def main(*, cli_args: str = None): global log args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=__doc__), default_loglevel="WARNING", ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) bm = bookmarks.Bookmarks(args.file)"bookmarks: %s", bm) recent = bookmarks.RecentlyUsed(RECENTLY_USED_FILE) if args.edit: editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR", "vim") os.execlp(editor, editor, args.file) elif args.add_recent: path = pathlib.Path(args.add_recent) if not path.is_absolute(): path = pathlib.Path.home() / path if path in bm: recent.add(path.as_posix()) else:"%s is not in bookmarks, skip adding to recent paths list", path) return if not bm: raise DirsException("There are no bookmarks yet. --edit opens file in editor.") for fmt in bm.sorted_formatted(recent): print(fmt)
def main(*, cli_args: str = None): args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, default_loglevel="INFO", argp_kwargs=dict(description=__doc__), ) global log log = logging.getLogger("tool") if args.check_clean: if not repo_is_clean(): sys.exit(1) return settings = toml.load(args.pyproject) log.debug_obj(settings, "pyproject settings") fail_dirty = False if not repo_is_clean() and not args.dryrun: fail_dirty = True args.dryrun = True update_installer(INSTALLER, settings, args) meta = get_metadata(settings, args) write_package_metadata(meta, args) write_readme(meta, settings["tool"]["poetry"]["readme"], args) if fail_dirty: raise Error( "Did not write to any files since repo is dirty. " "Stash or commit any changes and try again." )
def fixup(*, cli_args: str = None, doc: str = None): global log args = hedgehog.init( _init_fixup, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=doc, usage="%(prog)s [opts] [git-commit args]"), ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) lines = (common.git_command("log", "--oneline", "--decorate", "-n", args.max_count).strip().splitlines()) commits = [(line, line.split(maxsplit=1)[0]) for line in lines] log.debug_obj(commits, "Commits") menu = TerminalMenu( ("|".join(c) for c in commits), preview_command="git log -1 {}", cycle_cursor=False, preview_size=0.4, show_search_hint=True, ) index = if index is None: return log.debug("Selected index: %s, commit: %s", index, commits[index]) git_args = [ "commit", *args.remainder, args.commit_type, commits[index][1], ] common.print_git_command(git_args, f" # ({commits[index][0]})") common.git_command(*git_args)
def preview(*, cli_args: str = None, doc: str = ""): """Select and print commit, show preview of "git show" in full screen.""" global log args = hedgehog.init( _init_preview, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict( description=doc, usage="%(prog)s [opts] [<revision range>] [[--] <path>...]", ), ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) git_args = [ "log", "--oneline", "--decorate", "-n", args.max_count, *args.remainder, ] lines = common.git_command(*git_args).strip().splitlines() commits = [(line, line.split(maxsplit=1)[0]) for line in lines] log.debug_obj(commits, "Commits") def _preview_command(commit_id): if args.log_preview: return common.git_command("log", "-1", commit_id) return common.git_command( "show", "--color={}".format("always" if args.color else "never"), commit_id) menu = TerminalMenu( ("|".join(c) for c in commits), preview_command=_preview_command, cycle_cursor=False, preview_size=0.85, clear_screen=not args.print, show_search_hint=True, ) index = if index is None: return log.debug("Selected index: %s, commit: %s", index, commits[index]) if args.print: print(commits[index][1]) return tempfd, tempname = tempfile.mkstemp()["git", "show", commits[index][1]], text=True, stdout=tempfd, check=True) log.debug("'git show %s' written to %s", commits[index][1], tempname)["bat", "--language", "Diff", tempname], text=True) os.remove(tempname)
def _select_branch(doc, cli_args: str = None): global log args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=doc), ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) return common.select_branch(include_remotes=args.all, preview=args.preview)
def test_init(): args = hedgehog.init( lambda p, v: p.parse_args(v), arguments="-vv --no-color", logger=True, default_loglevel="CRITICAL", argp_kwargs=dict(description="test text", prog="test"), ) assert hedgehog.CACHE_DIR.is_dir() assert args.verbose == 2 assert args.color is False assert logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.WARNING
def main(*, cli_args: str = None): global log args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=__doc__), ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) out = common.git_command("ls-files", "-z", *ls_files_args) filetree = paths_to_tree(pathlib.Path(f) for f in out.split("\0")) print_tree(filetree)
