Exemplo n.º 1
def look_up_D(detnorm, source, array=False):
    """The look up table for detector D. 
    detnorm : array
        The vector normal to detector D. 
    source : array
        The vector pointing to where in the sky the GRB came from. 
    x : float
        The exponent of dependence for the detector's response.
    if array:
        ang = findAngles(detnorm, source)

    if not array:
        ang = angle(detnorm, source)

    sourceang = hp.vec2ang(source)
    sourcetheta = sourceang[0]
    sourcephi = sourceang[1]
    #convert to degrees for now, not a big dealio or anything yet.
    sourcetheta = np.around(
    )  #This needs to be able to take in an array and produce corresponding R's.
    sourcephi = np.around(np.rad2deg(sourcephi))
    X = np.arange(0, 180, 1)  #full sky now.
    Y = np.arange(0, 360, 1)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    R = 0.76 * np.ones(shape=np.shape(X))

    if not array:
        if ang > np.pi / 2:
            x = 0
            mask1 = X == sourcetheta
            mask2 = Y == sourcephi

            x = R[mask1 & mask2]

        x = []

        for i in range(len(source)):

            sourceang = hp.vec2ang(source[i])

            mask1 = X == np.around(np.rad2deg(sourceang[0]))  #theta mask
            mask2 = Y == np.around(np.rad2deg(sourceang[1]))  #phi mask

            x.append(R[mask1 & mask2])

    return x
Exemplo n.º 2
def antipode(x, y, coord="C", degrees=False):
    if coord=C : x->ra, y->dec
    if coord=E : x->phi, y->theta
    returns the anitpode position
    if coord == "C":
        Y, X = hp.vec2ang(-hp.ang2vec(0.5 * np.pi - y, x))
        Y = 0.5 * np.pi - Y
    elif coord == "E":
        Y, X = hp.vec2ang(-hp.ang2vec(y, x))
    return X, Y
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_fp_rotations(phi, theta, psi, x_fp, n_horns, time, n=None, cartesian=False):
    It returns the temporal sequence of pointings for each horn. 

    phi       : numpy array of shape (obs_time * sampling_rate), radians 
                The Azimith angle.
    theta     : numpy array of shape (obs_time * sampling_rate), radians 
                The Zenith distance.
    psi       : numpy array of shape (obs_time * sampling_rate), radians 
                The polarization angle.
    x_fp      : numpy array of shape (n_horns, 3)
                They are the positions (versors) of the horns in the frame of reference of the 
                focal plane (the one in which the central horn points towards the local Zenith with 
                versor (0, 0, 1)).
    n_honrs   : integer
                It is the total number of horns.
    time      : numpy array of shape (obs_time * sampling rate), sec
                It is the time sample expressed in seconds.
    n         : integer in the range (0, n_horns - 1), default = None
                It is the horn for which the pointings are computed. If None, will be returned 
                the pointings for all the horns.
    cartesian : boolean, dafault = False
                If True will be returned the pointings in cartesian coordinates. Otherwise, the 
                spherical coordinates of the pointings will be returned.

    out : numpy array of shape (n_horns, obs_time * sampling_rate, 2), 
          numpy array of shape (n_horns, obs_time * sampling_rate, 3) if cartesian, 
          numpy array of shape (obs_time * sampling_rate, 2) if n,
          numpy array of shape (obs_time * sampling_rate, 3) if n and cartesian
    tc, tw = (timing.clock(), timing.time())
    fp_rotations = euler_rotation_matrix(phi, theta, psi)
    if n is None:
        fp_pointings = np.sum(fp_rotations[None, ...] * x_fp[:, None, None, :], axis=-1)
        fp_pointings_spherical = np.column_stack(hp.vec2ang(fp_pointings)).reshape(
            n_horns, len(time), 2)
        fp_pointings = np.sum(fp_rotations * x_fp[n, None, :], axis=-1)
        fp_pointings_spherical = np.column_stack(hp.vec2ang(fp_pointings))
    clock_time, wall_time = (timing.clock() - tc, timing.time() - tw)
    print ('fp conversion clock time [sec]:', clock_time, '\n', 'fp conversion wall time [sec]:',
    if cartesian:
        return fp_pointings
    return fp_pointings_spherical 
def get_vertices(m):
    m = np.copy(m)
    top_npix = len(m)
    top_nside = hp.npix2nside(top_npix)
    top_order = int(np.log2(top_nside))
    for order in range(top_order + 1):
        nside = 1 << order
        npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        stride = 1 << (2 * (top_order - order))
        keep = (hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=True) *
                np.expand_dims(xyz0, 1)).sum(0) >= np.cos(np.deg2rad(30))
        if order < top_order:
            mm = m.reshape((-1, stride))
            keep &= (mm[:, :-1] == mm[:, 1:]).all(axis=1)
            m += hp.ud_grade(np.where(keep, np.nan, 0),
            keep &= ~np.isnan(m)
        for ipix in np.flatnonzero(keep):
            boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, ipix, nest=True, step=1).T
            theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(boundaries)
            ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
            dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)
            vertices = np.column_stack((ra, dec))
            yield vertices
Exemplo n.º 5
def visualizeHealPixMap(theMap, nest=True, title="map", norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=plt.cm.hot_r):
    from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
    from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
    nside = hp.npix2nside(theMap.size)
    mapValue = theMap[theMap != hp.UNSEEN]
    indices = np.arange(theMap.size)
    seenInds = indices[theMap != hp.UNSEEN]

    print "Building polygons from HEALPixel map."
    vertices = np.zeros( (seenInds.size, 4, 2) )
    print "Building polygons for "+str(seenInds.size)+" HEALPixels."
    for HPixel,i in zip(seenInds,xrange(seenInds.size)):
        corners = hp.vec2ang( np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside,HPixel,nest=nest) ) )
        # HEALPix insists on using theta/phi; we in astronomy like to use ra/dec.
        vertices[i,:,0] = corners[1] *180./np.pi
        vertices[i,:,1] = 90.0 - corners[0] * 180/np.pi

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
    #coll = PolyCollection(vertices, array = mapValue, cmap = plt.cm.seismic, edgecolors='none')
    coll = PolyCollection(vertices, array=mapValue, cmap=cmap, edgecolors='none')
    coll.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

    #ax.set_ylim([-60.2, -43])

    print "Writing to file: "+title+".png"
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_buzzard_catalog(pixel, mag_lensed=False, coord_lensed=True):

    path = os.path.join('/', 'project', 'projectdirs', 'desi', 'mocks',
                        'buzzard', 'buzzard_v2.0', 'buzzard-4',
                        'i25_lensing_cat', '8')

    path = os.path.join(path, '{}'.format(pixel // 100), '{}'.format(pixel))
    fname = 'Buzzard_v2.0_lensed-8-{}.fits'.format(pixel)

    table = Table.read(os.path.join(path, fname))
    table.rename_column('GAMMA1', 'gamma_1')
    table.rename_column('GAMMA2', 'gamma_2')
    table.rename_column('Z', 'z_true')
    table.rename_column('MU', 'mu')

    if mag_lensed:
        table['mag'] = np.hstack((table['LMAG'], table['LMAG_WISE']))
        table['mag'] = np.hstack((table['TMAG'], table['TMAG_WISE']))

    if coord_lensed:
        table.rename_column('RA', 'ra')
        table.rename_column('DEC', 'dec')
        table['ra'], table['dec'] = hp.vec2ang(np.array(
            [table['PX'], table['PY'], table['PZ']]).T,

