def save_clouds(): NUM_CAM = 2 cameras = RosCameras(NUM_CAM) tfm_listener = tf.TransformListener() fr1 = camera1_rgb_optical_frame fr2 = camera2_rgb_optical_frame c1, c2 = 0, 1 print "Waiting for service .." rospy.wait_for_service('pcd_service') pcdService = rospy.ServiceProxy("pcd_service", PCDData) raw_input(colorize("Do not move the objects on the table now.", "green", True)) raw_input(colorize("Cover camera %i and hit enter!" % (c2 + 1), 'yellow', True)) pc1 = cameras.get_pointcloud(c1) raw_input(colorize("Cover camera %i and hit enter!" % (c1 + 1), 'yellow', True)) pc2 = cameras.get_pointcloud(c2) pc2 = ru.transformPointCloud2(pc2, tfm_listener, fr1, fr2) req = PCDDataRequest() req.pc = pc1 req.fname = "cloud1.pcd" pcdService(req) req.pc = pc2 req.fname = "cloud2.pcd" pcdService(req)
def process_request(self, req): if req['type'] == 'custom': try: f = self.plotting_funcs[req['func']] except KeyError: print colorize("No custom plotting function with name : %s. Ignoring plot request."%req['func'], "red") elif req['type'] == 'mlab': try: f = getattr(mlab, req['func']) except KeyError: print colorize("No mlab plotting function with name : %s. Ignoring plot request."%req['func'], "red") args, kwargs = req['data'] f(*args, **kwargs)
def calibrate (self, method='ar', use_icp=False, n_obs=10, n_avg=5): print method if self.num_cameras == 1: redprint ("Only one camera. You don't need to calibrate.", True) self.calibrated = True self.cameras.calibrated = True return self.initialize_calibration(method) n_effective_obs = 0 while n_effective_obs < n_obs: yellowprint("Please hold still for a few seconds. Make sure the transforms look good on rviz.") raw_input(colorize("Observation %d from %d. Press return when ready." % (n_effective_obs+1, n_obs), 'green', True)) if method == 'ar': calibration_updated = self.process_observation_ar(n_avg) elif method == 'cb': calibration_updated = self.process_observation_cb() else: calibration_updated = self.process_observation_pycb() if calibration_updated: n_effective_obs += 1 if method == 'pycb': self.calibrated = self.finish_calibration_pycb() else: self.calibrated = self.finish_calibration(use_icp) self.cameras.calibrated = self.calibrated
def get_first_state(dt, c1_ts, c1_tfs, c2_ts, c2_tfs, hy_ts, hy_tfs): """ Return the first state (mean, covar) to initialize the kalman filter with. Assumes that the time-stamps start at a common zero (are on the same time-scale). Returns a state b/w t=[0, dt] Gives priority to AR-markers. If no ar-markers are found in [0,dt], it returns hydra's estimate but with larger covariance. """ ar1 = [c1_tfs[i] for i in xrange(len(c1_ts)) if c1_ts[i] <= dt] ar2 = [c2_tfs[i] for i in xrange(len(c2_ts)) if c2_ts[i] <= dt] hy = [hy_tfs[i] for i in xrange(len(hy_ts)) if hy_ts[i] <= dt] if ar1 != [] or ar2 != []: ar1.extend(ar2) x0 = state_from_tfms_no_velocity([avg_transform(ar1)]) I3 = np.eye(3) S0 = scl.block_diag(1e-3*I3, 1e-2*I3, 1e-3*I3, 1e-3*I3) else: assert len(hy)!=0, colorize("No transforms found for KF initialization. Aborting.", "red", True) x0 = state_from_tfms_no_velocity([avg_transform(hy)]) I3 = np.eye(3) S0 = scl.block_diag(1e-1*I3, 1e-1*I3, 1e-2*I3, 1e-2*I3) return (x0, S0)
def process_observation(self, n_avg=5): """ Store an observation of ar_marker and hydras. """ raw_input(colorize("Press return when ready to capture transforms.", "green", True)) ar_avg_tfm = [] hydra_avg_tfm = [] for j in xrange(n_avg): print colorize('\tGetting averaging transform : %d of %d ...'%(j,n_avg-1), "blue", True) ar_transforms = gmt.get_ar_markers_from_cameras(self.cameras, cams = [self.calib_camera], markers = [self.ar_marker]) hydra_transforms = gmt.get_hydra_transforms('hydra_base', [self.calib_hydra]) ar_avg_tfm.append(ar_transforms[self.ar_marker]) hydra_avg_tfm.append(hydra_transforms[self.ar_marker][self.calib_hydra]) self.ar_transforms.append(utils.avg_transform(ar_avg_tfm)) self.hydra_transforms.append(utils.avg_transform(hydra_avg_tfm))
