Exemplo n.º 1
def filter_news(request, default_limit=None):
    # read hosts list or single
    host_slugs = parse_union(request)
    contains = request.GET.get("search")
    limit = parse_limit(
        default=default_limit) if default_limit else parse_limit(request)
    start, end = parse_filter_date(request)

    results = SearchQuerySet()

    if host_slugs:
        results = results.filter_or(host_slug__in=host_slugs)
    if contains:
        results = results.filter_and(content__contains=contains)
    if start:
        results = results.filter_and(published__gte=start)
    if end:
        results = results.filter_and(published__lt=end)

    results = results.models(NewsPost).order_by('-published')
    if limit:
        results = results[:limit]

    posts = [result.object for result in results]
    return posts
Exemplo n.º 2
def search(request):
    q = request.GET.get('q', '')
    cat_filter = request.GET.get('category')
    tag_filter = request.GET.get('tag')
    facet_counts = {}
    if q or cat_filter or tag_filter:
        qs = SearchQuerySet()
        if q:
            qs = qs.filter(content=q)
            qs = qs.filter_or(speakers__startswith=q.lower())

        if cat_filter:
            # TODO: This doesn't work quite right. It should filter
            # out anything that's not *exactly* cat_filter but it's
            # not. Could be a problem here or with the indexing. The
            # haystack docs are mysterious.
            qs = qs.filter_and(category__exact=cat_filter)
        if tag_filter:
            qs = qs.filter_and(tags__in=[tag_filter])

        # TODO: Whoosh doesn't handle faceting, so we have to do it
        # manually. Fix this so it detects whether the haystack backend
        # supports facets and if so, uses the backend and not the db.
        cat_counts = {}
        tag_counts = {}
        for mem in qs:
            cat_counts[mem.category] = cat_counts.get(mem.category, 0) + 1
            for tag in mem.tags:
                tag_counts[tag] = tag_counts.get(tag, 0) + 1

        facet_counts['category'] = sorted(cat_counts.items(),
                                          key=lambda pair: pair[1],
        facet_counts['tag'] = sorted(tag_counts.items(),
                                     key=lambda pair: pair[1],

        page = Paginator(qs, 25)
        p = request.GET.get('p', '1')
            p = max(1, int(p))
        except ValueError:
            p = 1

            page = page.page(p)
        except EmptyPage:
            page = page.page(1)
        page = None

    return render(
        request, 'videos/search.html', {
            'query': q,
            'tag': tag_filter,
            'category': cat_filter,
            'facet_counts': facet_counts,
            'page': page
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
            check_ug_membership(user, obj),
            check_ug_pending(user, obj),
            check_ug_invited_pending(user, obj),
            obj.creator and obj.creator.get_full_name(),
            obj.creator and obj.creator.username,
            obj.phone_number.as_international if obj.phone_number else None,
            'social_media': [{
                'url': sm.url,
                'icon': sm.icon
            } for sm in obj.social_media.all()],
                    kwargs={'organization': obj.slug}),

        # collect administrator users. these are *not* filtered by visibility, as project admins are always visible!
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['people'])
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(admin_organizations=obj.id)
        #sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
        # private users are not visible to anonymous users, BUT they are visible to logged in users!
        # because if a user chose to make his group visible, he has to take authorship responsibilities
        if not user.is_authenticated:
            sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
            {'admins': [HaystackUserMapCard(result) for result in sqs]})

        # Groups
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['projects'],
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(id__in=haystack_result.groups)
        sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
        sqs = sqs.order_by('title')
            {'groups': [HaystackGroupMapCard(result) for result in sqs]})

              self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
def search(request):
    q = request.GET.get('q', '')
    cat_filter = request.GET.get('category')
    tag_filter = request.GET.get('tag')
    facet_counts = {}
    if q or cat_filter or tag_filter:
        qs = SearchQuerySet()
        if q:
            qs = qs.filter(content=q)
            qs = qs.filter_or(speakers__startswith=q.lower())

        if cat_filter:
            # TODO: This doesn't work quite right. It should filter
            # out anything that's not *exactly* cat_filter but it's
            # not. Could be a problem here or with the indexing. The
            # haystack docs are mysterious.
            qs = qs.filter_and(category__exact=cat_filter)
        if tag_filter:
            qs = qs.filter_and(tags__in=[tag_filter])

        # TODO: Whoosh doesn't handle faceting, so we have to do it
        # manually. Fix this so it detects whether the haystack backend
        # supports facets and if so, uses the backend and not the db.
        cat_counts = {}
        tag_counts = {}
        for mem in qs:
            cat_counts[mem.category] = cat_counts.get(mem.category, 0) + 1
            for tag in mem.tags:
                tag_counts[tag] = tag_counts.get(tag, 0) + 1

        facet_counts['category'] = sorted(
            cat_counts.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)
        facet_counts['tag'] = sorted(
            tag_counts.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)

        page = Paginator(qs, 25)
        p = request.GET.get('p', '1')
            p = max(1, int(p))
        except ValueError:
            p = 1

            page = page.page(p)
        except EmptyPage:
            page = page.page(1)
        page = None

    return render(request,
                  {'query': q,
                   'tag': tag_filter,
                   'category': cat_filter,
                   'facet_counts': facet_counts,
                   'page': page})
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_results(self):
        sqs = SearchQuerySet()
        sqs = sqs.models(MovieInCollection)
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(collection__exact="watched")
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(collection_user=self.request.user.id)
        sqs = sqs.order_by("-date")

        if (self.form.is_valid()):
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(content=Raw(self.form.cleaned_data['q']))
            return sqs.all()
        return sqs.none()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
        group_admins = list(obj.actual_admins)
        message_url = None
        if not settings.COSINNUS_IS_INTEGRATED_PORTAL:
            message_url = message_group_admins_url(obj, group_admins)

            check_ug_membership(user, obj),
            check_ug_pending(user, obj),
            check_ug_invited_pending(user, obj),
            _prepend_url(user, obj.portal) +
                                kwargs={'group': obj},
                                skip_domain=True) + '?join=1',
            'action_url_2': (_prepend_url(user, obj.portal) +
                             message_url) if message_url else None,
        """ TODO: check all read permissions on related objects! """

        # collect upcoming and visible project/group events
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['events'])
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(group=obj.id)
        sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
        sqs = filter_event_searchqueryset_by_upcoming(sqs)
        sqs = sqs.order_by('from_date')
            {'events': [HaystackEventMapCard(result) for result in sqs]})