        ['z_true', 'ra', 'dec', 'mag', 'gamma_1', 'gamma_2', 'mu'])

    table.meta = {}

    return table
Exemplo n.º 7
def simulate_points(m_in, n, info, scaling=SCALING):
    m = (1 + scaling * m_in).clip(0, np.inf)
    m[m_in == 0] = 0
    npix = m.size
    pix_prob = m / m.sum()
    #  Choose random pixels
    pix = np.random.choice(npix, size=n, replace=True, p=pix_prob)
    counts = np.zeros(npix, dtype=int)

    for p in pix:
        counts[p] += 1

    Ra = []
    Dec = []

    for i in range(npix):
        if counts[i] == 0:

        P = sample_quadrilateral(counts[i], info[i])
        ra, dec = hp.vec2ang(P, lonlat=True)

    Ra = np.concatenate(Ra)
    Dec = np.concatenate(Dec)

    return Ra, Dec
Exemplo n.º 8
def getDipole(p):

    py  = p['Y(1,-1)']
    pz  = p['Y(1,0)']
    px  = p['Y(1,1)']
    dpy = p['dY(1,-1)']
    dpz = p['dY(1,0)']
    dpx = p['dY(1,1)']

    # Calculate dipole strength
    #p0  = np.sqrt(3.*(px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)/(4.*np.pi))
    p0  = np.sqrt(px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)
    dp0 = np.sqrt(((px*dpx)**2 + (py*dpy)**2 + (px*dpz)**2) / p0**2)

    # Calculate dipole phase
    theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.array([px, py, pz]))

    # phi = arctan(y/x)
    dphidy =  px / (px**2 + py**2)
    dphidx = -py / (px**2 + py**2)
    dPhi = np.sqrt((dphidx * dpx)**2 + (dphidy * dpy)**2)

    # theta = arccos(z / np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2))
    dthetadx = px * pz / (np.sqrt((px**2 + py**2)/(px**2+py**2+pz**2)) * \
            np.sqrt((px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)**(3)))
    dthetady = py * pz / (np.sqrt((px**2 + py**2)/(px**2+py**2+pz**2)) * \
            np.sqrt((px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)**(3)))
    dthetadz = -np.sqrt((px**2 + py**2)/(px**2+py**2+pz**2)) / \
            np.sqrt(px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)
    dTheta = np.sqrt((dthetadx*dpx)**2 + (dthetady*dpy)**2 + (dthetadz*dpz)**2)

    return p0, dp0, theta, dTheta, phi, dPhi
Exemplo n.º 9
def overhead( ifo, coord="E", tgeocent=None, degrees=False ):
    get the overhead direction of an ifo. 

    overhead is defined as (nx x ny) = nz
    if ifo not in detectors.keys():
        raise ValueError("ifo=%s not understood"%ifo )

    nz = __overhead_Evec( ifo )
    t, p = hp.vec2ang( nz )

    if isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
        t = t[0]
        p = p[0]

    if coord == "E":
        if degrees:
            t *= deg2rad
            p *= deg2rad
        return t, p
    elif coord == "C":    
        if tgeocent==None:
            raise ValueError("please supply tgeocent when coord=C")
        dc, ra = __earth2celest( t, p, tgeocent )
        if degrees:
            dc *= rad2deg
            ra *= rad2deg
        return dc, ra
Exemplo n.º 10
def make_rect_poly(width, height, theta, phi, subdivisions=10):
    """Create a Polygon patch representing a rectangle with half-angles width
    and height rotated from the north pole to (theta, phi)."""

    # Convert width and height to radians, then to Cartesian coordinates.
    w = np.sin(np.deg2rad(width))
    h = np.sin(np.deg2rad(height))

    # Generate vertices of rectangle.
    v = np.asarray([[-w, -h], [w, -h], [w, h], [-w, h]])

    # Subdivide.
    v = subdivide_vertices(v, subdivisions)

    # Project onto sphere by calculating z-coord from normalization condition.
    v = np.hstack((v, np.sqrt(1. - np.expand_dims(np.square(v).sum(1), 1))))

    # Transform vertices.
    v = np.dot(v, hp.rotator.euler_matrix_new(phi, theta, 0, Y=True))

    # Convert to spherical polar coordinates.
    thetas, phis = hp.vec2ang(v)

    # FIXME: Remove this after all Matplotlib monkeypatches are obsolete.
    if mpl_version < '1.2.0':
        # Return list of vertices as longitude, latitude pairs.
        return np.column_stack((reference_angle(phis), 0.5 * np.pi - thetas))
        # Return list of vertices as longitude, latitude pairs.
        return np.column_stack((wrapped_angle(phis), 0.5 * np.pi - thetas))
Exemplo n.º 11
def make_rect_poly(width, height, theta, phi, subdivisions=10):
    """Create a Polygon patch representing a rectangle with half-angles width
    and height rotated from the north pole to (theta, phi)."""

    # Convert width and height to radians, then to Cartesian coordinates.
    w = np.sin(np.deg2rad(width))
    h = np.sin(np.deg2rad(height))

    # Generate vertices of rectangle.
    v = np.array([[-w, -h], [w, -h], [w, h], [-w, h]])

    # Subdivide.
    v = subdivide_vertices(v, subdivisions)

    # Project onto sphere by calculating z-coord from normalization condition.
    v = np.hstack((v, np.sqrt(1. - np.expand_dims((v * v).sum(1), 1))))

    # Transform vertices.
    v = np.dot(v, hp.rotator.euler_matrix_new(phi, theta, 0, Y=True))

    # Convert to spherical polar coordinates.
    thetas, phis = hp.vec2ang(v)

    # FIXME: Remove this after all Matplotlib monkeypatches are obsolete.
    if mpl_version < '1.2.0':
        # Return list of vertices as longitude, latitude pairs.
        return np.vstack((reference_angle(phis), 0.5 * np.pi - thetas)).T
        # Return list of vertices as longitude, latitude pairs.
        return np.vstack((wrapped_angle(phis), 0.5 * np.pi - thetas)).T
Exemplo n.º 12
def GetHealPixRectangles(nside, dbrange, nest):
    hpindex = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))

    vec_corners = hp.boundaries(nside, hpindex, nest=nest)
    vec_corners = np.transpose(vec_corners, (0,2,1))
    vec_corners = np.reshape(vec_corners, (vec_corners.shape[0]*vec_corners.shape[1], vec_corners.shape[2]))
    theta_corners, phi_corners = hp.vec2ang(vec_corners)
    theta_corners = np.reshape(theta_corners, (theta_corners.shape[0]/4, 4))
    phi_corners = np.reshape(phi_corners, (phi_corners.shape[0]/4, 4))

    ra_corners = np.degrees(phi_corners)
    dec_corners = 90.0 - np.degrees(theta_corners)

    rainside = ( (ra_corners > dbrange[0]) & (ra_corners < dbrange[1]) )
    rakeep = np.sum(rainside, axis=-1)
    decinside = ( (dec_corners > dbrange[2]) & (dec_corners < dbrange[3]) )
    deckeep = np.sum(decinside, axis=-1)
    keep = ( (rakeep > 0) & (deckeep > 0) )
    ra_corners, dec_corners, hpindex = Cut(ra_corners, dec_corners, hpindex, cut=keep)

    ramin = np.amin(ra_corners, axis=-1)
    ramax = np.amax(ra_corners, axis=-1)
    decmin = np.amin(dec_corners, axis=-1)
    decmax = np.amax(dec_corners, axis=-1)

    return ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax, hpindex
Exemplo n.º 13
    def write_rdzw(self, fn):
        '''Write the galaxy catalog in RA, DEC, Z (real & RSD) and weight.'''
        print('>> writing to file: {0:s}'.format(fn))
        t0 = time.time()
        chi_real = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.gcat['xyz'], 2), axis=1))
        vlos = np.sum(self.gcat['xyz'] * self.gcat['vxyz'], axis=1) / chi_real

        z_real = self.chi2z(chi_real)  # real space redshift

        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(self.gcat['xyz'])
        ra, dec = utils.get_ra_dec(theta, phi)

