Exemplo n.º 1
def score_matrix3(aberrations, show=False):
    # Make segmented mirror
    aper, segments = hcipy.make_hexagonal_segmented_aperture(num_rings,

    aper = hcipy.evaluate_supersampled(aper, pupil_grid, 1)
    segments = hcipy.evaluate_supersampled(segments, pupil_grid, 1)
    # Instantiate the segmented mirror
    hsm = hcipy.SegmentedDeformableMirror(segments)

    # Make a pupil plane wavefront from aperture
    wf = hcipy.Wavefront(aper, wavelength)
    # Get poke segments
    for i in range(0,len(aberrations)):
        if float(aberrations[i]) != 0:
            hsm.set_segment_actuators(i, aber_to_opd(aber_rad, wavelength) / (1/float(aberrations[i])), 0, 0)
    if show:
        plt.title('OPD for HCIPy SM')
        hcipy.imshow_field(hsm.surface * 2, mask=aper, cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-5e-7, vmax=5e-7)
    wf_fp_pistoned = hsm(wf)

    # Propagate from SM to image plane
    im_pistoned_hc = prop(wf_fp_pistoned)
    norm_hc = np.max(im_pistoned_hc.intensity)
    if show:
        # Display intensity in image plane

        hcipy.imshow_field(np.log10(im_pistoned_hc.intensity / norm_hc), cmap='inferno', vmin=-9)
        plt.title('Image plane after SM')
        hcipy.imshow_field(np.log10((im_pistoned_hc.intensity / norm_hc)*(annulus)), cmap='inferno', vmin=-9)
        plt.title('Annular image plane region')
    interested_field = (im_pistoned_hc.intensity / norm_hc)*(1-annulus)
    score = float(hcipy.Field.sum(interested_field)/hcipy.Field.sum(im_pistoned_hc.intensity / norm_hc))*100
    return score
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_keck_ap(grid):
    Iteratively step through the rings of keck to generate the primary mirror aperture.
    This currently ignores any spiders or gaps between mirrors.
    #Find the positions where there are mirrors
    centroid_pos = [[0, 0]]
    radials = [1, 2, 3]
    in_seg_len = 10 / 7  #meters from one flat edge of a mirror segment to the other
    ang_types = np.arange(30, 360, 60) + 120
    for rad in radials:
        cur_x = rad * in_seg_len * np.cos(30 * np.pi / 180)
        cur_y = rad * in_seg_len * np.sin(30 * np.pi / 180)
        for ang in ang_types:
            for iii in range(rad):
                cur_x += in_seg_len * np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180)
                cur_y += in_seg_len * np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180)

                centroid_pos.append([cur_x, cur_y])

    #Now put mirrors on each of those points
    out_seg_len = 20 * np.sqrt(
        3) / 21  #size of the circle enclosing the hexagons
    oversamp = 10

    keck_aperture = -5 * hci.evaluate_supersampled(hci.circular_aperture(2.4),
                                                   grid, oversamp)
    for cent in centroid_pos:
        aper = hci.hexagonal_aperture(out_seg_len,
                                      angle=np.pi / 6,
        heck_aperture += hci.evaluate_supersampled(aper, grid, oversamp)
    keck_aperture[keck_aperture < 0] = 0
    keck_aperture[keck_aperture > 1] = 1

    #plt.xlabel('x position(m)')
    #plt.ylabel('y position(m)')
    return keck_aperture
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_loyt():
    from hcipy import make_pupil_grid, make_focal_grid, FraunhoferPropagator, circular_aperture, evaluate_supersampled, imshow_field, imsave_field, Field, LyotCoronagraph, Wavefront
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    pupil_grid = make_pupil_grid(256)
    focal_grid = make_focal_grid(pupil_grid, 8, 32)
    prop = FraunhoferPropagator(pupil_grid, focal_grid)

    aperture = circular_aperture(1)
    aperture = evaluate_supersampled(aperture, pupil_grid, 8)

    mask = 1 - circular_aperture(3)(focal_grid)
    stop = circular_aperture(0.7)(pupil_grid)
    coro = LyotCoronagraph(pupil_grid, mask, stop)

    wf = Wavefront(aperture)
    lyot = coro(wf)

    img = prop(lyot)
    img_ref = prop(wf)

    output_path = get_output_path("miscellaneous")

