Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_isub(self):
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)
        sub_amount = 3

        expected_heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount - sub_amount)
        heal -= sub_amount

        self.assertEqual(heal, expected_heal)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_iadd(self):
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)
        add_amount = 10

        expected_heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount + add_amount)

        heal += add_amount
        self.assertEqual(heal, expected_heal)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_isub_negative_amount(self):
        """ Should reset it to 0 rather than have it stay negative"""
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)
        sub_amount = 10

        expected_heal = Heal(heal_amount=0)
        heal -= sub_amount

        self.assertEqual(heal, expected_heal)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def castSpell(self):
        if self._attackCounter > 0:

        if self.stats['mana'] < 7:

        self.stats['mana'] -= 7  # Każdy czar kosztuje 7 many
        self._attackCounter = 40
        _modifier = (self.stats['intelligence'] * 67 +
                     self.stats['agility'] * 33) / 10000.0
        if self._spell & MAGIC_ICE:
            _id = 'hero_iceblast_' + str(random.randint(0, 1048576))
            _layer = self._map.getLayer('Missiles')
                Iceblast(self._map, _layer, _id, self._direction, self._pos,

        elif self._spell & MAGIC_FIRE:
            _id = 'hero_fireball_' + str(random.randint(0, 1048576))
            _layer = self._map.getLayer('Missiles')
                Fireball(self._map, _layer, _id, self._direction, self._pos,

        elif self._spell & MAGIC_HEAL:
            _id = 'hero_heal_' + str(random.randint(0, 1048576))
            _layer = self._map.getLayer('Missiles')
                Heal(self._map, _layer, _id, self._direction, self._pos,
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, screen):
     # bool pour jeu
     self.is_playing = 1
     # charger le joueur
     self.all_player = pygame.sprite.Group()
     self.player = Player(self)
     # charger les monstres
     self.all_monsters = pygame.sprite.Group()
     # charger les heal
     self.all_heal = pygame.sprite.Group()
     self.heal = Heal(self)
     # charger le lance flamme
     self.all_fireblast = pygame.sprite.Group()
     self.fireblast = FireBlast(self)
     # charger le boss
     self.all_boss = pygame.sprite.Group()
     # charger le dico vide
     self.pressed = {}
     # mettre le boss sur False
     self.percent = 0
     self.maxpercent = 200
     self.percent_speed = 1
     self.boss_is_coming = False
     # récupérer l'écran
     self.screen = screen
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_rsub(self):
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)
        amount = 10

        expected_result = amount - heal_amount

        self.assertEqual(amount - heal, expected_result)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_sub(self):
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)
        sub_amount = 3

        expected_amount = 2

        self.assertEqual(heal - sub_amount, expected_amount)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_radd(self):
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)

        add_amount = 10
        expected_amount = heal_amount + add_amount

        add_amount += heal
        self.assertEqual(add_amount, expected_amount)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_add(self):
        """ __add__ takes a numeric type (int/float) """
        heal_amount = 5
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)

        add_amount = 10
        expected_amount = heal_amount + add_amount

        self.assertEqual(heal + add_amount, expected_amount)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update(self):
        if random.randint(1, 3000) == 1 and self.getLife(
                True) < 1:  # raz na jakiś czas możne się uleczyć
            self._attackCounter = 0
            _id = 'mage_heal_' + str(random.randint(0, 1048576))
            _layer = self._map.getLayer('Missiles')
                _id, Heal(self._map, _layer, _id, self._direction, self._pos))
            return False

        return super(Mage, self).update()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_eq(self):
        """ __eq__ checks for the heal_amount being equal"""
        heal_1 = Heal(heal_amount=5)
        heal_2 = Heal(heal_amount=5)

        self.assertEqual(heal_1, heal_2)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_str(self):
        heal_amount = 5.111
        heal = Heal(heal_amount=heal_amount)
        expected_str = f'{heal_amount:.2f}'

        self.assertEqual(str(heal), expected_str)