        Hz = self.cosmo.efunc(z_real) * 100.  # km/s/(Mpc/h)
        chi_rsd = chi_real + (1. + z_real) * vlos / Hz
        z_rsd = self.chi2z(chi_rsd)

        weight = np.ones(z_rsd.shape[0])

        header = self.header + 'RA   DEC   Z (RSD)   weight'
        fmt = '%15.7e   %15.7e   %15.7e   %3g'
                   np.column_stack((ra, dec, z_rsd, weight)),

        print('<< time elapsed: {0:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - t0))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def gc2radec(self, gc_phi, gc_theta, min_lon=None):
	convert coordinates in galactic coordinate system to equatorial
        ra, dec.

        gc_phi : `np.ndarray`, float
            angular coordinate in Galactic coordinate system, where the MW
            disk is at theta=0.
        gc_theta : `np.ndarray`, float 
       	    azimuthal coordinate in Galactic coordinate system.
        min_lon : degrees, defaults to None
            min longitude beyond which the galaxy is cut off. If None,
            `self.min_lon` is used.
        max_lon : None, Not implemented yet	
        vec = hp.ang2vec(gc_theta, gc_phi)
        vec_radec = np.asarray(list(np.dot(self.rmat_inv, v) for v in vec))
        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(vec_radec)
        ra, dec = convertToCelestialCoordinates(theta, phi)
        if min_lon is None:
            min_lon = self.min_lon
        mask = dec > min_lon
        return ra[mask], dec[mask]
Exemplo n.º 15
    def vec2sky(cls, vec, degrees=False):
        Convert [x,y,z] vectors into sky coordinates ra,dec

        vec : numpy.array
            Unit vectors as an array of (x,y,z)


        sky : numpy.array
            Sky coordinates as an array of (ra,dec)

        See Also
        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(vec)
        ra = phi
        dec = np.pi / 2 - theta

        if degrees:
            ra = np.degrees(ra)
            dec = np.degrees(dec)
        return cls.radec2sky(ra, dec)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def get_vecpsi(self, rad):
        from healpy import vec2ang

        vec = self.get(rad)
        theta, phi = vec2ang(vec)
        psi = self.compute_psi(theta, phi, rad)
        return vec, psi
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_vert(pixel, nside, nest):
    """Get the coordinates for the vertices for a single Healpix index for a given
    resolution (nside) and schema (nest)

        * All arguments are required
        pixel(int): Healpix index
        nside(int) : Healpix resolution given by nside parameters for the input pixel
        nest(bool): Pixelization schema, True: Nested Schema, False: Ring Schema
        Two lists with the RA and DEC positions for the vertices for the given pixel.
    # Get vertices in radian coordinates for a given pixel
    vertices = np.array(
        hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside, pixel, nest=nest))))
    # To degrees
    vertices = vertices * 180. / np.pi
    diff = vertices[1] - vertices[1][0]  # RA = 0
    diff[diff > 180] -= 360
    diff[diff < -180] += 360
    ra_vert = vertices[1][0] + diff
    ra_vert = np.append(ra_vert, ra_vert[0])
    dec_vert = 90.0 - vertices[0]
    dec_vert = np.append(dec_vert, dec_vert[0])
    return ra_vert, dec_vert
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_detector_pair_axis(ifo1, ifo2, gmst):
    """Find the sky position where the line between two detectors pierces the
    celestial sphere.


    ifo1 : str or `~lal.Detector` or `~np.ndarray`
        The first detector; either the name of the detector (e.g. `'H1'`), or a
        `lal.Detector` object (e.g., as returned by
        `lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector('H1')` or the geocentric
        Cartesian position of the detection in meters.

    ifo2 : str or `~lal.Detector` or `~np.ndarray`
        The second detector; same as described above.

    gmst : float
        The Greenwich mean sidereal time in radians, as returned by


    pole_ra : float
        The right ascension in radians at which a ray from `ifo1` to `ifo2`
        would pierce the celestial sphere.

    pole_dec : float
        The declination in radians at which a ray from `ifo1` to `ifo2` would
        pierce the celestial sphere.

    light_travel_time : float
        The light travel time from `ifo1` to `ifo2` in seconds.

    # Get location of detectors if ifo1, ifo2 are LAL detector structs
        ifo1 = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(ifo1)
    except TypeError:
        ifo1 = ifo1.location
    except AttributeError:
        ifo2 = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(ifo2)
    except TypeError:
        ifo2 = ifo2.location
    except AttributeError:

    n = ifo2 - ifo1
    light_travel_time = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(n))) / lal.C_SI
    (theta, ), (phi, ) = hp.vec2ang(n)
    pole_ra = (gmst + phi) % (2 * np.pi)
    pole_dec = 0.5 * np.pi - theta
    return pole_ra, pole_dec, light_travel_time
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_detector_pair_axis(ifo1, ifo2, gmst):
    """Find the sky position where the line between two detectors pierces the
    celestial sphere.


    ifo1 : str or `~lal.Detector` or `~np.ndarray`
        The first detector; either the name of the detector (e.g. `'H1'`), or a
        `lal.Detector` object (e.g., as returned by
        `lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector('H1')` or the geocentric
        Cartesian position of the detection in meters.

    ifo2 : str or `~lal.Detector` or `~np.ndarray`
        The second detector; same as described above.

    gmst : float
        The Greenwich mean sidereal time in radians, as returned by


    pole_ra : float
        The right ascension in radians at which a ray from `ifo1` to `ifo2`
        would pierce the celestial sphere.

    pole_dec : float
        The declination in radians at which a ray from `ifo1` to `ifo2` would
        pierce the celestial sphere.

    light_travel_time : float
        The light travel time from `ifo1` to `ifo2` in seconds.

    # Get location of detectors if ifo1, ifo2 are LAL detector structs
        ifo1 = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(ifo1)
    except TypeError:
        ifo1 = ifo1.location
    except AttributeError:
        ifo2 = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(ifo2)
    except TypeError:
        ifo2 = ifo2.location
    except AttributeError:

    n = ifo2 - ifo1
    light_travel_time = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(n))) / lal.C_SI
    (theta,), (phi,) = hp.vec2ang(n)
    pole_ra = (gmst + phi) % (2 * np.pi)
    pole_dec = 0.5 * np.pi - theta
    return pole_ra, pole_dec, light_travel_time
Exemplo n.º 20
 def zenith(self):
     nx = self.nx
     ny = self.ny
     nz = np.array([
         nx[1] * ny[2] - nx[2] * ny[1], -nx[0] * ny[2] + nx[2] * ny[0],
         nx[0] * ny[1] - nx[1] * ny[0]
     ])  ### take cross product by hand...
     return hp.vec2ang(nz)  ### theta, phi
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __init__(self, nSide, ident, nest, tractBuilder, ctrCoord,
              tractOverlap, wcs):
     """Set vertices from nside, ident, nest"""
     theta, phi = healpy.vec2ang(
         numpy.transpose(healpy.boundaries(nSide, ident, nest=nest)))
     vertexList = [angToCoord(thetaphi) for thetaphi in zip(theta, phi)]
     super(HealpixTractInfo, self).__init__(ident, tractBuilder, ctrCoord,
                                            vertexList, tractOverlap, wcs)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def get_ang(self, rad, degrees=False):
     from healpy import vec2ang
     vec = self.get(rad)
     ang = vec2ang(vec)
     if degrees:
         return map(np.rad2deg, ang)
         return ang
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_dipole_dir(sky):
    Return the direction of the reconstructed dipole
        in (RA, dec) coordinated
    mono, dipole = hp.fit_dipole(sky)
    d = hp.vec2ang(dipole, lonlat=True)
    return (d[0][0], d[1][0])
def mollweid_vec(l, lmin, lmax, dir_vec, size_var, symbol, fill_style):
    lon, lat = hp.vec2ang(dir_vec, lonlat=True)
                         color=cmap_func((l - lmin) / (lmax - lmin)),
Exemplo n.º 25
    def get_pix_iqu(self, rad, nside=1024, nest=True):
        from healpy import vec2pix, vec2ang

