def test_python_ex3():
    '''Test find_prot function'''

    # Check that the function has a doc-string
    assert handin5.find_prot.__doc__ != None

    # Test that function returns something
    assert handin5.find_prot(data, 'YHCN_ECOLI') is not None
def test_python_ex4():
    '''Test the test of the find_prot function'''

    # Check that variable exists
    assert hasattr(handin5_test, 'yhcn')

    # Check that test program produces same result as calling
    # function directly
    assert handin5_test.yhcn == handin5.find_prot(data, 'YHCN_ECOLI')
#2Create a new file, called where you import the handin5 module. Then call the read_fasta function and save the result in a variable called fasta_dict. Print the number of keys in this dictionary to screen.

import handin5

fastafile = "Ecoli.prot.fasta"
fasta_dict = handin5.read_fasta(fastafile)
print(fasta_dict.keys())  #prints keys

#4 In the file, call the find_prot function on the protein name YHCN_ECOLI. Save the result to a variable called yhcn.

protname = "YHCN_ECOLI"
yhcn = handin5.find_prot(fasta_dict, protname)

#5 In the file, call the find_prot function on the protein name BOOM_ECOLI. Save the result to a variable called boom. Note that this case should print an error, since this is not an actual Ecoli protein name.

protname = "BOOM_ECOLI"
boom = handin5.find_prot(fasta_dict, protname)

#7 in, use the find_prot2 function to return all the protein names in Ecoli that only consist of three characters before _ECOLI (e.g. EX1_ECOLI). Save the result in a variable called matches". Print the number of matches to screen.

matches = handin5.find_prot2(fasta_dict, ".{3}_ECOLI")
for key in matches:
# 2. Create a new file, called where you import the handin5 module. Then call the read_fasta function and save the result in a variable called fasta_dict
import handin5

fasta_dict = handin5.read_fasta("Ecoli.prot.fasta")

# 4. In the file, call the find_prot function on the protein name YHCN_ECOLI. Save the result to a variable called yhcn.
yhcn = (handin5.find_prot(fasta_dict, "YHCN_ECOLI"))

# 5. In the file, call the find_prot function on the protein name BOOM_ECOLI. Save the result to a variable called boom. Note that this case should print an error, since this is not an actual Ecoli protein name.
boom = handin5.find_prot(fasta_dict, "BOOM_ECOLI")

# 7. In, use the find_prot2 function to return all the protein names in Ecoli that only consist of three characters before _ECOLI (e.g. EX1_ECOLI). Save the result in a variable called matches". Print the number of matches to screen.
matches = handin5.find_prot2(fasta_dict, "^..._ECOLI")