Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_metadata(self,
                     force_reload: bool = False,
                     use_storage: bool = True) -> TransactionMetadata:
        """Return this tx's metadata.

        It first looks in our cache (tx._metadata) and then tries the tx storage. If it doesn't
        exist, returns a new TransactionMetadata object.

        :param force_reload: don't load the cached metadata
        :type force_reload: bool

        :param use_storage: use self.storage.get_metadata if no metadata in cache
        :type use_storage: bool

        :rtype: :py:class:`hathor.transaction.TransactionMetadata`
        assert self.hash is not None
        if force_reload:
            metadata = None
            metadata = getattr(self, '_metadata', None)
        if not metadata and use_storage and self.storage:
            metadata = self.storage.get_metadata(self.hash)
            self._metadata = metadata
        if not metadata:
            metadata = TransactionMetadata(hash=self.hash,
            self._metadata = metadata
        metadata._tx_ref = weakref.ref(self)
        return metadata
Exemplo n.º 2
 def reset_metadata(self) -> None:
     """ Reset transaction's metadata. It is used when a node is initializing and
     recalculating all metadata.
     assert self.storage is not None
     self._metadata = TransactionMetadata(hash=self.hash,
     self._metadata._tx_ref = weakref.ref(self)
     self.storage.save_transaction(self, only_metadata=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_metadata(self,
                     force_reload: bool = False,
                     use_storage: bool = True) -> TransactionMetadata:
        """Return this tx's metadata.

        It first looks in our cache (tx._metadata) and then tries the tx storage. If it doesn't
        exist, returns a new TransactionMetadata object.

        :param force_reload: don't load the cached metadata
        :type force_reload: bool

        :param use_storage: use self.storage.get_metadata if no metadata in cache
        :type use_storage: bool

        :rtype: :py:class:`hathor.transaction.TransactionMetadata`
        if force_reload:
            metadata = None
            metadata = getattr(self, '_metadata', None)
        if not metadata and use_storage and self.storage:
            assert self.hash is not None
            metadata = self.storage.get_metadata(self.hash)
            self._metadata = metadata
        if not metadata:
            # FIXME: there is code that set use_storage=False but relies on correct height being calculated
            #        which requires the use of a storage, this is a workaround that should be fixed, places where this
            #        happens include generating new mining blocks and some tests
            height = self.calculate_height() if self.storage else 0
            metadata = TransactionMetadata(hash=self.hash,
            self._metadata = metadata
        if not metadata.hash:
            metadata.hash = self.hash
        metadata._tx_ref = weakref.ref(self)
        return metadata
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_transaction(self, hash_bytes: bytes) -> 'BaseTransaction':
        tx = self.get_transaction_from_weakref(hash_bytes)
        if tx is not None:
            return tx

        filepath = self.generate_filepath(hash_bytes)
        data = self.load_from_json(filepath,

        tx = self.load(data['tx'])
        if 'meta' in data.keys():
            meta = TransactionMetadata.create_from_json(data['meta'])
            tx._metadata = meta
        return tx
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_all_transactions(self) -> Iterator['BaseTransaction']:
        tx: Optional['BaseTransaction']

        for tx in self.get_all_genesis():
            yield tx

        for f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(self.path, '*/*')):
            match = self.re_pattern.match(os.path.basename(f))
            if match:
                hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(match.groups()[0])
                tx = self.get_transaction_from_weakref(hash_bytes)
                if tx is not None:
                    yield tx
                    # TODO Return a proxy that will load the transaction only when it is used.
                    data = self.load_from_json(f, TransactionDoesNotExist())
                    tx = self.load(data['tx'])
                    if 'meta' in data.keys():
                        meta = TransactionMetadata.create_from_json(
                        tx._metadata = meta
                    yield tx
Exemplo n.º 6
class BaseTransaction(ABC):
    """Hathor base transaction"""

