Exemplo n.º 1
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembersStructure.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   # Load and memcopy key and iv
   log.debug('Enc Memcopying a Key with %d bytes'%self.key_len)
   attr_obj_address = getaddress(self.key)
   log.debug('got key @%x '%(attr_obj_address))
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
   # DEBUG - I do question the buffer_copy.
   log.debug('memoryMap is %s - \nmake array '%(memoryMap))
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.key_len).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte, self.key_len))
   # save key as bitstream
   ##key_contents = ctypes.c_ubyte.from_buffer(array)
   key_contents = array
   log.debug('keep ref ')
   model.keepRef(key_contents, model.get_subtype(self.key), attr_obj_address)
   log.debug('Enc Memcopying a IV with %d bytes'%( self.block_size) )
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
   log.debug('make array ')
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.block_size).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte,self.block_size))
   # save iv contents as bitstream
   ##iv_contents = ctypes.c_ubyte.from_buffer(array)
   iv_contents = array
   log.debug('keep ref')
   model.keepRef(iv_contents, model.get_subtype(self.iv), attr_obj_address)
   log.debug('ENC KEY(%d bytes) and IV(%d bytes) acquired'%(self.key_len,self.block_size))
   return True
Exemplo n.º 2
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembersStructure.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   #log.debug('evp    app_data    attr_obj_address=0x%lx'%(self.evp.app_data) )
   #log.debug('evp    cipher_data attr_obj_address=0x%lx'%(self.evp.cipher_data) )  ##none
   cipher = model.getRef( Cipher, getaddress(self.cipher) )
   ciphername = cipher.name.toString() 
   # cast evp.app_data into a valid struct
   if ciphername in self.cipherContexts:
     # evp.cipher.nid should be 0
     struct = self.cipherContexts[ciphername]
     if (struct is None):
       log.warning("Unsupported cipher %s"%(ciphername))
       return True
     attr_obj_address = self.evp.app_data
     memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings, struct)
     log.debug( "CipherContext CAST app_data into : %s "%( struct) )
     if not memoryMap:
       log.warning('On second toughts, app_data seems to be at an invalid address. That should not happen (often).')
       log.warning('%s addr:0x%lx size:0x%lx addr+size:0x%lx '%(is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings), 
                                   attr_obj_address, ctypes.sizeof(struct), attr_obj_address+ctypes.sizeof(struct)))
       return False # DEBUG kill it
     # read the void * and keep a ref
     st = memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, struct )
     model.keepRef(st, struct, attr_obj_address)
     # yeah... no. "self.evp.app_data = xx" means SEGFAULT.
     evp_app_data = ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.addressof(st)) 
     log.debug('Copied 0x%lx into app_data (0x%lx)'%(attr_obj_address, evp_app_data.value) )
     log.debug('LOADED app_data as %s from 0x%lx (%s) into 0x%lx'%(struct, 
           attr_obj_address, is_valid_address_value(attr_obj_address,mappings,struct), evp_app_data.value))
     log.debug('\t\t---------\n%s\t\t---------'%(st.toString() ) )
     log.debug("Unknown cipher %s, can't load a data struct for the EVP_CIPHER_CTX->app_data"%(ciphername))
   return True
Exemplo n.º 3
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   # Load and memcopy key and iv
   log.debug('Memcopying a Key with %d bytes'%self.key_len)
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.key_len).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte, self.key_len))
   log.debug('Memcopying a IV with %d bytes'%( self.block_size) )
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.block_size).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte,self.block_size))
   log.debug('ENC KEY(%d bytes) and IV(%d bytes) acquired'%(self.key_len,self.block_size))
   return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def EVP_CIPHER_CTX_toPyObject(self):
    log.debug('Cast a EVP_CIPHER_CTX into PyObj')
    # cast app_data or cipher_data to right struct
    if bool(self.cipher_data):
      cipher = model.getRef( evp_cipher_st, getaddress(self.cipher) )
      struct = getCipherDataType( cipher.nid)
      if struct is not None:
        # CAST c_void_p to struct
        d.cipher_data = struct.from_address(self.cipher_data).toPyObject()
    return d
Exemplo n.º 5
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   # Load and memcopy key 
   log.debug('Memcopying a Key with %d bytes'%self.key_len)
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)    
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.key_len).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte, self.key_len))
   log.debug('unmac_ctx has been nulled and ignored. its not often used by any ssh impl. Not useful for us anyway.')
   log.debug('MAC KEY(%d bytes) acquired'%(self.key_len))
   return True
Exemplo n.º 6
 def getEvpAppData(self):
   cipher = model.getRef( Cipher, getaddress(self.cipher) )
   ciphername = cipher.name.toString() 
   if ciphername in self.cipherContexts:
     struct = self.cipherContexts[ciphername]
     if(struct is None):
       log.warning("Unsupported cipher %s"%(ciphername))
       return None
     log.debug('CAST evp.app_data Into %s'%(struct))
     attr_obj_address = self.evp.app_data
     st = model.getRef(struct, attr_obj_address)
     #st = struct.from_address(attr)
     log.debug('app_data value is : 0x%lx'%(attr_obj_address))
     return st
   return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def list_head_getOffsets(self, mappings, attrtype, listHeadName):
    get the prev and next structure's real start addresses.
