Exemplo n.º 1
    def squash_build(self, conf, context, stream, squash_commands):
        """Do a squash build"""
        from harpoon.option_spec.image_objs import DockerFile
        squashing = conf
        output, status = command_output("which docker-squash")
        if status != 0:
            raise BadEnvironment(
                "Please put docker-squash in your PATH first: https://github.com/jwilder/docker-squash"

        if squash_commands:
            squasher_conf = conf.clone()
            squasher_conf.image_name = "{0}-for-squashing".format(conf.name)
            if conf.image_name_prefix not in ("", None, NotSpecified):
                squasher.conf.image_name = "{0}-{1}".format(
                    conf.image_name_prefix, squasher_conf.image_name)

            with self.remove_replaced_images(squasher_conf) as info:
                self.log_context_size(context, conf)
                original_docker_file = conf.docker_file
                new_docker_file = DockerFile(
                    ["FROM {0}".format(conf.image_name)] + squash_commands,
                with context.clone_with_new_dockerfile(
                        squasher_conf, new_docker_file) as squasher_context:
                    self.log_context_size(squasher_context, squasher_conf)
                    info['cached'] = self.do_build(squasher_conf,
                                                   squasher_context, stream)
            squashing = squasher_conf

        log.info("Saving image\timage=%s", squashing.image_name)
        with hp.a_temp_file() as fle:
            res = conf.harpoon.docker_context.get_image(squashing.image_name)

            with hp.a_temp_file() as fle2:
                output, status = command_output(
                    "sudo docker-squash -i {0} -o {1} -t {2} -verbose".format(
                        fle.name, fle2.name, conf.image_name),
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to squash the image!")

                output, status = command_output("docker load",
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to load the squashed image")

        if squashing is not conf:
            log.info("Removing intermediate image %s", squashing.image_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def make_context(self,
        Context manager for creating the context of the image


        context - ``harpoon.option_spec.image_objs.Context``
            Knows all the context related options

        docker_file - ``harpoon.option_spec.image_objs.Dockerfile``
            Knows what is in the dockerfile and it's mtime

        silent_build - boolean
            If True, then suppress printing out information

        extra_context - List of (string, string)
            First string represents the content to put in a file and the second
            string represents where in the context this extra file should go
        with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
            t = tarfile.open(mode='w:gz', fileobj=tmpfile)
            for thing, mtime, arcname in self.find_mtimes(
                    context, silent_build):
                if mtime:
                    os.utime(thing, (mtime, mtime))
                t.add(thing, arcname=arcname)

            mtime = docker_file.mtime
            if extra_context:
                for content, arcname in extra_context:
                    with a_temp_file() as fle:
                        if mtime:
                            os.utime(fle.name, (mtime, mtime))
                        t.add(fle.name, arcname=arcname)

            # And add our docker file
            with a_temp_file() as dockerfile:
                if mtime:
                    os.utime(dockerfile.name, (mtime, mtime))
                t.add(dockerfile.name, arcname="./Dockerfile")

            yield tmpfile
Exemplo n.º 3
    def the_context(self, content, silent_build=False):
        """Return either a file with the content written to it, or a whole new context tar"""
        if isinstance(content, six.string_types):
            with a_temp_file() as fle:
                yield fle
        elif "context" in content:
            with ContextBuilder().make_context(content["context"], silent_build=silent_build) as wrapper:
                yield wrapper.tmpfile
        elif "image" in content:
            from harpoon.ship.runner import Runner
            with a_temp_file() as fle:
                content["conf"].command = "yes"
                with Runner()._run_container(content["conf"], content["images"], detach=True, delete_anyway=True):
                        strm, stat = content["docker_context"].get_archive(content["conf"].container_id, content["path"])
                    except docker.errors.NotFound:
                        raise BadOption("Trying to get something from an image that don't exist!", path=content["path"], image=content["conf"].image_name)

                        fo = BytesIO(strm.read())
                        tf = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=fo)

                        if tf.firstmember.isdir():
                            tf2 = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=fle, mode='w')
                            name = tf.firstmember.name
                            for member in tf.getmembers()[1:]:
                                member.name = member.name[len(name)+1:]
                                if member.issym():
                                    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as symfle:
                                        os.symlink(member.linkpath, symfle.name)
                                        tf2.addfile(member, fileobj=symfle)
                                elif not member.isdir():
                                    tf2.addfile(member, fileobj=tf.extractfile(member.name))

