Exemplo n.º 1
class LinkIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    date_available = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_available')
    date_update = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_update')
    tags = MultiValueField(null=True)

    def prepare_tags(self, obj):
        if not obj.tags:
        tags = []
        for tag in obj.get_tags() or []:
        return tags

    def get_model(self):
        return Link

    def get_updated_field(self):
        return 'date_update'

    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        return Link.objects.filter(
Exemplo n.º 2
class EventIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    creator = CharField(model_attr='creator')
    datetime = DateTimeField(model_attr='time')
    created_at = DateTimeField(model_attr='created_at')
    market = CharField()

    def prepare_market(self, obj):
        return Event.market.name
Exemplo n.º 3
class PostIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    date_available = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_available')
    date_update = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_update')

    def get_updated_field(self):
        return 'date_update'

    def index_queryset(self):
        return Post.objects.filter(
Exemplo n.º 4
class ChannelIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    date_available = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_available')
    date_update = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_update')

    def get_model(self):
        return Channel

    def get_updated_field(self):
        return 'date_update'

    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        return Channel.objects.filter(date_available__lte=timezone.now(),
Exemplo n.º 5
class ItemIndex(RealTimeSearchIndex):
    Indexes for_sale.models.Item instances

    # remember to respect haystack primary field convention name!
    # by default, stored and indexed parameters are True
    summary = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)

    title = CharField(model_attr="title")
    description = CharField(model_attr="description", indexed=False, null=True)
    price = FloatField(model_attr="price", indexed=False)
    #    price = DecimalField(model_attr="price", indexed=False)
    added_at = DateTimeField(model_attr="date_time", stored=False)

    shop_id = IntegerField(model_attr="shop__id", stored=False)
    shop_name = CharField(model_attr="shop__name")

    category = CharField(model_attr="category")
    subcategory = CharField(model_attr="subcategory", null=True)

    # order by:
    # * relevance == score function?
    # * added_at ASC / DESC
    # * price ASC / DESC
    # * title ASC / DESC

    #    def get_queryset(self):
    def index_queryset(self):
        return Item.objects.filter(qty__gt=0)
Exemplo n.º 6
class LotIndex(RealTimeSearchIndex):
    Indexes lots.models.Lot instances

    # remember to respect haystack primary field convention name!
    # by default, stored and indexed parameters are True
    summary = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)

    title = CharField(model_attr="title")
    description = CharField(model_attr="description", indexed=False, null=True)
    state = CharField(model_attr="get_state_display")

    shop_id = IntegerField(model_attr="shop__id", stored=False)
    shop_name = CharField(model_attr="shop__name")

    category = CharField(model_attr="category")
    subcategory = CharField(model_attr="subcategory", null=True)

    added_at = DateTimeField(model_attr="date_time", stored=False)

    #    def get_queryset(self):
    def index_queryset(self):
        # allow to search only active lots
        return Lot.objects.filter(state="A")
Exemplo n.º 7
class StoryIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    author = CharField(faceted=True)
    pub_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='pub_date', faceted=True)
    tags = MultiValueField(model_attr='tags', faceted=True)

    def get_queryset(self):
        return Story.objects.filter(pub_date__lte=datetime.datetime.now())

    def prepare_author(self, obj):
            sauthor = StoryAuthor.objects.filter(story__pub_date= \
            author = sauthor.author
        except IndexError:
            author = u'Journal Staff'
        return author

    def prepare_tags(self, obj):
        tags = Tag.objects.get_for_object(Story.objects.filter(pub_date=\
        if not tags is None:
            return tags
            return u'No Tags'
Exemplo n.º 8
class BasicPostIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    pub_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_published')

    def index_queryset(self):
        """Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
        return BasicPost.objects.published()
Exemplo n.º 9
class ThreadIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    creator = CharField(model_attr='creator')
    datetime = DateTimeField()
    creation_date = DateTimeField()

