j] = expnt[i] * expnt[j] * expnt_inv[i, j]
        ex_arg[i, j, k, l] = -fac2[i, j] * r2[i, j] - fac2[k, l] * r2[k, l]
        ex[i, j, k, l] = hl.select(ex_arg[i, j, k, l] < hl.f64(-37.0),
                                   hl.f64(0.0), hl.exp(ex_arg[i, j, k, l]))
        denom[i, j, k,
              l] = expnt2[i, j] * expnt2[k, l] * hl.sqrt(expnt2[i, j] +
                                                         expnt2[k, l])
        fac4d[i, j, k,
              l] = expnt2[i, j] * expnt2[k, l] / (expnt2[i, j] + expnt2[k, l])

        x2 = hl.Func("g_x2")
        y2 = hl.Func("g_y2")
        z2 = hl.Func("g_z2")
        rpq2 = hl.Func("rpq2")
        self.add_funcs_by_name([x2, y2, z2, rpq2])
        x2[i, j] = (x[i] * expnt[i] + x[j] * expnt[j]) * expnt_inv[i, j]
        y2[i, j] = (y[i] * expnt[i] + y[j] * expnt[j]) * expnt_inv[i, j]
        z2[i, j] = (z[i] * expnt[i] + z[j] * expnt[j]) * expnt_inv[i, j]
        rpq2[i, j, k, l] = ((x2[i, j] - x2[k, l]) * (x2[i, j] - x2[k, l]) +
                            (y2[i, j] - y2[k, l]) * (y2[i, j] - y2[k, l]) +
                            (z2[i, j] - z2[k, l]) * (z2[i, j] - z2[k, l]))

        f0t = hl.Func("f0t")
        f0n = hl.Func("f0n")
        f0x = hl.Func("f0x")
        f0val = hl.Func("f0val")
        self.add_funcs_by_name([f0t, f0n, f0x, f0val])
        f0t[i, j, k, l] = fac4d[i, j, k, l] * rpq2[i, j, k, l]
        f0n[i, j, k, l] = hl.clamp(hl.i32((f0t[i, j, k, l] + delo2) * rdelta),
        f0x[i, j, k, l] = delta * f0n[i, j, k, l] - f0t[i, j, k, l]
        f0val[i, j, k, l] = hl.select(
            f0t[i, j, k, l] >= hl.f64(28.0),
            hl.f64(0.88622692545276) / hl.sqrt(f0t[i, j, k, l]),
            fm[f0n[i, j, k, l], 0] + f0x[i, j, k, l] *
            (fm[f0n[i, j, k, l], 1] + f0x[i, j, k, l] * hl.f64(0.5) *
             (fm[f0n[i, j, k, l], 2] + f0x[i, j, k, l] * hl.f64(1. / 3.) *
              (fm[f0n[i, j, k, l], 3] +
               f0x[i, j, k, l] * hl.f64(0.25) * fm[f0n[i, j, k, l], 4]))))

        g = hl.Func("g")

        if self.tracing and self.tracing_g:
            g_trace_in = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(64), 4, "g_trace_in")
            g_trace = hl.BoundaryConditions.constant_exterior(g_trace_in, 0)
            self.inputs["g_trace_in"] = g_trace_in
            self.clamps["g_trace"] = g_trace
            g[i, j, k,
              l] = (hl.f64(2.00) * hl.f64(pow(pi, 2.50)) / denom[i, j, k, l]
                    ) * ex[i, j, k, l] * f0val[i, j, k, l] * rnorm[i] * rnorm[
                        j] * rnorm[k] * rnorm[l] + g_trace[i, j, k, l]
            g_trace = None
            g[i, j, k,
              l] = (hl.f64(2.00) * hl.f64(pow(pi, 2.50)) /
                    denom[i, j, k, l]) * ex[i, j, k, l] * f0val[
                        i, j, k, l] * rnorm[i] * rnorm[j] * rnorm[k] * rnorm[l]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generate_halide(self, app, sizes):
        '''produce a Halide func implementing this loopnest'''
        if len(sizes) < len(self.indexes()):
            raise Exception("called without enough sizes")
        name = self.name
        g = app.funcs["g"]
        g_dens = app.clamps["g_dens"]
        logging.info("generating zone %s", name)
        # each symmetry zone has its own iteration space, implemented as an RDom with a where() clause.
        distinct_iters = self.indexes()
        logging.debug("distinct iters: %s", distinct_iters)