                        log.info("Got '{0}' from {1} for context".format(content["path"], content["conf"].container_id))

                yield fle
Exemplo n.º 4
 def add_docker_file_to_tarfile(self, docker_file, tar):
     """Add a Dockerfile to a tarfile"""
     with hp.a_temp_file() as dockerfile:
         log.debug("Context: ./Dockerfile")
         os.utime(dockerfile.name, (docker_file.mtime, docker_file.mtime))
         tar.add(dockerfile.name, arcname="./Dockerfile")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def add_docker_file_to_tarfile(self, docker_file, tar):
     """Add a Dockerfile to a tarfile"""
     with hp.a_temp_file() as dockerfile:
         log.debug("Context: ./Dockerfile")
         os.utime(dockerfile.name, (docker_file.mtime, docker_file.mtime))
         tar.add(dockerfile.name, arcname="./Dockerfile")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def the_context(self, content, silent_build=False):
     """Return either a file with the content written to it, or a whole new context tar"""
     if isinstance(content, six.string_types):
         with a_temp_file() as fle:
             yield fle
         with ContextBuilder().make_context(content["context"], silent_build=silent_build) as wrapper:
             yield wrapper.tmpfile
Exemplo n.º 7
 def the_context(self, content, silent_build=False):
     """Return either a file with the content written to it, or a whole new context tar"""
     if isinstance(content, six.string_types):
         with a_temp_file() as fle:
             yield fle
         with ContextBuilder().make_context(content["context"], silent_build=silent_build, use_gzip=False) as wrapper:
             yield wrapper.tmpfile
Exemplo n.º 8
    def squash_build(self, conf, context, stream, squash_commands):
        """Do a squash build"""
        from harpoon.option_spec.image_objs import DockerFile
        squashing = conf
        output, status = command_output("which docker-squash")
        if status != 0:
            raise BadEnvironment("Please put docker-squash in your PATH first: https://github.com/jwilder/docker-squash")

        if squash_commands:
            squasher_conf = conf.clone()
            squasher_conf.image_name = "{0}-for-squashing".format(conf.name)
            if conf.image_name_prefix not in ("", None, NotSpecified):
                squasher.conf.image_name = "{0}-{1}".format(conf.image_name_prefix, squasher_conf.image_name)

            with self.remove_replaced_images(squasher_conf) as info:
                self.log_context_size(context, conf)
                original_docker_file = conf.docker_file
                new_docker_file = DockerFile(["FROM {0}".format(conf.image_name)] + squash_commands, original_docker_file.mtime)
                with context.clone_with_new_dockerfile(squasher_conf, new_docker_file) as squasher_context:
                    self.log_context_size(squasher_context, squasher_conf)
                    info['cached'] = self.do_build(squasher_conf, squasher_context, stream)
            squashing = squasher_conf

        log.info("Saving image\timage=%s", squashing.image_name)
        with hp.a_temp_file() as fle:
            res = conf.harpoon.docker_context.get_image(squashing.image_name)

            with hp.a_temp_file() as fle2:
                output, status = command_output("sudo docker-squash -i {0} -o {1} -t {2} -verbose".format(fle.name, fle2.name, conf.image_name), verbose=True, timeout=600)
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to squash the image!")

                output, status = command_output("docker load", stdin=open(fle2.name), verbose=True, timeout=600)
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to load the squashed image")

        if squashing is not conf:
            log.info("Removing intermediate image %s", squashing.image_name)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def clone_with_new_dockerfile(self, conf, docker_file):
        """Clone this tarfile and add in another filename before closing the new tar and returning"""
        log.info("Copying context to add a different dockerfile")
        with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
            old_t = os.stat(self.tmpfile.name).st_size > 0
            if old_t:
                shutil.copy(self.tmpfile.name, tmpfile.name)

            with tarfile.open(tmpfile.name, mode="a") as t:
                conf.add_docker_file_to_tarfile(docker_file, t)
                yield ContextWrapper(t, tmpfile)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def clone_with_new_dockerfile(self, conf, docker_file):
        """Clone this tarfile and add in another filename before closing the new tar and returning"""
        log.info("Copying context to add a different dockerfile")
        with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
            old_t = os.stat(self.tmpfile.name).st_size > 0
            if old_t:
                shutil.copy(self.tmpfile.name, tmpfile.name)