    # TODO: this shit sucks and is could be done without touching
    # the db most of the time... leave creation date alone and manually
    # update datetime
    def prepare_datetime(self, obj):
        return Post.objects.filter(

    def prepare_creation_date(self, obj):
        return Post.objects.filter(
Exemplo n.º 10
class BlogIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
	text=CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
	author=CharField(model_attr='author', faceted=True)
	title=CharField(model_attr='title', use_template=True)	#, indexed=False)
	body=EdgeNgramField(model_attr='body', use_template=True)
	def get_model(self): return Blog
	def index_queryset(self, using=None): return self.get_model().objects.filter(created__lte=now)
	def prepare_body(self, obj): return obj.body
	def prepare_text(self, obj): return obj.text
Exemplo n.º 11
class PageIndex(SearchIndex):
    """Search index for pages content."""
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    title = CharField(model_attr='title')
    url = CharField(model_attr='get_absolute_url')
    publication_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='publication_date')

    def get_queryset(self):
        """Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
        return Page.objects.published()
Exemplo n.º 12
class BaseIndex(SearchIndex):
    Define a base search index class for all models.  Fields text, created, and modified are generic across all models.
    See haystack documentation for what the text field and document=True mean.  Templates have to be added to
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    created = DateTimeField(model_attr='created')
    modified = DateTimeField(model_attr='modified')
    model_type = None

    def get_model(self):
        return self.model_type

    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        Used when the entire index for model is updated.
        return self.get_model().objects.all()
Exemplo n.º 13
class MemberIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
	text=CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
	email=CharField(model_attr='email', use_template=True)
	cellular=EdgeNgramField(model_attr='cellular', use_template=True)
	#rendered=CharField(use_template=True, indexed=False)
	def get_model(self): return Member
	def index_queryset(self, using=None): return self.get_model().objects.filter(created__lte=now)
	def prepare_cellular(self, obj): return obj.cellular
Exemplo n.º 14
class AuctionSessionIndex(RealTimeSearchIndex):
    Indexes auctions.models.AuctionSession instances
    # remember to respect haystack primary field convention name!
    # by default, stored and indexed parameters are True
    summary = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)

    title = CharField(model_attr="title")
    description = CharField(model_attr="description", indexed=False, null=True)

    shop_id = IntegerField(model_attr="shop__id", stored=False)
    shop_name = CharField(model_attr="shop__name")

    starts_at = DateTimeField(model_attr="start", stored=False)
    ends_at = DateTimeField(model_attr="end", stored=False)

    #    def get_queryset(self):
    def index_queryset(self):
        return AuctionSession.objects.filter(start__lte=datetime.now(),
Exemplo n.º 15
class ContainerIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    channel_id = IntegerField(model_attr="channel_id")
    date_available = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_available')
    date_update = DateTimeField(model_attr='date_update')
    tags = MultiValueField(null=True)

    def prepare_tags(self, obj):
        if not obj.tags:
        tags = []
        for tag in obj.get_tags() or []:
        return tags

    def get_updated_field(self):
        return 'date_update'

    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        return self.get_model().objects.all_published()
Exemplo n.º 16
class ProductIndex(RealTimeSearchIndex):
    Index for inventory.models.Product

    # summary template will include title, description, category name and
    # subcategory name in order to make it easy to search
    summary = CharField(document=True, use_template=True, stored=False)

    title = CharField(model_attr="title")
    description = CharField(model_attr="description", indexed=False, null=True)

    product_id = IntegerField(model_attr="id")
    category = CharField(model_attr="category__name")  #, faceted=True)
    category_id = IntegerField(model_attr="category__id")
    subcategory = CharField(model_attr="subcategory__name",
                            null=True)  #, faceted=True, null=True)
    subcategory_id = IntegerField(model_attr="subcategory__id", null=True)
    price = FloatField()
    #    price = DecimalField()
    image_url = CharField(null=True, indexed=True)

    marketplace_id = IntegerField(model_attr="shop__marketplace__id")

    shop_id = IntegerField(model_attr="shop__id")
    shop_name = CharField(model_attr="shop__name", indexed=False)
    shop_default_dns = CharField(model_attr="shop__default_dns", indexed=False)
    shop_currency = CharField(indexed=False)