def get_tfm_from_obs(self, hydra_marker, n_tfm=15, n_avg=30): """ Stores a bunch of readings from sensors. """ all_tfms = [] if rospy.get_name == '/unnamed': rospy.init_node('gripper_calib') sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) i = 0 n_attempts_max = n_avg*2 while i < n_tfm: raw_input(colorize("Getting transform %i out of %i. Hit return when ready."%(i, n_tfm-1), 'yellow', True)) j = 0 n_attempts_effective = 0; hyd_tfms = [] ar_tfms = [] while j < n_attempts_max: j += 1 ar_tfms_j = self.cameras.get_ar_markers(markers=[self.ar_marker]); hyd_tfms_j = gmt.get_hydra_transforms(parent_frame=self.parent_frame, hydras=[hydra_marker]); if not ar_tfms_j or not hyd_tfms_j: if not ar_tfms_j: yellowprint("Could not find required ar markers from " + str(self.ar_marker)) else: yellowprint("Could not find required hydra transforms from " + str(hydra_marker)) continue ar_tfms.append(ar_tfms_j[self.ar_marker]) hyd_tfms.append(hyd_tfms_j[hydra_marker]) blueprint('\tGetting averaging transform : %d of %d ...'%(n_attempts_effective, n_avg-1)) n_attempts_effective += 1 if n_attempts_effective == n_avg: break sleeper.sleep() if n_attempts_effective < n_avg: yellowprint("Not enough transforms were collected; try again") continue ar_tfm = avg_transform(ar_tfms) hyd_tfm = avg_transform(hyd_tfms) all_tfms.append(nlg.inv(ar_tfm).dot(hyd_tfm)) i += 1 return avg_transform(all_tfms)
def extract_snapshots_on_cloud(demo_type, core_type): """ runs snapshot extraction on the cloud and saves the result on local machine. """ demo_testing_dir = osp.join(testing_results_dir, demo_type) env_state_files = find_recursive(demo_testing_dir, '*.cp') state_infos = [] for env_state_file in env_state_files[0:2]: with open(env_state_file,"r") as fh: seg_info = cp.load(fh)['seg_info'] if seg_info == None: continue save_dir = osp.join(osp.dirname(env_state_file), 'snapshots', osp.splitext(osp.basename(env_state_file))[0]) state_infos.append((seg_info, save_dir)) print colorize("calling on cloud..", "yellow", True) jids =, state_infos, _env='RSS3', _type=core_type) res = cloud.result(jids) print colorize("got snapshots from cloud for : %s. Saving..."%demo_type, "green", True) save_snapshots_from_cloud(res)
def process_observation(self, n_avg=5): """ Store an observation of ar_marker and hydras. """ raw_input(colorize("Press return when ready to capture transforms.", "green", True)) calib_avg_tfm = [] hydra_avg_tfm = [] j = 0 thresh = n_avg*2 sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) while j < n_avg: print colorize('\tGetting averaging transform : %d of %d ...'%(j+1,n_avg), "blue", True) calib_tfm = self.calib_func() hydra_tfm = self.get_hydra_transform() if calib_tfm is None or hydra_tfm is None: if calib_tfm is None: yellowprint('Could not find all required AR transforms.') else: yellowprint('Could not find all required hydra transforms.') thresh -= 1 if thresh == 0: redprint('Tried too many times but could not get enough transforms.') return False continue calib_avg_tfm.append(calib_tfm) hydra_avg_tfm.append(hydra_tfm) j += 1 sleeper.sleep() self.calib_transforms.append(utils.avg_transform(calib_avg_tfm)) self.hydra_transforms.append(utils.avg_transform(hydra_avg_tfm)) return True