        # collect administrator users. these are *not* filtered by visibility, as project admins are always visible!
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['people'])
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(admin_groups=obj.id)
        #sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
        sqs = sqs.order_by('title')
            {'admins': [HaystackUserMapCard(result) for result in sqs]})

        return super(DetailedBaseGroupMapResult,
                     self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args,
Exemplo n.º 7
def subject_statisticInfo(request):
    1. 前台返回扩展属性
    2. 前台默认提交当前专题
    3. 修复扩展字段组合查询bug
    :param request:
    query = request.GET['q']
    if (query != ''):
        posts = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
        posts = SearchQuerySet().all()
    for key in [
            'title', 'keywords', 'creator', 'language', 'fileFormat',
            'spatial', 'discipline', 'fileType'
        if request.GET.has_key(key) and request.GET[key] != u'':
            posts = posts.filter_and(**{key: request.GET[key]})
    subject_name = request.GET['subjectName']
    posts_sub = Subject.objects.get(subjectName=subject_name)
    subject_id = posts_sub.id
    posts = posts.filter_and(subjecttype=subject_id)
    temp = SubjectTheme.objects.filter(subjectId=subject_id, fieldType='6')
    for extfeature in temp:
        if request.GET.has_key(str(extfeature.id) + '_ext'):
            posts = posts.filter_and(
                    str(extfeature.id) + '_ext':
                    request.GET[str(extfeature.id) + '_ext']
    sqs = posts
    for extfeature in temp:
        if request.GET.has_key(str(extfeature.id) + '_ext'):
            cer = (request.GET[str(extfeature.id) + '_ext']).split('/', 1)
            path = str(int(cer[0]) + 1) + '/' + cer[1]
            path = '1'
        sqs = sqs.facet(str(extfeature.id) + '_ext', prefix=path, mincount=1)
    sqs = sqs.facet('fileFormat').facet('spatial').facet('discipline').facet(
    ret_num = posts.count()
    sub_theme = SubjectTheme.objects.filter(subjectId_id=subject_id).filter(
    return render(
        request, 'himalaya/subject_statisticInfo.html', {
            'posts': posts,
            'query': query,
            'num': ret_num,
            'sqs': sqs,
            'sub_theme': sub_theme
Exemplo n.º 8
def refined_search(data):
    searched_skills = searched_locations = searched_industry = searched_edu = state = Skill.objects.none()
    sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(JobPost).filter_and(status='Live')
    if 'refine_skill' in data and data.getlist('refine_skill'):
        term = data.getlist('refine_skill')
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(SQ(title__in=term) | SQ(skills__in=term) | SQ(
            description__in=term) | SQ(designation__in=term) | SQ(edu_qualification__in=term))
        searched_skills = Skill.objects.filter(name__in=term)

    location = data.getlist('refine_location') if 'refine_location' in data else []
    searched_locations = City.objects.filter(name__in=location)
    if 'Across India' in location:
        india = Country.objects.filter(name='India')
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(SQ(location__in=india.values_list('state__state__name', flat=True)))
    elif location:
        other_cities = searched_locations.values_list('parent_city__name', flat=True)
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(SQ(location__in=location) | SQ(location__in=other_cities))

    if 'refine_state' in data and data.getlist('refine_state'):
        state = State.objects.filter(name__in=data.getlist('refine_state'))
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(location__in=state.values_list('state__name', flat=True))

    if data.get('job_type'):
        if data['job_type'] == 'Fresher':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(min_year__lte=int(0))
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(job_type__in=[data['job_type']])

    if 'refine_industry' in data and data.getlist('refine_industry'):
        term = data.getlist('refine_industry')
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(industry__in=term)
        searched_industry = Industry.objects.filter(name__in=term)

    if 'refine_education' in data and data.getlist('refine_education'):
        term = data.getlist('refine_education')
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(edu_qualification__in=term)
        searched_edu = Qualification.objects.filter(name__in=term)

    if 'functional_area' in data and data.getlist('functional_area'):
        term = data.getlist('functional_area')
        sqs = sqs.filter_or(functional_area__in=term)

    if data.get('refine_experience_min') or data.get('refine_experience_min') == 0:
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(min_year__lte=int(data['refine_experience_min']))

    if data.get('refine_experience_max') or data.get('refine_experience_max') == 0:
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(max_year__lte=int(data['refine_experience_max']))

    # TODO: this line is taking 500ms, nikhila has to look into it.
    # job_list = JobPost.objects.filter(status='Live', pk__in=results).select_related(
    #     'company', 'user').prefetch_related('location', 'skills', 'industry')
    sqs = sqs.load_all().order_by('-published_on')
    return sqs, searched_skills, searched_locations, searched_industry, searched_edu, state
Exemplo n.º 9
def autocomplete(request):
    """Return autocomple JSON results"""

    term = request.GET.get("term", "").strip()
    response_data = []

    if len(term):

        # Does not work - probably because the FLAG_PARTIAL is not set on Xapian
        # (trying to set it in settings.py as documented appears to have no effect)
        # sqs = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(name_auto=term)

        # Split the search term up into little bits
        terms = re.split(r"\s+", term)

        # Build up a query based on the bits
        sqs = SearchQuerySet()
        for bit in terms:
            # print "Adding '%s' to the '%s' query" % (bit,term)
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(name_auto__startswith=sqs.query.clean(bit))

        # collate the results into json for the autocomplete js
        for result in sqs.all()[0:10]:
            response_data.append({"url": result.object.get_absolute_url(), "label": result.object.name})

    # send back the results as JSON
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_data), mimetype="application/json")
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
         'is_member': user.id == obj.user_id,
             'action_url_1': _prepend_url(user, None) + reverse('postman:write', kwargs={'recipients': obj.user.username}),
     # collect visible groups and projects that this user is in
     sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['projects'], SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['groups'])
     sqs = sqs.filter_and(id__in=haystack_result.membership_groups)
     # the preview for projects and groups is always visible for everyone!
     #sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
     sqs = sqs.order_by('title')
         'projects': [],
         'groups': [],
     for result in sqs:
         if SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES[result.model] == 'projects':
     return super(DetailedUserMapResult, self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
        # collect group's created visible projects
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['projects'])
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(
            id__in=obj.created_groups.all().values_list('id', flat=True))
        # the preview for projects and groups is always visible for everyone!
        #sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
        sqs = sqs.order_by('title')

            'projects': [HaystackProjectMapCard(result) for result in sqs],
            _prepend_url(user, obj.portal) + reverse('cosinnus:group-add') +
            ('?idea=%s&name=%s' % (itemid_from_searchresult(haystack_result),
            obj.likes.filter(followed=True, liked=True,
                             user__id=user.id).count() > 0,
        ret = super(DetailedIdeaMapResult,
                    self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _type_match_check(self, bundle):
        This check does not allow for mixed target values to be kept
        on same element.
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter_and(

        if bundle.data['is_network']:
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(pubkey=dimensions.network)
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(pubkey=dimensions.publisher_name)

        return sqs.count() == len(bundle.data['targetvalues_ids'])
Exemplo n.º 13
def autocomplete(request):
    """Return autocomple JSON results"""

    term = request.GET.get('term', '').strip()
    response_data = []

    if len(term):

        # Does not work - probably because the FLAG_PARTIAL is not set on Xapian
        # (trying to set it in settings.py as documented appears to have no effect)
        # sqs = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(name_auto=term)

        # Split the search term up into little bits
        terms = re.split(r'\s+', term)

        # Build up a query based on the bits
        sqs = SearchQuerySet()
        for bit in terms:
            # print "Adding '%s' to the '%s' query" % (bit,term)
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(name_auto__startswith=sqs.query.clean(bit))

        # collate the results into json for the autocomplete js
        for result in sqs.all()[0:10]:
                'url': result.object.get_absolute_url(),
                'label': result.object.name,