    added_at = DateTimeField(model_attr="date_time")

    def prepare_price(self, obj):
        price = obj.child().price

        # the price of a Lot is an instance method
        if callable(price):
            return price()

        # the .price of an Item is an instance attribute
        return price

    def prepare_image_url(self, obj):
        image = obj.child().image()
        if image:
            return image.image.url_100x100
        return None

    def prepare_shop_currency(self, obj):
        return obj.shop.preference().checkout_currency
Exemplo n.º 17
class PageIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
    """Search index for pages content."""
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    title = CharField(model_attr='title')
    url = CharField(model_attr='get_absolute_url')
    publication_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='publication_date')

    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        return self.get_model().objects.published()

    def should_update(self, instance, **kwargs):
        return instance.status == Page.PUBLISHED

    def get_model(self):
        return Page
class PageIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
    """ Haystack seach index """
    name = CharField(model_attr='name')
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    updated_at = DateTimeField(model_attr='updated_at')

    def get_model(self):
        return Page

    def index_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Используется, когда весь индекс для модели обновляется.
        TODO: Check this
        return Page.objects.select_related().all()
Exemplo n.º 19
class TorrentIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
    text = CharField(document=True)
    title = CharField(model_attr='title')
    team_name = CharField(model_attr='team_name', null=True)
    pub_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='pub_date', null=True)
    author = CharField(model_attr='author', null=True)
    category = CharField(model_attr='category', null=True)

    def get_model(self):
        return Torrent

    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        return self.get_model().objects.all()

    def prepare(self, obj):
        data = super(TorrentIndex, self).prepare(obj)
        data['text'] = data['title']
        return data
Exemplo n.º 20
    class RealTimePageIndex(RealTimeSearchIndex, Indexable):
        """Search index for pages content."""
        text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
        title = CharField(model_attr='title')
        url = CharField(model_attr='get_absolute_url')
        publication_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='publication_date')

        def index_queryset(self, using=None):
            """Haystack 2.0 requires this method now"""
            return self.get_model().objects.published()

        def get_queryset(self):
            """Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
            return Page.objects.published()

        def get_model(self):
            return Page

        def should_update(self, instance, **kwargs):
            return instance.status == Page.PUBLISHED
Exemplo n.º 21
class FossilIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=False, stored=False)
    trial_id = CharField()
    rev_seq = CharField()
    is_most_recent = BooleanField()
    main_title = MultiValueField()
    rec_status = CharField(faceted=True)
    date_registration = DateTimeField()
    outdated = BooleanField()
    status = CharField()
    rec_country = MultiValueField()
    is_observational = BooleanField()
    i_type = MultiValueField(faceted=True)
    gender = CharField()
    minimum_recruitment_age = IntegerField()  #in hours
    maximum_recruitment_age = IntegerField()  #in hours

    def prepare_minimum_recruitment_age(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
            unit = fossil_ct.agemin_unit
            value = fossil_ct.agemin_value
            return None

        age = normalize_age(value, unit) if unit != '-' else 0

        return age

    def prepare_maximum_recruitment_age(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
            unit = fossil_ct.agemax_unit
            value = fossil_ct.agemax_value
            return None

        age = normalize_age(value, unit) if unit != '-' else normalize_age(
            200, 'Y')

        return age

    def prepare_trial_id(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
            return fossil_ct.trial_id
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def prepare_rev_seq(self, obj):
        return obj.revision_sequential

    def prepare_is_most_recent(self, obj):
        return obj.is_most_recent

    def prepare_rec_status(self, obj):
            return obj.get_object_fossil().recruitment_status.label
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def prepare_date_registration(self, obj):
            return obj.get_object_fossil().date_registration
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def prepare_outdated(self, obj):
            return obj.get_object_fossil().outdated
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def prepare_status(self, obj):
            return obj.get_object_fossil().status
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def prepare_main_title(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()

            main_titles = []
            for lang in fossil_ct._translations.keys():
                fossil_ct._language = lang

            return main_titles
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def prepare_text(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()