    # Even though nonce is serialized with different sizes for tx and blocks
    # the same size is used for hashes to enable mining algorithm compatibility
    HEX_BASE = 16

    def __init__(self,
                 nonce: int = 0,
                 timestamp: Optional[int] = None,
                 version: int = TxVersion.REGULAR_BLOCK,
                 weight: float = 0,
                 inputs: Optional[List['TxInput']] = None,
                 outputs: Optional[List['TxOutput']] = None,
                 parents: Optional[List[bytes]] = None,
                 hash: Optional[bytes] = None,
                 storage: Optional['TransactionStorage'] = None) -> None:
            Nonce: nonce used for the proof-of-work
            Timestamp: moment of creation
            Version: version when it was created
            Weight: different for transactions and blocks
            Outputs: all outputs that are being created
            Parents: transactions you are confirming (2 transactions and 1 block - in case of a block only)
        self.nonce = nonce
        self.timestamp = timestamp or int(time.time())
        self.version = version
        self.weight = weight
        self.inputs = inputs or []
        self.outputs = outputs or []
        self.parents = parents or []
        self.storage = storage
        self.hash = hash  # Stored as bytes.

    def log(cls):
        """ This is a workaround because of a bug on structlog (or abc).

        See: https://github.com/hynek/structlog/issues/229
        return _base_transaction_log

    def _get_formatted_fields_dict(self, short: bool = True) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """ Used internally on __repr__ and __str__, returns a dict of `field_name: formatted_value`.
        from collections import OrderedDict
        d = OrderedDict(
            nonce='%d' % (self.nonce or 0),
            timestamp='%s' % self.timestamp,
            version='%s' % int(self.version),
            weight='%f' % self.weight,
        if not short:
                parents=repr([x.hex() for x in self.parents]),
        return d

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        return '%s(%s)' % (class_name, ', '.join(
            '%s=%s' % i
            for i in self._get_formatted_fields_dict(False).items()))

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        return '%s(%s)' % (class_name, ', '.join(
            '%s=%s' % i for i in self._get_formatted_fields_dict().items()))

    def is_block(self) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_transaction(self) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_fields_from_struct(self, struct_bytes: bytes) -> bytes:
        """ Gets all common fields for a Transaction and a Block from a buffer.

        :param struct_bytes: Bytes of a serialized transaction
        :type struct_bytes: bytes

        :return: A buffer containing the remaining struct bytes
        :rtype: bytes

        :raises ValueError: when the sequence of bytes is incorect
        buf = self.get_funds_fields_from_struct(struct_bytes)
        buf = self.get_graph_fields_from_struct(buf)
        return buf

    def create_from_struct(
            struct_bytes: bytes,
            storage: Optional['TransactionStorage'] = None
    ) -> 'BaseTransaction':
        """ Create a transaction from its bytes.

        :param struct_bytes: Bytes of a serialized transaction
        :type struct_bytes: bytes

        :return: A transaction or a block, depending on the class `cls`

        :raises ValueError: when the sequence of bytes is incorrect
        raise NotImplementedError

    def create_from_proto(
            tx_proto: protos.BaseTransaction,
            storage: Optional['TransactionStorage'] = None
    ) -> 'BaseTransaction':
        """ Create a Transaction from a protobuf Transaction object.

        :param transaction_proto: Protobuf transaction object
        :type transaction_proto: :py:class:`hathor.protos.Transaction`

        :return: A transaction or a block, depending on the class `cls`
        :rtype :py:class:`hathor.transaction.BaseTransaction`
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Two transactions are equal when their hash matches

        :raises NotImplement: when one of the transactions do not have a calculated hash
        if not isinstance(other, BaseTransaction):
            return NotImplemented
        if self.hash and other.hash:
            return self.hash == other.hash
        return False

    def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
        """Returns a byte representation of the transaction

        :rtype: bytes
        return self.get_struct()

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        assert self.hash is not None
        return hash(self.hash)

    def calculate_height(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def hash_hex(self) -> str:
        """Return the current stored hash in hex string format"""
        if self.hash is not None:
            return self.hash.hex()
            return ''

    def sum_outputs(self) -> int:
        """Sum of the value of the outputs"""
        return sum(output.value for output in self.outputs
                   if not output.is_token_authority())

    def get_target(self, override_weight: Optional[float] = None) -> int:
        """Target to be achieved in the mining process"""
        if not isfinite(self.weight):
            raise WeightError
        return int(2**(256 - (override_weight or self.weight)) - 1)

    def get_time_from_now(self, now: Optional[Any] = None) -> str:
        """ Return a the time difference between now and the tx's timestamp