            with tarfile.open(tmpfile.name, mode="a") as t:
                conf.add_docker_file_to_tarfile(docker_file, t)
                yield ContextWrapper(t, tmpfile)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def clone_with_new_dockerfile(self, conf, docker_file):
        """Clone this tarfile and add in another filename before closing the new tar and returning"""
        with open(self.tmpfile.name) as old_tmpfile:
            old_t = None
            if os.stat(old_tmpfile.name).st_size > 0:
                old_t = tarfile.open(mode='r:gz', fileobj=open(old_tmpfile.name))

            with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
                t = tarfile.open(mode='w:gz', fileobj=tmpfile)
                if old_t:
                    for member in old_t:
                        t.addfile(member, old_t.extractfile(member.name))

                conf.add_docker_file_to_tarfile(docker_file, t)
                yield ContextWrapper(t, tmpfile)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def make_context(self, context, silent_build=False, extra_context=None):
        Context manager for creating the context of the image


        context - ``harpoon.option_spec.image_objs.Context``
            Knows all the context related options

        docker_file - ``harpoon.option_spec.image_objs.Dockerfile``
            Knows what is in the dockerfile and it's mtime

        silent_build - boolean
            If True, then suppress printing out information

        extra_context - List of (content, string)
            content is either a string repsenting the content to put in a file
            or a dictionary representing what path to get from what docker image

            The second string represents where in the context this extra file should go
        with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
            t = tarfile.open(mode='w', fileobj=tmpfile)
            for thing, mtime, arcname in self.find_mtimes(context, silent_build):
                if mtime:
                    os.utime(thing, (mtime, mtime))

                log.debug("Context: {0}".format(arcname))
                t.add(thing, arcname=arcname)

            if extra_context:
                extra = list(extra_context)
                for content, arcname in extra:
                    mtime_match = re.search("mtime\((\d+)\)$", arcname)
                    specified_mtime = None if not mtime_match else int(mtime_match.groups()[0])

                    with self.the_context(content, silent_build=silent_build) as fle:
                        if specified_mtime:
                            os.utime(fle.name, (specified_mtime, specified_mtime))

                        log.debug("Context: {0}".format(arcname))
                        t.add(fle.name, arcname=arcname)

            yield ContextWrapper(t, tmpfile)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def make_context(self, context, silent_build=False, use_gzip=True, extra_context=None):
        Context manager for creating the context of the image


        context - ``harpoon.option_spec.image_objs.Context``
            Knows all the context related options

        docker_file - ``harpoon.option_spec.image_objs.Dockerfile``
            Knows what is in the dockerfile and it's mtime

        silent_build - boolean
            If True, then suppress printing out information

        extra_context - List of (string, string)
            First string represents the content to put in a file and the second
            string represents where in the context this extra file should go
        with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
            mode = "w:gz" if use_gzip else "w"
            t = tarfile.open(mode=mode, fileobj=tmpfile)
            for thing, mtime, arcname in self.find_mtimes(context, silent_build):
                if mtime:
                    os.utime(thing, (mtime, mtime))

                log.debug("Context: {0}".format(arcname))
                t.add(thing, arcname=arcname)

            if extra_context:
                extra = list(extra_context)
                for content, arcname in extra:
                    mtime_match = re.search("mtime\((\d+)\)$", arcname)
                    specified_mtime = None if not mtime_match else int(mtime_match.groups()[0])

                    with self.the_context(content, silent_build=silent_build) as fle:
                        if specified_mtime:
                            os.utime(fle.name, (specified_mtime, specified_mtime))

                        log.debug("Context: {0}".format(arcname))
                        t.add(fle.name, arcname=arcname)

            yield ContextWrapper(t, tmpfile)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def make_context(self):
        """Context manager for creating the context of the image"""
        class Nope(object): pass
        host_context = not self.heira_formatted("no_host_context", default=False)
        context_exclude = self.heira_formatted("context_exclude", default=None)
        respect_gitignore = self.heira_formatted("respect_gitignore", default=Nope)
        use_git_timestamps = self.heira_formatted("use_git_timestamps", default=Nope)

        use_git = False
        if respect_gitignore is not Nope and respect_gitignore:
            use_git = True
        if use_git_timestamps is not Nope and use_git_timestamps:
            use_git = True

        respect_gitignore = use_git if respect_gitignore is Nope else respect_gitignore
        use_git_timestamps = use_git if use_git_timestamps is Nope else use_git_timestamps

        git_files = set()
        changed_files = set()

        files = []
        if host_context:
            if use_git:
                output, status = command_output("git diff --name-only", cwd=self.parent_dir)
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to determine what files have changed", directory=self.parent_dir, output=output)
                changed_files = set(output)

                if not self.silent_build: log.info("Determining context from git ls-files")
                options = ""
                if context_exclude:
                    for excluder in context_exclude:
                        options = "{0} --exclude={1}".format(options, excluder)