        retrieve_data_from = [
            'scientific_contacts', 'utrn_number', 'secondary_ids', 'trial_id',
            'scientific_title', 'public_title', 'acronym',
            'scientific_acronym', 'scientific_acronym_expansion',
            'hc_freetext', 'i_freetext'
        retrieve_data_from_multilanguage = [
            'scientific_title', 'public_title', 'acronym',
            'scientific_acronym', 'scientific_acronym_expansion',
            'hc_freetext', 'i_freetext'

        all_text = set()
        for fossil_method in retrieve_data_from:
                all_text.add(getattr(fossil_ct, fossil_method))
            except AttributeError:

        for lang in fossil_ct._translations.keys(
        ):  #index content in all available languages
            fossil_ct._language = lang
            for fossil_method in retrieve_data_from_multilanguage:
                    all_text.add(getattr(fossil_ct, fossil_method))
                except AttributeError:

        primary_sponsor = getattr(fossil_ct, 'primary_sponsor', '')
        if primary_sponsor:
            for v in primary_sponsor.values():
                if isinstance(v, basestring):

        return ' '.join(all_text).strip()

    def prepare_rec_country(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
        return [country['label'] for country in fossil_ct.recruitment_country]

    def prepare_is_observational(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
        return getattr(fossil_ct, 'is_observational', False)

    def prepare_i_type(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
        sources = []
        for source in fossil_ct.support_sources:
            except KeyError:
                #field doesnt exist

        return sources

    def prepare_gender(self, obj):
        fossil_ct = obj.get_object_fossil()
        if fossil_ct.gender == 'M':
            return 'male'
        elif fossil_ct.gender == 'F':
            return 'female'
            return 'both'
Exemplo n.º 22
class TeamVideoLanguagesIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True,
    team_id = IntegerField()
    team_video_pk = IntegerField(indexed=False)
    video_pk = IntegerField(indexed=False)
    video_id = CharField(indexed=False)
    video_title = CharField(faceted=True)
    video_url = CharField(indexed=False)
    original_language = CharField()
    original_language_display = CharField(indexed=False)
    absolute_url = CharField(indexed=False)
    project_pk = IntegerField(indexed=True)
    task_count = IntegerField()
    # never store an absolute url with solr
    # since the url changes according to the user
    # one cannot construct the url at index time
    # video_absolute_url = CharField(indexed=False)
    thumbnail = CharField(indexed=False)
    title = CharField()
    project_name = CharField(indexed=False)
    project_slug = CharField(indexed=False)
    description = CharField(indexed=True)
    is_complete = BooleanField()
    video_complete_date = DateTimeField(null=True)
    # list of completed language codes
    video_completed_langs = MultiValueField()
    # list of completed language absolute urls. should have 1-1 mapping to video_compelted_langs
    video_completed_lang_urls = MultiValueField(indexed=False)

    latest_submission_date = DateTimeField(null=True)
    team_video_create_date = DateTimeField()

    # possible values for visibility:
    # is_public=True anyone can see
    # is_public=False and owned_by_team_id=None -> a regular user owns, no teams can list this video
    # is_public=False and owned_by_team_id=X -> only team X can see this video
    is_public = BooleanField()
    owned_by_team_id = IntegerField(null=True)

    # All subtitle languages containing at least one version are included in the total count.
    num_total_langs = IntegerField()

    # Completed languages are languages which have at least one version that is:
    # * Public
    # * Covers all dialog
    # * Fully synced
    # * Fully translated, if a translation
    num_completed_langs = IntegerField()