    # send back the results as JSON
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_data),
Exemplo n.º 14
    def search(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "cleaned_data"):
            return self.no_query_found()

        search_fields = [key for key, value in self.cleaned_data.iteritems() if value == True]
        if 'title' not in search_fields:
            sqs = SearchQuerySet()
            sqs = super(SearchOptionsForm, self).search()
            # title is a document field and has been used for filtering in super method search()
            search_fields = [key for key in search_fields if key != 'title']

        query = sqs.query.clean(self.cleaned_data.pop('q'))
        galleries = [g.id for g in self.cleaned_data.get('galleries', [])]
        search_galleries = self.cleaned_data.get('search_galleries_choice', "ALL")

        query_words = query.split()
        for key in search_fields:
             if key == "tags":
                 sqs = sqs.filter_or(tags__in=[query.lower() for query in query_words])
                 sqs = self._filter_or_query_words(sqs, key, query_words)

        if search_galleries == 'SELECTED':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(galleries_ids__in=galleries)

        return sqs
Exemplo n.º 15
def filter_people_search(request):
    main = request.POST['keyword']
    constraint = request.POST['constraint']
    skills = request.POST['skills']
    if skills != "":
        skills = skills.split(',')
    if main == '':
        results = SearchQuerySet().all().models(UserProfile)
        results = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=main).models(UserProfile)
    if skills != "":
        for s in skills:
            results = results.filter_and(tags=s)
    if constraint != "":
        results = results.filter_and(votesup__gte=constraint)

    return render_to_response('search/results_people.html', {'presults': results, 'keyword': main, 'peopleCount': len(results)}, RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 16
def search_lecture_detail(request):
    qs = request.GET
    if len(qs) == 0:
        return Response(data=[], status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

    sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(Lecture)
    for q in qs:
        if q == 'name':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(name__contains=qs[q])
        if q == 'type':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(type__contains=qs[q])
        if q == 'department':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(department__contains=qs[q])
        if q == 'area':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(area__contains=qs[q])
        if q == 'lecturer':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(lecturer__contains=qs[q])
        if q == 'credit_Total':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(credit_Total=int(qs[q]))
        if q == 'grade':
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(grade=qs[q])
    serializer_list = []

    for sqs_element in sqs:
        lecture = Lecture.objects.get(id=sqs_element.object.id)

    serializer = LectureSearchSerializer(serializer_list, many=True)

    return Response(data=serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Exemplo n.º 17
def filter_projects(request, default_limit=None, return_queryset=False):
    host_slugs = parse_union(request)
    contains = request.GET.get("search")
    visibility = request.GET.get("visibility")
    country_codes = parse_country(request)
    limit = parse_limit(
        default=default_limit) if default_limit else parse_limit(request)
    start, end = parse_filter_date(request)

    results = SearchQuerySet()
    if host_slugs:
        results = results.filter(hosts_slug__in=host_slugs)
    if visibility == 'completed':
        results = results.filter_and(completed=True)
    elif visibility == 'current':
        results = results.exclude(completed=True)
    if country_codes:
        results = results.filter_and(country_code__in=country_codes)
    if contains:
        results = results.filter_and(text__contains=contains)
    if start:
        results &= SearchQuerySet().filter(
            start_date__gte=start) | SearchQuerySet().filter(
    if end:
        results &= SearchQuerySet().filter(
            start_date__lt=end) | SearchQuerySet().filter(end_date__lt=end)

    results = results.models(Project).all()
    if limit:
        results = results[:limit]

    if return_queryset:
        projects_pk = [r.pk for r in results]
        if len(host_slugs) == 1:
            projects = Project.objects.filter(pk__in=projects_pk).order_by(
                'completed', '-priority', '-updated')
            projects = Project.objects.filter(pk__in=projects_pk).order_by(
                'completed', '-updated')
        projects = [result.object for result in results]
    return projects
Exemplo n.º 18
def search(request):
    q = request.GET.get("q", "")
    facet_counts = {}
    if q:
        cat_filter = request.GET.get("category")

        qs = SearchQuerySet()
        qs = qs.filter(content=q)
        qs = qs.filter_or(speakers__startswith=q.lower())

        if cat_filter:
            # TODO: This doesn't work quite right. It should filter
            # out anything that's not *exactly* cat_filter but it's
            # not. Could be a problem here or with the indexing. The
            # haystack docs are mysterious.
            qs = qs.filter_and(category__exact=cat_filter)

        # TODO: Whoosh doesn't handle faceting, so we have to do it
        # manually. Fix this so it detects whether the haystack backend
        # supports facets and if so, uses the backend and not the db.
        cat_counts = {}
        for mem in qs:
            cat_counts[mem.category] = cat_counts.get(mem.category, 0) + 1

        facet_counts["category"] = sorted(cat_counts.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)

        page = Paginator(qs, 25)
        p = request.GET.get("p", "1")
            p = max(1, int(p))
        except ValueError:
            p = 1

            page = page.page(p)
        except EmptyPage:
            page = page.page(1)

        page = None

    if q:
        title = u"Search: {query}".format(query=q)
        title = u"Search"

    get_params = request.GET.copy()
    if "category" in get_params:
    base_url = request.path + "?" + get_params.urlencode()

    return render(
        {"query": q, "base_url": base_url, "title": title, "facet_counts": facet_counts, "page": page},
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
     # collect group's visible projects
     sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['projects'])
     sqs = sqs.filter_and(id__in=obj.groups.all().values_list('id', flat=True))
     # the preview for projects and groups is always visible for everyone!
     #sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
     sqs = sqs.order_by('title')
         'projects': [HaystackProjectMapCard(result) for result in sqs]
     return super(DetailedSocietyMapResult, self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 20
def subject_statisticInfo(request):
    1. 前台返回扩展属性
    2. 前台默认提交当前专题
    3. 修复扩展字段组合查询bug
    :param request:
    query = request.GET['q']
    if (query != ''):
        posts = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
        posts = SearchQuerySet().all()
    for key in ['title', 'keywords', 'creator', 'language', 'fileFormat', 'spatial', 'discipline', 'fileType']:
        if request.GET.has_key(key) and request.GET[key] != u'':
            posts = posts.filter_and(**{key: request.GET[key]})
    subject_name = request.GET['subjectName']
    posts_sub = Subject.objects.get(subjectName=subject_name)
    subject_id = posts_sub.id
    posts = posts.filter_and(subjecttype=subject_id)
    temp = SubjectTheme.objects.filter(subjectId=subject_id,fieldType='6')
    for extfeature in temp:
        if request.GET.has_key(str(extfeature.id)+'_ext'):
            posts = posts.filter_and(**{str(extfeature.id)+'_ext': request.GET[str(extfeature.id)+'_ext']})
    sqs = posts
    for extfeature in temp:
        if request.GET.has_key(str(extfeature.id)+'_ext'):
            cer = (request.GET[str(extfeature.id)+'_ext']).split('/', 1)
            path = str(int(cer[0]) + 1)+'/' + cer[1]
            path = '1'
        sqs = sqs.facet(str(extfeature.id) + '_ext', prefix=path, mincount=1)
    sqs = sqs.facet('fileFormat').facet('spatial').facet('discipline').facet('language').facet(
    ret_num = posts.count()
    sub_theme = SubjectTheme.objects.filter(subjectId_id=subject_id).filter(fieldType=6).exclude(
    return render(request, 'himalaya/subject_statisticInfo.html', {'posts': posts, 'query': query,
                                                            'num': ret_num, 'sqs': sqs,
                                                            'sub_theme': sub_theme})
Exemplo n.º 21
def filter_people_search(request):
    main = request.POST['keyword']
    constraint = request.POST['constraint']
    skills = request.POST['skills']
    if skills != "":
        skills = skills.split(',')
    if main == '':
        results = SearchQuerySet().all().models(UserProfile)
        results = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=main).models(UserProfile)
    if skills != "":
        for s in skills:
            results = results.filter_and(tags=s)
    if constraint != "":
        results = results.filter_and(votesup__gte=constraint)

