Exemplo n.º 1
    def from_point_sources(self,d,t):
        # if p.circular_pol == True:
        #     I,Q,U,V = sky_list
        # else:
        #     I,Q,U = sky_list

        print "t is " + str(t)
        total_angle = float(self.nhours * 15) # degrees
        offset_angle = float(self.hour_offset * 15) # degrees
        zl_ra = ((float(t) / float(self.ntime)) * np.radians(total_angle) + np.radians(offset_angle)) % (2.*np.pi)# radians

        RotAxis = np.array([0.,0.,1.])
        RotAngle = -zl_ra # basicly Hour Angle with t=0

        # R_t = irf.rotation_matrix(RotAxis, RotAngle)
        # s0 = hp.ang2vec(src_cza,src_ra)
        # sf = np.einsum('...ab,...b->...b', R_t, s0)

        self.src_ra_f = self.src_ra + RotAngle
        sf = hp.ang2vec(self.src_cza, self.src_ra_f)

        # s0 = hp.ang2vec(src_cza,src_ra)
        # hpR_t = hp.Rotator(rot=[RotAngle])

        # sf = np.array(hpR_t(s0[:,0],s0[:,1],s0[:,2])).T

        if len(sf.shape) > 1:
            inds_f = hp.vec2pix(self.nside, sf[:,0],sf[:,1],sf[:,2])
            inds_f = hp.vec2pix(self.nside, sf[0],sf[1],sf[2])

        It = self.I #XXX ??

        ijones_t = self.ijones[:,inds_f,:,:]
        ijonesH_t = self.ijonesH[:,inds_f,:,:]
        Kt = self.K[:,inds_f]

        if self.unpolarized == True:
            Ut = np.zeros((self.nfreq,It.shape[-1]))

            sky_t = np.array([
                [It, Ut],
                [Ut, It]]).transpose(2,3,0,1) # sky_t.shape = (p.nfreq, p.npix, 2, 2)

            Ut = self.U
            Qt = self.Q

            sky_t = np.array([
                [It + Qt, Ut],
                [Ut, It - Qt]]).transpose(2,3,0,1) # sky_t.shape = (p.nfreq, p.npix, 2, 2)

        irnf.instrRIME_integral(ijones_t, sky_t, ijonesH_t, Kt, self.Vis[d,t,:,:,:].squeeze())
Exemplo n.º 2
def generateLensPart(fname, nside=64):
    Generate a lens part from the given CRPropa 3 simulation.
    f = np.genfromtxt(fname, names=True)
    row = healpy.vec2pix(nside, f['P0x'], f['P0y'], f['P0z'])  # earth
    col = healpy.vec2pix(nside, f['Px'], f['Py'], f['Pz'])  # galaxy
    npix = healpy.nside2npix(nside)
    data = np.ones(len(row))
    M = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(npix, npix))
    M = M.tocsc()
    return M
Exemplo n.º 3
def generateLensPart(fname, nside=64):
    Generate a lens part from the given CRPropa 3 simulation.
    f = np.genfromtxt(fname, names=True)
    row = healpy.vec2pix(nside, f['P0x'], f['P0y'], f['P0z']) # earth
    col = healpy.vec2pix(nside, f['Px'],  f['Py'],  f['Pz'] ) # galaxy
    npix = healpy.nside2npix(nside)
    data = np.ones(len(row))
    M = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(npix, npix))
    M = M.tocsc()
    return M
Exemplo n.º 4
def match_hpx_pixel(nside, nest, nside_pix, ipix_ring):
    ipix_in = np.arange(12 * nside * nside)
    vecs = hp.pix2vec(nside, ipix_in, nest)
    pix_match = hp.vec2pix(nside_pix, vecs[0], vecs[1], vecs[2]) == ipix_ring
    return ipix_in[pix_match]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_ps_map(self, temp, psf_r=None):
        """ Add PS photon counts to map following a given PSF description and template.
            Based on NPTFit-Sim (https://github.com/nickrodd/NPTFit-Sim).
            :param temp: Template for spatial distribution of PSs
            :param psf_r: Radial PSF
        # Sample the radial PSF to later determine placement of photons.
        f = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi, 1000000)
        pdf_psf = f * psf_r(f)
        pdf = PDFSampler(f, pdf_psf)
        nside = hp.npix2nside(len(temp))

        # Draw coordinates according to template
        self.th_ary, self.ph_ary = self.get_coords(temp, self.n_draw)

        the_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))

        for ips in tqdm(range(self.n_draw)):
            th = self.th_ary[ips]
            ph = self.ph_ary[ips]
            num_phot = self.counts_sample[ips]
            dist = pdf(num_phot)
            phm = ph + np.pi / 2.0
            rotx = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(th), -np.sin(th)],
                              [0, np.sin(th), np.cos(th)]])
            rotz = np.matrix([[np.cos(phm), -np.sin(phm), 0],
                              [np.sin(phm), np.cos(phm), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
            dist = pdf(num_phot)
            randPhi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random(num_phot)
            X = hp.ang2vec(dist, randPhi).T
            Xp = rotz * (rotx * X)
            posit = np.array(hp.vec2pix(nside, *Xp))
            np.add.at(the_map, posit, 1)

        return the_map
Exemplo n.º 6
def gen_dipole(nside, unit):
    # from WMAP 1st yaer Bennett et al
    l = 263.85  # +/-0.1 degs
    b = 48.25  # +/-0.04 degs
    amp_mK = 3.346  # +/-0.017 mK
    if unit == 'uK':
        amp_unit = amp_mK * 1.e3
        print unit
    if unit == 'mK':
        amp_unit = amp_mK
        print unit
    if unit == 'K':
        amp_unit = amp_mK * 1.e-3
        print unit

    npix = h.nside2npix(nside)
    ipix = range(npix)
    theta, phi = h.pix2ang(nside, ipix)
    dipole = np.cos(theta)

    xyz = h.ang2vec(theta, phi)
    theta0 = pi / 2. - b / radeg
    phi0 = l / radeg
    x = np.cos(phi0) * np.cos(theta0) * xyz[:, 0] + np.sin(phi0) * np.cos(
        theta0) * xyz[:, 1] - np.sin(theta0) * xyz[:, 2]
    y = -np.sin(phi0) * xyz[:, 0] + np.cos(phi0) * xyz[:, 1]
    z = np.sin(theta0) * np.cos(phi0) * xyz[:, 0] + np.sin(phi0) * np.sin(
        theta0) * xyz[:, 1] + np.cos(theta0) * xyz[:, 2]