        :return: String in the format "0 days, 00:00:00"
        :rtype: str
        if now is None:
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
        ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp)
        dt = now - ts
        seconds = dt.seconds
        hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
        minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
        return '{} days, {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(dt.days, hours, minutes,

    def get_parents(self) -> Iterator['BaseTransaction']:
        """Return an iterator of the parents

        :return: An iterator of the parents
        :rtype: Iter[BaseTransaction]
        for parent_hash in self.parents:
            assert self.storage is not None
            yield self.storage.get_transaction(parent_hash)

    def is_genesis(self) -> bool:
        """ Check whether this transaction is a genesis transaction

        :rtype: bool
        if self.hash is None:
            return False
        if self.storage:
            genesis = self.storage.get_genesis(self.hash)
            if genesis:
                return True
                return False
            from hathor.transaction.genesis import get_genesis_transactions
            for genesis in get_genesis_transactions(self.storage):
                if self == genesis:
                    return True
            return False

    def get_funds_fields_from_struct(self, buf: bytes) -> bytes:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_graph_fields_from_struct(self, buf: bytes) -> bytes:
        """ Gets all common graph fields for a Transaction and a Block from a buffer.

        :param buf: Bytes of a serialized transaction
        :type buf: bytes

        :return: A buffer containing the remaining struct bytes
        :rtype: bytes

        :raises ValueError: when the sequence of bytes is incorect
        (self.weight, self.timestamp,
         parents_len), buf = unpack(_GRAPH_FORMAT_STRING, buf)

        for _ in range(parents_len):
            parent, buf = unpack_len(TX_HASH_SIZE, buf)  # 256bits

        return buf

    def get_funds_struct(self) -> bytes:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_graph_struct(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the graph data serialization of the transaction, without including the nonce field

        :return: graph data serialization of the transaction
        :rtype: bytes
        struct_bytes = pack(_GRAPH_FORMAT_STRING, self.weight, self.timestamp,
        for parent in self.parents:
            struct_bytes += parent
        return struct_bytes

    def get_struct_without_nonce(self) -> bytes:
        """Return a partial serialization of the transaction, without including the nonce field

        :return: Partial serialization of the transaction
        :rtype: bytes
        struct_bytes = self.get_funds_struct()
        struct_bytes += self.get_graph_struct()
        return struct_bytes

    def get_struct_nonce(self) -> bytes:
        """Return a partial serialization of the transaction's proof-of-work, which is usually the nonce field

        :return: Partial serialization of the transaction's proof-of-work
        :rtype: bytes
        assert self.SERIALIZATION_NONCE_SIZE is not None
        struct_bytes = int_to_bytes(self.nonce, self.SERIALIZATION_NONCE_SIZE)
        return struct_bytes

    def get_struct(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the complete serialization of the transaction

        :rtype: bytes
        struct_bytes = self.get_struct_without_nonce()
        struct_bytes += self.get_struct_nonce()
        return struct_bytes

    def verify(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def verify_parents(self) -> None:
        """All parents must exist and their timestamps must be smaller than ours.

        Also, txs should have 2 other txs as parents, while blocks should have 2 txs + 1 block.

        Parents must be ordered with blocks first, followed by transactions.

        :raises TimestampError: when our timestamp is less or equal than our parent's timestamp
        :raises ParentDoesNotExist: when at least one of our parents does not exist
        :raises IncorrectParents: when tx does not confirm the correct number/type of parent txs
        from hathor.transaction.storage.exceptions import TransactionDoesNotExist

        assert self.hash is not None
        assert self.storage is not None

        # check if parents are duplicated
        parents_set = set(self.parents)
        if len(self.parents) > len(parents_set):
            raise DuplicatedParents(
                'Tx has duplicated parents: {}',
                [tx_hash.hex() for tx_hash in self.parents])

        my_parents_txs = 0  # number of tx parents
        my_parents_blocks = 0  # number of block parents
        min_timestamp = None

        for parent_hash in self.parents:
                parent = self.storage.get_transaction(parent_hash)
                if self.timestamp <= parent.timestamp:
                    raise TimestampError(
                        'tx={} timestamp={}, parent={} timestamp={}'.format(