        vec = self.get(rad)
        theta, phi = vec2ang(vec)
        psi = self.compute_psi(theta, phi, rad)
        # return vec2pix(nside, vec[:,0], vec[:,1], vec[:,2], nest), np.cos(2*psi), np.sin(2*psi)
        cos2psi, sin2psi = compute_pol_weigths(psi)
        return vec2pix(nside, vec[:, 0], vec[:, 1], vec[:, 2], nest), cos2psi, sin2psi
Exemplo n.º 26
 def get_pix_iqu(self, rad, nside=1024, nest=True):
     from healpy import vec2pix, vec2ang
     vec = self.get(rad)
     theta, phi = vec2ang(vec)
     psi = self.compute_psi(theta, phi, rad)
     #return vec2pix(nside, vec[:,0], vec[:,1], vec[:,2], nest), np.cos(2*psi), np.sin(2*psi)
     spsi = np.sin(psi)
     cpsi = np.cos(psi)
     cf = 1./(cpsi**2 + spsi**2)
     return vec2pix(nside, vec[:,0], vec[:,1], vec[:,2], nest), (cpsi**2 - spsi**2)*cf, 2*cpsi*spsi*cf
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_detector_pair_axis(ifo1, ifo2, gmst):
    ifo1 = _get_detector_location(ifo1)
    ifo2 = _get_detector_location(ifo2)

    n = ifo2 - ifo1
    light_travel_time = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(n))) / constants.c.value
    (theta,), (phi,) = hp.vec2ang(n)
    pole_ra = (gmst + phi) % (2 * np.pi)
    pole_dec = 0.5 * np.pi - theta
    return pole_ra, pole_dec, light_travel_time
Exemplo n.º 28
    def getFgcmReferenceStarsHealpix(self, nside, pixel, filterList, nest=False):
        Get a reference catalog that overlaps a healpix pixel, using multiple
        filters.  In addition, apply colorterms if available.

        Return format is a numpy recarray for use with fgcm, with the format:

        dtype = ([('ra', `np.float64`),
                  ('dec', `np.float64`),
                  ('refMag', `np.float32`, len(filterList)),
                  ('refMagErr', `np.float32`, len(filterList)])

        Reference magnitudes (AB) will be 99 for non-detections.

        nside: `int`
           Healpix nside of pixel to load
        pixel: `int`
           Healpix pixel of pixel to load
        filterList: `list`
           list of `str` of camera filter names.
        nest: `bool`, optional
           Is the pixel in nest format?  Default is False.

        fgcmRefCat: `np.recarray`

        # Determine the size of the sky circle to load
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixel, nest=nest)
        center = lsst.geom.SpherePoint(phi * lsst.geom.radians, (np.pi/2. - theta) * lsst.geom.radians)

        corners = hp.boundaries(nside, pixel, step=1, nest=nest)
        theta_phi = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(corners))

        radius = 0.0 * lsst.geom.radians
        for ctheta, cphi in zip(*theta_phi):
            rad = center.separation(lsst.geom.SpherePoint(cphi * lsst.geom.radians,
                                                          (np.pi/2. - ctheta) * lsst.geom.radians))
            if (rad > radius):
                radius = rad

        # Load the fgcm-format reference catalog
        fgcmRefCat = self.getFgcmReferenceStarsSkyCircle(center.getRa().asDegrees(),
        catPix = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.radians(90.0 - fgcmRefCat['dec']),
                            np.radians(fgcmRefCat['ra']), nest=nest)

        inPix, = np.where(catPix == pixel)

        return fgcmRefCat[inPix]
Exemplo n.º 29
def parallactic_angle(ze, deg=True): 
    Calculates angle between theta axes given a direction in Equatorial and Galactic coordinates.
    *numpy.einsum()* functions in some products are replaced with numpy.tensordot() for speed. 

    ze  : float or float array
        Direction vector in equatorial coordinate.
    deg : bool
        If it is set 'True', the output angle is in degree. 
        Otherwise, the output angle is in radian (default: True).
    psi_par : float
        parallactic angle for the given direction
    ze = np.array(ze)
    if (hasattr(ze[0], '__iter__')):
        zg = np.tensordot(R_E2G.mat, ze, axes=(1,1)).T
        xp = xp_coord(hp.vec2ang(ze)).T
        xe = np.tensordot(R_E2G.mat, xp, axes=(1,1)).T
        xg = xp_coord(hp.vec2ang(zg)).T
        xcx = np.cross(xe, xg)
        xdx = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', xe, xg)
        idx1 = np.where(xdx > 1)
        xdx[idx1] = 0
        sign = np.sign(np.einsum('ij,ij->i',zg, xcx))
        zg = R_E2G(ze)
        xp = xp_coord(hp.vec2ang(ze)).flatten()
        xe = R_E2G(xp)
        xg = xp_coord(hp.vec2ang(zg)).flatten()
        xcx = np.cross(xe, xg)
        xdx = np.dot(xe, xg)
        if xdx > 1: xdx = 1 
        sign = np.sign(np.dot(zg, xcx))

    psi_par = np.arccos(xdx) * sign

    return psi_par
Exemplo n.º 30
def load_catalog(catalog_path):
    Load catalog of galaxies as comma seperated x, y, z
    and convert to angular coordinates.
    x, y, z, _, _, _ = np.loadtxt(catalog_path, delimiter=',', unpack=True)
    x = x - 62.5/2
    y = y - 62.5/2
    z = z - 62.5/2
    v = np.array([x, y, z]).T
    t, p = hp.vec2ang(v)
    return t, p
Exemplo n.º 31
def healpix_boundaries(ipix,
    return an array of points on the boundaries of the healpixels with ids
    given by ipix in the form of (colongitudes, colatitudes)

    ipix : `np.ndarray`, dtype int
        healpixel ids of pixels whose boundaries are required
    nside : int, defaults to 256
        Healpix NSIDE
    step : int
        factor by which the number of points in the corners (4) are stepped up.
        ie. a step of 2 returns 8 points along the boundaries of the Healpixel
        inlcuding the corners
    nest : Bool, defaults to True
        using the `nested` rather than `ring` scheme.
    convention : {'spherical', 'celestial'}, defaults to 'spherical'
        (theta, phi) of the usual spherical coordinate system or (ra, dec)
    units : {'degrees', 'radians'} , defaults to 'degrees'
        units in which the points are returned

    tuple (colongitude, colatitude)

    .. note: This also produces the 'inner' boundaries for connected pixels.
    corner_vecs = hp.boundaries(nside, ipix, step=step, nest=nest)
    if len(np.shape(corner_vecs)) > 2:
        corner_vecs = np.concatenate(corner_vecs, axis=1)

    phi_theta = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(corner_vecs))
    # These are in radians and spherical coordinates by construction
    theta, phi = phi_theta
    if convention == 'celestial':
        return convertToCelestialCoordinates(theta, phi, output_unit=units)
    # else return in spherical coordinates, but convert to degrees if requested
    if units == 'degrees':
        lon = np.degrees(phi)
        lat = np.degrees(theta)
        lon = phi
        lat = theta
    return lon, lat
Exemplo n.º 32
 def crd2px(self, c1, c2, c3=None, interpolate=False):
     """Convert 1 dimensional arrays of input coordinates to pixel indices. If only c1,c2 provided, then read them as th,phi.  If c1,c2,c3 provided, read them as x,y,z. If interpolate is False, return a single pixel coordinate.  If interpolate is True, return px,wgts where each entry in px contains the 4 pixels adjacent to the specified location, and wgt contains the 4 corresponding weights of those pixels."""
     is_nest = (self._scheme == 'NEST')
     if not interpolate:
         if c3 is None: # th/phi angle mode
             px = healpy.ang2pix(self._nside, c1, c2, nest=is_nest)
         else: # x,y,z mode
             px = healpy.vec2pix(self._nside, c1, c2, c3, nest=is_nest)
         return px
         if c3 is not None: # need to translate xyz to th/phi
             c1,c2 = healpy.vec2ang(np.array([c1,c2,c3]).T)
         px,wgts = healpy.get_interp_weights(self._nside, c1, c2, nest=is_nest)
         return px.T, wgts.T
Exemplo n.º 33
    def polygon(self):