    ipix = h.vec2pix(nside, x, y, z)

    dipole_out = amp_unit * dipole[ipix]
    return dipole_out
Exemplo n.º 7
def pixelsForAng(lon, lat, nside, nest=True, convention='celestial', unit='degrees'):
    Return the array of healpixels in which the set of points represented by
    the arrays lon, and lat fall
    vecs = angToVec(lon, lat, convention, unit)
    return hp.vec2pix(nside, vecs[:, 0], vecs[:, 1], vecs[:, 2], nest=nest)
Exemplo n.º 8
def latlon2healpix( lat , lon , res ):
    lat = lat * math.pi / 180.0
    lon = lon * math.pi / 180.0
    xs = ( math.cos(lat) * math.cos(lon) )
    ys = ( math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lon) )
    zs = ( math.sin(lat) )
    return H.vec2pix( int(res) , xs , ys , zs )
Exemplo n.º 9
def mask_unseen(hpmap, az, el, doconvert = False, nest = False):

    Mask unseen directions in the scan. Use as input the house keeping coordinates.
        hpmap. Healpix map (npix)
        az and el. Azimuth and Elevation coordinates read from azimuth.fits and elevation.fits
        doconvert. Consider the data as real azimuth and elevation 
                    (not implemented in that way in demodulation yet).
    if doconvert:
        hkcoords = np.meshgrid(az, el)
        radec = qubic.hor2equ(hkcoords[0].ravel(), hkcoords[1].ravel(), 0)
        phi = radec[0]
        theta = radec[1]
        #Rotation from Az,El housekiping to Az, El = 0,0
        newcoords = np.dot(sbfit.rotmatY(qubic.hor2equ(0,+50,0)[1]),  
                           hp.ang2vec(np.pi/2-np.deg2rad(theta), np.deg2rad(phi)).T).T
        hkcoords = np.meshgrid(az, el-50)
        phi = hkcoords[0].ravel()
        theta = hkcoords[1].ravel()
        newcoords = hp.ang2vec(np.pi/2-np.deg2rad(theta), np.deg2rad(phi))

    nside = hp.get_nside(hpmap)
    coordspix = hp.vec2pix(nside, newcoords[...,0], newcoords[...,1], newcoords[...,2], nest = nest)
    mask = np.zeros((12 * nside **2 ), dtype = bool)
    mask[coordspix] = 1
    hpmap[~mask] = hp.UNSEEN    
    #hp.mollview(hpmap, nest = True)
    return hpmap
Exemplo n.º 10
    def catalogue_to_map(self, halodata, nside=512, weight=1):
        """project halos into healpix map of size nside


        halodata : array
            halo catalogue of size (Nhalo, 10)
        nside: int
            healpix nside of map created
        weight: str
            weighting to give halos when adding to map
            possibilities: 1=number density, or array of size Nhalo for custom (e.g. mass) 


        map : np.array( (12 * nside**2))
            healpy map of halos, with "flux" proportional to weight

        # create empty healpy map
        map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))

        # get pixel id from halo x,y,z vector
        pix = hp.vec2pix(nside, halodata[:, 0], halodata[:, 1], halodata[:, 2])

        # add flux to map
        np.add.at(map, pix, weight)

        return map
Exemplo n.º 11
def match_hpx_pixel(nside, nest, nside_pix, ipix_ring):
    ipix_in = np.arange(12 * nside * nside)
    vecs = hp.pix2vec(nside, ipix_in, nest)
    pix_match = hp.vec2pix(nside_pix, vecs[0], vecs[1], vecs[2]) == ipix_ring
    return ipix_in[pix_match]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def healpixelize(self, n_side):
     For each galaxy, finds the corresponding pixel number in healpix
     pixelization of n_side.
     self.healpix_n_side = n_side
     self.healpix_pixels = hp.vec2pix(self.healpix_n_side,self.nhat0, self.nhat1, self.nhat2)
Exemplo n.º 13
def min_all_cos_dtheta_fast(pix, nside, nest=False, safe=False):
	computes the maximum angular separation between any two pixels within pix=[ipix,ipix,...]
	does this with a boarder-to-boarder search after checking some other things
	this could be in error up to the pixel size (hopefully small)

	This algorithm is due in part to Antonios Kontos, who helped Reed Essick think through the details
    Npix = len(pix)
    ### check to see if more than half the sky is filled
    if Npix * hp.nside2pixarea(nside) > 2 * np.pi:
        return -1
    ### check to see if the antipode of any point is in the set
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    selected = np.zeros(npix, dtype=bool)
    selected[pix] = True
    antipodes = np.zeros_like(selected)
    vec = -np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, pix, nest=nest))  ### reflect vectors
    antipodes[hp.vec2pix(nside, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2],
                         nest=nest)] = True  ### reflection -> antipode
    ### reflection accomplished in cartesian coords
    if np.sum(selected *
              antipodes):  ### point and it's antipode are in the set
        return -1  ### could be in error by the pixel size...

    ### boarder-to-boarder search
    boarder_pix = []
    for bpix in __into_boarders(nside, pix, nest=nest):
        boarder_pix += bpix
    return min_all_cos_dtheta(boarder_pix, nside, nest=nest, safe=False)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def Response(self, l, m, fq, pol):
     z = np.sqrt(1.-l**2-m**2)
     px = hp.vec2pix(self.nside, l, m, z)
     f = interp1d(self.afreqs,
                 [self.bm_maps[pol][i][px] for i in range(self.ndeg)],
     return f(fq)
def find_biggest_pixel(ra, dec, radius, root_nside=1, max_nside=32):
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u
    import healpy as hp
    import numpy as np

    nside = root_nside
    radius = np.radians(radius)
    sc = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.degree, dec=dec * u.degree, frame='icrs')
    theta = sc.galactic.l.degree
    phi = sc.galactic.b.degree
    vec = hp.ang2vec(theta=theta, phi=phi, lonlat=True)

    pixels = hp.query_disc(vec=vec,
    while len(pixels) <= 1:
        if nside == max_nside:
        nside *= 2
        pixels = hp.query_disc(vec=vec,
    if nside > 1:
        nside //= 2
    return nside, hp.vec2pix(nside, *vec, nest=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def exec(self, data):
        Create the gradient timestreams.