                if parent.is_block:
                    if self.is_block and not parent.is_genesis:
                        if self.timestamp - parent.timestamp > settings.MAX_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_BLOCKS:
                            raise TimestampError(
                                'Distance between blocks is too big'
                                ' ({} seconds)'.format(self.timestamp -
                    if my_parents_txs > 0:
                        raise IncorrectParents(
                            'Parents which are blocks must come before transactions'
                    for pi_hash in parent.parents:
                        pi = self.storage.get_transaction(parent_hash)
                        if not pi.is_block:
                            min_timestamp = (min(min_timestamp, pi.timestamp)
                                             if min_timestamp is not None else
                    my_parents_blocks += 1
                    if min_timestamp and parent.timestamp < min_timestamp:
                        raise TimestampError(
                            'tx={} timestamp={}, parent={} timestamp={}, min_timestamp={}'
                            .format(self.hash.hex(), self.timestamp,
                                    parent.hash.hex(), parent.timestamp,
                    my_parents_txs += 1
            except TransactionDoesNotExist:
                raise ParentDoesNotExist('tx={} parent={}'.format(
                    self.hash.hex(), parent_hash.hex()))

        # check for correct number of parents
        if self.is_block:
            parents_txs = _BLOCK_PARENTS_TXS
            parents_blocks = _BLOCK_PARENTS_BLOCKS
            parents_txs = _TX_PARENTS_TXS
            parents_blocks = _TX_PARENTS_BLOCKS
        if my_parents_blocks != parents_blocks:
            raise IncorrectParents(
                'wrong number of parents (block type): {}, expecting {}'.
                format(my_parents_blocks, parents_blocks))
        if my_parents_txs != parents_txs:
            raise IncorrectParents(
                'wrong number of parents (tx type): {}, expecting {}'.format(
                    my_parents_txs, parents_txs))

    def verify_pow(self, override_weight: Optional[float] = None) -> None:
        """Verify proof-of-work

        :raises PowError: when the hash is equal or greater than the target
        assert self.hash is not None
        numeric_hash = int(self.hash.hex(), self.HEX_BASE)
        minimum_target = self.get_target(override_weight)
        if numeric_hash >= minimum_target:
            raise PowError(
                f'Transaction has invalid data ({numeric_hash} < {minimum_target})'

    def verify_number_of_outputs(self) -> None:
        """Verify number of outputs does not exceeds the limit"""
        if len(self.outputs) > MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS:
            raise TooManyOutputs('Maximum number of outputs exceeded')

    def resolve(self, update_time: bool = True) -> bool:
        """Run a CPU mining looking for the nonce that solves the proof-of-work

        The `self.weight` must be set before calling this method.

        :param update_time: update timestamp every 2 seconds
        :return: True if a solution was found
        :rtype: bool
        hash_bytes = self.start_mining(update_time=update_time)

        if hash_bytes:
            self.hash = hash_bytes
            return True
            return False

    def get_funds_hash(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the sha256 of the funds part of the transaction

        :return: the hash of the funds data
        :rtype: bytes
        funds_hash = hashlib.sha256()
        return funds_hash.digest()

    def get_graph_hash(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the sha256 of the graph part of the transaction

        :return: the hash of the funds data
        :rtype: bytes
        graph_hash = hashlib.sha256()
        return graph_hash.digest()

    def get_header_without_nonce(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the transaction header without the nonce

        :return: transaction header without the nonce
        :rtype: bytes
        return self.get_funds_hash() + self.get_graph_hash()

    def calculate_hash1(self) -> HASH:
        """Return the sha256 of the transaction without including the `nonce`

        :return: A partial hash of the transaction
        :rtype: :py:class:`_hashlib.HASH`
        calculate_hash1 = hashlib.sha256()
        return calculate_hash1

    def calculate_hash2(self, part1: HASH) -> bytes:
        """Return the hash of the transaction, starting from a partial hash

        The hash of the transactions is the `sha256(sha256(bytes(tx))`.

        :param part1: A partial hash of the transaction, usually from `calculate_hash1`
        :type part1: :py:class:`_hashlib.HASH`

        :return: The transaction hash
        :rtype: bytes
        # SHA256D gets the hash in littlean format. Reverse the bytes to get the big-endian representation.
        return hashlib.sha256(part1.digest()).digest()[::-1]

    def calculate_hash(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the full hash of the transaction

        It is the same as calling `self.calculate_hash2(self.calculate_hash1())`.