        if not self.__polygon:
            pixel_xyz_vertices = hp.boundaries(self.nside, pix=self.index)
            theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(pixel_xyz_vertices))

            ra_rad = phi
            dec_rad = (np.pi / 2. - theta)

            pixel_radian_vertices = [[ra, dec]
                                     for ra, dec in zip(ra_rad, dec_rad)]
            self.__polygon = geometry.Polygon(pixel_radian_vertices)

        return [self.__polygon]
Exemplo n.º 34
def getCountAtLocations(ra, dec, nside=512, return_vertices=False):
    """Get number density of objects from RA/Dec in HealPix cells.

    Requires: healpy

        ra: list of rectascensions
        dec: list of declinations
        nside: HealPix nside
        return_vertices: whether to also return the boundaries of HealPix cells

        bc, ra_, dec_, [vertices]
        bc: count of objects [per arcmin^2] in a HealPix cell if count > 0
        ra_: rectascension of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        dec_: declinations of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
    import healpy as hp
    # get healpix pixels
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(nside, (90 - dec) / 180 * np.pi,
                      ra / 180 * np.pi,
    # count how often each pixel is hit
    bc = np.bincount(ipix)
    pixels = np.nonzero(bc)[0]
    bc = bc[bc > 0] / hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=True)**2  # in arcmin^-2
    # get position of each pixel in RA/Dec
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixels, nest=False)
    ra_ = phi * 180 / np.pi
    dec_ = 90 - theta * 180 / np.pi

    # get the vertices that confine each pixel
    # convert to RA/Dec (thanks to Eric Huff)
    if return_vertices:
        vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
        for i in xrange(pixels.size):
            corners = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside, pixels[i])))
            corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
            diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
            diff[diff > 180] -= 360
            diff[diff < -180] += 360
            corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
            vertices[i, :, 0] = corners[1]
            vertices[i, :, 1] = 90.0 - corners[0]

        return bc, ra_, dec_, vertices
        return bc, ra_, dec_
Exemplo n.º 35
def sim2(fp, freq, borequats, hwpang, hits, alps, inpp=None, hwprate=88.0, outdir = ''):

    nsim = borequats.shape[0]
    nhpix = hits.shape[0]
    nside = int(np.sqrt(nhpix / 12))

    if nhpix != 12*nside*nside:
        raise RuntimeError('invalid healpix nside value')
    if hwpang.shape[0] != borequats.shape[0]:
        raise RuntimeError('HWP angle vector must be same length as boresight quaternions')
    if inpp is not None:
        if inpp.shape[0] != nhpix:
            raise RuntimeError('N_pp^-1 number of pixels must match N_hits')
        if inpp.shape[1] != 6:
            raise RuntimeError('N_pp^-1 must have 6 elements per pixel')

    xaxis = np.array([1,0,0], dtype=np.float64)
    yaxis = np.array([0,1,0], dtype=np.float64)
    zaxis = np.array([0,0,1], dtype=np.float64)

    # generate hitcount map and alpha
    for i, det in enumerate(fp.detectors(freq=freq)):

        detrot = qa.mult(borequats, fp.quat(det))
        detdir = qa.rotate(detrot, np.tile(zaxis, nsim).reshape(-1,3))
        dettheta, detphi = hp.vec2ang(detdir)
        detpix = hp.vec2pix(nside, detdir[:,0], detdir[:,1], detdir[:,2])
        detbinned = np.bincount(detpix)
        hits[0:detbinned.shape[0]] += detbinned[:]

        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'theta.bin')
        with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'phi.bin')
        with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'pix.bin')
        with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:

        if np.mod(i,2)!=1: 
            alpdir = qa.rotate(detrot, np.tile(xaxis, nsim).reshape(-1,3))
            x = alpdir[:,0]*detdir[:,1] - alpdir[:,1]*detdir[:,0]
            y = alpdir[:,0]*(-detdir[:,2]*detdir[:,0]) + alpdir[:,1]*(-detdir[:,2]*detdir[:,1]) + alpdir[:,2]*(detdir[:,0]*detdir[:,0]+detdir[:,1]*detdir[:,1])        
            angle = np.arctan2(y,x)

            outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'angle.bin')
            with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
Exemplo n.º 36
    def vec2sky(cls,vec,degrees=False):
        Convert [x,y,z] vectors into sky coordinates ra,dec
        :param vec: An array-like list of ([x,y,z],...)
        :param degrees: Return ra/dec in degrees? Default = false
        :return: [(ra,...),(dec,...)]
        theta,phi = hp.vec2ang(vec)

        if degrees:
        return cls.radec2sky(ra,dec)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def vec2sky(cls, vec, degrees=False):
        Convert [x,y,z] vectors into sky coordinates ra,dec
        :param vec: An array-like list of ([x,y,z],...)
        :param degrees: Return ra/dec in degrees? Default = false
        :return: [(ra,...),(dec,...)]
        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(vec)
        ra = phi
        dec = np.pi / 2 - theta

        if degrees:
            ra = np.degrees(ra)
            dec = np.degrees(dec)
        return cls.radec2sky(ra, dec)
Exemplo n.º 38
def generate_uniform_random_ra_dec_healpixel(n, pix, nside, nest=False):
    n : int
        number of random points needed
    pix : int
        healpixel ID
    nside : int
        number of healpixel nside, must be 2**k
    nest : bool, optional
        using healpixel nest or ring ordering

    ra : ndarray
        1d array of length n that contains RA in degrees
    dec : ndarray
        1d array of length n that contains Dec in degrees

    ra, dec = hp.vec2ang(hp.boundaries(nside, pix, 1, nest=nest).T,
    ra_dec_min_max = ra.min(), ra.max(), dec.min(), dec.max()

    ra = np.empty(n)
    dec = np.empty_like(ra)
    n_needed = n

    while n_needed > 0:
        ra_this, dec_this = generate_uniform_random_ra_dec_min_max(
            n_needed * 2, *ra_dec_min_max)
        mask = np.where(
            hp.ang2pix(nside, ra_this, dec_this, nest=nest, lonlat=True) ==
        count_this = mask.size
        if n_needed - count_this < 0:
            count_this = n_needed
            mask = mask[:n_needed]

        s = slice(
            -n_needed + count_this if -n_needed + count_this < 0 else None)
        ra[s] = ra_this[mask]
        dec[s] = dec_this[mask]
        n_needed -= count_this

    return ra, dec
Exemplo n.º 39
    def observe_sky(self, pnt_obj, sky_map_obj, tod, segment_length, sat_vel,
                    noise_type, tod_write_field):
        sky_map = sky_map_obj.sky_map

        self.axis_sight = pnt_obj.get_detector_axis(self.params['pos'])
        v_pointing = pnt_obj.get_pointing(self.axis_sight)
        psi = pnt_obj.get_polariser_phase(v_pointing,

        if np.sum(sat_vel**2) != 0.0:
            orb_dip = pnt_obj.get_orbital_dipole(
                v_pointing, sat_vel, self.params['central_frequency'])

        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(v_pointing)
        del v_pointing

        if self.params['pol_modulation'] == 'passive':
            pol_phase = 2 * psi
            pol_phase = 2 * psi + 4 * tod['psi_hwp']

        hit_pix = hp.ang2pix(sky_map_obj.nside, theta, phi)

        signal = sky_map[0][hit_pix] + sky_map[1][hit_pix] * np.cos(
            pol_phase) + sky_map[2][hit_pix] * np.sin(pol_phase)

        if np.sum(sat_vel**2) != 0.0:
            signal += orb_dip

        if noise_type != 'no_noise':
            noise_params = copy.deepcopy(self.params['noise'])
                'sampling_rate': self.params['sampling_rate'],
                'noise_type': noise_type
            noise_obj = Noise(noise_params)
            noise = noise_obj.simulate_noise(segment_length)
            signal += noise
            if "noise" in tod_write_field:
                tod['noise'] = noise

        tod['theta'] = theta
        tod['phi'] = phi
        tod['psi'] = psi
        tod['signal'] = signal
        if "orb_dip" in tod_write_field:
            tod['orb_dip'] = orb_dip
Exemplo n.º 40
def getCountAtLocations(ra, dec, nside=512, return_vertices=False):
    """Get number density of objects from RA/Dec in HealPix cells.