        This pixelizes each detector's pointing and then assigns a
        timestream value based on the cartesian Z coordinate of the pixel

            data (toast.Data): The distributed data.
        autotimer = timing.auto_timer(type(self).__name__)
        comm = data.comm

        zaxis = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float64)
        nullquat = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float64)

        range = self._max - self._min

        for obs in data.obs:
            tod = obs['tod']

            offset, nsamp = tod.local_samples

            common = tod.local_common_flags() & self._common_flag_mask

            for det in tod.local_dets:
                flags = tod.local_flags(det) & self._flag_mask
                totflags = (flags | common)
                del flags

                pdata = tod.local_pointing(det).copy()
                pdata[totflags != 0, :] = nullquat

                dir = qa.rotate(pdata, zaxis)
                pixels = hp.vec2pix(self._nside,
                                    dir[:, 0],
                                    dir[:, 1],
                                    dir[:, 2],
                x, y, z = hp.pix2vec(self._nside, pixels, nest=self._nest)
                z += 1.0
                z *= 0.5
                z *= range
                z += self._min
                z[totflags != 0] = 0.0

                cachename = "{}_{}".format(self._out, det)
                if not tod.cache.exists(cachename):
                    tod.cache.create(cachename, np.float64, (nsamp, ))
                ref = tod.cache.reference(cachename)
                ref[:] += z
                del ref

                if not self._keep_quats:
                    cachename = 'quat_{}'.format(det)

            del common
Exemplo n.º 17
def run_mpi():
    print "Rank :", rank, "started"
    npix = hp.nside2npix(config.nside_out)
    dim, ind_elements = cov_ut.get_dim(config.pol_type)
    bolo_list = [None, None, None]

    inv_cov_matrix_local = np.zeros((npix, ind_elements), dtype=np.float)
    b_matrix_local = np.zeros((npix, dim), dtype=np.float)
    hitmap_local = np.zeros(npix, dtype=np.float)

    bolo_segment_dict = get_local_bolo_segment_list(rank, size, config.bolo_list, config.segment_list)

    print "Rank :", rank, ", Bolos and Segments :", bolo_segment_dict

    recon_dir = get_recon_dir()
    if rank == 0:

    for bolo_name in bolo_segment_dict.keys():
        print "Rank :", rank, "Bolos class being generated"
        bolo_list = initialise_bolo(bolo_name, bolo_list)
        for segment in bolo_segment_dict[bolo_name]:
            prompter.prompt("Rank : %d doing Bolo : %s and segment : %d" % (rank, bolo_name, segment))
            if config.take_diff_signal:
                signal, v, pol_ang = acquire_difference_signal(bolo_a, bolo_b, segment)
                signal, v, pol_ang = acquire_signal(bolo, segment)
            if config.subtract_template:
                signal_TEMPLATE = bolo_TEMPLATE.read_timestream(segment, read_list=["signal"])["signal"]
                signal -= estimated_y*signal_TEMPLATE
            print "Rank :", rank, "Bolos signal read"
            hitpix = hp.vec2pix(config.nside_out, v[...,0], v[...,1], v[...,2])
            del v
            cov_ut.get_inv_cov_matrix(hitpix, pol_ang, signal, inv_cov_matrix_local, b_matrix_local, hitmap_local, npix, config.pol_type)
            print "Rank :", rank, "Inverse covariance matrix generated"

    if config.subtract_template:
        del signal_TEMPLATE
    del signal
    del pol_ang
    del hitpix

    inv_cov_matrix_local_segment = distribute_matrix(inv_cov_matrix_local, "cov_matrix")
    del inv_cov_matrix_local
    b_matrix_local_segment = distribute_matrix(b_matrix_local, "b_matrix")
    del b_matrix_local
    hitmap_local_segment = distribute_matrix(hitmap_local, "hitmap")
    del hitmap_local

    cov_matrix_local_segment = cov_ut.get_covariance_matrix(inv_cov_matrix_local_segment, hitmap_local_segment, config.pol_type)

    sky_map_local_segment = cov_ut.get_sky_map(cov_matrix_local_segment, b_matrix_local_segment, hitmap_local_segment, config.pol_type)

    write_segments(hitmap_local_segment, "hitmap", recon_dir) 
    write_segments(inv_cov_matrix_local_segment, "inverse_covariance_matrix", recon_dir) 
    write_segments(cov_matrix_local_segment, "covariance_matrix", recon_dir) 
    write_segments(sky_map_local_segment, "sky_map", recon_dir) 
Exemplo n.º 18
 def healpixelize(self, n_side):
     For each galaxy, finds the corresponding pixel number in healpix
     pixelization of n_side.
     self.healpix_n_side = n_side
     self.healpix_pixels = hp.vec2pix(self.healpix_n_side, self.nhat0,
                                      self.nhat1, self.nhat2)
Exemplo n.º 19
def match_hpx_pix(nside, nest, nside_pix, ipix_ring):
    """TODO: document."""
    import healpy as hp

    ipix_in = np.arange(12 * nside * nside)
    vecs = hp.pix2vec(nside, ipix_in, nest)
    pix_match = hp.vec2pix(nside_pix, vecs[0], vecs[1], vecs[2]) == ipix_ring
    return ipix_in[pix_match]
Exemplo n.º 20
def latlon2healpix(lat, lon, res):
    lat = float(lat)
    lon = float(lon)
    lat = lat * math.pi / 180.0
    lon = lon * math.pi / 180.0
    xs = (math.cos(lat) * math.cos(lon))
    ys = (math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lon))
    zs = (math.sin(lat))
    return healpy.vec2pix(int(res), xs, ys, zs)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def exec(self, data):
        Create the gradient timestreams.