    fig = plt.figure()
    imshow_field(np.log10(img.power / img_ref.power.max()), vmin=-6, vmax=0)
    plt.xlim(-25, 25)
    plt.ylim(-25, 25)
    cbar = plt.colorbar()
    fig.savefig(output_path + "lyot_psf")

    fig = plt.figure()
    imshow_field(np.log10(img_ref.power / img_ref.power.max()),
    plt.xlim(-25, 25)
    plt.ylim(-25, 25)
    cbar = plt.colorbar()
    fig.savefig(output_path + "normal_psf")
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_loyt():
    from hcipy import make_pupil_grid, make_focal_grid, FraunhoferPropagator, circular_aperture, evaluate_supersampled, imshow_field, imsave_field, Field, LyotCoronagraph, Wavefront
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    pupil_grid = make_pupil_grid(256)
    focal_grid = make_focal_grid(pupil_grid, 8, 32)
    prop = FraunhoferPropagator(pupil_grid, focal_grid)

    aperture = circular_aperture(1)
    aperture = evaluate_supersampled(aperture, pupil_grid, 8)

    mask = 1 - circular_aperture(3)(focal_grid)
    stop = circular_aperture(0.7)(pupil_grid)
    coro = LyotCoronagraph(pupil_grid, mask, stop)

    wf = Wavefront(aperture)
    lyot = coro(wf)

    img = prop(lyot)
    img_ref = prop(wf)

    output_path = get_output_path("miscellaneous")

    fig = plt.figure()
    imshow_field(np.log10(img.power / img_ref.power.max()), vmin=-6, vmax=0)
    cbar = plt.colorbar()

    fig = plt.figure()
    imshow_field(np.log10(img_ref.power / img_ref.power.max()), vmin=-6, vmax=0)
    cbar = plt.colorbar()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _setup_grids(self):
        """ Set up the grids to compute the segmented mirror surface into.
        This is relatively slow, but we only need to do this once for
        each size of input grids.
        npix = self.aperture.shaped.shape[0]
        if npix == self._last_npix:
            self._last_npix = npix

        x, y = self.input_grid.coords

        self._seg_mask = np.zeros_like(x)
        self._seg_x = np.zeros_like(x)
        self._seg_y = np.zeros_like(y)
        self._seg_indices = dict()

        pupil_grid = hcipy.make_pupil_grid(dims=npix, diameter=PUP_DIAMETER)
        aper_num, seg_positions = get_atlast_aperture(
            segment_transmissions=np.arange(1, self.segnum + 1))
        aper_num = hcipy.evaluate_supersampled(aper_num, pupil_grid, 2)

        self._seg_mask = np.copy(aper_num)

        for i in self.segmentlist:
            wseg = np.where(self._seg_mask == i)
            self._seg_indices[i] = wseg

            cenx, ceny = self.seg_pos.points[i - 1]

            self._seg_x[wseg] = x[wseg] - cenx
            self._seg_y[wseg] = y[wseg] - ceny

            # Set gaps to zero
            bad_gaps_x = np.where(
                np.abs(self._seg_x) > 0.1 * PUP_DIAMETER
            )  #*PUP_DIAMETER generalizes it for any size pupil field
            self._seg_x[bad_gaps_x] = 0
            bad_gaps_y = np.where(np.abs(self._seg_y) > 0.1 * PUP_DIAMETER)
            self._seg_y[bad_gaps_y] = 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def seg_mirror_test():
    Testing the integrated energy of images produced by HCIPy vs Poppy segmented DMs.

    This is now deprecated as I am using directly the hcipy SM, but specifically from an older commit:
    from hcipy.optics.segmented_mirror import SegmentedMirror

    # Parameters
    which_tel = CONFIG_PASTIS.get('telescope', 'name')
    NPIX = CONFIG_PASTIS.getint('numerical', 'tel_size_px')
    PUP_DIAMETER = CONFIG_PASTIS.getfloat(which_tel, 'diameter')
    GAPSIZE = CONFIG_PASTIS.getfloat(which_tel, 'gaps')
    FLATTOFLAT = CONFIG_PASTIS.getfloat(which_tel, 'flat_to_flat')

    wvln = 638e-9
    lamD = 20
    samp = 4
    norm = False

    fac = 6.55

    # --------------------------------- #
    #aber_rad = 6.2
    aber_array = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 50, True)
    log.info('Aber in rad: \n{}'.format(aber_array))
    log.info('Aber in m: \n{}'.format(util.aber_to_opd(aber_array, wvln)))
    # --------------------------------- #