def process_observation (self, n_avg=5): self.iterations += 1 raw_input(colorize("Iteration %d: Press return when ready to capture transforms."%self.iterations, "red", True)) sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) avg_tfms = {} j = 0 thresh = n_avg*2 pot_avg = 0.0 while j < n_avg: blueprint('\tGetting averaging transform : %d of %d ...'%(j,n_avg-1)) tfms = {} # F**k the frames bullshit ar_tfm = self.cameras.get_ar_markers(markers=self.ar_markers) hyd_tfm = gmt.get_hydra_transforms(parent_frame=self.parent_frame, hydras = self.hydras) pot_angle = gmt.get_pot_angle() if not ar_tfm or (not hyd_tfm and self.hydras): yellowprint('Could not find all required transforms.') thresh -= 1 if thresh == 0: return False continue pot_avg += pot_angle j += 1 tfms.update(ar_tfm) tfms.update(hyd_tfm) # The angle relevant for each finger is only half the angle. for marker in tfms: if marker not in avg_tfms: avg_tfms[marker] = [] avg_tfms[marker].append(tfms[marker]) sleeper.sleep() pot_avg /= n_avg greenprint("Average angle found: %f"%pot_avg) for marker in avg_tfms: avg_tfms[marker] = utils.avg_transform(avg_tfms[marker]) update_groups_from_observations(self.masterGraph, avg_tfms, pot_angle) return True
def process_observation(self, n_avg=5): """ Get an observation and update transform list. """ yellowprint("Please hold still for a few seconds.") self.observation_info = {i:[] for i in xrange(self.num_cameras)} self.observed_ar_transforms = {i:{} for i in xrange(self.num_cameras)} # Get RGBD observations for i in xrange(n_avg): print colorize("Transform %d out of %d for averaging."%(i,n_avg),'yellow',False) data = self.cameras.get_RGBD() for j,cam_data in data.items(): self.observation_info[j].append(cam_data) # Find AR transforms from RGBD observations and average out transforms. for i in self.observation_info: for obs in self.observation_info[i]: ar_pos = gmt.get_ar_marker_poses (obs['rgb'], obs['depth']) for marker in ar_pos: if self.observed_ar_transforms[i].get(marker) is None: self.observed_ar_transforms[i][marker] = [] self.observed_ar_transforms[i][marker].append(ar_pos[marker]) for marker in self.observed_ar_transforms[i]: self.observed_ar_transforms[i][marker] = utils.avg_transform(self.observed_ar_transforms[i][marker]) for i in xrange(1,self.num_cameras): transform = self.find_transform_between_cameras_from_obs(0, i) if transform is None: redprint("Did not find a transform between cameras 0 and %d"%i) continue if self.transform_list.get(0,i) is None: self.transform_list[0,i] = [] self.transform_list[0,i].append(transform)
def calibrate (self, n_obs=10, n_avg=5, tfm_pub=None): if self.num_cameras == 1: redprint ("Only one camera. You don't need to calibrate.", True) self.calibrated = True self.cameras.set_calibrated(True) return self.initialize_calibration() for i in range(n_obs): yellowprint ("Transform %d out of %d."%(i,n_obs)) if tfm_pub is not None: tfm_pub.set_publish_pc(True) raw_input(colorize("Press return when you're ready to take the next observation from the cameras.",'green',True)) if tfm_pub is not None: tfm_pub.set_publish_pc(False) self.process_observation(n_avg) self.calibrated = self.finish_calibration() self.cameras.set_calibrated(self.calibrated)
def calibrate_gripper_lite(lr): global cameras, tfm_pub greenprint('Step 3.1 Calibrate %s gripper.'%lr) gr = gripper_lite.GripperLite(lr, marker=gripper_marker_id[lr], cameras=cameras, trans_marker_tooltip=gripper_trans_marker_tooltip[lr]) tfm_pub.add_gripper(gr) tfm_pub.set_publish_grippers(True) lr_long = {'l':'left','r':'right'}[lr] if yes_or_no(colorize('Do you want to add hydra to %sgripper?'%lr, 'yellow')): gr.add_hydra(hydra_marker=lr_long, tfm=None, ntfm=GRIPPER_LITE_N_OBS, navg=GRIPPER_LITE_N_AVG)
