def test_failure(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "aws_docdb_cluster_parameter_group" "test" { family = "docdb3.6" name = "test" description = "docdb cluster parameter group" parameter { name = "tls" value = "disabled" } parameter { name = "other-param" value = "enabled" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['aws_docdb_cluster_parameter_group']['test'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_failure(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_monitor_log_profile" "example" { name = "default" categories = [ "Action" ] locations = [ "westus", "global", ] retention_policy { enabled = true days = 7 } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_monitor_log_profile'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_success(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_redis_cache" "example" { name = "example-cache" location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location resource_group_name = capacity = 2 family = "C" sku_name = "Standard" enable_non_ssl_port = false minimum_tls_version = "1.2" public_network_access_enabled = false redis_configuration { } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_redis_cache'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_module_double_slash_cleanup_string(self): tf = hcl2.loads(""" resource "helm_release" "test" { name = "influxdb" repository = "" chart = "influxdb" namespace = "influxdb" set { name = "ingress.annotations.kubernetes\\.io/ingress\\.class" value = var.influxdb_ingress_annotations_kubernetes_ingress_class } } """) non_malformed_definitions = validate_malformed_definitions(tf) definitions = { '/mock/path/': clean_bad_definitions(non_malformed_definitions) } module, _ = Parser().parse_hcl_module_from_tf_definitions(definitions, '', 'terraform') print(module) self.assertEqual(1, len(module.blocks)) self.assertEqual('ingress.annotations.kubernetes\\.io/ingress\\.class', module.blocks[0].attributes[''])
def test_success_no_volume(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "test" { family = "service" container_definitions = file("task-definitions/service.json") volume { name = "service-storage" host_path = "/ecs/service-storage" } placement_constraints { type = "memberOf" expression = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone in [us-west-2a, us-west-2b]" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['aws_ecs_task_definition'][ 'test'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_success(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "aws_eks_cluster" "test" { name = "example" role_arn = aws_iam_role.example.arn vpc_config { subnet_ids = [,] } encryption_config { resources = ["secrets"] provider { key_arn = "test" } } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['aws_eks_cluster']['test'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_success_4(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "google_sql_database_instance" "tfer--general-002D-mysql81" { database_version = "MYSQL_8_0" name = "general-mysql81" project = "gcp-bridgecrew-deployment" region = "us-central1" settings { activation_policy = "ALWAYS" availability_type = "ZONAL" pricing_plan = "PER_USE" replication_type = "SYNCHRONOUS" tier = "db-n1-standard-1" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['google_sql_database_instance'][ 'tfer--general-002D-mysql81'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_success(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_app_service" "example" { name = "example-app-service" location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location resource_group_name = app_service_plan_id = https_only = true site_config { dotnet_framework_version = "v5.0" scm_type = "someValue" } identity { type = "SystemAssigned" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_app_service'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_success(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set" "example" { name = var.scaleset_name resource_group_name = location = var.resource_group.location sku = var.sku instances = var.instance_count admin_username = var.admin_username disable_password_authentication = true admin_ssh_key { username = var.admin_username public_key = } tags = var.common_tags } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set']['example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_failure(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "aws_redshift_parameter_group" "examplea" { name = var.param_group_name family = "redshift-1.0" parameter { name = "require_ssl" value = "false" } parameter { name = "enable_user_activity_logging" value = "true" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['aws_redshift_parameter_group']['examplea'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_failure_1(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_role_definition" "example" { name = "my-custom-role" scope = description = "This is a custom role created via Terraform" permissions { actions = ["*"] not_actions = [] } assignable_scopes = [ ] } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_role_definition'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_failure(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "example" { origin { domain_name = origin_id = "${}-origin" s3_origin_config { origin_access_identity = } } enabled = true is_ipv6_enabled = true default_root_object = "index.html" price_class = var.price_class tags = var.common_tags } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['aws_cloudfront_distribution'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def _is_block_signature(self, line_num, line_tokens, entity_context_path): # Ignore the alias as it is not part of the signature is_provider = super()._is_block_signature(line_num, line_tokens, entity_context_path[0:-1]) if not is_provider or '=' in line_tokens or line_tokens[ 0] != 'provider': # The line provider = alias is not a provider block although it has the correct words # Also skips comments that include words like provider and aws return False end_line = self._compute_definition_end_line(line_num) provider_type = entity_context_path[0] provider_obj = hcl2.loads("\n".join( map( lambda obj: obj[1], self. file_lines[line_num - 1:end_line if end_line > line_num else line_num])) )['provider'][0] alias = provider_obj[provider_type].get('alias', ['default']) return super()._is_block_signature(line_num, line_tokens + alias, entity_context_path)
def test_success(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_sql_server" "example" { name = "mssqlserver" resource_group_name = location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location version = "12.0" administrator_login = "******" administrator_login_password = "******" extended_auditing_policy { storage_endpoint = azurerm_storage_account.example.primary_blob_endpoint storage_account_access_key = azurerm_storage_account.example.primary_access_key storage_account_access_key_is_secondary = true retention_in_days = 90 } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_sql_server']['example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_success(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" data "aws_iam_policy_document" "example" { statement { sid = "1" effect = "Allow" actions = [ "s3:*" ] resources = [ "foo", ] } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['data'][0]['aws_iam_policy_document'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_data_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)
def test_failure_empty(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_mariadb_server" "example" { name = var.server_name location = var.resource_group.location resource_group_name = administrator_login = var.admin_login administrator_login_password = random_string.password.result sku_name = "B_Gen5_2" storage_mb = 5120 version = "10.2" auto_grow_enabled = true backup_retention_days = 7 public_network_access_enabled = true #test this i guess ssl_enforcement_enabled = false } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_mariadb_server']['example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_failure_2(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "example" { name = "example-psqlserver" location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location resource_group_name = administrator_login = "******" administrator_login_password = "******" sku_name = "GP_Gen5_4" version = "9.6" storage_mb = 640000 backup_retention_days = 7 auto_grow_enabled = true ssl_enforcement_enabled = true ssl_minimal_tls_version_enforced = "TLS1_2" } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_postgresql_server'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_failure(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_app_service" "example" { name = "example-app-service" location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location resource_group_name = app_service_plan_id = https_only = true storage_account { name = "test_name" type = "AzureBlob" account_name ="test_account_name" share_name = "test_share_name" access_key = "test_access_key" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_app_service'][ 'example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_failure2(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "azurerm_kusto_cluster" "example" { name = "kustocluster" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location resource_group_name = double_encryption_enabled = false sku { name = "Standard_D13_v2" capacity = 2 } tags = { Environment = "Production" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['azurerm_kusto_cluster']['example'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.FAILED, scan_result)
def test_success_2(self): hcl_res = hcl2.loads(""" resource "google_sql_database_instance" "tfer--general-002D-pos121" { database_version = "POSTGRES_12" name = "general-pos121" project = "gcp-bridgecrew-deployment" region = "us-central1" settings { activation_policy = "ALWAYS" availability_type = "ZONAL" database_flags { name = "log_disconnections" value = "on" } database_flags { name = "log_min_messages" value = "debug6" } database_flags { name = "log_lock_waits" value = "on" } database_flags { name = "log_temp_files" value = "10" } database_flags { name = "log_min_duration_statement" value = "1" } pricing_plan = "PER_USE" replication_type = "SYNCHRONOUS" tier = "db-custom-1-3840" } } """) resource_conf = hcl_res['resource'][0]['google_sql_database_instance'][ 'tfer--general-002D-pos121'] scan_result = check.scan_resource_conf(conf=resource_conf) self.assertEqual(CheckResult.PASSED, scan_result)