    ### HCIPy SM

    # HCIPy grids and propagator
    pupil_grid = hcipy.make_pupil_grid(dims=NPIX, diameter=PUP_DIAMETER)
    focal_grid = hcipy.make_focal_grid(pupil_grid, samp, lamD, wavelength=wvln)
    prop = hcipy.FraunhoferPropagator(pupil_grid, focal_grid)

    # Generate an aperture
    aper, seg_pos = get_atlast_aperture(normalized=norm)
    aper = hcipy.evaluate_supersampled(aper, pupil_grid, 1)

    # Instantiate the segmented mirror
    hsm = SegmentedMirror(aper, seg_pos)

    # Make a pupil plane wavefront from aperture
    wf = hcipy.Wavefront(aper, wavelength=wvln)

    ### Poppy SM

    psm = poppy.dms.HexSegmentedDeformableMirror(name='Poppy SM',
                                                 flattoflat=FLATTOFLAT * u.m,
                                                 gap=GAPSIZE * u.m,

    ### Apply pistons
    hc_ims = []
    pop_ims = []
    for aber_rad in aber_array:

        # Flatten both SMs

        # HCIPy
        for i in [19, 28]:
            hsm.set_segment(i, util.aber_to_opd(aber_rad, wvln) / 2, 0, 0)

        # Poppy
        for i in [34, 25]:
                             util.aber_to_opd(aber_rad, wvln) * u.m, 0,
                             0)  # 34 in poppy is 19 in HCIPy

        ### Propagate to image plane
        ### HCIPy
        # Apply SM to pupil plane wf
        wf_fp_pistoned = hsm(wf)

        # Propagate from SM to image plane
        im_pistoned_hc = prop(wf_fp_pistoned)

        ### Poppy
        # Make an optical system with the Poppy SM and a detector
        osys = poppy.OpticalSystem()
        pxscle = 0.0031 * fac  # I'm tweaking pixelscale and fov_arcsec to match the HCIPy image
        fovarc = 0.05 * fac
        osys.add_detector(pixelscale=pxscle, fov_arcsec=fovarc, oversample=10)

        # Calculate the PSF
        psf = osys.calc_psf(wvln)

        # Get the PSF as an array
        im_pistoned_pop = psf[0].data

        hc_ims.append(im_pistoned_hc.intensity.shaped /
        pop_ims.append(im_pistoned_pop / np.max(im_pistoned_pop))

    ### Trying to do it with numbers
    hc_ims = np.array(hc_ims)
    pop_ims = np.array(pop_ims)

    sum_hc = np.sum(hc_ims, axis=(1, 2))
    sum_pop = np.sum(
        pop_ims, axis=(1, 2)
    ) - 1.75  # the -1.75 is just there because I didn't bother about image normalization too much

    plt.suptitle('Image degradation of SMs')
    plt.plot(aber_array, sum_hc, label='HCIPy SM')
    plt.plot(aber_array, sum_pop, label='Poppy SM')
    plt.ylabel('image sum')
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_atlast_aperture(normalized=False,
    """Make the ATLAST/HiCAT pupil mask.

    This function is a copy of make_hicat_aperture(), except that it also returns the segment positions.

    normalized : boolean
        If this is True, the outer diameter will be scaled to 1. Otherwise, the
        diameter of the pupil will be 15.0 meters.
    with_segment_gaps : boolean
        Include the gaps between individual segments in the aperture.
    segment_transmissions : scalar or array_like
        The transmission for each of the segments. If this is a scalar, this transmission will
        be used for all segments.