def get_obs_new_marker(self, marker, n_tfm=10, n_avg=10): """ Store a bunch of readings seen for new marker being added. Returns a list of dicts each of which has marker transforms found and potentiometer angles. """ all_obs = [] i = 0 thresh = n_avg * 2 sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) while i < n_tfm: raw_input(colorize("Getting transform %i out of %i. Hit return when ready." % (i, n_tfm), 'yellow', True)) j = 0 j_th = 0 pot_angle = 0 found = True avg_tfms = [] while j < n_avg: blueprint("Averaging transform %i out of %i." % (j, n_avg)) ar_tfms = self.cameras.get_ar_markers(); hyd_tfms = gmt.get_hydra_transforms(parent_frame=self.parent_frame, hydras=None); curr_angle = gmt.get_pot_angle( if not ar_tfms and not hyd_tfms: yellowprint("Could not find any transform.") j_th += 1 if j_th < thresh: continue else: found = False break tfms = ar_tfms pot_angle += curr_angle tfms.update(hyd_tfms) avg_tfms.append(tfms) j += 1 sleeper.sleep() if found is False: yellowprint("Something went wrong; try again.") continue tfms_found = {} for tfms in avg_tfms: for m in tfms: if m not in tfms_found: tfms_found[m] = [] tfms_found[m].append(tfms[m]) if marker not in tfms_found: yellowprint("Could not find marker to be added; try again.") continue for m in tfms_found: tfms_found[m] = utils.avg_transform(tfms_found[m]) pot_angle = pot_angle / n_avg all_obs.append({'tfms':tfms_found, 'pot_angle':pot_angle}) i += 1 return all_obs
def initialize_simple (n_avg=30): """ Initializes the file to load from for simple feedback. Creates AABB out of specified points. """ if rospy.get_name() == '/unnamed': rospy.init_node('simple_feedback_init', anonymous=True) sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) yellowprint("You will be asked to move gripper around the feasibility zone.") lr = raw_input(colorize("Please enter l/r based on which gripper you are using for initialization: ",'yellow',True)) lr_long = {'l':'left', 'r':'right'}[lr] aabb_points = [] raw_input(colorize("Place the gripper at bottom-left of reachable region closer to you.",'blue',True)) attempts = 10 while attempts > 0: try: blc_tfm = get_avg_hydra_tfm(lr_long, n_avg, sleeper)[lr_long] print blc_tfm aabb_points.append(blc_tfm[0:3,3]) break except Exception as e: print e attempts -= 1 yellowprint("Failed attempt. Trying %i more times."%attempts) sleeper.sleep() if attempts == 0: redprint("Could not find hydra.") raw_input(colorize("Place the gripper at bottom-right of reachable region closer to you.",'blue',True)) attempts = 10 while attempts > 0: try: brc_tfm = get_avg_hydra_tfm(lr_long, n_avg, sleeper)[lr_long] print brc_tfm[0:3,3] aabb_points.append(brc_tfm[0:3,3]) break except: attempts -= 1 yellowprint("Failed attempt. Trying %i more times."%attempts) sleeper.sleep() if attempts == 0: redprint("Could not find hydra.") raw_input(colorize("Place the gripper at top-left of reachable region closer to you.",'blue',True)) attempts = 10 while attempts > 0: try: tlc_tfm = get_avg_hydra_tfm(lr_long, n_avg, sleeper)[lr_long] print tlc_tfm[0:3,3] aabb_points.append(tlc_tfm[0:3,3]) break except: attempts -= 1 yellowprint("Failed attempt. Trying %i more times."%attempts) sleeper.sleep() if attempts == 0: redprint("Could not find hydra.") raw_input(colorize("Place the gripper at top-right of reachable region closer to you.",'blue',True)) attempts = 10 while attempts > 0: try: trc_tfm = get_avg_hydra_tfm(lr_long, n_avg, sleeper)[lr_long] print trc_tfm[0:3,3] aabb_points.append(trc_tfm[0:3,3]) break except: attempts -= 1 yellowprint("Failed attempt. Trying %i more times."