Exemplo n.º 1
def newjob():
    form = forms.ListingForm()
    archived_post = None
    if not g.user:
        return redirect(url_for('login', next=url_for('newjob'),
            message=u"Hasjob now requires you to login before posting a job. Please login as yourself."
                u" We'll add details about your company later"))
        if g.user.blocked:
            flash("Your account has been blocked from posting jobs", category='info')
            return redirect(url_for('index'), code=303)

    if g.board:
        if 'new-job' not in g.board.permissions(g.user):

    if g.board and not g.board.require_pay:
        form.job_pay_type.choices = [(-1, u'Confidential')] + PAY_TYPE.items()
    form.job_type.choices = JobType.choices(g.board)
    form.job_category.choices = JobCategory.choices(g.board)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        if g.user:
            # form.poster_name.data = g.user.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
            form.poster_email.data = g.user.email

    # Job Reposting
    if request.method == 'GET' and request.args.get('template'):
        archived_post = JobPost.get(request.args['template'])
        if not archived_post:
        if not archived_post.admin_is(g.user):
        if not archived_post.is_old():
            flash("This post is currently active and cannot be posted again.")
            return redirect(archived_post.url_for(), code=303)

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        # POST request from new job page, with successful validation
        # Move it to the editjob page for handling here forward
        newpost = {
            'hashid': unique_hash(JobPost),
            'ipaddr': request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],
            'useragent': request.user_agent.string,
            'user': g.user
        return editjob(hashid=None, key=None, form=form, validated=True, newpost=newpost)
    elif form.errors:
        # POST request from new job page, with errors
        flash("Please review the indicated issues", category='interactive')

    # Render page. Execution reaches here under three conditions:
    # 1. GET request, page loaded for the first time
    # 2. POST request from this page, with errors
    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_removelogo=True, archived_post=archived_post)
Exemplo n.º 2
def newjob():
    form = forms.ListingForm()
    archived_post = None
    if not g.user:
        return redirect(url_for('login', next=url_for('newjob'),
            message=u"Hasjob now requires you to login before posting a job. Please login as yourself."
                u" We'll add details about your company later"))
        if g.user.blocked:
            flash("Your account has been blocked from posting jobs", category='info')
            return redirect(url_for('index'), code=303)

    if g.board:
        if 'new-job' not in g.board.permissions(g.user):

    if g.board and not g.board.require_pay:
        form.job_pay_type.choices = [(-1, u'Confidential')] + PAY_TYPE.items()
    form.job_type.choices = JobType.choices(g.board)
    form.job_category.choices = JobCategory.choices(g.board)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        if g.user:
            # form.poster_name.data = g.user.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
            form.poster_email.data = g.user.email

    # Job Reposting
    if request.method == 'GET' and request.args.get('template'):
        archived_post = JobPost.get(request.args['template'])
        if not archived_post:
        if not archived_post.admin_is(g.user):
        if not archived_post.is_old():
            flash("This post is currently active and cannot be posted again.")
            return redirect(archived_post.url_for(), code=303)

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        # POST request from new job page, with successful validation
        # Move it to the editjob page for handling here forward
        newpost = {
            'hashid': unique_hash(JobPost),
            'ipaddr': request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],
            'useragent': request.user_agent.string,
            'user': g.user
        return editjob(hashid=None, key=None, form=form, validated=True, newpost=newpost)
    elif form.errors:
        # POST request from new job page, with errors
        flash("Please review the indicated issues", category='interactive')

    # Render page. Execution reaches here under three conditions:
    # 1. GET request, page loaded for the first time
    # 2. POST request from this page, with errors
    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_removelogo=True, archived_post=archived_post)
Exemplo n.º 3
def close(domain, hashid, key):
    post = JobPost.get(hashid)
    if not post:
    if not post.admin_is(g.user):
    if request.method == 'GET' and post.is_closed():
        return redirect(post.url_for('reopen'), code=303)
    if not post.is_public():
        flash("Your job post can't be closed.", "info")
        return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    form = Form()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        post.closed_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
        return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    return render_template("close.html", post=post, form=form)
Exemplo n.º 4
def close(domain, hashid, key):
    post = JobPost.get(hashid)
    if not post:
    if not post.admin_is(g.user):
    if request.method == 'GET' and post.is_closed():
        return redirect(post.url_for('reopen'), code=303)
    if not post.is_public():
        flash("Your job post can't be closed.", "info")
        return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    form = Form()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        post.closed_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
        return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    return render_template("close.html", post=post, form=form)
Exemplo n.º 5
def close(domain, hashid, key):
    post = JobPost.get(hashid)
    if not post:
    if not post.admin_is(g.user):
    if request.method == 'GET' and post.state.CLOSED:
        return redirect(post.url_for('reopen'), code=303)
    if not post.state.PUBLIC:
        flash("Your job post can't be closed.", "info")
        return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    form = Form()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        flash(post.close.data['message'], "success")
        # cache bust
        # dogpile.invalidate_region('hasjob_index')
        return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    return render_template("close.html.jinja2", post=post, form=form)