    Field generator
        The ATLAST aperture.
        The segment positions.
    pupil_diameter = PUP_DIAMETER
    segment_circum_diameter = 2 / np.sqrt(3) * pupil_diameter / 7
    num_rings = 3
    segment_gap = CONFIG_PASTIS.getfloat(which_tel, 'gaps')

    if not with_segment_gaps:
        segment_gap = 0

    if normalized:
        segment_circum_diameter /= pupil_diameter
        segment_gap /= pupil_diameter
        pupil_diameter = 1.0

    segment_positions = hcipy.make_hexagonal_grid(
        segment_circum_diameter / 2 * np.sqrt(3), num_rings)
    segment_positions = segment_positions.subset(lambda grid: ~(
        hcipy.circular_aperture(segment_circum_diameter)(grid) > 0))

    hexagon = hcipy.hexagonal_aperture(segment_circum_diameter - segment_gap)

    def segment(grid):
        return hexagon(grid.rotated(np.pi / 2))

    segmented_aperture = hcipy.make_segmented_aperture(segment,

    def func(grid):
        res = segmented_aperture(grid)

        return hcipy.Field(res, grid)

    # Save pupil to disk, as pdf and fits
    if write_to_disk:
        pupil_grid = hcipy.make_pupil_grid(dims=pupil_size,
        atlast = hcipy.evaluate_supersampled(func, pupil_grid, 8)

        for i in range(36):
            plt.annotate(str(i + 1),
                         xy=(segment_positions.x[i] - pupil_diameter * 0.03,
                             segment_positions.y[i] - pupil_diameter * 0.02))
            # -0.03/-0.02 is for shifting the numbers closer to the segment centers. Scaling that by pupil_diameter
            # keeps them in place.
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(outDir, 'ATLAST_pupil.pdf'))

        util.write_fits(atlast.shaped, os.path.join(outDir, 'pupil.fits'))

    return func, segment_positions
Exemplo n.º 8
def analytical_model(zernike_pol, coef, cali=False):

    :param zernike_pol:
    :param coef:
    :param cali: bool; True if we already have calibration coefficients to use. False if we still need to create them.

    #-# Parameters
    dataDir = os.path.join(CONFIG_INI.get('local', 'local_data_path'),
    telescope = CONFIG_INI.get('telescope', 'name')
    nb_seg = CONFIG_INI.getint(telescope, 'nb_subapertures')
    tel_size_m = CONFIG_INI.getfloat(telescope, 'diameter') * u.m
    real_size_seg = CONFIG_INI.getfloat(
        telescope, 'flat_to_flat'
    )  # in m, size in meters of an individual segment flatl to flat
    size_seg = CONFIG_INI.getint(
        'size_seg')  # pixel size of an individual segment tip to tip
    wvln = CONFIG_INI.getint(telescope, 'lambda') * u.nm
    inner_wa = CONFIG_INI.getint(telescope, 'IWA')
    outer_wa = CONFIG_INI.getint(telescope, 'OWA')
    tel_size_px = CONFIG_INI.getint(
        'numerical', 'tel_size_px')  # pupil diameter of telescope in pixels
    im_size_pastis = CONFIG_INI.getint(
        'numerical', 'im_size_px_pastis')  # image array size in px
    sampling = CONFIG_INI.getfloat('numerical', 'sampling')  # sampling
    size_px_tel = tel_size_m / tel_size_px  # size of one pixel in pupil plane in m
    px_sq_to_rad = (size_px_tel * np.pi / tel_size_m) * u.rad
    zern_max = CONFIG_INI.getint('zernikes', 'max_zern')
    sz = CONFIG_INI.getint('numerical', 'im_size_lamD_hcipy')

    # Create Zernike mode object for easier handling
    zern_mode = util.ZernikeMode(zernike_pol)

    #-# Mean subtraction for piston
    if zernike_pol == 1:
        coef -= np.mean(coef)

    #-# Generic segment shapes

    if telescope == 'JWST':
        # Load pupil from file
        pupil = fits.getdata(
            os.path.join(dataDir, 'segmentation', 'pupil.fits'))

        # Put pupil in randomly picked, slightly larger image array
        pup_im = np.copy(pupil)  # remove if lines below this are active
        #pup_im = np.zeros([tel_size_px, tel_size_px])
        #lim = int((pup_im.shape[1] - pupil.shape[1])/2.)
        #pup_im[lim:-lim, lim:-lim] = pupil
        # test_seg = pupil[394:,197:315]    # this is just so that I can display an individual segment when the pupil is 512
        # test_seg = pupil[:203,392:631]    # ... when the pupil is 1024
        # one_seg = np.zeros_like(test_seg)
        # one_seg[:110, :] = test_seg[8:, :]    # this is the centered version of the individual segment for 512 px pupil