%attempts) sleeper.sleep() if attempts == 0: redprint("Could not find hydra.") raw_input(colorize("Place the gripper as far from you as possible in the reachable region.",'blue',True)) attempts = 10 while attempts > 0: try: far_tfm = get_avg_hydra_tfm(lr_long, n_avg, sleeper)[lr_long] print far_tfm[0:3,3] aabb_points.append(far_tfm[0:3,3]) break except: attempts -= 1 yellowprint("Failed attempt. Trying %i more times."%attempts) sleeper.sleep() if attempts == 0: redprint("Could not find hydra.") buffer = 0.05 # a little buffer for reachability aabb_points = np.asarray(aabb_points) mins = aabb_points.min(axis=0) - buffer maxes = aabb_points.max(axis=0) + buffer aabb_data = {'mins':mins, 'maxes':maxes} yellowprint("Saving AABB in file...") aabb_file = osp.join(feedback_dir, simple_feedback_name) with open(aabb_file,'w') as fh: cPickle.dump(aabb_data, fh) yellowprint("Saved!")
def initialize_ik (calib_file, n_tfm=5, n_avg=30): """ Initializes the file to load from for ik feedback. First calibrates between PR2 and workspace camera. Finally ends up with a calibration from the PR2 base with the hydra_base. Can use hydra_info to reach tool tip from movement data. """ if rospy.get_name() == '/unnamed': rospy.init_node('ik_feedback_init') cameras = RosCameras() tfm_pub = CalibratedTransformPublisher(cameras) yellowprint("Start up the overhead camera as camera1 and PR2's camera as camera2.") raw_input(colorize("Hit enter when the PR2 is ready at the workstation.",'yellow',True)) c1_frame = 'camera1_link' h_frame = 'hydra_base' # Find tfm from bf to camera1_link greenprint("Calibrating cameras.") cam_calib = CameraCalibrator(cameras) done = False while not done: cam_calib.calibrate(n_obs=n_tfm, n_avg=n_avg) if not cam_calib.calibrated: redprint("Camera calibration failed.") cam_calib.reset_calibration() else: # Add camera to camera tfm and camera to PR2 tfm tfm_cam = cam_calib.get_transforms()[0] tfm_pr2 = {'parent':'base_footprint', 'child':c1_frame} tfm_bf_c2l = get_transform('base_footprint','camera_link') tfm_pr2['tfm'] =['tfm'])) # tfm_pub.add_transforms(cam_calib.get_transforms()) tfm_pub.add_transforms([tfm_cam, tfm_pr2]) print tfm_pub.transforms if yes_or_no("Are you happy with the calibration? Check RVIZ."): done = True tfm_pub.save_calibration(cam_pr2_calib_name) greenprint("Cameras calibrated.") else: yellowprint("Calibrating cameras again.") cam_calib.reset_calibration() tfm_c1_h = None # Now, find transform between base_footprint and hydra base with open(calib_file,'r') as fh: calib_data = cPickle.load(fh) for tfm in calib_data['transforms']: if tfm['parent'] == c1_frame or tfm['parent'] == '/' + c1_frame: if tfm['child'] == h_frame or tfm['child'] == '/' + h_frame: tfm_c1_h = tfm['tfm'] if tfm_c1_h is None: redprint("Hydra calib info not found in %s."%calib_file) grippers = calib_data['grippers'] assert 'l' in grippers.keys() and 'r' in grippers.keys(), 'Calibration does not have both grippers.' gprs = {} for lr,gdata in grippers.items(): gr = gripper_lite.GripperLite(lr, gdata['ar'], trans_marker_tooltip=gripper_trans_marker_tooltip[lr]) gr.reset_gripper(lr, gdata['tfms'], gdata['ar'], gdata['hydra']) gprs[lr] = gr ik_file_data = {} ik_file_data['pr2'] = tfm_pr2['tfm'].dot(tfm_c1_h) lr_long = {'l':'left','r':'right'} for lr in gprs: ik_file_data[lr_long[lr]] = gprs[lr].get_rel_transform(lr_long[lr], 'tool_tip') yellowprint("Saving IK feedback data in file...") ik_file = osp.join(feedback_dir, ik_feedback_name) with open(ik_file,'w') as fh: cPickle.dump(ik_file_data, fh) yellowprint("Saved!")