        This pixelizes each detector's pointing and then assigns a
        timestream value based on the cartesian Z coordinate of the pixel

            data (toast.Data): The distributed data.
        autotimer = timing.auto_timer(type(self).__name__)
        comm = data.comm

        zaxis = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float64)
        nullquat = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float64)

        range = self._max - self._min

        for obs in data.obs:
            tod = obs['tod']

            offset, nsamp = tod.local_samples

            common = tod.local_common_flags() & self._common_flag_mask

            for det in tod.local_dets:
                flags = tod.local_flags(det) & self._flag_mask
                totflags = (flags | common)
                del flags

                pdata = tod.local_pointing(det).copy()
                pdata[totflags != 0, :] = nullquat

                dir = qa.rotate(pdata, zaxis)
                pixels = hp.vec2pix(self._nside, dir[:, 0], dir[:, 1], dir[:, 2],
                x, y, z = hp.pix2vec(self._nside, pixels, nest=self._nest)
                z += 1.0
                z *= 0.5
                z *= range
                z += self._min
                z[totflags != 0] = 0.0

                cachename = "{}_{}".format(self._out, det)
                if not tod.cache.exists(cachename):
                    tod.cache.create(cachename, np.float64, (nsamp,))
                ref = tod.cache.reference(cachename)
                ref[:] += z
                del ref

                if not self._keep_quats:
                    cachename = 'quat_{}'.format(det)

            del common
Exemplo n.º 22
    def get_pix_iqu(self, rad, nside=1024, nest=True):
        from healpy import vec2pix, vec2ang

        vec = self.get(rad)
        theta, phi = vec2ang(vec)
        psi = self.compute_psi(theta, phi, rad)
        # return vec2pix(nside, vec[:,0], vec[:,1], vec[:,2], nest), np.cos(2*psi), np.sin(2*psi)
        cos2psi, sin2psi = compute_pol_weigths(psi)
        return vec2pix(nside, vec[:, 0], vec[:, 1], vec[:, 2], nest), cos2psi, sin2psi
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_healpix(self, array_of_synthetic_observation_times_TT,
     UV = self.get_unit_vector(
     return np.array([
         hp.vec2pix(params.hp_nside, *uv, nest=params.hp_nested)
         for uv in UV
Exemplo n.º 24
def healpix_budavari_dict(zone_dict, nside=8):
    tmp_dict = {
        k: hp.vec2pix(nside, *v)
        for k, v in budavari_magnier_centers(zone_dict).items()
    hb_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for k, v in tmp_dict.items():
    return hb_dict
Exemplo n.º 25
def vec2pix_ring(testcase):
    cs = []
    for norder in range(16):
        nside = 1 << norder
        for i in range(1000):
            v = random_vec()
                dict(args=(nside, v),
                     expected=healpy.vec2pix(nside, *v).tolist()))
    testcase['vec2pix_ring'] = cs
Exemplo n.º 26
 def get_pix_iqu(self, rad, nside=1024, nest=True):
     from healpy import vec2pix, vec2ang
     vec = self.get(rad)
     theta, phi = vec2ang(vec)
     psi = self.compute_psi(theta, phi, rad)
     #return vec2pix(nside, vec[:,0], vec[:,1], vec[:,2], nest), np.cos(2*psi), np.sin(2*psi)
     spsi = np.sin(psi)
     cpsi = np.cos(psi)
     cf = 1./(cpsi**2 + spsi**2)
     return vec2pix(nside, vec[:,0], vec[:,1], vec[:,2], nest), (cpsi**2 - spsi**2)*cf, 2*cpsi*spsi*cf
Exemplo n.º 27
def create_healpix_map(input_file, nside=2048, read_inputs=True, object1=None):
    ''' creating healpix map - assuming particle masses are the same. We can remove this assumption easily if we want to check halo maps'''
    map_dens = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    if read_inputs:
        object1 = read_in_lightcone(input_file, vars=['x', 'y', 'z'])
        print('read in lightcone values')
    pix_list = hp.vec2pix(nside, object1['x'], object1['y'], object1['z'])
    unique, unique_counts = np.unique(pix_list, return_counts=True)
    map_dens[unique] += unique_counts
    print('created ngp density map')
    return map_dens
Exemplo n.º 28
 def transformVec(self, x, y, z, E, Z=1):
     Attempt to transform a galactic direction, given an energy E [EeV] and charge number Z.
     Returns a triple (x,y,z) if successful or None if not.
     j = healpy.vec2pix(self.nside, x, y, z)
     i = self.transformPix(j, E, Z)
     if i == None:
         return None
     v = healpytools.randVecInPix(self.nside, i)
     return v
Exemplo n.º 29
 def transformVec(self, x, y, z, E, Z=1):
     Attempt to transform a galactic direction, given an energy E [EeV] and charge number Z.
     Returns a triple (x,y,z) if successful or None if not.
     j = healpy.vec2pix(self.nside, x, y, z)
     i = self.transformPix(j, E, Z)
     if i == None:
         return None
     v = healpytools.randVecInPix(self.nside, i)
     return v
Exemplo n.º 30
def EQU2GAL_E(m_equ):
    npix = len(m_equ)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    m_gal = np.full(npix, hp.UNSEEN)
    r = hp.Rotator(coord=['C', 'G'])
    n_equ = np.arange(npix)
    v_equ = hp.pix2vec(nside, n_equ)
    v_gal = r(v_equ)
    n_gal = hp.vec2pix(nside, v_gal[0], v_gal[1], v_gal[2])
    m_gal[n_gal] = m_equ[n_equ]

    return m_gal
Exemplo n.º 31
 def HP_of_center(self):
         Get the healpix of the center
     if np.any(self.UV == None):
     self.HPcenter = hp.vec2pix(params.hp_nside,
     return self.HPcenter
Exemplo n.º 32
def create_pixel_list(nside,
    if (area_center_nside is not None or area_center_pixel is not None or area_num_pixels is not None) and \
       (area_center_nside is None or area_center_pixel is None or area_num_pixels is None):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "You have to either set none of the three options area_center_nside,area_center_pixel,area_num_pixels or all of them"

    npixel_max = healpy.nside2npix(nside)

    # just return all pixels if no specific area is requested or the area covers the entire map
    if (area_center_nside is None) or (area_num_pixels >= npixel_max):
        return range(npixel_max)

