Exemplo n.º 1
def prim(G, s):
    """ Implementation of Prims to find MST """

    for v in G.V:
        v.rank = sys.maxsize
        v.p = None
    s.rank = 0
    Q = MinHeap(G.V)

    while Q.size() > 0:
        u = Q.extract_min()
        for v, weigth in G.adj(u):
            if v in Q and weigth < v.rank:
                # updates the predecessor and rank such that we are getting spanning tree with lowest total edge weight
                v.p = u
                v.rank = weigth
                # update heap since ranks have changed

    # find all the edges that spans the tree
    result = []
    total_weight = 0
    for u in G.V:
        for v, weigth in G.adj(u):
            if v.p == u and (u, v, weigth) not in result:
                result.append((u, v, weigth))
                total_weight += weigth

    print(result, "Minimal weight:", total_weight)
Exemplo n.º 2
def heapsort(a):
    a = list(a)
    heap = MinHeap()
    a_sorted = []
    while heap.peek():

    return a_sorted