Exemplo n.º 1
def init_parser():
    """Set up the parser with the grammar to be recognized.
    # CORE
    digit   = h.ch_range(0x30, 0x39)
    alpha   = h.choice(h.ch_range(0x41, 0x5a), h.ch_range(0x61, 0x7a))
    space   = h.in_(" \t\n\r\f\v")

    # AUX.
    plus    = h.ch('+')
    slash   = h.ch('/')
    equals  = h.ch('=')

    bsfdig      = h.choice(alpha, digit, plus, slash)
    bsfdig_4bit = h.in_("AEIMQUYcgkosw048")
    bsfdig_2bit = h.in_("AQgw")
    base64_3    = h.repeat_n(bsfdig, 4)
    base64_2    = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig, bsfdig_4bit, equals)
    base64_1    = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig_2bit, equals, equals)
    base64      = h.action(h.sequence(h.many(base64_3),

    # TODO This is not quite the same as the C example, with uses act_ignore.
    #      But I can't get hammer to filter any value returned by act_ignore.
    ws          = h.ignore(h.many(space))
    document    = h.action(h.sequence(ws, base64, ws, h.end_p()),

    # BUG sometimes inputs that should just don't parse.
    # It *seemed* to happen mostly with things like "bbbbaaaaBA==".
    # Using less actions seemed to make it less likely.

    return document
Exemplo n.º 2
def init_parser():
    """Set up the parser with the grammar to be recognized.
    # CORE
    digit = h.ch_range(0x30, 0x39)
    alpha = h.choice(h.ch_range(0x41, 0x5a), h.ch_range(0x61, 0x7a))
    space = h.in_(b" \t\n\r\f\v")

    # AUX.
    plus = h.ch(b'+')
    slash = h.ch(b'/')
    equals = h.ch(b'=')

    bsfdig = h.choice(alpha, digit, plus, slash)
    bsfdig_4bit = h.in_(b"AEIMQUYcgkosw048")
    bsfdig_2bit = h.in_(b"AQgw")
    base64_3 = h.repeat_n(bsfdig, 4)
    base64_2 = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig, bsfdig_4bit, equals)
    base64_1 = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig_2bit, equals, equals)
    base64 = h.action(
        h.sequence(h.many(base64_3), h.optional(h.choice(base64_2, base64_1))),

    # TODO This is not quite the same as the C example, with uses act_ignore.
    #      But I can't get hammer to filter any value returned by act_ignore.
    ws = h.ignore(h.many(space))
    document = h.action(h.sequence(ws, base64, ws, h.end_p()), act_document)

    # BUG sometimes inputs that should just don't parse.
    # It *seemed* to happen mostly with things like "bbbbaaaaBA==".
    # Using less actions seemed to make it less likely.

    return document
Exemplo n.º 3
def length_block():

    parser = h.sequence(
    h.and_(h._h_length_value(h.uint32(), h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff'))),
    h.many(h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')),
    return parser
Exemplo n.º 4
def relay_definition_message():
    header = h.token('\xa5\xc0')
    any_char = h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')

    parser = h.sequence(header, h.uint8(), h.uint8(), h.uint8(), h.uint8(),

    return parser
Exemplo n.º 5
def fast_meter_message():
    header = h.token('\xa5\xd1')
    any_char = h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')

    parser = h.sequence(header, h.uint8(), h.ch('\x00'),
                        h.repeat_n(h.uint32(), 7), h.uint64(),
                        h.repeat_n(any_char, 167), any_char)
    return parser
Exemplo n.º 6
def init_parser():
    """Return a parser with the grammar to be recognized.
    # CORE

    # This is a direct translation of the  C example. In C the literal 0x30
    # is interchangable with the char literal '0' (note the single quotes).
    # This is not the case in Python.
    # TODO In the interests of being more Pythonic settle on either string
    #      literals, or integers
    digit   = h.ch_range(0x30, 0x39)
    alpha   = h.choice(h.ch_range(0x41, 0x5a), h.ch_range(0x61, 0x7a))
    space   = h.in_(" \t\n\r\f\v")

    # AUX.
    plus    = h.ch('+')
    slash   = h.ch('/')
    equals  = h.action(h.ch('='), act_equals)

    bsfdig      = h.action(h.choice(alpha, digit, plus, slash), act_bsfdig)
    bsfdig_4bit = h.action(h.in_("AEIMQUYcgkosw048"), act_bsfdig_4bit)
    bsfdig_2bit = h.action(h.in_("AQgw"), act_bsfdig_2bit)
    base64_3    = h.action(h.repeat_n(bsfdig, 4), act_base64_3)
    base64_2    = h.action(h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig, bsfdig_4bit, equals),
    base64_1    = h.action(h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig_2bit, equals, equals),
    base64      = h.action(h.sequence(h.many(base64_3),

    # TODO This is not quite the same as the C example, with uses act_ignore.
    #      But I can't get hammer to filter any value returned by act_ignore.
    ws          = h.ignore(h.many(space))
    document    = h.action(h.sequence(ws, base64, ws, h.end_p()),

    # BUG sometimes inputs that should just don't parse.
    # It *seemed* to happen mostly with things like "bbbbaaaaBA==".
    # Using less actions seemed to make it less likely.

    return document
Exemplo n.º 7
def init_parser():
    # CORE
    digit = h.ch_range(0x30, 0x39)
    alpha = h.choice(h.ch_range(0x41, 0x5a), h.ch_range(0x61, 0x7a))