    return render_to_response('search/results_people.html', {
        'presults': results,
        'keyword': main,
        'peopleCount': len(results)
    }, RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def targetvalues(self):
        Returns either networks or publishers depend on is_network flag
        from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet

        ids = []
        for pub_id in self.target_values.values('id'):

        django_ct = '{0}.{1}'.format(

        sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter_and(django_ct=django_ct,
        if self.is_network:
            return sqs.filter_and(pubkey=dimensions.network)

        return sqs.filter_and(pubkey=dimensions.publisher_name)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
            'is_member': user.id == obj.user_id,
        if not settings.COSINNUS_IS_INTEGRATED_PORTAL and not 'cosinnus_message' in settings.COSINNUS_DISABLED_COSINNUS_APPS:
            if settings.COSINNUS_ROCKET_ENABLED:
                    _prepend_url(user, None) +
                            kwargs={'username': obj.user.username}),
                    _prepend_url(user, None) +
                            kwargs={'recipients': obj.user.username}),
        # collect visible groups and projects that this user is in
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['projects'],
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(id__in=haystack_result.membership_groups)
        # the preview for projects and groups is always visible for everyone!
        #sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
        sqs = sqs.order_by('title')

            'projects': [],
            'groups': [],
        for result in sqs:
            if SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES[result.model] == 'projects':
            elif SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES[result.model] == 'conferences':

        if getattr(settings, 'COSINNUS_USER_SHOW_MAY_BE_CONTACTED_FIELD',
                'may_be_contacted': obj.may_be_contacted,
        if obj.user_id == user.id:
                'is_self': True,
        return super(DetailedUserMapResult,
                     self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args,
Exemplo n.º 24
    def ms_advanced_search(self, request, **kwargs):
        get_params = request.GET.copy()
        limit = get_params.get('limit', self._meta.limit)

        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(self.Meta.object_class).facet('tags')

        allWords = get_params.get('allWords', "").split(',')
        exactExpressions = get_params.get('exactExpressions', "").split(',')
        noneWord = get_params.get('noneWord', "").split(',')

        allWords = [] if allWords == [''] else allWords
        exactExpressions = [] if exactExpressions == [''] else exactExpressions
        noneWord = [] if noneWord == [''] else noneWord

        if get_params['searchIn'] in ['all', 'titles']:
            for term in allWords:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(text=term.strip())

            for term in exactExpressions:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(text=term.strip())

            for term in noneWord:
                sqs = sqs.exclude(text=term.strip())

        elif get_params['searchIn'] == 'tags':
            for term in allWords:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(tags=slugify(term.strip()))

            for term in exactExpressions:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(tags=slugify(term.strip()))

            for term in noneWord:
                sqs = sqs.exclude(tags=slugify(term.strip()))

        return self.create_response(request,
                                    self.prepare_result(request, sqs, limit))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def ms_advanced_search(self, request, **kwargs):
        get_params = request.GET.copy()
        limit = get_params.get('limit', self._meta.limit)

        sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(self.Meta.object_class).facet('tags')

        allWords = get_params.get('allWords', "").split(',')
        exactExpressions = get_params.get('exactExpressions', "").split(',')
        noneWord = get_params.get('noneWord', "").split(',')

        allWords = [] if allWords == [''] else allWords
        exactExpressions = [] if exactExpressions == [''] else exactExpressions
        noneWord = [] if noneWord == [''] else noneWord

        if get_params['searchIn'] in ['all', 'titles']:
            for term in allWords:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(text=term.strip())

            for term in exactExpressions:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(text=term.strip())

            for term in noneWord:
                sqs = sqs.exclude(text=term.strip())

        elif get_params['searchIn'] == 'tags':
            for term in allWords:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(tags=slugify(term.strip()))

            for term in exactExpressions:
                sqs = sqs.filter_and(tags=slugify(term.strip()))

            for term in noneWord:
                sqs = sqs.exclude(tags=slugify(term.strip()))

        return self.create_response(request, self.prepare_result(request, sqs, limit))
Exemplo n.º 26
def filter_partners(request, default_limit=None, return_queryset=False):
    host_slugs = parse_union(request)
    contains = request.GET.get("search")
    active = request.GET.get("active")
    categories = parse_categories(request)
    limit = parse_limit(
        default=default_limit) if default_limit else parse_limit(request)

    results = SearchQuerySet()
    if host_slugs:
        results = results.filter(hosts_slug__in=host_slugs)
    if contains:
        results = results.filter_and(text__contains=contains)
    if categories:
        results = results.filter_and(category__in=categories)
    if active == 'active':
        results = results.filter_and(active=True)
    elif active == 'former':
        results = results.exclude(active=True)

    results = results.models(Partner).all()
    if limit:
        results = results[:limit]

    if return_queryset:
        partners_pk = [r.pk for r in results]
        if len(host_slugs) == 1:
            partners = Partner.objects.filter(pk__in=partners_pk).order_by(
                '-active', '-priority', '-updated')
            partners = Partner.objects.filter(pk__in=partners_pk).order_by(
                '-active', '-updated')
    else:  # for rest_views
        partners = [result.object for result in results]
    return partners
Exemplo n.º 27
    def loose_match_name(self, name):
        """Search for a loose match on a name. May not be too reliable"""

        # Try matching all the bits
        results = SearchQuerySet().filter_and( content=name ).models( self.model )

        # if that fails try matching all the bits in any order
        if not len( results ):
            results = SearchQuerySet().models(Person)
            for bit in re.split(r'\s+', name):
                results = results.filter_and( content=bit )

        # If we have exactly one result return that
        if len( results ) == 1:
            return results[0].object
            return None
Exemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self, haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs):
         'is_member': check_ug_membership(user, obj.group),
         'time_html': haystack_result.humanized_event_time_html,
     # collect visible attending users
     sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES_REVERSE['people'])
     sqs = sqs.filter_and(user_id__in=haystack_result.participants)
     sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, user)
     sqs = sqs.order_by('title')
         'participants': [HaystackUserMapCard(result) for result in sqs],
         'participant_count': haystack_result.participant_count,
         'followed': obj.is_user_following(user),
     return super(DetailedEventResult, self).__init__(haystack_result, obj, user, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 29
def similarTask(request, task_id):
    task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id)
    skills = task.tags
    results = SearchQuerySet().all()
    q = ""
    for s in skills:
        results = results.filter_and(tags=s)
        q += " " + s.name
    people = results.models(UserProfile)
    tasks = results.models(Task)
    return render_to_response(
        'search/results.html', {
            'tresults': tasks,
            'presults': people,
            'keyword': q,
            'peopleCount': len(people),
            'taskCount': len(tasks)
        }, RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 30
    def loose_match_name(self, name):
        """Search for a loose match on a name. May not be too reliable"""

        # import here to avoid creating an import loop
        from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet

        # Try matching all the bits
        results = SearchQuerySet().filter_and(content=name).models(self.model)

        # if that fails try matching all the bits in any order
        if not len(results):
            results = SearchQuerySet().models(Person)
            for bit in re.split(r'\s+', name):
                results = results.filter_and(content=bit)