    # otherwise, build the area iteratively
    pixel_area_sqdeg = healpy.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
    area_for_requested_pixels_sqdeg = pixel_area_sqdeg * float(area_num_pixels)
    approx_radius = numpy.sqrt(area_for_requested_pixels_sqdeg) / numpy.pi
        "Building healpix pixel list for nside {} with an area of {} (out of {}) pixels (=={:.2f}sqdeg; radius={:.2f}deg)"
        .format(nside, area_num_pixels, npixel_max,
                area_for_requested_pixels_sqdeg, approx_radius))

    # get the center coordinate
    c_x, c_y, c_z = healpy.pix2vec(area_center_nside, area_center_pixel)
    start_pixel = healpy.vec2pix(nside, c_x, c_y, c_z)
    c_x, c_y, c_z = healpy.pix2vec(nside, start_pixel)
    pixel_set = set([start_pixel])

    print("start pixel:", start_pixel)

    # Create a full list of pixels ordered so that the center pixel is first and the distance to the center is growing.
    # Then crop the list to return the number of requested pixels. This makes sure that we can extend the list later.

    pixels = numpy.array(range(npixel_max))

    p_x, p_y, p_z = healpy.pix2vec(nside, pixels)
    pixel_space_angles = numpy.arccos(
        numpy.clip(c_x * p_x + c_y * p_y + c_z * p_z, -1., 1.))
    pixel_num = numpy.array(range(len(pixel_space_angles)), dtype=numpy.float)

    # pixels, sorted by distance from the requested pixel; secondary sort key is just the healpix pixel index
    pixel_list_sorted = pixels[numpy.lexsort(
        (pixel_num, pixel_space_angles))].tolist()

    return_list = pixel_list_sorted[:area_num_pixels]

    print("Pixel set created. It has {} entries (requested entries were {})".
          format(len(return_list), area_num_pixels))

    return return_list
Exemplo n.º 33
def read_files_lightcone(files,

    pdtype = np.dtype([('px', np.float), ('py', np.float), ('pz', np.float),
                       ('vx', np.float), ('vy', np.float), ('vz', np.float),
                       ('z_cos', np.float)])

    for i, f in enumerate(files):
        if i == 0:
            if rsd:
                pos, vel = read_file_downsample(f, nd=nd, read_vel=True)
                pos = read_file_downsample(f, nd=nd)
            if rsd:
                p, v = read_file_downsample(f, nd=nd, read_vel=True)
                vel = np.vstack([vel, v])
                p = read_file_downsample(f, nd=nd)

            pos = np.vstack([pos, p])

    parts = np.zeros(len(pos), dtype=pdtype)

    # cut to min/max redshifts
    # temporarily store radii in z column
    parts['z_cos'] = np.sqrt(pos[:, 0]**2 + pos[:, 1]**2 + pos[:, 2]**2)

    parts['z_cos'] = cosmo.zofR(parts['z_cos'])

    pix = hp.vec2pix(nside_jack, pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], pos[:, 2], nest=True)
    idx = ((z_min < parts['z_cos']) & (parts['z_cos'] <= z_max)
           & (pix == pix_jack))
    pos = pos[idx]
    vel = vel[idx]
    parts = parts[idx]
    parts['px'] = pos[:, 0]
    parts['py'] = pos[:, 1]
    parts['pz'] = pos[:, 2]
    parts['vx'] = vel[:, 0]
    parts['vy'] = vel[:, 1]
    parts['vz'] = vel[:, 2]

    del vel, pos

    return parts
Exemplo n.º 34
def get_centralsignal(skymap,
    Return central signal of a collection of sources which is calculated by
    taking the signal of the pixel which countains the source then multiply by 
    beam normalization factor.

    Input: skymap: healpix skymap;
           mask: mask healpix map;
           pos_src_all: position of sources (with shape (Nsource, 3));
           out_edge: outer disk of the ring to calculate background(in arcmin);
           in_edge: inner disk of the ring to calculate background(in arcmin);
           fwhm: FWHM of the gaussian beam of the skymap
           tol: tolerance between 0 and 1 indicating a threshold of fraction of
                unmasked pixels in a disk
    Output: central signal corresponding to each source

    sigma = fwhm / 2.35482004503
    Nsource = pos_src_all.shape[0]
    skymap_masked = skymap * mask
    Ns = hp.npix2nside(mask.size)
    tot_signal = np.zeros(Nsource)
    fraction = 0
    print('Total source number: ' + str(Nsource))
    for i in range(Nsource):
        fraction_next = np.int(i * 10 / np.float(Nsource))
        if fraction_next > fraction:
            print(int(i * 100 / np.float(Nsource))), '%'
            fraction = fraction_next
        list_out_unmasked, list_in_unmasked = get_disk(mask, pos_src_all[i],
                                                       out_edge, in_edge, tol)
        if np.asarray(list_out_unmasked) is np.array([0]):
            tot_signal[i] = 0

        bkg = get_bkg(skymap, mask, list_out_unmasked, list_in_unmasked)
        pos_src_ind = hp.vec2pix(Ns, pos_src_all[i][0], pos_src_all[i][1],
        tot_signal[i] = ((skymap_masked)[pos_src_ind] - bkg)
    tot_signal *= (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
    N_inmask = np.nonzero(tot_signal)[0].size
    print("Number of Objects (in mask): ", N_inmask)
    print("Used " + str(N_inmask / float(Nsource) * 100) + '%')

    return tot_signal
Exemplo n.º 35
def RADECToPatch(nside,
    if DEC is None:
        DEC = RA[1]
        RA = RA[0]
    uXYZ = hp.dir2vec(RA, DEC, lonlat=lonlat)
    uXYZ = invRotMat.dot(uXYZ)
    patch = hp.vec2pix(nside, uXYZ[0], uXYZ[1], uXYZ[2], nest=nest)
    return patch
Exemplo n.º 36
def project_map_beam(
    pixels, nside, width_deg, theta_beam, phi_beam, pixels_per_side=150
    gamma_map = np.zeros(len(pixels))
    vecrot = healpy.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(len(pixels)))
    pixrotate = healpy.vec2pix(nside, vecrot[0], vecrot[1], vecrot[2])
    Ry = [
        [np.cos(-theta_beam), 0, np.sin(-theta_beam)],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [-np.sin(-theta_beam), 0, np.cos(-theta_beam)],
    Rz = [
        [np.cos(-phi_beam), -np.sin(-phi_beam), 0],
        [np.sin(-phi_beam), np.cos(-phi_beam), 0],
        [0, 0, 1],
    RotMat = np.dot(Ry, Rz)
    vec = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(RotMat), vecrot)
    pix = healpy.vec2pix(nside, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2])
    index = 0
    for i in pix:
        gamma_map[index] = pixels[i]
        index += 1