        piece_count = len(self.updates)

        iter_name_mapping = {k:k for k in app.vars}
        doing_something_useful = True
        while doing_something_useful:
            doing_something_useful = False
            for condition in self.conditions:
                if condition.op == "==":
                    for lhs, rhs in zip(condition.lhs, condition.rhs):
                        if iter_name_mapping[rhs] != iter_name_mapping[lhs]:
                            doing_something_useful = True
                            iter_name_mapping[rhs] = iter_name_mapping[lhs]

        logging.debug("iter_name_mapping: %s", iter_name_mapping)
        logging.debug("piece_count: %s", piece_count)

        rdom_iters = [(0, piece_count)]
        for size, index in zip(sizes, self.indexes()):
            rdom_iters.append((0, size))
        logging.debug("rdom iters: %s", rdom_iters)
        r = hl.RDom(rdom_iters, name+"_dom")
        # set local variables for RVars
        expanded_iters = {}
        distinct_iters = [r[i] for i in range(len(r))]
        assigned_already = {}
        ru = distinct_iters.pop(0)
        for a, b in iter_name_mapping.items():
            if b in assigned_already:
                expanded_iters[a] = assigned_already[b]
                iterator = distinct_iters.pop(0)
                expanded_iters[a] = iterator
                assigned_already[b] = iterator
        logging.debug("expanded_iters: %s", expanded_iters)

        for condition in self.conditions:
            if condition.op == "==":
            logging.debug("generating where condition %s", condition)
            expression = condition.generate(expanded_iters, N=sizes[0])
            if expression is not None:
                logging.debug("resulting where clause: %s", r)

        for update in self.updates:

        # generate this nested loop

        def maybe_mux(s):
            '''wrap multiple Exprs in mux()'''
            if len(set(s)) == 1:
                return s[0]
                return hl.mux(hl.Expr(ru), s)

        zone_func = hl.Func(name)
        zone_func_initial_params = list(app.vars.values())[0:len(self.updates[0].out.indexes)]
        zone_func.__setitem__(zone_func_initial_params, hl.f64(0.0))
        left_hand_sides = [[] for x in self.updates[0].out.indexes]
        right_hand_sides = []
        for update in self.updates:
            # LHS indexes
            for i in range(len(update.out.indexes)):
                index = update.out.indexes[i]
            # RHS
            rhs = None
            for element in update.elements:
                if element.name in app.clamps:
                    func = app.clamps[element.name]
                elif element.name in app.funcs:
                    func = app.funcs[element.name]
                    logging.critical("func %s not found"%element.name)
                func_args = [expanded_iters[x] for x in element.indexes]
                value = func.__getitem__(func_args)
                if rhs is None:
                    rhs = value
                    rhs *= value
            if update.coeff != 1.0:
                rhs *= update.coeff

        left_hand_sides = [ maybe_mux(x) for x in left_hand_sides ]
        right_hand_sides = maybe_mux(right_hand_sides)
        lhs = zone_func.__getitem__(left_hand_sides)
        zone_func.__setitem__(left_hand_sides, lhs + right_hand_sides)
        logging.debug("%s[%s, %s] += %s", name, left_hand_sides, right_hand_sides)

        app.funcs[name] = zone_func
        app.loopnest_funcs[name] = { "func": zone_func, "loopnest": self, "iters": expanded_iters, "rdom": r, "unroll": ru }
        return zone_func