        # If we have exactly one result return that
        if len(results) == 1:
            return results[0].object
            return None
Exemplo n.º 31
def filter_Search(request):
    Filtering the Search according to the keys sent and the main search keyword
    Main : is the main keyword searched by the user from navbar
    Key: array of filter keywords sent from the view
    main = ''
    if 'main' in request.POST:
        main = request.POST['main']
        if main != '':
            results = SearchQuerySet().filter(
            results = results.filter_or(tags=main).models(Task)
            results = results.filter_or(title=AutoQuery(main)).models(Task)
            results = results.filter_or(location=AutoQuery(main)).models(Task)
            results = SearchQuerySet().all().models(Task)
        results = SearchQuerySet().all()
    if 'loca' in request.POST:
        loca = request.POST['loca']
        if loca != '':
            results = results.filter_and(city=loca)
    if 'word' in request.POST:
        word = request.POST['word']
        if word != '':
            results1 = results.filter_and(content=AutoQuery(word))
            results2 = results.filter_and(title=AutoQuery(word))
            results3 = results.filter_and(location=AutoQuery(word))
            results4 = results1.__or__(results2)
            results = results4.__or__(results3)
    if 'skills' in request.POST:
        skills = request.POST['skills']
        if skills != '':
            skills = skills.split(',')
            for s in skills:
                results = results.filter_and(tags=s)
    if 'from' in request.POST:
        from_price = request.POST['from']
        to_price = request.POST['to']
        if from_price != '' and to_price != '' and to_price != 'all':
            results = results.filter_and(
                price__range=[int(from_price), int(to_price)])

    return render_to_response('search/results_tasks.html', {
        'tresults': results,
        'keyword': main,
        'taskCount': len(results)
    }, RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 32
def filter_events(request, default_limit=None):
    host_slugs = parse_union(request)
    contains = request.GET.get("search")
    start, end = parse_filter_date(request)
    limit = parse_limit(
        default=default_limit) if default_limit else parse_limit(request)

    results = SearchQuerySet()
    if host_slugs:
        results = results.filter_or(hosts_slug__in=host_slugs)
    if contains:
        results = results.filter_and(content__contains=contains)

    events = results.models(Event)

    # search results for start and end date
    # handle cases where no dates are given
    if start and end:
        start_date = start
        end_date = end
    elif start:
        then = start.replace(year=start.year + 10)
        start_date = start
        end_date = then
    elif end:
        last_year = datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=1)
        start_date = last_year
        end_date = end
        last_year = datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=1)
        then = datetime.now().replace(year=last_year.year + 10)
        start_date = last_year
        end_date = then

    return events, start_date, end_date, limit
Exemplo n.º 33
def filter_Search(request):
    Filtering the Search according to the keys sent and the main search keyword
    Main : is the main keyword searched by the user from navbar
    Key: array of filter keywords sent from the view
    main = ''
    if 'main' in request.POST:
        main = request.POST['main']
        if main != '':
            results = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=AutoQuery(main)).models(Task)
            results = results.filter_or(tags=main).models(Task)
            results = results.filter_or(title=AutoQuery(main)).models(Task)
            results = results.filter_or(location=AutoQuery(main)).models(Task)
            results = SearchQuerySet().all().models(Task)
        results = SearchQuerySet().all()
    if 'loca' in request.POST:
        loca = request.POST['loca']
        if loca != '':
            results = results.filter_and(city=loca)
    if 'word' in request.POST:
        word = request.POST['word']
        if word != '':
            results1 = results.filter_and(content=AutoQuery(word))
            results2 = results.filter_and(title=AutoQuery(word))
            results3 = results.filter_and(location=AutoQuery(word))
            results4 = results1.__or__(results2)
            results = results4.__or__(results3)
    if 'skills' in request.POST:
        skills = request.POST['skills']
        if skills != '':
            skills = skills.split(',')
            for s in skills:
                results = results.filter_and(tags=s)
    if 'from' in request.POST:
        from_price = request.POST['from']
        to_price = request.POST['to']
        if from_price != '' and to_price != '' and to_price != 'all':
            results = results.filter_and(price__range=[int(from_price), int(to_price)])

    return render_to_response('search/results_tasks.html', {'tresults': results, 'keyword': main, 'taskCount': len(results)}, RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 34
def statisticInfo(request):
    1 q=go不做全文过滤,检索标识
    2 时间特殊处理
    3 其他字段统一检索
    4 使用 request.GET 注意预先检查该键是否存在,以及键对应的值是否为空(空值,不参与检索)
    :param request:
    query = request.GET['q']
    if (query != ''):
        posts = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
        posts = SearchQuerySet().all()
    for key in [
            'title', 'keywords', 'creator', 'language', 'fileFormat',
            'spatial', 'discipline', 'fileType'
        if request.GET.has_key(key) and request.GET[key] != u'':
            posts = posts.filter_and(**{key: request.GET[key]})
    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_start_date'):
        start_date = request.GET['inp_start_date']
        if start_date:
                strcreatedate = ''
                if (int(start_date) >= 10000):
                    strcreatedate = str(start_date)[0:4]
                elif (len(str(start_date)) == 1):
                    if (int(start_date) == 0):
                        strcreatedate = '0001'
                        strcreatedate = '000' + str(start_date)
                elif (len(str(start_date)) == 2):
                    strcreatedate = '00' + str(start_date)
                elif (len(str(start_date)) == 3):
                    strcreatedate = '0' + str(start_date)
                    strcreatedate = str(start_date)
                aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
                s_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
                # print(s_t)
                posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__gte=s_t)
            except ValueError:
                html = "<html><script>alert('请输入正确是年份 !')</script></html>"
                return HttpResponse(html)
    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_end_date'):
        end_date = request.GET['inp_end_date']
        if end_date:
            strcreatedate = ''
            if (int(end_date) >= 10000):
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)[0:4]
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 1):
                if (int(end_date) == 0):
                    strcreatedate = '0001'
                    strcreatedate = '000' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 2):
                strcreatedate = '00' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 3):
                strcreatedate = '0' + str(end_date)
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)
            aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
            e_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
            posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__lte=e_t)
    posts = posts.filter(check=True)
    posts = posts.order_by("-updateDate")
    sqs = posts.facet('fileFormat').facet('spatial').facet('discipline').facet(
    ret_num = posts.count()

    return render_to_response('himalaya/statisticInfo.html', {
        'posts': posts,
        'num': ret_num,
        'sqs': sqs,
        'query': query
Exemplo n.º 35
def base_statisticInfo(request):
    base_type = u'基础文献'
    query = request.GET['q']
    if (query == ''):
        posts = SearchQuerySet().all()
        posts = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
    for key in [
            'title', 'keywords', 'creator', 'language', 'fileFormat',
            'spatial', 'discipline', 'fileType'
        if request.GET.has_key(key) and request.GET[key] != u'':
            posts = posts.filter(**{key: request.GET[key]})
    posts = posts.filter_and(check=1).filter(subjecttype='-1')
    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_start_date'):
        start_date = request.GET['inp_start_date']
        if start_date:
            strcreatedate = ''
            if (int(start_date) >= 10000):
                strcreatedate = str(start_date)[0:4]
            elif (len(str(start_date)) == 1):
                if (int(start_date) == 0):
                    strcreatedate = '0001'
                    strcreatedate = '000' + str(start_date)
            elif (len(str(start_date)) == 2):
                strcreatedate = '00' + str(start_date)
            elif (len(str(start_date)) == 3):
                strcreatedate = '0' + str(start_date)
                strcreatedate = str(start_date)
            aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
            s_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
            posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__gte=s_t)