    Requires: healpy

        ra: list of rectascensions
        dec: list of declinations
        nside: HealPix nside
        return_vertices: whether to also return the boundaries of HealPix cells

        bc, ra_, dec_, [vertices]
        bc: count of objects [per arcmin^2] in a HealPix cell if count > 0
        ra_: rectascension of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        dec_: declinations of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
    import healpy as hp
    # get healpix pixels
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(nside, (90-dec)/180*np.pi, ra/180*np.pi, nest=False)
    # count how often each pixel is hit
    bc = np.bincount(ipix)
    pixels = np.nonzero(bc)[0]
    bc = bc[bc>0] / hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=True)**2 # in arcmin^-2
    # get position of each pixel in RA/Dec
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixels, nest=False)
    ra_ = phi*180/np.pi
    dec_ = 90 - theta*180/np.pi

    # get the vertices that confine each pixel
    # convert to RA/Dec (thanks to Eric Huff)
    if return_vertices:
        vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
        for i in xrange(pixels.size):
            corners = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside,pixels[i])))
            corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
            diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
            diff[diff > 180] -= 360
            diff[diff < -180] += 360
            corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
            vertices[i,:,0] = corners[1]
            vertices[i,:,1] = 90.0 - corners[0]

        return bc, ra_, dec_, vertices
        return bc, ra_, dec_
Exemplo n.º 41
 def crd2px(self, c1, c2, c3=None, interpolate=False):
     """Convert 1 dimensional arrays of input coordinates to pixel indices. If only c1,c2 provided, then read them as th,phi.  If c1,c2,c3 provided, read them as x,y,z. If interpolate is False, return a single pixel coordinate.  If interpolate is True, return px,wgts where each entry in px contains the 4 pixels adjacent to the specified location, and wgt contains the 4 corresponding weights of those pixels."""
     is_nest = (self._scheme == 'NEST')
     if not interpolate:
         if c3 is None:  # th/phi angle mode
             px = healpy.ang2pix(self._nside, c1, c2, nest=is_nest)
         else:  # x,y,z mode
             px = healpy.vec2pix(self._nside, c1, c2, c3, nest=is_nest)
         return px
         if c3 is not None:  # need to translate xyz to th/phi
             c1, c2 = healpy.vec2ang(np.array([c1, c2, c3]).T)
         px, wgts = healpy.get_interp_weights(self._nside,
         return px.T, wgts.T
Exemplo n.º 42
def wmap5_parameters():
    """WMAP5 solar system dipole parameters, 
    from: http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.0732"""
    # 369.0 +- .9 Km/s
    SOLSYSSPEED = 369e3
    #l.critical('USING 371')
    #SOLSYSSPEED = 371e3
    ## direction in galactic coordinates
    ##(d, l, b) = (3.355 +- 0.008 mK,263.99 +- 0.14,48.26deg +- 0.03)
    SOLSYSDIR_GAL_THETA = np.deg2rad( 90 - 48.26 )
    SOLSYSDIR_GAL_PHI = np.deg2rad( 263.99 )
    ########## /WMAP5
Exemplo n.º 43
def mask_parts(part, mask_pix, rot):
    vec = np.zeros((len(part), 3))

    vec[:, 0] = part['px']
    vec[:, 1] = part['py']
    vec[:, 2] = part['pz']

    rvec = np.dot(vec, np.linalg.inv(rot))
    dec, ra = hp.vec2ang(rvec)
    pix = hp.ang2pix(4096, dec, ra, nest=True)

    dec = -dec * 180. / np.pi + 90
    ra = ra * 180. / np.pi

    pidx = np.in1d(pix, mask_pix)
    part = part[pidx]

    return part
Exemplo n.º 44
def project_healpix(M,rotate_angle=0):
    #flat plotting
        M = np.ma.array(M)
    xmax = 1#np.sin(theta.max())
    X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-xmax,xmax,num=100),
    R = X**2 + Y**2
    Z = np.sqrt(1-X**2 - Y**2)
    Z[np.isnan(Z)] = 0
    THETA,PHI = hp.vec2ang(np.array([X,Y,Z]).T)
    THETA.shape = PHI.shape = X.shape
    PHI += rotate_angle*np.pi/180
    IM = get_interp_val(M,THETA,PHI).T
    IM = np.ma.masked_where(R>1,IM)
    return THETA,PHI,IM
Exemplo n.º 45
 def ring_outer_product(theta, phi):
     outAng = [0, 0]
     nsamps = min(100, len(theta))
     pair1 = random.sample(range(len(theta)), nsamps)
     pair2 = random.sample(range(len(theta)), nsamps)
     vecs = hp.pixelfunc.ang2vec(theta, phi)
     for a1, a2 in zip(pair1, pair2):
         crossP = np.cross(vecs[a1], vecs[a2])
         if (crossP[0] < 0):
             crossP *= -1
         theta1, phi1 = hp.vec2ang(crossP)
         if (not math.isnan(theta1) and not math.isnan(phi1)):
             outAng[0] += theta1 / nsamps
             outAng[1] += phi1 / nsamps
             outAng[0] += outAng[0] / nsamps
             outAng[1] += outAng[1] / nsamps
     return outAng
Exemplo n.º 46
    def boundary(self, k, steps=None, max_stepsize=None, edge=1e-6):
        Return boundary of a bin; used for drawing polygons.
        If steps is None, max_stepsize is used to automatically determine
        the appropriate step size.
        if max_stepsize is None:
            max_stepsize = self.max_stepsize

        if steps is None:
            steps = self._determine_steps(max_stepsize=max_stepsize)

        bd = hp.boundaries(self.nside, k, step=steps, nest=self.nest)
        dec_raw, ra_raw = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(bd))

        ra = (ra_raw / _d2r) % 360
        dec = 90 - dec_raw / _d2r

        return self.split_bin(ra, dec, max_stepsize, edge) 
Exemplo n.º 47
    def get_pol_ang(self, rot_qt, v_dir):
        alpha = np.deg2rad(self.config.alpha)                                   #radians
        beta = np.deg2rad(self.config.beta)                                     #radians
        total_opening = alpha + beta

        pol_ini = np.deg2rad(self.config.pol_phase_ini)
        pol_vec_ini = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

        pol_vec = quaternion.transform(rot_qt, np.tile(pol_vec_ini, self.nsamples).reshape(-1,3))
        if self.config.gal_coords:
            pol_vec = self.transform_to_gal_coords(pol_vec)