def main(*, cli_args: str = None): global log args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=__doc__), ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) branch = common.select_branch(include_remotes=True, title="Select branch to delete") if not branch: return for desc, name in branch.all: if match := re.match(rf"..remotes/(\S*{branch.branch})\s", desc): log.debug("There seems to be a matching remote: %s", match[1]) remote_branch = match[1].split("/", maxsplit=1) break
def main(*, cli_args: str = None): global log args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=__doc__), default_loglevel="WARNING", ) log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) log.debug(args) stack = Dirstack.load() if args.add: stack.add(args.add) return if args.delete: stack.delete() return if args.list: for entry in stack.sorted(): print("{} | {}".format(*entry)) return ordered_entries = stack.sorted() menu_entries = [ f"[{i + 1}] {e.time.isoformat(sep=' ', timespec='seconds')} {e.path}" for i, e in enumerate(ordered_entries) ] options = [ "[p] pop an entry", "[d] delete an entry", "[o] delete entries older than...", "[l] last visited directory", ] menu = functools.partial(TerminalMenu, show_search_hint=True) main_menu = menu(menu_entries + options) index = if index is None: raise DirstackException("Nothing selected", retcode=EXIT_NOOP) try: entry = ordered_entries[index] log.debug("selected: %s", entry) except IndexError: # one of the options after stack entries selected opt = index - len(ordered_entries) option = options[opt] if "last visited directory" in option: # Find first entry in list (sorted by visit time desc) that is not CWD for entry in ordered_entries: if entry.path != pathlib.Path.cwd(): stack.add(entry) print(entry.path) return else: raise DirstackException("No entry available", retcode=EXIT_NOOP) kwargs = {} if "older than" in option: kwargs["title"] = "Delete all entries from selected and older:" # Show menu of directories again, without the options selected_entry = menu(menu_entries, **kwargs).show() if selected_entry is None: raise DirstackException("Nothing selected", retcode=EXIT_NOOP) if "pop an entry" in option: entry = stack.pop(ordered_entries[selected_entry].path) print(entry.path) elif "delete an entry" in option: entry = stack.pop(ordered_entries[selected_entry].path) raise DirstackException(f"Deleted: {entry.path}", retcode=EXIT_DELETED) elif "older than" in option: popped = [] for entry in ordered_entries[selected_entry:]:"delete %s", entry) popped.append(stack.pop(entry)) raise DirstackException( "\n".join((f"Deleted: {e.path}" for e in popped)), retcode=EXIT_DELETED ) return # re-add selected path entry to stack stack.add(entry) print(entry.path)
def main(*, cli_args: str = None): args = hedgehog.init( _init, arguments=cli_args, logger=True, argp_kwargs=dict(description=__doc__), ) global log log = logging.getLogger(args.prog_name) cprint = Print.instance() cache_file = hedgehog.CACHE_DIR / "sshansible_last_host" hostname = None inventory = ansible.get_inventory( path=args.inventory or args.local_inventory and ansible.find_inventory() ) config_file = pathlib.Path(args.config).resolve() config = yaml.safe_load(config_file.read_bytes()) append_host_domain_name = config["domain_name"] ssh_config = hedgehog.TEMP_DIR / "ssh_config" if inventory and (args.ssh_config or not ssh_config.exists()):"Write inventory of %d hosts to %s", len(inventory), ssh_config) ansible.write_ssh_config(ssh_config, inventory.values()) if args.ssh_config: return if args.complete_hosts: print("\t".join(inventory.keys())) return True elif args.last: try: hostname = cache_file.read_text() except OSError: raise Error("Cannot use --last because cache file doesn't exist.") if not args.sshargs: args.sshargs.append(hostname) elif args.list: list_inventory(inventory, cache_file) return elif args.hosts_file: handle_hosts_file( [h for h, online in list_inventory(inventory, cache_file) if online], append_host_domain_name, ) return if not hostname: hostname = args.scp or args.sshargs[-1] # Allow empty hostname in scp src/dest specifications for i, arg in enumerate(args.sshargs): if arg.startswith(":"): args.sshargs[i] = f"{hostname}{arg}" try: host = inventory[hostname] except KeyError: raise Error("Couldn't find a host with name: %s", hostname) cache_file.write_text(hostname) command = "scp" if args.scp else "ssh-copy-id" if args.copy_id else "ssh" exec_args = [command, "-o", f"Hostname={host.address}", *args.sshargs] if args.remote_cmd: return run_remote_command(args.remote_cmd, hostname, host.address, exec_args) cprint(f"exec: {' '.join(exec_args)}", "yellow", file=sys.stderr) sys.stdout.flush() if args.dryrun: print(host.address) else: os.execlp(command, *exec_args)