    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_end_date'):
        end_date = request.GET['inp_end_date']
        if end_date:
            strcreatedate = ''
            if (int(end_date) >= 10000):
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)[0:4]
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 1):
                if (int(end_date) == 0):
                    strcreatedate = '0001'
                    strcreatedate = '000' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 2):
                strcreatedate = '00' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 3):
                strcreatedate = '0' + str(end_date)
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)
            aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
            e_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
            posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__lte=e_t)
    posts = posts.order_by("-updateDate")
    sqs = posts.facet('fileFormat').facet('spatial').facet('discipline').facet(
    ret_num = posts.count()
    # 得到面搜索结果
    # print query
    return render(
        request, 'himalaya/base_statisticInfo.html', {
            'posts': posts,
            'num': ret_num,
            'sqs': sqs,
            'query': query,
            'base_type': base_type
Exemplo n.º 36
def autocomplete(request):
    """Return autocomplete JSON results"""

    term = request.GET.get('term', '').strip()
    response_data = []

    if len(term):

        # Does not work - probably because the FLAG_PARTIAL is not set on Xapian
        # (trying to set it in settings.py as documented appears to have no effect)
        # sqs = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(name_auto=term)

        # Split the search term up into little bits
        terms = re.split(r'\s+', term)

        # Build up a query based on the bits
        sqs = SearchQuerySet()
        for bit in terms:
            # print "Adding '%s' to the '%s' query" % (bit,term)
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(name_auto__startswith=sqs.query.clean(bit))
        sqs = sqs.exclude(hidden=False)

        # If we have a kind then filter on that too
        model_kind = request.GET.get('model', None)
        if model_kind:
            model = known_kinds.get(model_kind, None)
            if model:
                sqs = sqs.models(model)
            sqs = sqs.models(

        # collate the results into json for the autocomplete js
        for result in sqs.all()[0:10]:

            o = result.object
            css_class = o.css_class()

            extra_autocomplete_data = None
            if hasattr(o, 'extra_autocomplete_data'):
                extra_autocomplete_data = o.extra_autocomplete_data

            image_url = None
            if hasattr(o, 'primary_image'):
                image = o.primary_image()
                if image:
                    image_url = get_thumbnail(image, '16x16',

            if not image_url:
                image_url = "/static/images/" + css_class + "-16x16.jpg"

                'url': o.get_absolute_url(),
                'name': o.name,
                'image_url': image_url,
                'extra_data': extra_autocomplete_data,
                'type': css_class,
                'value': o.name,
                'object': o


    # Remove the 'object' elements before returning the response:
    for d in response_data:
        del d['object']

    # send back the results as JSON
    return HttpResponse(
Exemplo n.º 37
    def search(self,repeat_search=False):
        # First, store the SearchQuerySet received from other processing.
        sqs = super(PermissionSearchForm, self).search()

        #Whoosh workaround
        #if self.get_models():
        #    for model in ['%s.%s'%(m._meta.app_label,m._meta.object_name) for m in self.get_models()]:
        #        sqs = sqs.filter_or(django_ct=model)

        if not self.is_valid():
            return self.no_query_found()
        query_text = self.cleaned_data['q']
        states = self.cleaned_data['state']
        ras = self.cleaned_data['ra']
        has_filter = states or ras
        if has_filter and not query_text:
            # If there is a filter, but no `q`uery then we'll force some results.
            sqs = SearchQuerySet().order_by('-modified')
        if query_text and sqs.count() == 0:
            from urllib import quote_plus
            suggestions = []
            has_suggestions = False
            suggested_query = []
            for token in query_text.split(" "):
                if token: # remove blanks
                    suggestion = SearchQuerySet().spelling_suggestion(token)
                    if suggestion:
                        has_suggestions = True
            self.spelling_suggestions = suggestions
            self.has_spelling_suggestions = has_suggestions
            self.suggested_query = quote_plus(' '.join(suggested_query),safe="")

        user = self.request.user

        if states and not ras:
            states = [MDR.STATES[int(s)] for s in self.cleaned_data['state']]
            sqs = sqs.filter(statuses__in=states)
        elif ras and not states:
            ras = [ra for ra in self.cleaned_data['ra']]
            sqs = sqs.filter(registrationAuthorities__in=ras)
        elif states and ras:
            # If we have both states and ras, merge them so we only search for
            # items with those statuses in those ras
            terms = ["%s___%s"%(str(r),str(s)) for r in ras for s in states]
            sqs = sqs.filter(ra_statuses__in=terms)

        if user.is_anonymous():
            # Regular users can only see public items, so boot them off now.
            return sqs.filter_and(is_public=True)

        q = Q()

        if user.is_superuser:
        elif not user.profile.is_registrar:
            # Non-registrars can only see public things or things in their workgroup
            q |= Q(workgroup__in=user.profile.workgroups.all())
        elif user.profile.is_registrar:
            q |= Q(workgroup__in=user.profile.workgroups.all())
            q |= Q(registrationAuthorities__in=user.profile.registrarAuthorities)
            #I'm paranoid...
            q = Q(is_public=True)
            return sqs.filter(q)

        if self.cleaned_data['public_only'] == True:
            q &= Q(is_public=True)
        if self.cleaned_data['myWorkgroups_only'] == True:
            q &= Q(workgroup__in=user.profile.workgroups.all())

        sqs = sqs.filter(q)

        if repeat_search == False and (states or ras) and sqs.count() == 0:
            # If there are 0 results, and filters, lets be nice and remove them.
            # There will be a big message on the search page that says what we did.
            self.cleaned_data['state'] = None
            self.cleaned_data['ra'] = None
            self.auto_broaden_search = True
            sqs = self.search(repeat_search=True)

        return sqs
Exemplo n.º 38
def search(request):
    q = request.GET.get('q', '')
    facet_counts = {}
    if q:
        cat_filter = request.GET.get('category')

        qs = SearchQuerySet()
        qs = qs.filter(content=q)
        qs = qs.filter_or(speakers__startswith=q.lower())

        if cat_filter:
            # TODO: This doesn't work quite right. It should filter
            # out anything that's not *exactly* cat_filter but it's
            # not. Could be a problem here or with the indexing. The
            # haystack docs are mysterious.
            qs = qs.filter_and(category__exact=cat_filter)