    theta_max = np.deg2rad(width_deg)
    extr_inf = -np.sin(theta_max)
    extr_sup = np.sin(theta_max)
    u = np.linspace(extr_inf, extr_sup, pixels_per_side)
    v = np.linspace(extr_inf, extr_sup, pixels_per_side)
    u_grid, v_grid = np.meshgrid(u, v)
    theta_grid = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(u_grid ** 2 + v_grid ** 2))
    phi_grid = np.arctan2(v_grid, u_grid)
    return (
            gamma_map, theta_grid.flatten(), phi_grid.flatten()
        ).reshape(pixels_per_side, -1),
Exemplo n.º 37
def galmap2eqmap(map):
    function to rotate galactic coord map (healpix) to equatorial
    return outmap
Exemplo n.º 38
 def crd2px(self, c1, c2, c3=None, interpolate=False):
     """Convert 1 dimensional arrays of input coordinates to pixel indices. If only c1,c2 provided, then read them as th,phi.  If c1,c2,c3 provided, read them as x,y,z. If interpolate is False, return a single pixel coordinate.  If interpolate is True, return px,wgts where each entry in px contains the 4 pixels adjacent to the specified location, and wgt contains the 4 corresponding weights of those pixels."""
     is_nest = (self._scheme == 'NEST')
     if not interpolate:
         if c3 is None: # th/phi angle mode
             px = healpy.ang2pix(self._nside, c1, c2, nest=is_nest)
         else: # x,y,z mode
             px = healpy.vec2pix(self._nside, c1, c2, c3, nest=is_nest)
         return px
         if c3 is not None: # need to translate xyz to th/phi
             c1,c2 = healpy.vec2ang(np.array([c1,c2,c3]).T)
         px,wgts = healpy.get_interp_weights(self._nside, c1, c2, nest=is_nest)
         return px.T, wgts.T
Exemplo n.º 39
def downsample(cosmo,
               zrange=[0.0, 1.5],

    # rotate mask centers to simulation coordinates
    vec = np.array(hp.pix2vec(4096, mask_pix, nest=True)).T
    vec = np.dot(vec, rot)

    pix = hp.vec2pix(int(nside_jack),
                     vec[:, 0],
                     vec[:, 1],
                     vec[:, 2],
    upix = np.unique(pix)

    if rank == 0:
        print('Total number of pix: {}'.format(len(upix)))

    for i, p in enumerate(upix[rank::size]):
        print('{}: Working on pixel {}'.format(rank, p))

        rrange = cosmo.rofZ(np.array(zrange))

        r_min_idx = rrange[0] // 25
        r_max_idx = rrange[1] // 25
        ridx = np.arange(r_min_idx, r_max_idx + 1)
        print('Radial cells to read: {}'.format(ridx))

        # read in particles in this pixel/redshift range
        files_lightcone = get_lightcone_files(nside_jack, p, ridx,
        part = read_files_lightcone(files_lightcone,

        part = mask_parts(part, mask, rot)

        save_downsampled_particles(outbase + '/downsampled_particles.{}.fits',
                                   part, rank)
Exemplo n.º 40
def read_map(num):
    a = hp.read_map(
        "/astro/u/anze/work/BMX/CRIME/output/colore__imap_s1_nu%03d.fits" %
    #    a = hp.read_map("output2/cosmo_%03d.fits" % num)
    proj = hp.projector.GnomonicProj(rot=(-170, 40.8, 0),
                                     coord=["G", "C"],
    vec2pix = lambda x, y, z: hp.vec2pix(Nside, x, y, z)
    Nside = 512
    pmap = proj.projmap(a, vec2pix)
    return np.mean(pmap, axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 41
def sim2(fp, freq, borequats, hwpang, hits, alps, inpp=None, hwprate=88.0, outdir = ''):

    nsim = borequats.shape[0]
    nhpix = hits.shape[0]
    nside = int(np.sqrt(nhpix / 12))

    if nhpix != 12*nside*nside:
        raise RuntimeError('invalid healpix nside value')
    if hwpang.shape[0] != borequats.shape[0]:
        raise RuntimeError('HWP angle vector must be same length as boresight quaternions')
    if inpp is not None:
        if inpp.shape[0] != nhpix:
            raise RuntimeError('N_pp^-1 number of pixels must match N_hits')
        if inpp.shape[1] != 6:
            raise RuntimeError('N_pp^-1 must have 6 elements per pixel')

    xaxis = np.array([1,0,0], dtype=np.float64)
    yaxis = np.array([0,1,0], dtype=np.float64)
    zaxis = np.array([0,0,1], dtype=np.float64)

    # generate hitcount map and alpha
    for i, det in enumerate(fp.detectors(freq=freq)):

        detrot = qa.mult(borequats, fp.quat(det))
        detdir = qa.rotate(detrot, np.tile(zaxis, nsim).reshape(-1,3))
        dettheta, detphi = hp.vec2ang(detdir)
        detpix = hp.vec2pix(nside, detdir[:,0], detdir[:,1], detdir[:,2])
        detbinned = np.bincount(detpix)
        hits[0:detbinned.shape[0]] += detbinned[:]

        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'theta.bin')
        with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'phi.bin')
        with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'pix.bin')
        with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:

        if np.mod(i,2)!=1: 
            alpdir = qa.rotate(detrot, np.tile(xaxis, nsim).reshape(-1,3))
            x = alpdir[:,0]*detdir[:,1] - alpdir[:,1]*detdir[:,0]
            y = alpdir[:,0]*(-detdir[:,2]*detdir[:,0]) + alpdir[:,1]*(-detdir[:,2]*detdir[:,1]) + alpdir[:,2]*(detdir[:,0]*detdir[:,0]+detdir[:,1]*detdir[:,1])        
            angle = np.arctan2(y,x)

            outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'angle.bin')
            with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
Exemplo n.º 42
def reproject_map(nside, phi, healpix_array=None):
    """Reproject beam map to be centered around healpix pixel instead of zenith.