        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(v_dir)

        x_local = np.array(zip(np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi), np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi), -np.sin(theta)))
        y_local = np.array(zip(-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), np.zeros(phi.size)))

        proj_x = np.sum(pol_vec*x_local, axis=-1)
        proj_y = np.sum(pol_vec*y_local, axis=-1)

        pol_ang = np.pi - (np.arctan2(proj_y, proj_x) + pol_ini) % np.pi 

        return pol_ang 
def get_vertices(m):
    m = np.copy(m)
    top_npix = len(m)
    top_nside = hp.npix2nside(top_npix)
    top_order = int(np.log2(top_nside))
    for order in range(top_order + 1):
        nside = 1 << order
        npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        stride = 1 << (2 * (top_order - order))
        keep = (hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=True) * np.expand_dims(xyz0, 1)).sum(0) >= np.cos(np.deg2rad(30))
        if order < top_order:
            mm = m.reshape((-1, stride))
            keep &= (mm[:, :-1] == mm[:, 1:]).all(axis=1)
            m += hp.ud_grade(np.where(keep, np.nan, 0), nside_out=top_nside, order_in='NEST', order_out='NEST')
            keep &= ~np.isnan(m)
        for ipix in np.flatnonzero(keep):
            boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, ipix, nest=True, step=1).T
            theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(boundaries)
            ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
            dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)
            vertices = np.column_stack((ra, dec))
            yield vertices
Exemplo n.º 49
    def getHealpixVertices(pixels, nside, nest=False):
        """Get polygon vertices for list of HealPix pixels.

        Requires: healpy

            pixels: list of HealPix pixels
            nside: HealPix nside
            nest: HealPix nesting scheme

            vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
        vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
        for i in xrange(pixels.size):
            corners = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside,pixels[i], nest=nest)))
            corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
            diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
            diff[diff > 180] -= 360
            diff[diff < -180] += 360
            corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
            vertices[i,:,0] = corners[1]
            vertices[i,:,1] = 90.0 - corners[0]
        return vertices
Exemplo n.º 50
def jsa_tile_wcs(header):
    Determine WCS information for a JSA tile.

    # Find tile number and Nside.
    tile_number = header['TILENUM']
    match = tilenum_comment.search(header.comments['TILENUM'])
    if not match:
        raise CAOMError('Cannot find Nside in TILENUM comment')
    nside = int(match.group(1))

    # Get corner coordinates.
    (colatitude, longitude) = healpy.vec2ang(np.transpose(
        healpy.boundaries(nside, tile_number, nest=True)))

    assert len(colatitude) == 4
    assert len(longitude) == 4

    # Convert to a CAOM-2 polygon.  Note the ordering appears to be
    # the other way round from what CAOM-2 requires, hence iteration
    # over the corners backwards.
    tile = CoordPolygon2D()

    for i in range(3, -1, -1):
            180 * longitude[i] / math.pi,
            90 - (180 * colatitude[i] / math.pi)))

    spatial_axes = CoordAxis2D(Axis('RA', 'deg'),
                               Axis('DEC', 'deg'))
    spatial_axes.bounds = tile

    return SpatialWCS(spatial_axes,
Exemplo n.º 51
def _vec2radec(vertices, degrees=False):
    theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.asarray(vertices))
    ret = np.column_stack((phi % (2 * np.pi), 0.5 * np.pi - theta))
    if degrees:
        ret = np.rad2deg(ret)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 52
    opts.nside = hp.npix2nside(len(beammap))
npix = hp.nside2npix(opts.nside)
pix = np.arange(npix)
theta,phi = hp.pix2ang(opts.nside,pix)
#only keep points above the horizon
phi = phi[theta<np.pi/2]
theta = theta[theta<np.pi/2]
intpix = hp.ang2pix(opts.nside,theta,phi)
x,y,z = hp.pix2vec(opts.nside,intpix)
print z.max(),z.min()

pixarea = hp.nside2pixarea(opts.nside) #pixel area in radians
print "pixel area in steradians",pixarea
#V is defined as the voltage beam, there are two terms of it in the visibility equation
if len(args)==1:
    theta,phi = hp.vec2ang(np.vstack((x,y,z)))
    V = beammap[intpix]/np.max(beammap)

    aa = a.cal.get_aa(opts.cal, freqs)
    V = aa[0].bm_response((x,y,z),pol=opts.pol)
    V /= V.max()
#nomenclature after Parsons 2016 (1503.05564v2)
print V.max(),V.min()
Omega_V = np.sum(V) * pixarea

print "Omega voltage = ",np.round(Omega_V,2)
A = V**2  #A is defined as the power beam, there is one term of it in the visibility equation
Omega_p = np.sum(A)*pixarea
print "Omega_p = ",Omega_p
Exemplo n.º 53
def dipole_parameters_galactic_to_ecl_amp_ang(dipole_vector_galactic):
    dipole_vector_ecliptic = gal2ecl(dipole_vector_galactic)
    SOLSYSSPEED = np.linalg.norm(dipole_vector_ecliptic)
    SOLSYSDIR_ECL_THETA, SOLSYSDIR_ECL_PHI = healpy.vec2ang(dipole_vector_ecliptic/SOLSYSSPEED)
Exemplo n.º 54
    def _plot_poly(self, proj='AIT', step=1, ax=None):
        """Plot the map using a collection of polygons.

        proj : string, optional
            Any valid WCS projection type.
        step : int
            Set the number vertices that will be computed for each
            pixel in multiples of 4.
        # FIXME: At the moment this only works for all-sky maps if the
        # projection is centered at (0,0)

        # FIXME: Figure out how to force a square aspect-ratio like imshow

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
        from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
        import healpy as hp

        wcs = self.geom.make_wcs(proj=proj, oversample=1)
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.gcf()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs.wcs, aspect='equal')

        wcs_lonlat = wcs.center_coord[:2]
        idx = self.geom.get_idx()
        vtx = hp.boundaries(self.geom.nside, idx[0],
                            nest=self.geom.nest, step=step)
        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.rollaxis(vtx, 2))
        theta = theta.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T
        phi = phi.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T

        patches = []
        data = []

        def get_angle(x, t):
            return 180. - (180. - x + t) % 360.

        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(phi, theta)):

            lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2. - y)
            # Add a small ofset to avoid vertices wrapping to the
            # other size of the projection
            if get_angle(np.median(lon), wcs_lonlat[0]) > 0.0:
                idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon - 1E-4, lat))
                idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon + 1E-4, lat))

            dist = np.max(np.abs(idx[0][0] - idx[0]))

            # Split pixels that wrap around the edges of the projection
            if (dist > wcs.npix[0] / 1.5):

                lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2. - y)
                lon0 = lon - 1E-4
                lon1 = lon + 1E-4
                pix0 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon0, lat))
                pix1 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon1, lat))

                idx0 = np.argsort(pix0[0])
                idx1 = np.argsort(pix1[0])

                pix0 = (pix0[0][idx0][:3], pix0[1][idx0][:3])
                pix1 = (pix1[0][idx1][1:], pix1[1][idx1][1:])

                patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix0[0], pix0[1])).T, True))
                patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix1[0], pix1[1])).T, True))

                polygon = Polygon(np.vstack((idx[0], idx[1])).T, True)

        p = PatchCollection(patches, linewidths=0, edgecolors='None')
        ax.coords.grid(color='w', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)

        return fig, ax, p
Exemplo n.º 55
def mpchdec2rad(mapunit, mapkey):
    theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(mapunit[mapkey])

    return theta
Exemplo n.º 56
def mpchdec2dec(mapunit, mapkey):
    theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(mapunit[mapkey])

    return -theta  * 180. / np.pi + 90.
Exemplo n.º 57
def mpchra2ra(mapunit, mapkey):
    theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(mapunit[mapkey])

    return phi * 180. / np.pi
Exemplo n.º 58
for f in np.arange(32):
 if len(TI.faces[f]) == 5:
    print f

    c = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform(ax.transData.transform(centers[f]))
    #c = ax.transAxes.inverted().transform(ax.transData.transform(centers[f]))