        # Creat a mini-segment (one individual segment from the segmented aperture)
        mini_seg_real = poppy.NgonAperture(
            name='mini', radius=real_size_seg
        )  # creating real mini segment shape with poppy
        #test = mini_seg_real.sample(wavelength=wvln, grid_size=flat_diam, return_scale=True)   # fix its sampling with wavelength
        mini_hdu = mini_seg_real.to_fits(wavelength=wvln,
                                         npix=size_seg)  # make it a fits file
        mini_seg = mini_hdu[
            0].data  # extract the image data from the fits file

    elif telescope == 'ATLAST':
        # Create mini-segment
        pupil_grid = hcipy.make_pupil_grid(dims=tel_size_px,
        focal_grid = hcipy.make_focal_grid(
            pupil_grid, sampling, sz, wavelength=wvln.to(
                u.m).value)  # fov = lambda/D radius of total image
        prop = hcipy.FraunhoferPropagator(pupil_grid, focal_grid)

        mini_seg_real = hcipy.hexagonal_aperture(circum_diameter=real_size_seg,
                                                 angle=np.pi / 2)
        mini_seg_hc = hcipy.evaluate_supersampled(
            mini_seg_real, pupil_grid, 4
        )  # the supersampling number doesn't really matter in context with the other numbers
        mini_seg = mini_seg_hc.shaped  # make it a 2D array

        # Redefine size_seg if using HCIPy
        size_seg = mini_seg.shape[0]

        # Make stand-in pupil for DH array
        pupil = fits.getdata(
            os.path.join(dataDir, 'segmentation', 'pupil.fits'))
        pup_im = np.copy(pupil)

    #-# Generate a dark hole mask
    #TODO: simplify DH generation and usage
    dh_area = util.create_dark_hole(
        pup_im, inner_wa, outer_wa, sampling
    )  # this might become a problem if pupil size is not same like pastis image size. fine for now though.
    if telescope == 'ATLAST':
        dh_sz = util.zoom_cen(dh_area, sz * sampling)

    #-# Import information form segmentation script
    Projection_Matrix = fits.getdata(
        os.path.join(dataDir, 'segmentation', 'Projection_Matrix.fits'))
    vec_list = fits.getdata(
        os.path.join(dataDir, 'segmentation', 'vec_list.fits'))  # in pixels
    NR_pairs_list = fits.getdata(
        os.path.join(dataDir, 'segmentation', 'NR_pairs_list_int.fits'))

    # Figure out how many NRPs we're dealing with
    NR_pairs_nb = NR_pairs_list.shape[0]

    #-# Chose whether calibration factors to do the calibraiton with
    if cali:
        filename = 'calibration_' + zern_mode.name + '_' + zern_mode.convention + str(
        ck = fits.getdata(
            os.path.join(dataDir, 'calibration', filename + '.fits'))
        ck = np.ones(nb_seg)

    coef = coef * ck

    #-# Generic coefficients
    # the coefficients in front of the non redundant pairs, the A_q in eq. 13 in Leboulleux et al. 2018
    generic_coef = np.zeros(
    ) * u.nm * u.nm  # setting it up with the correct units this will have

    for q in range(NR_pairs_nb):
        for i in range(nb_seg):
            for j in range(i + 1, nb_seg):
                if Projection_Matrix[i, j, 0] == q + 1:
                    generic_coef[q] += coef[i] * coef[j]

    #-# Constant sum and cosine sum - calculating eq. 13 from Leboulleux et al. 2018
    if telescope == 'JWST':
        i_line = np.linspace(-im_size_pastis / 2., im_size_pastis / 2.,
        tab_i, tab_j = np.meshgrid(i_line, i_line)
        cos_u_mat = np.zeros(
            (int(im_size_pastis), int(im_size_pastis), NR_pairs_nb))
    elif telescope == 'ATLAST':
        i_line = np.linspace(-(2 * sz * sampling) / 2.,
                             (2 * sz * sampling) / 2., (2 * sz * sampling))
        tab_i, tab_j = np.meshgrid(i_line, i_line)
        cos_u_mat = np.zeros((int((2 * sz * sampling)), int(
            (2 * sz * sampling)), NR_pairs_nb))

