Exemplo n.º 1
 def generator():
     # custom bucketing, load corpus into memory
     corpus = list(x for x in (samples() if callable(samples) else samples))
     lengths = [self.len_of_sent(i) for i in corpus]
     if len(corpus) < 32:
         n_buckets = 1
         n_buckets = min(self.config.n_buckets, len(corpus))
     buckets = dict(zip(*kmeans(lengths, n_buckets)))
     sizes, buckets = zip(*[
         (size, bucket) for size, bucket in buckets.items()
     # the number of chunks in each bucket, which is clipped by
     # range [1, len(bucket)]
     chunks = [min(len(bucket), max(round(size * len(bucket) / batch_size), 1)) for size, bucket in
               zip(sizes, buckets)]
     range_fn = randperm if shuffle else arange
     max_samples_per_batch = self.config.get('max_samples_per_batch', None)
     for i in tolist(range_fn(len(buckets))):
         split_sizes = [(len(buckets[i]) - j - 1) // chunks[i] + 1
                        for j in range(chunks[i])]  # how many sentences in each batch
         for batch_indices in tf.split(range_fn(len(buckets[i])), split_sizes):
             indices = [buckets[i][j] for j in tolist(batch_indices)]
             if max_samples_per_batch:
                 for j in range(0, len(indices), max_samples_per_batch):
                     yield from self.batched_inputs_to_batches(corpus, indices[j:j + max_samples_per_batch],
                 yield from self.batched_inputs_to_batches(corpus, indices, shuffle)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def Y_to_outputs(self, Y: Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor]], gold=False, inputs=None, X=None) -> Iterable:
        arc_preds, rel_preds, mask = Y
        sents = []

        for arc_sent, rel_sent, length in zip(arc_preds, rel_preds,
                                              tf.math.count_nonzero(mask, axis=-1)):
            arcs = tolist(arc_sent)[1:length + 1]
            rels = tolist(rel_sent)[1:length + 1]
            sents.append([(a, self.rel_vocab.idx_to_token[r]) for a, r in zip(arcs, rels)])

        return sents
Exemplo n.º 3
    def X_to_inputs(self, X: Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor]]) -> Iterable:
        if len(X) == 2:
            form_batch, cposes_batch = X
            mask = tf.not_equal(form_batch, 0)
        elif len(X) == 3:
            form_batch, cposes_batch, mask = X
            raise ValueError(f'Expect X to be 2 or 3 elements but got {repr(X)}')
        sents = []

        for form_sent, cposes_sent, length in zip(form_batch, cposes_batch,
                                                  tf.math.count_nonzero(mask, axis=-1)):
            forms = tolist(form_sent)[1:length + 1]
            cposes = tolist(cposes_sent)[1:length + 1]
                           self.cpos_vocab.idx_to_token[c]) for f, c in zip(forms, cposes)])

        return sents
Exemplo n.º 4
    def X_to_inputs(self, X: Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor]]) -> Iterable:
        form_batch, feat, prefix_mask = X
        sents = []

        for form_sent, length in zip(form_batch, tf.math.count_nonzero(prefix_mask, axis=-1)):
            forms = tolist(form_sent)[1:length + 1]
            sents.append([self.form_vocab.idx_to_token[f] for f in forms])

        return sents
Exemplo n.º 5
    def Y_to_outputs(self, Y: Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor]], gold=False, inputs=None, X=None) -> Iterable:
        arc_preds, rel_preds, mask = Y
        sents = []

        for arc_sent, rel_sent, length in zip(arc_preds, rel_preds,
                                              tf.math.count_nonzero(mask, axis=-1)):
            sent = []
            for arc, rel in zip(tolist(arc_sent[1:, 1:]), tolist(rel_sent[1:, 1:])):
                ar = []
                for idx, (a, r) in enumerate(zip(arc, rel)):
                    if a:
                        ar.append((idx + 1, self.rel_vocab.idx_to_token[r]))
                if not ar:
                    # orphan
                    ar.append((0, self.orphan_relation))

        return sents