    :param nside: Healpix nside
    :param phi: Angle to rotate beam by, from E --> N (anticlockwise)
    :param healpix_array: Input healpix array to be rotated
        - Reprojected healpix map

    vec = hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))
    eu_mat = euler(-phi, 0, 0, deg=True)
    rot_map = hp.rotator.rotateVector(eu_mat, vec)
    new_hp_inds = hp.vec2pix(nside, rot_map[0], rot_map[1], rot_map[2])

    return healpix_array[new_hp_inds]
Exemplo n.º 43
def vec2pix(nside, v, y=None, z=None, nest=False):
    Convert HEALpixel ipix to spherical angles (astrotools definition)
    Substitutes hp.vec2pix

    :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization
    :param v: either (x, y, z) vector of the pixel center(s) or only x-coordinate
    :param y: y-coordinate(s) of the center
    :param z: z-coordinate(s) of the center
    :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme
    :return: vector of the pixel center(s)
    if y is None and z is None:
        v, y, z = v
    ipix = hp.vec2pix(nside, v, y, z, nest=nest)
    return ipix
Exemplo n.º 44
def cartesian_proj(hp_map, projector):
    """Create an array containing the Cartesian projection of the map.

    map : array-like
        An array containing a healpix map, can be complex.
    projector : cartesian projector
        The Cartesian projector.
    nside = healpy.npix2nside(healpy.get_map_size(hp_map.real))
    vec2pix_func = lambda x, y, z: healpy.vec2pix(nside, x, y, z)
    cart_map = projector.projmap(hp_map.real, vec2pix_func)
    if np.iscomplexobj(hp_map):
        cart_map = cart_map + 1.0J * projector.projmap(hp_map.imag, vec2pix_func)

    return cart_map
Exemplo n.º 45
 def load_beam(self):
     self.afreqs = []
     self.bm_maps = {'xx': [], 'yy': []}
     for ff in sorted(__import__('glob').glob('%s/*.fits'%self.fitsdir)):
         _bm = hp.read_map(ff)
         _bm = hp.ud_grade(_bm, self.nside)
             _bm /= _bm[self.zen]
             self.zen = hp.vec2pix(self.nside, 0, 0, 1)
             _bm /= _bm[self.zen]
         if not hasattr(self, 'npx'):
             self.npx = len(_bm)
     self.ndeg = len(self.bm_maps['xx'])
Exemplo n.º 46
def correlations(i_ang):
	ang_low = (pi / 180) * (ang[i_ang] - (ang_res / 2))
	ang_high = (pi / 180) * (ang[i_ang] + (ang_res / 2))

	n = np.zeros(N_jkmpix)	
	c = np.zeros((n_corr, N_jkmpix))
	c_out = np.zeros((n_corr, N_jkmpix))
	#c_gal = 0
	#n_gal = 0
	for i in range(N_mpix):
		i_vec = hp.pix2vec(nside, mpix2hpix[i])
		disc_low = hp.query_disc(nside, i_vec, ang_low, inclusive = False)
		disc_high = hp.query_disc(nside, i_vec, ang_high, inclusive = False)
		disc = hpix2mpix[np.setdiff1d(disc_high, disc_low)]
		disc = disc[disc >= 0]
		k = hp.vec2pix(nside_jk, i_vec[0], i_vec[1], i_vec[2])
		k = jkhpix2jkmpix[k]

		for l in range(n_corr):		
			dmap1 = dmap[l][0]	
			dmap2 = dmap[l][1]	
			c[l][k] += dmap1[i] * dmap2[disc].sum()

		n[k] += len(disc) 

		#c_gal += dmap[0][0][i] * dmap[0][1][disc].sum()
		#n_gal += len(disc)

	for l in range(n_corr): 
		for k in range(N_jkmpix):
			c_out[l][k] = (c[l].sum() - c[l][k]) / (n.sum() - n[k])

	print "theta = %.2f Done!" % ang[i_ang]
	return c_out
Exemplo n.º 47
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: zonca/dst
def eq2gal(m):
    Rgal2eq = hp.Rotator(coord='GC')
    npix = len(m[0])
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    newpix = hp.vec2pix(nside, *Rgal2eq(hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix))))
    return [mm[newpix] for mm in m]
def jones2celestial_basis(jones, z0_cza=None):
    if z0_cza is None:
        z0_cza = np.radians(120.7215)

    npix = jones.shape[0]
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)

    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    z0 = irf.r_hat_cart(z0_cza, 0.)

    RotAxis = np.cross(z0, np.array([0,0,1.]))
    RotAxis /= np.sqrt(np.dot(RotAxis,RotAxis))
    RotAngle = np.arccos(np.dot(z0, [0,0,1.]))

    R_z0 = irf.rotation_matrix(RotAxis, RotAngle)

    R_jones = irf.rotate_jones(jones, R_z0, multiway=True) # beams are now pointed at -31 deg latitude

    jones_out = np.zeros((npix, 2,2), dtype=np.complex128)

## This next bit is a routine to patch the topological hole by grabbing pixel
## data from a neighborhood of the corrupted pixels.
## It uses the crucial assumption that in the ra/cza basis the dipoles
## are orthogonal at zenith. This means that for the diagonal components,
## the zenith pixels should be a local maximum, while for the off-diagonal
## components the zenith pixels should be a local minimum (in absolute value).
## Using this assumption, we can cover the corrupted pixel(s) in the
## zenith neighborhood by the maximum pixel of the neighborhood
## for the diagonal, and the minimum of the neighborhood for the off-diagonal.
## As long as the function is relatively flat in this neighborhood, this should
## be a good fix

    jones_b = transform_basis(nside, R_jones, z0_cza, R_z0)

    cf = [np.real,np.imag]
    u = [1.,1.j]

    z0pix = hp.vec2pix(nside, z0[0],z0[1],z0[2])
    if nside < 128:
        z0_nhbrs = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, z0_cza, phi=0.)
        z0_nhbrs = neighbors_of_neighbors(nside, z0_cza, phi=0.)

