Exemplo n.º 1
def tbb_chm_at(chm, key, hasher=None):
    h = hash_of(key, hasher) & tbb_atomic_get(chm['my_mask'])

    # This simulates an Intel BSR (i.e., lg2) on h|1.
    s = len('{0:b}'.format(int(h | 1))) - 1     # segment_idx
    h -= 1 << s & ~1                            # segment_base

    # bucket_accessor b(this, h & m) <=> this->get_bucket(h & m).
    seg = chm['my_table'][s]
    b = seg[h].address

    if b['node_list'] == V('tbb::interface5::internal::rehash_req'):
        # Rehash required, so just give up.
        return None

    node_ptype = T(str(rawtype(chm.type)) + '::node').pointer()
    node = b['node_list'].cast(node_ptype)

    # search_bucket(key, b).
    while node.cast(T('size_t')) > 63 and key != node['item']['first']:
        node = node['next'].cast(node_ptype)

    if node == nullptr():
        return None

    return node['item']['second']
Exemplo n.º 2
def tbb_chm_at(chm, key):
    h = hash_of(key) & tbb_atomic_get(chm["my_mask"])

    # This simulates an Intel BSR (i.e., lg2) on h|1.
    s = len("{0:b}".format(int(h | 1))) - 1  # segment_idx
    h -= 1 << s & ~1  # segment_base

    # bucket_accessor b(this, h & m) <=> this->get_bucket(h & m).
    seg = chm["my_table"][s]
    b = seg[h].address

    if b["node_list"] == V("tbb::interface5::internal::rehash_req"):
        # Rehash required, so just give up.
        return None

    node_ptype = T(str(rawtype(chm.type)) + "::node").pointer()
    node = b["node_list"].cast(node_ptype)

    # search_bucket(key, b).
    while node.cast(T("size_t")) > 63 and key != node["item"]["first"]:
        node = node["next"].cast(node_ptype)

    if node == nullptr():
        return None

    return node["item"]["second"]
Exemplo n.º 3
def tread_hash_map_at(thm, key, hasher=None):
    table = atomic_get(thm['m_table'])
    capac = table['capac']

    idx = (hash_of(key, hasher) & (capac - 1)).cast(T('size_t'))

    while True:
        entry = table['entries'][idx]
        probe = atomic_get(entry['first'])

        if probe == key:
            return entry['second']
        if probe == 0:
            return None

        idx += 1
        if idx == capac:
            idx = 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def tread_hash_map_at(thm, key):
    table = atomic_get(thm["m_table"])
    capac = table["capac"]

    idx = (hash_of(key) & (capac - 1)).cast(T("size_t"))

    while True:
        entry = table["entries"][idx]
        probe = atomic_get(entry["first"])

        if probe == key:
            return entry["second"]
        if probe == 0:
            return None

        idx += 1
        if idx == capac:
            idx = 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def unordered_map_at(umap, key, hasher=None):
    h = umap['_M_h']

    bucket = h['_M_buckets'][hash_of(key, hasher) % h['_M_bucket_count']]
    if bucket == 0x0:
        return None

    node = bucket['_M_nxt']

    value_type = T(str(rawtype(umap.type)) + '::value_type').pointer()

    while node != 0x0:
        # Hashtable nodes contain only a pointer to the next node in the
        # bucket, but are always immediately followed by the value pair.
        value = (node + 1).cast(value_type)
        if key == value['first']:
            return value['second']

        node = node['_M_nxt']

    return None
Exemplo n.º 6
def unordered_map_at(umap, key):
    h = umap["_M_h"]

    bucket = h["_M_buckets"][hash_of(key) % h["_M_bucket_count"]]
    if bucket == 0x0:
        return None

    node = bucket["_M_nxt"]

    value_type = T(str(umap.type) + "::value_type").pointer()

    while node != 0x0:
        # Hashtable nodes contain only a pointer to the next node in the
        # bucket, but are always immediately followed by the value pair.
        value = (node + 1).cast(value_type)
        if key == value["first"]:
            return value["second"]

        node = node["_M_nxt"]

    return None