        :return: The hash transaction
        :rtype: bytes
        part1 = self.calculate_hash1()
        return self.calculate_hash2(part1)

    def update_hash(self) -> None:
        """ Update the hash of the transaction.
        self.hash = self.calculate_hash()

    def start_mining(
            start: int = 0,
            end: int = MAX_NONCE,
            sleep_seconds: float = 0.0,
            update_time: bool = True,
            should_stop: Callable[[],
                                  bool] = lambda: False) -> Optional[bytes]:
        """Starts mining until it solves the problem, i.e., finds the nonce that satisfies the conditions

        :param start: beginning of the search interval
        :param end: end of the search interval
        :param sleep_seconds: the number of seconds it will sleep after each attempt
        :param update_time: update timestamp every 2 seconds
        :return The hash of the solved PoW or None when it is not found
        pow_part1 = self.calculate_hash1()
        target = self.get_target()
        self.nonce = start
        last_time = time.time()
        while self.nonce < end:
            if update_time:
                now = time.time()
                if now - last_time > 2:
                    if should_stop():
                        return None
                    self.timestamp = int(now)
                    pow_part1 = self.calculate_hash1()
                    last_time = now
                    self.nonce = start

            result = self.calculate_hash2(pow_part1.copy())
            if int(result.hex(), self.HEX_BASE) < target:
                return result
            self.nonce += 1
            if sleep_seconds > 0:
                if should_stop():
                    return None
        return None

    def get_metadata(self,
                     force_reload: bool = False,
                     use_storage: bool = True) -> TransactionMetadata:
        """Return this tx's metadata.

        It first looks in our cache (tx._metadata) and then tries the tx storage. If it doesn't
        exist, returns a new TransactionMetadata object.

        :param force_reload: don't load the cached metadata
        :type force_reload: bool

        :param use_storage: use self.storage.get_metadata if no metadata in cache
        :type use_storage: bool

        :rtype: :py:class:`hathor.transaction.TransactionMetadata`
        assert self.hash is not None
        if force_reload:
            metadata = None
            metadata = getattr(self, '_metadata', None)
        if not metadata and use_storage and self.storage:
            metadata = self.storage.get_metadata(self.hash)
            self._metadata = metadata
        if not metadata:
            metadata = TransactionMetadata(hash=self.hash,
            self._metadata = metadata
        metadata._tx_ref = weakref.ref(self)
        return metadata

    def reset_metadata(self) -> None:
        """ Reset transaction's metadata. It is used when a node is initializing and
        recalculating all metadata.
        assert self.storage is not None
        self._metadata = TransactionMetadata(hash=self.hash,
        self._metadata._tx_ref = weakref.ref(self)
        self.storage.save_transaction(self, only_metadata=True)

    def update_accumulated_weight(
            stop_value: float = inf,
            save_file: bool = True) -> TransactionMetadata:
        """Calculates the tx's accumulated weight and update its metadata.

        It starts at the current transaction and does a BFS to the tips. In the
        end, updates the accumulated weight on metadata

        It stops calculating the accumulated weight when the value passes the `stop_value`.
        This may be used when the accumulated weight is being calculated to be compared to another value.
        In this case, we may stop calculating when we are already higher than `stop_value`.

        :param: stop_value: Threshold to stop calculating the accumulated weight.

        :return: transaction metadata
        :rtype: :py:class:`hathor.transaction.TransactionMetadata`
        assert self.storage is not None

        metadata = self.get_metadata()
        if metadata.accumulated_weight > stop_value:
            return metadata

        accumulated_weight = self.weight

        # TODO Another optimization is that, when we calculate the acc weight of a transaction, we
        # also partially calculate the acc weight of its descendants. If it were a DFS, when returning
        # to a vertex, the acc weight calculated would be <= the real acc weight. So, we might store it
        # as a pre-calculated value. Then, during the next DFS, if `cur + tx.acc_weight > stop_value`,
        # we might stop and avoid some visits. Question: how would we do it in the BFS?

        # TODO We can walk by the blocks first, because they have higher weight and this may
        # reduce the number of visits in the BFS. We need to specially handle when a transaction is not
        # directly verified by a block.

        from hathor.transaction.storage.traversal import BFSWalk
        bfs_walk = BFSWalk(self.storage,
        for tx in bfs_walk.run(self, skip_root=True):
            accumulated_weight = sum_weights(accumulated_weight, tx.weight)
            if accumulated_weight > stop_value:

        metadata.accumulated_weight = accumulated_weight
        if save_file:
            self.storage.save_transaction(self, only_metadata=True)

        return metadata

    def update_initial_metadata(self) -> None:
        """Update the tx's initial metadata. It does not update the whole metadata.