    center_offset = penta_dimfac*edge/2
    local_ax = plt.axes([c[0]-center_offset, c[1]-center_offset, penta_dimfac*edge, penta_dimfac*edge], frameon=False)

    imglim = np.radians(imgresolution * imgsize /60)/2.
    #local_ax.set_xlim((-imglim, imglim))
    #local_ax.set_ylim((-imglim, imglim))

    theta,phi = hp.vec2ang(TI.centroids[f])
    face_theta = theta[0]
    face_phi = phi[0]
    rotang = [phi[0]*180.0/np.pi,90.0-theta[0]*180.0/np.pi,0.0]
    print "Face", f, "Face centroid: " , np.degrees([face_theta, face_phi])

    gnomD = hp.gnomview(D,cmap=planck_freqmap_cmap,rot=rotang,min=-3,max=7,title='%s GHz face %d'%(freq,f),reso=imgresolution,xsize=imgsize,ysize=imgsize,coord='G',notext=True,cbar=False, return_projected_map=True)

    gnomD.mask = np.zeros(gnomD.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    #gnomD.mask[300:400] = 1
    cut_y = 110
    gnomD.mask[:cut_y, :] = 1
    gnomD.mask[-cut_y:, :] = 1
    cut_x = 67
Exemplo n.º 59
def remove_dipole( inmap, return_fit=False, mask=None, rms=1., cut=0.,
	debug=False, show=False, return_A=False, verbose=True, onlymonopole=False,
	onlydipole=False ):

	import numpy as np
	import healpy as hp

	if debug:
		print type( inmap )

	if isinstance( inmap, str ):
		if verbose:
			info_message('reading map from "'+inmap+'"')
		inmap = hp.read_map( infile )
	elif not isinstance( inmap, np.ndarray ):
		info_message( ' - ERROR: input failure. Abort.')

	npix = len( inmap )
	nside = int( np.sqrt( float(npix) / 12 ) )

	# --- setting up mask
	if mask != None:
		if isinstance(mask,str):
			if verbose:
				info_message( '- Using mask:'+mask )
			mask = hp.read_map( mask )
		elif not isinstance( mask, np.ndarray):
			info_message( 'mask type not understood. Abort.' )
		if len(mask) != npix:
			hp.pixel_func.ud_grade( mask, nside )
		mask = np.ones( npix, dtype=float )

	if show and verbose:
		hp.mollview( mask, norm='hist' )

	if cut != 0:
		c = make_sky_cut(nside, cut)
		mask *= c

	bp = np.array( mask == 0.)
	gp = np.array( mask == 1.)
	ngp = np.sum( gp )
	nbp = np.sum( bp )

	if not isinstance(rms, np.ndarray):
		if isinstance(rms, str):
			rms = hp.read_map( rms )
			rms = np.ones(npix, dtype=np.float64)

	if show and verbose:
		hp.mollview( rms, norm='hist' )

	if show and verbose:
		cc = inmap
		cc[bp] = hp.UNSEEN
		hp.mollview( cc, min=-300, max=300, title='!6Input map')

	if onlymonopole:
		nfg = 1
	elif onlydipole:
		nfg = 3
		nfg = 4

	if nfg == 1:
		fit = np.mean( inmap[gp] )
		info_message( 'monopole = '+str('%f' %fit) )
	if True:
		info_message( 'nfg = ' + str(nfg) )
		A_err = np.zeros( nfg, dtype=np.float64 )
		oneOsigma = np.zeros( (nfg, nfg), dtype=np.float64 )

		temp = np.zeros( (npix,nfg), dtype=np.float64 )
		if onlymonopole:
			template_files = ['monopole']
			temp[:,0] = np.ones( npix )
		elif onlydipole:
			template_files = ['dipole_x','dipole_y','dipole_z']
			temp[:,0] = make_dipole( nside, [1.,0.,0.] )
			temp[:,1] = make_dipole( nside, [0.,1.,0.] )
			temp[:,2] = make_dipole( nside, [0.,0.,1.] )
			template_files = ['monopole','dipole_x','dipole_y','dipole_z']
			temp[:,0] = 1.
			temp[:,1] = make_dipole( nside, [1.,0.,0.] )
			temp[:,2] = make_dipole( nside, [0.,1.,0.] )
			temp[:,3] = make_dipole( nside, [0.,0.,1.] )

		if (show or debug) and verbose:
			for ifg in range(nfg):
				hp.mollview( temp[:,ifg], norm='asinh' ) 

		T = np.zeros( (nfg, nfg), dtype=np.float64 )
		B = np.zeros( nfg, dtype=np.float64 )

		warn = True
		for ifg in range(nfg):
# --- Changed
			if warn:
				info_message( ' - Code changed: correlate is not used anymore!' )
				warn = False

			B[ifg] = np.sum( inmap[gp]/rms[gp] * temp[gp,ifg]/rms[gp] )
			for jfg in range(ifg,nfg):
				T[ifg,jfg] = np.sum( temp[gp,ifg] * temp[gp,jfg] / rms[gp]**2 )
				T[jfg,ifg] = T[ifg,jfg]

				oneOsigma[ifg,jfg] = 2. * T[ifg,jfg]
				oneOsigma[jfg,ifg] = oneOsigma[ifg,jfg]

		if debug:
			print T, B

		Tm1 = np.linalg.inv( T )
		A = np.dot( Tm1, B )
		sigma = np.linalg.inv( oneOsigma )

		for kfg in range( nfg ):
			if (sigma[kfg,kfg] > 0.):
				A_err[kfg] = np.sqrt( sigma[kfg,kfg] )
				info_message( 'Sigma Error' )

		if verbose:
			info_message( ' ============================================================' )
			info_message( 'Coefficients:' )
			for ifg in range( nfg ):
				print template_files[ifg], A[ifg],' +/-',A_err[ifg]
			if onlydipole:
				vec = np.array( A )
			elif not onlymonopole:
				vec = np.array( A[1:4] )
				theta, phi = hp.vec2ang( vec )
				theta_deg = 90.-theta*180./np.pi
				phi_deg = phi*180./np.pi
				dip_ampl = np.sqrt( np.dot(vec,vec) )
				info_message( '(theta,phi) = ('+str('%f' %theta_deg)+','+str('%f' %phi_deg)+')' )
				info_message( 'A_dip       = '+str('%f' %dip_ampl) )
			info_message( ' ============================================================' )
		fit = np.zeros( npix, dtype=np.float64 )
		for ifg in range( nfg ):
			fit += temp[:,ifg] * A[ifg]

		if (show or debug) and verbose:
			cc = fit
			cc[bp] = hp.UNSEEN
			thrs = np.min(abs(np.array([np.min(fit),np.max(fit)])))
			hp.mollview( cc, title='Template Linear Combination', min=-thrs, max=thrs )

	res = np.array(inmap - fit)
	if (show or debug) and verbose:
		cc = res
		cc[bp] = -1.6375e30
		thrs = np.min(abs(np.array([np.min(fit),np.max(fit)])))
		hp.mollview( cc, title='Residual Foregrounds', min=-thrs, max=thrs )

	# info_message( ' - total chi2 = ' + str( np.sum( (res/rms)**2 ) / npix ) + ', ' + str( 1./np.sqrt(npix) ) )
	# chi2 = np.sum( (res[gp]/rms[gp])**2 ) / ngp
	# if verbose:
	# 	info_message( ' - total chi2 = ' + str( chi2 ) + ', ' + str( 1./np.sqrt(ngp) ) )
	# info_message( ' - total chi2 = ' + str( np.sum( (res[bp]/rms[bp])**2 ) / nbp ) + ', ' + str( 1./np.sqrt(nbp) ) )

	if verbose:
		info_message( ' --- End of Procedure ---' )
	outcome = [ res ]
	if return_fit:
		outcome.append( fit )
	if return_A:
		outcome.append( (A, A_err) )

	return tuple(outcome)