    def prepare(self, obj):
        self.prepared_data = super(TeamVideoLanguagesIndex, self).prepare(obj)
        self.prepared_data['team_id'] = obj.team.id
        self.prepared_data['team_video_pk'] = obj.id
        self.prepared_data['video_pk'] = obj.video.id
        self.prepared_data['video_id'] = obj.video.video_id
        self.prepared_data['video_title'] = obj.video.title.strip()
        self.prepared_data['video_url'] = obj.video.get_video_url()
        original_sl = obj.video.subtitle_language()
        if original_sl:
            self.prepared_data['original_language_display'] = \
            self.prepared_data['original_language'] = original_sl.language
            self.prepared_data['original_language_display'] = ''
            self.prepared_data['original_language'] = ''
        self.prepared_data['absolute_url'] = obj.get_absolute_url()
        self.prepared_data['thumbnail'] = obj.get_thumbnail()
        self.prepared_data['title'] = unicode(obj).strip()
        self.prepared_data['description'] = obj.description
        self.prepared_data['is_complete'] = obj.video.complete_date is not None
        self.prepared_data['video_complete_date'] = obj.video.complete_date
        self.prepared_data['project_pk'] = obj.project.pk
        self.prepared_data['project_name'] = obj.project.name
        self.prepared_data['project_slug'] = obj.project.slug
        self.prepared_data['team_video_create_date'] = obj.created

        completed_sls = obj.video.completed_subtitle_languages()
        all_sls = (obj.video.subtitlelanguage_set.annotate(
        all_sls = [
            sl for sl in all_sls
            if not sl.latest_version(public_only=False).is_all_blank()

        self.prepared_data['num_total_langs'] = len(all_sls)
        self.prepared_data['num_completed_langs'] = len(completed_sls)

        self.prepared_data['video_completed_langs'] = \
            [sl.language for sl in completed_sls]
        self.prepared_data['video_completed_lang_urls'] = \
            [sl.get_absolute_url() for sl in completed_sls]

        self.prepared_data['task_count'] = models.Task.objects.incomplete(

        policy = obj.video.policy
        owned_by = None
        if policy and policy.belongs_to_team:
            owned_by = policy.object_id

            'is_public'] = VideoVisibilityPolicy.objects.video_is_public(
        self.prepared_data["owned_by_team_id"] = owned_by

        return self.prepared_data

    def results_for_members(self, team):
        base_qs = SearchQuerySet().models(models.TeamVideo)
        public = SQ(is_public=True)
        mine = SQ(is_public=False, owned_by_team_id=team.pk)
        return base_qs.filter(public | mine)

    def results(self):
        return SearchQuerySet().models(models.TeamVideo).filter(is_public=True)
Exemplo n.º 23
class PostIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
    creator = CharField(model_attr='creator')
    datetime = DateTimeField(model_attr='created_at')
Exemplo n.º 24
class TrialIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
    text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)

    title = CharField(model_attr='title')
    session_title = CharField(model_attr='session__title')
    experiment_title = CharField(model_attr='session__experiment__title')
    study_title = CharField(model_attr='session__experiment__study__title')

    taxon = CharField(model_attr='session__experiment__subject__taxon',

    #accession = CharField(model_attr='accession', null=True)
    food_type = CharField(model_attr='food_type', null=True, faceted=True)
    food_size = CharField(model_attr='food_size', null=True)
    food_property = CharField(model_attr='food_property', null=True)

    created_at = DateTimeField(model_attr='created_at')
    updated_at = DateTimeField(model_attr='updated_at')

    behaviorowl_primary = CharField(model_attr='behaviorowl_primary',
    behaviorowl_primary_ancestors = MultiValueField(faceted=True)
    behaviorowl_primary_part_of = MultiValueField(faceted=True)

    techniques = MultiValueField(indexed=False, stored=True, faceted=True)

    # List of muscle labels for EMG and Sono sensors and non-muscle anatomical
    # locations on other sensors
    analoc_direct = MultiValueField()

    # `analoc_direct` along with the ancestors of each MuscleOwl in the list
    analoc = MultiValueField(faceted=True)

    # Muscles which members of `analoc_direct` are a part of, except when the same
    # muscle is already listed in `analoc`
    # This is currently just muscles, but could be extended to include any
    # other OwlTerms if they are added later.
    analoc_part_of = MultiValueField(faceted=True)

    def prepare_techniques(self, obj):
        technique_dict = dict(Techniques.CHOICES)
        techniques = set()
        for channel in obj.session.channels.all():
            except IndexError:
                print "Unknown technique #%d for channel %s on trial %s" % (
                    channel.setup.technique, channel, obj)