        # TODO: Whoosh doesn't handle faceting, so we have to do it
        # manually. Fix this so it detects whether the haystack backend
        # supports facets and if so, uses the backend and not the db.
        cat_counts = {}
        for mem in qs:
            cat_counts[mem.category] = cat_counts.get(mem.category, 0) + 1

        facet_counts['category'] = sorted(
            cat_counts.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)

        page = Paginator(qs, 25)
        p = request.GET.get('p', '1')
            p = max(1, int(p))
        except ValueError:
            p = 1

            page = page.page(p)
        except EmptyPage:
            page = page.page(1)

        page = None

    if q:
        title = u'Search: {query}'.format(query=q)
        title = u'Search'

    get_params = request.GET.copy()
    if 'category' in get_params:
    base_url = request.path + '?' + get_params.urlencode()

    return render(
        'videos/search.html', {
            'query': q,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'title': title,
            'facet_counts': facet_counts,
            'page': page
Exemplo n.º 39
def statisticInfo(request):
    1 q=go不做全文过滤,检索标识
    2 时间特殊处理
    3 其他字段统一检索
    4 使用 request.GET 注意预先检查该键是否存在,以及键对应的值是否为空(空值,不参与检索)
    :param request:
    query = request.GET['q']
        posts = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
        posts = SearchQuerySet().all()
    for key in ['title', 'keywords', 'creator', 'language','fileFormat','spatial','discipline','fileType']:
        if request.GET.has_key(key) and request.GET[key]!=u'':
            posts = posts.filter_and(**{key: request.GET[key]})
    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_start_date'):
        start_date = request.GET['inp_start_date']
        if start_date:
                strcreatedate = ''
                if (int(start_date) >= 10000):
                    strcreatedate = str(start_date)[0:4]
                elif (len(str(start_date)) == 1):
                    if (int(start_date) == 0):
                        strcreatedate = '0001'
                        strcreatedate = '000' + str(start_date)
                elif (len(str(start_date)) == 2):
                    strcreatedate = '00' + str(start_date)
                elif (len(str(start_date)) == 3):
                    strcreatedate = '0' + str(start_date)
                    strcreatedate = str(start_date)
                aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
                s_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
                # print(s_t)
                posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__gte=s_t)
            except ValueError:
                html = "<html><script>alert('请输入正确是年份 !')</script></html>"
                return HttpResponse(html)
    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_end_date'):
        end_date = request.GET['inp_end_date']
        if end_date:
            strcreatedate = ''
            if (int(end_date) >= 10000):
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)[0:4]
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 1):
                if (int(end_date) == 0):
                    strcreatedate = '0001'
                    strcreatedate = '000' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 2):
                strcreatedate = '00' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 3):
                strcreatedate = '0' + str(end_date)
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)
            aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
            e_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
            posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__lte=e_t)
    posts = posts.filter(check=True)
    posts = posts.order_by("-updateDate")
    sqs = posts.facet('fileFormat').facet('spatial').facet('discipline').facet('language').facet(
    ret_num = posts.count()

    return render_to_response('himalaya/statisticInfo.html', {'posts': posts, 'num': ret_num, 'sqs': sqs, 'query': query},
Exemplo n.º 40
def map_search_endpoint(request, filter_group_id=None):
    """ Maps API search endpoint using haystack search results. For parameters see ``MAP_SEARCH_PARAMETERS``
        returns JSON with the contents of type ``HaystackMapResult``
        @param filter_group_id: Will filter all items by group relation, where applicable 
                (i.e. users are filtered by group memberships for that group, events as events in that group)
    implicit_ignore_location = not any([
        loc_param in request.GET
        for loc_param in ['sw_lon', 'sw_lat', 'ne_lon', 'ne_lat']
    params = _collect_parameters(request.GET, MAP_SEARCH_PARAMETERS)
    query = force_text(params['q'])
    limit = params['limit']
    page = params['page']
    item_id = params['item']
    prefer_own_portal = getattr(settings, 'MAP_API_HACKS_PREFER_OWN_PORTAL',

    if not is_number(limit) or limit < 0:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            '``limit`` param must be a positive number or 0!')
    limit = min(limit, SERVER_SIDE_SEARCH_LIMIT)
    if not is_number(page) or page < 0:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            '``page`` param must be a positive number or 0!')

    # filter for requested model types
    model_list = [
        klass for klass, param_name in list(SEARCH_MODEL_NAMES.items())
        if params.get(param_name, False)
    sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(*model_list)
    # filter for map bounds (Points are constructed ith (lon, lat)!!!)
    if not params['ignore_location'] and not implicit_ignore_location:
        sqs = sqs.within('location', Point(params['sw_lon'], params['sw_lat']),
                         Point(params['ne_lon'], params['ne_lat']))
    # filter for user's own content
    if params['mine'] and request.user.is_authenticated:
        user_id = request.user.id
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(
            Q(creator=user_id) | Q(user_id=user_id) | Q(group_members=user_id))
    # filter for search terms
    if query:
        sqs = sqs.auto_query(query)
    # group-filtered-map view for on-group pages
    if filter_group_id:
        group = get_object_or_None(get_cosinnus_group_model(),
        if group:
            filtered_groups = [filter_group_id]
            # get child projects of this group
            filtered_groups += [
                subproject.id for subproject in group.get_children()
                if subproject.is_active
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(
                | Q(group__in=filtered_groups))
    # filter topics
    topics = ensure_list_of_ints(params.get('topics', ''))
    if topics:
        sqs = sqs.filter_and(mt_topics__in=topics)
    # filter for portal visibility
    sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_portal(
        sqs, restrict_multiportals_to_current=prefer_own_portal)
    # filter for read access by this user
    sqs = filter_searchqueryset_for_read_access(sqs, request.user)
    # filter events by upcoming status
    if params['events'] and Event is not None:
        sqs = filter_event_searchqueryset_by_upcoming(sqs)

    # filter all default user groups if the new dashboard is being used (they count as "on plattform" and aren't shown)
    if getattr(settings, 'COSINNUS_USE_V2_DASHBOARD', False):
        sqs = sqs.exclude(is_group_model=True,

    # if we hae no query-boosted results, use *only* our custom sorting (haystack's is very random)
    if not query:
        if prefer_own_portal:
            sqs = sqs.order_by('-portal', '-local_boost')
            sqs = sqs.order_by('-local_boost')

    # sort results into one list per model
    total_count = sqs.count()
    sqs = sqs[limit * page:limit * (page + 1)]
    results = []
    for result in sqs:
        # if we hae no query-boosted results, use *only* our custom sorting (haystack's is very random)
        if not query:
            result.score = result.local_boost
            if prefer_own_portal and is_number(result.portal) and int(
                    result.portal) == CosinnusPortal.get_current().id:
                result.score += 100.0
        results.append(HaystackMapResult(result, user=request.user))

    # if the requested item (direct select) is not in the queryset snippet
    # (might happen because of an old URL), then mix it in as first item and drop the last
    if item_id:
        item_id = str(item_id)
        if not any([res['id'] == item_id for res in results]):
            item_result = get_searchresult_by_itemid(item_id, request.user)
            if item_result:
                results = [HaystackMapResult(item_result, user=request.user)
                           ] + results[:-1]

    page_obj = None
    if results:
        page_obj = {
            'index': page,
            'count': len(results),
            'total_count': total_count,
            'start': (limit * page) + 1,
            'end': (limit * page) + len(results),
            'has_next': total_count > (limit * (page + 1)),
            'has_previous': page > 0,

    data = {
        'results': results,
        'page': page_obj,
    return JsonResponse(data)
Exemplo n.º 41
def autocomplete(request):
    """Return autocomplete JSON results"""

    term = request.GET.get('term','').strip()
    response_data = []

    if len(term):

        # Does not work - probably because the FLAG_PARTIAL is not set on Xapian
        # (trying to set it in settings.py as documented appears to have no effect)
        # sqs = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(name_auto=term)