    we need a real attrtype and the list_head attrname to calculate the offset
    @param attrtype the target structure type
    @param listHeadName the member name in that target structure
  names = ['prev','next']
  ret = list()
  for name in names:
    addr = getaddress(getattr(self, name))
    log.debug( '0x%x %s.%s'%(addr, listHeadName, name) )
    if addr < 1 or not is_valid_address_value(addr, mappings, attrtype) :
      addr = None
      addr -= offsetof(attrtype, listHeadName)
  return (ret[0],ret[1])#(addr_prev,addr_next)
Exemplo n.º 8
def list_head_getOffsets(self, mappings, attrtype, listHeadName):
    get the prev and next structure's real start addresses.
    we need a real attrtype and the list_head attrname to calculate the offset
    @param attrtype the target structure type
    @param listHeadName the member name in that target structure
    names = ['prev', 'next']
    ret = list()
    for name in names:
        addr = getaddress(getattr(self, name))
        log.debug('0x%x %s.%s' % (addr, listHeadName, name))
        if addr < 1 or not is_valid_address_value(addr, mappings, attrtype):
            addr = None
            addr -= offsetof(attrtype, listHeadName)
    return (ret[0], ret[1])  #(addr_prev,addr_next)
Exemplo n.º 9
def BIGNUM_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
  #self._d = process.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ulong, self.top) 
  ## or    
  #ulong_array= (ctypes.c_ulong * self.top)    
  if not self.isValid(mappings):
    log.debug('BigNUm tries to load members when its not validated')
    return False
  # Load and memcopy d / BN_ULONG *
  if not bool(self.d):
    log.debug('BIGNUM has a Null pointer d')
    return True
  memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
  contents=(BN_ULONG*self.top).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, BN_ULONG, self.top))
  log.debug('contents acquired %d'%ctypes.sizeof(contents))
  self.d=ctypes.cast(contents, ctypes.POINTER(BN_ULONG) ) 
  return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def EVP_CIPHER_CTX_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
  if not super(EVP_CIPHER_CTX,self).loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth):
    return False
  log.debug('trying to load cipher_data Structs.')
  if bool(cipher) and bool(self.cipher.nid) and is_valid_address(cipher_data):
    memcopy( self.cipher_data, cipher_data_addr, self.cipher.ctx_size)
    # cast possible on cipher.nid -> cipherType
  cipher = model.getRef( evp_cipher_st, getaddress(self.cipher) )
  if cipher.nid == 0: # NID_undef, not openssl doing
    log.info('The cipher is home made - the cipher context data should be application dependant (app_data)')
    return True
  struct = getCipherDataType( cipher.nid) 
  log.debug('cipher type is %s - loading %s'%( getCipherName(cipher.nid), struct ))
  if(struct is None):
    log.warning("Unsupported cipher %s"%(cipher.nid))
    return True
  # c_void_p is a basic type.
  attr_obj_address = self.cipher_data
  memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings, struct)
  log.debug( "cipher_data CAST into : %s "%(struct) )
  if not memoryMap:
    log.warning('in CTX On second toughts, cipher_data seems to be at an invalid address. That should not happen (often).')
    log.warning('%s addr:0x%lx size:0x%lx addr+size:0x%lx '%(is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings), 
                                attr_obj_address, ctypes.sizeof(struct), attr_obj_address+ctypes.sizeof(struct)))
    return True
  st = memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, struct )
  model.keepRef(st, struct, attr_obj_address)
  self.cipher_data = ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.addressof(st)) 
  ###print 'self.cipher_data in loadmembers',self.cipher_data
  # check debug
  attr=getattr(self, 'cipher_data')      
  log.debug('Copied 0x%lx into %s (0x%lx)'%(ctypes.addressof(st), 'cipher_data', attr))      
  log.debug('LOADED cipher_data as %s from 0x%lx (%s) into 0x%lx'%(struct, 
        attr_obj_address, is_valid_address_value(attr_obj_address, mappings, struct), attr ))
  return True
Exemplo n.º 11
def task_struct_getTasksPrev(self):
  return container_of(getaddress(self.tasks.prev), gen.task_struct, 'tasks')
Exemplo n.º 12
def task_struct_getTasksNext(self):
  ''' once the task_struct is loadMembers(ed), self->tasks.next is loaded to. just a bit hidden'''
  return container_of(getaddress(self.tasks.next), gen.task_struct, 'tasks')
Exemplo n.º 13
def task_struct_getTasksPrev(self):
    return container_of(getaddress(self.tasks.prev), gen.task_struct, 'tasks')
Exemplo n.º 14
def task_struct_getTasksNext(self):
    ''' once the task_struct is loadMembers(ed), self->tasks.next is loaded to. just a bit hidden'''
    return container_of(getaddress(self.tasks.next), gen.task_struct, 'tasks')
Exemplo n.º 15
def BIGNUM___str__(self):
  d= getaddress(self.d)
  return ("BN { d=0x%lx, top=%d, dmax=%d, neg=%d, flags=%d }"%
              (d, self.top, self.dmax, self.neg, self.flags) )
Exemplo n.º 16
 def getIV(self):
   #return pointer2bytes(model.getRef(ctypes.Array, getaddress(self.iv)), self.block_size) 
   return model.array2bytes(model.getRef( model.get_subtype(self.iv), getaddress(self.iv)) )
Exemplo n.º 17
 def getKey(self):
   #return pointer2bytes(self.key,self.key_len)
   return model.array2bytes( model.getRef( model.get_subtype(self.key), getaddress(self.key)) )
Exemplo n.º 18
def BIGNUM_get_d(self):
  return getRef( model.getSubtype(self.d), getaddress(self.d))