    jones_c = np.zeros((npix,2,2,2), dtype=np.float64)
    for k in range(2):
        jones_c[:,:,:,k] = cf[k](jones_b)

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            for k in range(2):
                z0_nbhd = jones_c[z0_nhbrs,i,j,k]

                if i == j:
                    fill_val_pix = np.argmax(abs(z0_nbhd))
                    fill_val = z0_nbhd[fill_val_pix]

                    fill_val_pix = np.argmin(abs(z0_nbhd))
                    fill_val = z0_nbhd[fill_val_pix]

                jones_c[z0_nhbrs,i,j,k] = fill_val
                jones_c[z0pix,i,j,k] = fill_val

    jones_out = jones_c[:,:,:,0] + 1j*jones_c[:,:,:,1]

    return jones_out
Exemplo n.º 49
def gal2eq(m):
    Rgal2eq = hp.Rotator(coord='CG')
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    newpix = hp.vec2pix(nside, *Rgal2eq(hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix))))
    return m[newpix]
Exemplo n.º 50
 def vec2pix_ring(self, x, y, z):
     return hp.vec2pix(self.nside,x,y,z)
Exemplo n.º 51
 def rotate_xy(self, m):
     xyz = hp.pix2vec(self.nside, range(self.npx))
     X2Y = a.coord.rot_m(-np.pi/2., np.array([0,0,1]))
     ycrd = np.dot(X2Y, xyz)
     ypx = hp.vec2pix(self.nside, ycrd[0], ycrd[1], ycrd[2])
     return m[ypx]
Exemplo n.º 52
    def get_pix(self, rad, nside=1024, nest=True):
        from healpy import vec2pix

        vec = self.get(rad)
        return vec2pix(nside, vec[:, 0], vec[:, 1], vec[:, 2], nest)
            # Rotation is a rotation with respect to the `z` axis

            # In[ ]:

            rotation_speed = np.radians(-1 * 360/60)
            az = rotation_speed * (target_ut_h * 3600.) % (2*np.pi)

            q_rotation = qa.rotation(z, az)

            # We compose the rotations

            direction = qa.rotate(
                qa.mult(qfull, qa.mult(q_rotation, q_elev)),

            lon, lat= hp.vec2dir(direction[:,0], direction[:,1], direction[:,2], lonlat=True)

            # ### Hitmap

            pix = hp.vec2pix(NSIDE,direction[:,0], direction[:,1], direction[:,2] )

            hit += hp.ma(pix2map(pix, NSIDE))

        hit.mask = hit == 0
        hp.write_map('hitmap_%s_%d_opening.fits' % (LOCATION, OPENING_ANGLE),hit)
Exemplo n.º 54
    def simulate_timestream(self, segment, return_field=["signal", "v", "pol_ang"]):
        if segment == 0:
            if self.config.write_beam:

        rot_qt = self.generate_quaternion(segment)

        t_stream = {"signal" : None, "v" : None, "pol_ang" : None, "noise" : None}

        #Simulating the scan along the centre of the FOV
        v_init = self.get_initial_vec(0.0)
        v_central = self.get_v_obv(v_init, rot_qt)
        t_stream['v'] = v_central

        pol_ang = self.get_pol_ang(rot_qt, v_central) 
        t_stream['pol_ang'] = pol_ang
        if self.config.sim_pol_type == "T":
            cos2 = np.cos(2*pol_ang)
            sin2 = np.sin(2*pol_ang)
        if "timestream_data" in self.config.timestream_data_products:
            self.write_timestream_data(v_central, "pointing_vec", segment)
            self.write_timestream_data(pol_ang, "pol_ang", segment)
        if not self.config.pipe_with_map_maker:
            del pol_ang

        beam_kernel_row = self.beam.get_beam_row(0.0)                       #The input argument is the beam offset from the centre
        hit_pix = hp.vec2pix(self.config.nside_in, v_central[...,0], v_central[...,1], v_central[...,2])
        signal = self.generate_signal(hit_pix, beam_kernel_row, cos2, sin2)

        for del_beta in self.beam.del_beta:
            if del_beta == 0.0:
            beam_kernel_row = self.beam.get_beam_row(del_beta)
            v_init = self.get_initial_vec(del_beta)
            v = quaternion.transform(rot_qt, v_init)
            hit_pix = hp.vec2pix(self.config.nside_in, v[...,0], v[...,1], v[...,2])
            signal += self.generate_signal(hit_pix, beam_kernel_row, cos2, sin2)

        beam_sum = np.sum(self.beam.beam_kernel[0])
        signal /= beam_sum

        if self.config.add_noise:
            noise = self.noise_class.simulate_timestream_noise_from_parameters()
            if "timestream_data" in self.config.timestream_data_products:
                self.write_timestream_data(noise, "noise", segment)
            signal[::self.config.oversampling_rate] += noise 

        if "timestream_data" in self.config.timestream_data_products:
            self.write_timestream_data(signal, "signal", segment)

        if self.config.pipe_with_map_maker:
            if self.config.do_pencil_beam:
                t_stream["signal"] = signal
                t_stream["v"] = v_central
                t_stream["pol_ang"] = pol_ang
                return t_stream
                t_stream["signal"] = signal[::self.config.oversampling_rate]
                t_stream["v"] = v_central[self.pad:-self.pad][::self.config.oversampling_rate]
                t_stream["pol_ang"] = pol_ang[self.pad:-self.pad][::self.config.oversampling_rate]
                return t_stream

        if "hitmap" in self.config.timestream_data_products:
            del signal
            hit_pix = hp.vec2pix(self.config.nside_in, v_central[...,0], v_central[...,1], v_central[...,2])
            hitmap = self.get_hitmap(hit_pix)
            return hitmap 
Exemplo n.º 55
def healmap(map, proj='mollweide', nest=False, rot=None, coord=None, flipconv=None):
  proj = projs[proj](flipconv=flipconv)
  f = lambda x,y,z: vec2pix(npix2nside(len(map)), x,y,z,nest)
  image = proj.projmap(map, f, rot=rot, coord=coord)
  return image, [v * 0.5 * pi for v in proj.get_extent()]