        if settings.DEBUG:
            print "Techniques: %s" % sorted(techniques)
        return sorted(techniques)

    def prepare_behaviorowl_primary(self, obj):
        return obj.behaviorowl_primary.label_with_synonyms()

    def prepare_behaviorowl_primary_ancestors(self, obj):
        # TODO: should we be including the original behaviorowl here?
        ancestors = obj.behaviorowl_primary.ancestor_classes_inclusive()
        return [b.label_with_synonyms() for b in ancestors]

    def prepare_behaviorowl_primary_part_of(self, obj):
        # TODO: should we be including the original behaviorowl here?
        part_ofs = obj.behaviorowl_primary.part_of_classes_inclusive()
        return [b.label_with_synonyms() for b in part_ofs]

    def prepare(self, obj):
        Prepare the list of muscles for the index by traversing all channels on
        this trial and including all muscles listed on channels which include a
        muscle term. These channels are just EMG and Sono types.

        We also prepare the list of muscles which have the target muscle as a
        part, but only store the muscles which are distinct from the muscles we
        are already storing in the subClassOf field.

        This arrangement enables a search to be broadened from just subClass
        relationships to both subClass and part_of relationships by adding an
        OR filter on the `muscles_part_of` field.  An alternate implemention
        might instead store two independent fields for indexing; one uses just
        the subClassOf relationship and the other might use both. A search
        would be broadened by switching from one field to the other.

        muscles_ancestors = set()
        muscles_part_of = set()
        muscles_direct = set()
        for m in trial_muscles(obj):
            if m != None:
                m_label = m.label_with_synonyms()
                if len(m_label):
                    for m_ancestor in m.ancestor_classes():
                    for m_part_of in m.part_of_classes():

        muscles_part_of = muscles_part_of.difference(muscles_ancestors)

        self.prepared_data = super(TrialIndex, self).prepare(obj)
        if settings.DEBUG:
            print "MUSCLES DIRECT %s" % muscles_direct
            print "MUSCLES ANCESTORS %s" % muscles_ancestors
            print "MUSCLES PART OF %s" % muscles_part_of

        # Now add the anatomical location terms to the set
        analocs_direct = set()
        for al in trial_analocs(obj):
            if al != None and len(unicode(al)):

        # Store all AnatomicalLocations, MuscleOwls, and ancestors of MuscleOwls
        self.prepared_data['analoc'] = list(analocs_direct | muscles_direct
                                            | muscles_ancestors)

        # Store muscles that the muscle is part of, but isn't already a
        # subclass of. We don't have "part_of" relationships for analocs, so
        # don't include them.
        self.prepared_data['analoc_part_of'] = list(muscles_part_of -

        # Store MuscleOwls and AnatomicalLocations applied directly to the
        # trial's session's channel's sensors.
        self.prepared_data['analoc_direct'] = list(muscles_direct
                                                   | analocs_direct)
        return self.prepared_data

    def load_all_queryset(self):
        return Trial.objects.all().prefetch_related('bucket_set')

    def get_model(self):
        return Trial

    def build_queryset(self, using=None, start_date=None, end_date=None):
        qs = super(TrialIndex, self).build_queryset(using=using)

        # We count any modification to the containers containing this trial,
        # because information from all these containers is included in the
        # search index.
        # We don't include sensors and channels explicitly because, at the time
        # of writing, it is not possible to edit sensors or channels without
        # editing the containing setup.
        # These could probably be enhanced by including units and other CvTerm
        # fields, but for now I hope that only Taxon is likely to change.
        updated_at_fields = (

        def to_q(fieldname, op, rhs):
            from django.db.models import Q
            kwargs = {fieldname + '__' + op: rhs}
            return Q(**kwargs)

        def build_conditions(op, rhs):
            fields = iter(updated_at_fields)
            conditions = to_q(next(fields), op, rhs)
            for field in fields:
                conditions |= to_q(field, op, rhs)

            return conditions

        if start_date:
            qs = qs.filter(build_conditions('gte', start_date))

        if end_date:
            qs = qs.filter(build_conditions('lte', end_date))

        return qs