        # Split the search term up into little bits
        terms = re.split(r'\s+', term)

        # Build up a query based on the bits
        sqs = SearchQuerySet()
        for bit in terms:
            # print "Adding '%s' to the '%s' query" % (bit,term)
            sqs = sqs.filter_and(
                name_auto__startswith = sqs.query.clean( bit )
        sqs = sqs.exclude(hidden=False)

        # If we have a kind then filter on that too
        model_kind = request.GET.get('model', None)
        if model_kind:
            model = known_kinds.get(model_kind, None)
            if model:
                sqs = sqs.models(model)
            sqs = sqs.models(

        # collate the results into json for the autocomplete js
        for result in sqs.all()[0:10]:

            object = result.object
            css_class = object.css_class()

            # use the specific field if it has one
            if hasattr(object, 'name_autocomplete_html'):
                label = object.name_autocomplete_html
                label = object.name

            image_url = None
            if hasattr(object, 'primary_image'):
                image = object.primary_image()
                if image:
                    image_url = get_thumbnail(image, '16x16', crop="center").url

            if not image_url:
                image_url = "/static/images/" + css_class + "-16x16.jpg"

                'url':   object.get_absolute_url(),
                'label': '<img height="16" width="16" src="%s" /> %s' % (image_url, label),
                'type':  css_class,
                'value': object.name,
                'object': object


    # Remove the 'object' elements before returning the response:
    for d in response_data:
        del d['object']

    # send back the results as JSON
    return HttpResponse(
Exemplo n.º 42
def base_statisticInfo(request):
    base_type = u'基础文献'
    query = request.GET['q']
    if (query == ''):
        posts = SearchQuerySet().all()
        posts = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
    for key in ['title', 'keywords', 'creator', 'language', 'fileFormat', 'spatial', 'discipline', 'fileType']:
        if request.GET.has_key(key) and request.GET[key] != u'':
            posts = posts.filter(**{key: request.GET[key]})
    posts = posts.filter_and(check=1).filter(subjecttype='-1')
    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_start_date'):
        start_date = request.GET['inp_start_date']
        if start_date:
            strcreatedate = ''
            if (int(start_date) >= 10000):
                strcreatedate = str(start_date)[0:4]
            elif (len(str(start_date)) == 1):
                if (int(start_date) == 0):
                    strcreatedate = '0001'
                    strcreatedate = '000' + str(start_date)
            elif (len(str(start_date)) == 2):
                strcreatedate = '00' + str(start_date)
            elif (len(str(start_date)) == 3):
                strcreatedate = '0' + str(start_date)
                strcreatedate = str(start_date)
            aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
            s_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
            posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__gte=s_t)

    if request.GET.__contains__('inp_end_date'):
        end_date = request.GET['inp_end_date']
        if end_date:
            strcreatedate = ''
            if (int(end_date) >= 10000):
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)[0:4]
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 1):
                if (int(end_date) == 0):
                    strcreatedate = '0001'
                    strcreatedate = '000' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 2):
                strcreatedate = '00' + str(end_date)
            elif (len(str(end_date)) == 3):
                strcreatedate = '0' + str(end_date)
                strcreatedate = str(end_date)
            aa = (str(strcreatedate) + '/01/01').split('/')
            e_t = datetime.strptime(''.join(aa), "%Y%m%d").date()
            posts = posts.filter_and(pubDate__lte=e_t)
    posts = posts.order_by("-updateDate")
    sqs = posts.facet('fileFormat').facet('spatial').facet('discipline').facet('language').facet(
    ret_num = posts.count()
    # 得到面搜索结果
    # print query
    return render(request, 'himalaya/base_statisticInfo.html', {'posts': posts, 'num': ret_num,
                                                             'sqs': sqs, 'query': query,
                                                             'base_type': base_type})
Exemplo n.º 43
def search(request):
    q = request.GET.get('q', '')
    facet_counts = {}
    if q:
        cat_filter = request.GET.get('category')

        qs = SearchQuerySet()
        qs = qs.filter(content=q)
        qs = qs.filter_or(speakers__startswith=q.lower())

        if cat_filter:
            # TODO: This doesn't work quite right. It should filter
            # out anything that's not *exactly* cat_filter but it's
            # not. Could be a problem here or with the indexing. The
            # haystack docs are mysterious.
            qs = qs.filter_and(category__exact=cat_filter)

        # TODO: Whoosh doesn't handle faceting, so we have to do it
        # manually. Fix this so it detects whether the haystack backend
        # supports facets and if so, uses the backend and not the db.
        cat_counts = {}
        for mem in qs:
            cat_counts[mem.category] = cat_counts.get(mem.category, 0) + 1

        facet_counts['category'] = sorted(
            cat_counts.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)

        page = Paginator(qs, 25)
        p = request.GET.get('p', '1')
            p = max(1, int(p))
        except ValueError:
            p = 1

            page = page.page(p)
        except EmptyPage:
            page = page.page(1)

        page = None

    if q:
        title = u'Search: {query}'.format(
            query=bleach.clean(q, tags=[], strip=True))
        title = u'Search'

    get_params = request.GET.copy()
    if 'category' in get_params:
    base_url = request.path + '?' + get_params.urlencode()

    return render(
        'videos/search.html', {
            'query': q,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'title': title,
            'facet_counts': facet_counts,
            'page': page
Exemplo n.º 44
    def get_haystack_queryset(self, order_by='-obligation_date'):
        """ Returns a Haystack QuerySet object with the appropriate filters """

        # order AND filters first, then OR filters
        and_filters = {}
        or_filters = {}
        for f in self.filters:
            filter_field = f[0]
            filter_value = f[1]
            filter_conjunction = f[2]

            # select appropriate target list
            target_filter_list = and_filters
            if f[2] == self.CONJUNCTION_OR:
                target_filter_list = or_filters

            # deal with fk
            if self.FIELD_MAPPINGS[filter_field]['type'] == 'fk':

                field_operator = filter_field + '__in'
                fk_transformation = self.FIELD_MAPPINGS[filter_field].get(
                    'solr_transformation', lambda x: x)

                if type(filter_value) not in (list, tuple):
                    filter_value = (filter_value, )

                fk_values = []
                for value in filter_value:
                    fk_value = fk_transformation(value)
                    if fk_value is not None:

                target_filter_list[field_operator] = fk_values

            # deal with range
            if self.FIELD_MAPPINGS[filter_field]['type'] == 'range':
                clause_parts = []
                range_transformation = self.FIELD_MAPPINGS[filter_field].get(
                    lambda x: x)  # putting this in place
                filter_operators = ('__gte', '__lte')

                for i, range_specifier in enumerate(filter_value):
                    if range_specifier is not None:
                            self.FIELD_MAPPINGS[filter_field]['solr_field'] +
                            filter_operators[i]] = range_specifier

            # deal with text
            elif self.FIELD_MAPPINGS[filter_field]['type'] == 'text':
                target_filter_list[filter_field] = filter_value

        s = SearchQuerySet().models(self.DJANGO_MODEL)

        # add sector filtering -- only works for a single sector at the moment
        if len(self.sectors):
            s = s.filter_and(
                sectors__in=map(lambda x: int(x.id), self.sectors))

        if len(or_filters):
            s = s.filter_or(**or_filters)

        if len(and_filters):
            s = s.filter_and(**and_filters)

        s = s.order_by(order_by)

        return s