    # Calculating the cosine terms from eq. 13.
    # The -1 with each NR_pairs_list is because the segment names are saved starting from 1, but Python starts
    # its indexing at zero, so we have to make it start at zero here too.
    for q in range(NR_pairs_nb):
        # cos(b_q <dot> u): b_q with 1 <= q <= NR_pairs_nb is the basis of NRPS, meaning the distance vectors between
        #                   two segments of one NRP. We can read these out from vec_list.
        #                   u is the position (vector) in the detector plane. Here, those are the grids tab_i and tab_j.
        # We need to calculate the dot product between all b_q and u, so in each iteration (for q), we simply add the
        # x and y component.
        cos_u_mat[:, :, q] = np.cos(
            px_sq_to_rad *
            (vec_list[NR_pairs_list[q, 0] - 1, NR_pairs_list[q, 1] - 1, 0] *
             tab_i) + px_sq_to_rad *
            (vec_list[NR_pairs_list[q, 0] - 1, NR_pairs_list[q, 1] - 1, 1] *
             tab_j)) * u.dimensionless_unscaled

    sum1 = np.sum(
    )  # sum of all a_{k,l} in eq. 13 - this works only for single Zernikes (l fixed), because np.sum would sum over l too, which would be wrong.
    if telescope == 'JWST':
        sum2 = np.zeros(
            (int(im_size_pastis), int(im_size_pastis))
        ) * u.nm * u.nm  # setting it up with the correct units this will have
    elif telescope == 'ATLAST':
        sum2 = np.zeros(
            (int(2 * sz * sampling), int(2 * sz * sampling))) * u.nm * u.nm

    for q in range(NR_pairs_nb):
        sum2 = sum2 + generic_coef[q] * cos_u_mat[:, :, q]

    #-# Local Zernike
    if telescope == 'JWST':
        # Generate a basis of Zernikes with the mini segment being the support
        isolated_zerns = zern.hexike_basis(nterms=zern_max,

        # Calculate the Zernike that is currently being used and put it on one single subaperture, the result is Zer
        # Apply the currently used Zernike to the mini-segment.
        if zernike_pol == 1:
            Zer = np.copy(mini_seg)
        elif zernike_pol in range(2, zern_max - 2):
            Zer = np.copy(mini_seg)
            Zer = Zer * isolated_zerns[zernike_pol - 1]

        # Fourier Transform of the Zernike - the global envelope
        mf = mft.MatrixFourierTransform()
        ft_zern = mf.perform(Zer, im_size_pastis / sampling, im_size_pastis)

    elif telescope == 'ATLAST':
        isolated_zerns = hcipy.make_zernike_basis(num_modes=zern_max,
        Zer = hcipy.Wavefront(mini_seg_hc * isolated_zerns[zernike_pol - 1],

        # Fourier transform the Zernike
        ft_zern = prop(Zer)

    #-# Final image
    if telescope == 'JWST':
        # Generating the final image that will get passed on to the outer scope, I(u) in eq. 13
        intensity = np.abs(ft_zern)**2 * (sum1.value + 2. * sum2.value)
    elif telescope == 'ATLAST':
        intensity = ft_zern.intensity.shaped * (sum1.value + 2. * sum2.value)

    # PASTIS is only valid inside the dark hole, so we cut out only that part
    if telescope == 'JWST':
        tot_dh_im_size = sampling * (outer_wa + 3)
        intensity_zoom = util.zoom_cen(
            intensity, tot_dh_im_size
        )  # zoom box is (owa + 3*lambda/D) wide, in terms of lambda/D
        dh_area_zoom = util.zoom_cen(dh_area, tot_dh_im_size)

        dh_psf = dh_area_zoom * intensity_zoom

    elif telescope == 'ATLAST':
        dh_psf = dh_sz * intensity
    # Create plots.
    plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
    plt.imshow(pupil, origin='lower')
    plt.title('JWST pupil and diameter definition')
    plt.plot([46.5, 464.5], [101.5, 409.5], 'r-')   # show how the diagonal of the pupil is defined

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
    plt.imshow(mini_seg, origin='lower')
    plt.title('JWST individual mini-segment')

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
    plt.imshow(dh_psf, origin='lower')
    plt.title('JWST dark hole')

    # dh_psf is the image of the dark hole only, the pixels outside of it are zero
    # intensity is the entire final image
    return dh_psf, intensity