def record_demo (demo_name, use_voice): """ Record a single demo. Returns True/False depending on whether demo needs to be saved. @demo_dir: directory where demo is recorded. @use_voice: bool on whether to use voice for demo or not. """ global cmd_checker, topic_writer, demo_type_dir # Start here. Change to voice command. sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) demo_dir = osp.join(demo_type_dir, demo_name) started_video = {cam:False for cam in camera_types} print yellowprint("Starting bag file recording.") bag_file = osp.join(demo_dir,demo_names.bag_name) topic_writer.start_saving(bag_file) started_bag = True for cam in camera_types: yellowprint("Calling saveImagecamera%i service."%cam) save_image_services[cam](cam_save_requests[cam]) started_video[cam] = True # Change to voice command time.sleep(1.2)"espeak -v en 'Recording.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) time_start = time.time() if use_voice: while True: status = cmd_checker.get_latest_msg() if status in ["cancel recording","finish recording","check demo"]: break sleeper.sleep() else: raw_input(colorize("Press any key when done.",'y',True)) time_finish = time.time() for cam in started_video: if started_video[cam]: save_image_services[cam](cam_stop_request) yellowprint("Stopped video%i."%cam) if started_bag: topic_writer.stop_saving() yellowprint("Stopped bag.") if use_voice: while status == "check demo":"espeak -v en 'Visualizing.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) view_hydra_demo_on_rviz(demo_type, demo_name, freq, speed, prompt=False, verbose=False) time.sleep(0.5) status = cmd_checker.get_latest_msg() greenprint("Time taken to record demo: %02f s"%(time_finish-time_start)) return status == "finish recording" elif yes_or_no("Save demo?"): greenprint("Time taken to record demo: %02f s"%(time_finish-time_start)) return True else: return False
def process_observation (self, n_avg=5): self.iterations += 1 raw_input(colorize("Iteration %d: Press return when ready to capture transforms."%self.iterations, "red", True)) sleeper = rospy.Rate(30) avg_tfms = {} pot_avg = 0.0 j = 0 n_attempts_max = n_avg*2 n_attempts_effective = 0; while j < n_attempts_max: j += 1 tfms = {} # F**k the frames bullshit ar_tfm = self.cameras.get_ar_markers(markers=self.ar_markers, camera=1) hyd_tfm = gmt.get_hydra_transforms(parent_frame=self.parent_frame, hydras = self.hydras) pot_angle = gmt.get_pot_angle( if not ar_tfm or (not hyd_tfm and self.hydras): if not ar_tfm: yellowprint('Could not find required ar markers from '+str(self.ar_markers)) else: yellowprint('Could not find required hydra transforms from '+str(self.hydras)) continue pot_avg += pot_angle tfms.update(ar_tfm) tfms.update(hyd_tfm) blueprint('\tGetting averaging transform: %d of %d ...'%(n_attempts_effective, n_avg-1)) n_attempts_effective += 1 # The angle relevant for each finger is only half the angle. for marker in tfms: if marker not in avg_tfms: avg_tfms[marker] = [] avg_tfms[marker].append(tfms[marker]) if n_attempts_effective == n_avg: break sleeper.sleep() if n_attempts_effective < n_avg: return False; pot_avg /= n_avg greenprint("Average angle found: %f"%pot_avg) for marker in avg_tfms: avg_tfms[marker] = utils.avg_transform(avg_tfms[marker]) ## only one marker on gripper now #if len(avg_tfms) == 1: # yellowprint('Found %i marker only. Not enough to update.'%avg_tfms.keys()[0]) update_groups_from_observations(self.masterGraph, avg_tfms, pot_angle) return True