Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_local(self, database, target, subtree):
        database = truepath(database)
        target   = hashdb_sql.normalize(truepath(target)) if target not in ['//' or '\\\\'] else None
        if target in ['/', '//']:
            target = None

        subtree  = hashdb_sql.normalize(truepath(subtree)) if subtree not in ['//' or '\\\\'] else None
        if subtree in ['/', '//']:
            subtree = None

        data = self.get_local_by_path(database)
        if data == None:
            data = HashDatabase2.AttachLocal('localdb%02d' % len(self.locals), database, {})
        self._subtrees_add(data.grafts.setdefault(target, set()), subtree)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_remote(self, database, subtree):
        database = truepath(database)
        subtree  = hashdb_sql.normalize(truepath(subtree)) if subtree not in ['//' or '\\\\'] else None
        if subtree == '/':
            subtree = None

        data = self.get_remote_by_path(database)
        if data == None:
            data = HashDatabase2.AttachRemote('remotedb%02d' % len(self._remotes), database, set())
        self._subtrees_add(data.subtress, subtree)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def path_select_duplicates(self, path, hash, size):
        path = hashdb_sql.normalize(path)
        for select, paramaters in self.build_selects(
                    sources=[None, self.locals, self.remotes],
                        'hash = :hash',
                        'size = :size',
                        'path <> :path',
            paramaters['path'] = path
            paramaters['size'] = size
            paramaters['hash'] = hash

            log.debug('-- select')
            log.debug('-- paramaters')

            for row in self.connection.execute(select, paramaters):
                yield HashDatabase2.RowDetailed(**row)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def path_hash(self, path, stat):
        '''Returns: hash of the file specified by @path if available, else None
        If hash is available and marking is True, marks the path.
        Seeks hash information from all local databases (but not remote ones)

        path = hashdb_sql.normalize(path)

        # check primary table
        row = self.connection.execute('SELECT mark, hash, time, size FROM hashtab WHERE path=?', (path,)).fetchone()
        if row:
            # database is already up to date?
            if row['mark'] == self.mark:
                return row['hash']

            # database contains a match, but it isn't yet tagged
            if (row['time'] == stat.st_mtime) and (row['size'] == stat.st_size):
                if self.marking:
                    self.connection.execute('UPDATE hashtab SET mark=? WHERE (path=?) AND (time=?) AND (size=?)', (self.mark, path, stat.st_mtime, stat.st_size))
                return row['hash']

        # check attached local databases
        for local in self.locals:
            for select, paramaters in self.build_selects_local(local, ['hash'], ["%(path)s = :target_path", "%(time)s = :target_time", "%(size)s = :target_size"]):
                paramaters['target_path'] = path
                paramaters['target_time'] = stat.st_mtime
                paramaters['target_size'] = stat.st_size

                row = self.connection.execute(select, paramaters).fetchone()
                if row:
                    self.path_setstat(path, stat, row['hash'])
                    return row['hash']

        # nothing found
        return None
Exemplo n.º 5
    def path_select_subtrees(self, targets=['//'], filters=[], paramaters={}, depth=True):
        alltargets = {}
        for target in targets:
            target_tables, target_path = self.target_split(target)
            target_path = hashdb_sql.normalize(target_path)
            for target_type, target_index, target_table in target_tables:
                alltargets.setdefault((target_type, target_index, target_table), []).append(target_path)

        dborder = list(alltargets.keys())
        dborder.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])

        allselects = []
        allparamaters = paramaters.copy()
        for table_index, target in enumerate(order):
            target_type, target_index, target_table = target
            target_paths = alltargets[target]

            aliases = { 'table': target_table }

            if target_type == 'prime':
                aliases['mark'] = "mark"
                aliases['root'] = "'<prime>'"
                aliases['full'] = "'<prime>:' || path"
                aliases['user'] = "******"
            elif target_type == 'local':
                aliases['mark'] = "0"
                aliases['root'] = "'<local>'"
                aliases['full'] = "'<local>:' || path"
                aliases['user'] = "******"
            elif target_type == 'remote':
                allparamaters['_dbalias%02d' % target_index] = self.remote_fnalias(target_index)
                aliases['mark'] = "0"
                aliases['root'] = ":_dbalias%02d || ':' || path" % target_index
                aliases['full'] = ":_dbalias%02d || ':' || path" % target_index
                aliases['user'] = "******" % target_index

            select = """
                SELECT path,
                       %(mark)s AS mark,
                       %(root)s AS root,
                       %(full)s AS full,
                       %(user)s AS user
                FROM   %(table)s
            """ % aliases

            pathfilters = []
            if ('//' not in target_paths) and ('/' not in target_paths):
                for i, target_path in enumerate(target_paths):
                    name = '_target%02d_%02d' % (table_index, i)
                    allparamaters[name] = target_path
                    pathfilters.append("(path = :%(name)s)" % name)
                    pathfilters.append("(substr(path, 1, length(:%(name)s) + 1) = path || '/')")

            select += ' AND '.join(
                ['(' + ' OR '.join(pathfilters) + ')'] +\
                ['(' + f + ')' for f in filters]


        select = ' UNION '.join(allselects) + ' ORDER BY ' + ('mark DESC, full' if depth else 'mark DESC, path_count(path), path')
        for row in self.connection.execute(select, allparamaters):
            yield self.RowDetailed(**row)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def path_get_prime(self, path):
     path = hashdb_sql.normalize(path)
     row = self.connection.execute('SELECT * FROM hashtab WHERE path=?', (path,)).fetchone()
     if row:
         return HashDatabase2.RowBasic(**row)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 7
 def path_setdirect(self, path, time, size, hash):
     '''inserts/updates @path in the database'''
     path = hashdb_sql.normalize(path)
     return self.connection.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO hashtab (path, time, size, hash, mark) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (path, time, size, hash, self.mark)).rowcount