                # Unfortunately --exclude doesn't work on committed/staged files, only on untracked things :(
                output, status = command_output("git ls-files --exclude-standard", cwd=self.parent_dir)
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to do a git ls-files", directory=self.parent_dir, output=output)

                others, status = command_output("git ls-files --exclude-standard --others {0}".format(options), cwd=self.parent_dir)
                if status != 0:
                    raise HarpoonError("Failed to do a git ls-files to get untracked files", directory=self.parent_dir, output=others)

                if not (output or others) or any(out and out[0].startswith("fatal: Not a git repository") for out in (output, others)):
                    raise HarpoonError("Told to use git features, but git ls-files says no", directory=self.parent_dir, output=output, others=others)

                combined = set(output + others)
                git_files = set(output)
                combined = set()
                if context_exclude:
                    combined = set([os.path.relpath(location, self.parent_dir) for location in glob2.glob("{0}/**".format(self.parent_dir))])
                    combined = set([self.parent_dir])

            if context_exclude:
                if not self.silent_build: log.info("Filtering %s items\texcluding=%s", len(combined), context_exclude)
                excluded = set()
                for filename in combined:
                    for excluder in context_exclude:
                        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, excluder):
                combined = combined - excluded

            files = sorted(os.path.join(self.parent_dir, filename) for filename in combined)
            if context_exclude and not self.silent_build: log.info("Adding %s things from %s to the context", len(files), self.parent_dir)

        mtime = self.mtime
        docker_lines = '\n'.join(self.commands)
        def matches_glob(string, globs):
            """Returns whether this string matches any of the globs"""
            if isinstance(globs, bool):
                return globs
            return any(fnmatch.fnmatch(string, glob) for glob in globs)

        with a_temp_file() as tmpfile:
            t = tarfile.open(mode='w:gz', fileobj=tmpfile)
            for thing in files:
                if os.path.exists(thing):
                    relname = os.path.relpath(thing, self.parent_dir)
                    arcname = "./{0}".format(relname)
                    if use_git_timestamps and (relname in git_files and relname not in changed_files and matches_glob(relname, use_git_timestamps)):
                        # Set the modified date from git
                        date, status = command_output("git show -s --format=%at -n1 -- {0}".format(relname), cwd=self.parent_dir)
                        if status != 0 or not date or not date[0].isdigit():
                            log.error("Couldn't determine git date for a file\tdirectory=%s\trelname=%s", self.parent_dir, relname)

                        if date:
                            date = int(date[0])
                            os.utime(thing, (date, date))
                    t.add(thing, arcname=arcname)

            for content, arcname in self.extra_context:
                with a_temp_file() as fle:
                    if mtime:
                        os.utime(fle.name, (mtime, mtime))
                    t.add(fle.name, arcname=arcname)

            # And add our docker file
            with a_temp_file() as dockerfile:
                if mtime:
                    os.utime(dockerfile.name, (mtime, mtime))
                t.add(dockerfile.name, arcname="./Dockerfile")

            yield tmpfile
Exemplo n.º 15
# coding: spec

from harpoon.helpers import a_temp_file, until, memoized_property

from tests.helpers import HarpoonCase

from noseOfYeti.tokeniser.support import noy_sup_setUp
from contextlib import contextmanager
import mock
import os

describe HarpoonCase, "a_temp_file":
    it "yields the file object of a file that disappears after the context":
        with a_temp_file() as fle:
            assert os.path.exists(fle.name)
        assert not os.path.exists(fle.name)

    it "can write to the temporary file, close it and still read from it":
        with a_temp_file() as fle:
            with open(fle.name) as fread:
                self.assertEqual(fread.read(), "blah")
        assert not os.path.exists(fle.name)

describe HarpoonCase, "until":

    def mock_log_and_time(self):
        """Mock out the log object and time, yield (log, time)"""
        fake_log = mock.Mock(name="log")