    # AUX.
    plus = h.ch(b'+')
    slash = h.ch(b'/')
    equals = h.ch(b'=')

    bsfdig = h.choice(alpha, digit, plus, slash)
    bsfdig_4bit = h.in_(b'AEIMQUYcgkosw048')
    bsfdig_2bit = h.in_(b'AQgw')
    base64_3 = h.repeat_n(bsfdig, 4)
    base64_2 = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig, bsfdig_4bit, equals)
    base64_1 = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig_2bit, equals, equals)
    base64 = h.sequence(h.many(base64_3),
                        h.optional(h.choice(base64_2, base64_1)))

    return h.sequence(h.whitespace(base64), h.whitespace(h.end_p()))
Exemplo n.º 8
def init_parser():
    # CORE
    digit = h.ch_range(0x30, 0x39)
    alpha = h.choice(h.ch_range(0x41, 0x5a), h.ch_range(0x61, 0x7a))

    # AUX.
    plus = h.ch('+')
    slash = h.ch('/')
    equals = h.ch('=')

    bsfdig = h.choice(alpha, digit, plus, slash)
    bsfdig_4bit = h.in_('AEIMQUYcgkosw048')
    bsfdig_2bit = h.in_('AQgw')
    base64_3 = h.repeat_n(bsfdig, 4)
    base64_2 = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig, bsfdig_4bit, equals)
    base64_1 = h.sequence(bsfdig, bsfdig_2bit, equals, equals)
    base64 = h.sequence(h.many(base64_3),
                        h.optional(h.choice(base64_2, base64_1)))

    return h.sequence(h.whitespace(base64), h.whitespace(h.end_p()))
Exemplo n.º 9
def fast_message_block():
    header = h.token('\xa5\x46')
    length = h.uint8()
    routing_address = h.repeat_n(h.uint8(), 5)
    status = h.uint8()
    function_code = h.uint8()
    sequence_byte = h.uint8()
    response_number = h.uint8()
    any_value = h.many1(h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff'))
    crc = h.uint16()

    parser = h.sequence(header, length, routing_address, status, function_code,
                        sequence_byte, response_number, any_value)

    return parser
Exemplo n.º 10
def queue_declare_ok_parser():
    parser = h.sequence(
        h.ch('\x01'), # type
        h.uint16(), # Channel
        h.uint32(), # Length
        h.token("\x00\x32"), # Class
        h.token("\x00\x0b"), # Method

        # Arguments
        #how do you parse that long message? #Queue
        h.many(h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')),
        #h.uint32(), # message-count
        #h.uint32(), # consumer-count
    return parser
Exemplo n.º 11
def basic_consume_parser():
    parser = h.sequence(
        h.ch('\x01'), # type
        h.uint16(), # Channel
        h.uint32(), # Length
        h.token("\x00\x3c"), # Class
        h.token("\x00\x14"), # Method

        # Arguments
        h.uint16(), # Ticket
        # how do you parse that long message? #Queue
        h.many(h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')),
        # consumer-tag
    return parser
Exemplo n.º 12
def queue_declare_parser():
    parser = h.sequence(
        h.ch('\x01'), # type
        h.uint16(), # Channel
        h.uint32(), # Length
        h.token("\x00\x32"), # Class
        h.token("\x00\x0a"), # Method

        # Arguments
        h.uint16(), # Ticket
        # how do you parse that long message?#Queue
        h.many(h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')),
        #When you parse this out... (, ,, , 0L, ('','','',''))
    return parser
Exemplo n.º 13
def peak_fast_meter_configuration_block():
    header = h.token("\xa5\xc3")
    length = h.uint8()
    scale_factors = h.uint8()
    analog = h.uint8()
    samples = h.uint8()
    digital = h.uint8()
    analog_offset = h.uint16()
    timestamp_offset = h.uint16()
    digital_offset = h.uint16()
    analog_signal = h.repeat_n(h.uint8(), 10)
    all_signals = h.repeat_n(analog_signal, 5)
    checksum = h.ch_range('\x00', '\xff')
    calculation_blocks = h.uint8()
    parser = h.sequence(header, length, h.uint8(), h.uint8(), scale_factors,
                        analog, samples, digital, calculation_blocks,
                        analog_offset, timestamp_offset, digital_offset,
                        all_signals, checksum)

    return parser
Exemplo n.º 14
import hammer as h

digit   = h.ch_range('0','9')
upper   = h.ch_range('A', 'Z')
lower   = h.ch_range('a', 'z')
chars   = h.choice(digit, upper, lower)

alphanumeric = h.many(chars)

words = h.sepBy1(alphanumeric, h.ch(' '))
version = h.token("Version")
allchars = h.ch_range("!", "~")

printable_chars = h.many(allchars)

token = h.many1(printable_chars)
tokens = h.sepBy1(printable_chars, h.choice(h.ch(' '), h.ch('\n'), h.ch('\r')))

# Action Modifiers

def tuple_string(t):
    new_coll = list()
    for c in t:
        if isinstance(c, tuple):
            return "".join(t)
    return tuple(new_coll)

Exemplo n.º 15
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.parser = h.xor(h.ch_range("0", "6"), h.ch_range("5", "9"))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.parser = h.butnot(h.ch_range("0", "9"), h.ch("6"))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.parser = h.ch_range("a", "c")
Exemplo n.º 18
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.parser = h.xor(h.ch_range(b"0", b"6"), h.ch_range(b"5", b"9"))
Exemplo n.º 19
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.parser = h.butnot(h.ch_range(b"0", b"9"), h.ch(b"6"))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.parser = h.ch_range(b"a", b"c")