        It is called when a new transaction/block is received by HathorManager.

        :rtype None
        assert self.hash is not None
        assert self.storage is not None

        for parent in self.get_parents():
            metadata = parent.get_metadata()
            self.storage.save_transaction(parent, only_metadata=True)

    def update_timestamp(self, now: int) -> None:
        """Update this tx's timestamp

        :param now: the current timestamp, in seconds
        :type now: int

        :rtype: None
        assert self.storage is not None
        max_ts_spent_tx = max(
            self.get_spent_tx(txin).timestamp for txin in self.inputs)
        max_ts_parent = max(parent.timestamp for parent in self.get_parents())
        self.timestamp = max(max_ts_spent_tx + 1, max_ts_parent + 1, now)

    def get_spent_tx(self, input_tx: 'TxInput') -> 'BaseTransaction':
        assert self.storage is not None
        return self.storage.get_transaction(input_tx.tx_id)

    def to_json(self, decode_script: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        data['hash'] = self.hash and self.hash.hex()
        data['nonce'] = self.nonce
        data['timestamp'] = self.timestamp
        data['version'] = int(self.version)
        data['weight'] = self.weight

        data['parents'] = []
        for parent in self.parents:

        data['inputs'] = []
        for tx_input in self.inputs:
            data_input: Dict[str, Any] = {}
            data_input['tx_id'] = tx_input.tx_id.hex()
            data_input['index'] = tx_input.index
            data_input['data'] = base64.b64encode(

        data['outputs'] = []
        for output in self.outputs:

        return data

    def to_json_extended(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        assert self.hash is not None
        assert self.storage is not None

        def serialize_output(tx: BaseTransaction,
                             tx_out: TxOutput) -> Dict[str, Any]:
            data = tx_out.to_json(decode_script=True)
            data['token'] = tx.get_token_uid(tx_out.get_token_index()).hex()
            data['decoded'].pop('token_data', None)
            data['decoded'].pop('value', None)
            return data

        meta = self.get_metadata()
        ret: Dict[str, Any] = {
            'tx_id': self.hash.hex(),
            'version': int(self.version),
            'weight': self.weight,
            'timestamp': self.timestamp,
            'is_voided': bool(meta.voided_by),
            'inputs': [],
            'outputs': [],
            'parents': [],

        for parent in self.parents:

        assert isinstance(ret['inputs'], list)
        assert isinstance(ret['outputs'], list)

        for index, tx_in in enumerate(self.inputs):
            tx2 = self.storage.get_transaction(tx_in.tx_id)
            tx2_out = tx2.outputs[tx_in.index]
            output = serialize_output(tx2, tx2_out)
            output['tx_id'] = tx2.hash.hex()
            output['index'] = tx_in.index

        for index, tx_out in enumerate(self.outputs):
            spent_by = meta.get_output_spent_by(index)
            output = serialize_output(self, tx_out)
            output['spent_by'] = spent_by.hex() if spent_by else None

        return ret

    def to_proto(self,
                 include_metadata: bool = True) -> protos.BaseTransaction:
        """ Creates a Protobuf object from self

        :param include_metadata: Whether to include metadata, regardless if there is
        :type include_metadata: bool

        :return: Protobuf object
        :rtype: :py:class:`hathor.protos.BaseTransaction`
        raise NotImplementedError

    def validate_tx_error(self) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
        """ Verify if tx is valid and return success and possible error message

            :return: Success if tx is valid and possible error message, if not
            :rtype: tuple[bool, str]
        success = True
        message = ''
        except TxValidationError as e:
            success = False
            message = str(e)
        return success, message

    def clone(self) -> 'BaseTransaction':
        """Return exact copy without sharing memory, including metadata if loaded.

        :return: Transaction or Block copy
        new_tx = self.create_from_struct(self.get_struct())
        if hasattr(self, '_metadata'):
            new_tx._metadata = self._metadata.clone()
        new_tx.storage = self.storage
        return new_tx

    def get_token_uid(self, index: int) -> bytes:
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 7
 def load_metadata(self, data):
     return TransactionMetadata.create_from_json(data)