Exemplo n.º 1
def get_segregated_requests(request_list):
    install_requests = []
    clone_requests = []
    disk_requests = []
    edit_requests = []
    install_object_store_requests = []
    for req in request_list:
        if req['request_type'] == VM_TASK_CREATE:
        elif req['request_type'] == VM_TASK_CLONE:
        elif req['request_type'] == VM_TASK_ATTACH_DISK:
        elif req['request_type'] == VM_TASK_EDIT_CONFIG:
        elif req['request_type'] == Object_Store_TASK_CREATE:
        elif req['request_type'] == CONTAINER_TASK_CREATE:
    if not config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF","docker_enabled"):
        install_container_requests = None
    return (install_requests, clone_requests, disk_requests, edit_requests, install_object_store_requests,install_container_requests)
Exemplo n.º 2
def push_email(to_address,
    if config.getboolean("MAIL_CONF", "mail_active"):
        logger.debug("Sending mail to %s with subject %s" %
                     (to_address, email_subject))
        rtn = mail.send(to=to_address,
        logger.error("ERROR:: " + str(mail.error))
        logger.info("EMAIL STATUS:: " + str(rtn))
Exemplo n.º 3
def is_nic_setup():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF", "nic_setup")
Exemplo n.º 4
def is_object_store_enabled():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF", "object_store_enabled")
Exemplo n.º 5
def is_docker_enabled():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF", "docker_enabled")
Exemplo n.º 6
def is_vm_enabled():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF", "vm_enabled")
Exemplo n.º 7
def push_email(to_address, email_subject, email_message, reply_to_address, cc_addresses=[]):
    if config.getboolean("MAIL_CONF","mail_active"):
        logger.debug("Sending mail to %s with subject %s" %(to_address, email_subject))
        rtn = mail.send(to=to_address, subject=email_subject, message = email_message, reply_to=reply_to_address, cc=cc_addresses)
        logger.error("ERROR:: " + str(mail.error))
        logger.info("EMAIL STATUS:: " + str(rtn))
Exemplo n.º 8
def inference(data, models, resize):
    threshold = config['param'].getfloat('threshold')
    threshold_edge = config['param'].getfloat('threshold_edge')
    threshold_mark = config['param'].getfloat('threshold_mark')
    ensemble_policy = config['post']['ensemble']

    # sub-rountine to convert output tensor to numpy
    def convert(t):
        assert isinstance(t, (torch.FloatTensor, torch.cuda.FloatTensor))
        if len(t) == 0:
            return None
        # pixel wise ensemble output of models
        t = torch.mean(t, 0, True)
        # to numpy array
        t = t.cpu()
        t = t.numpy()[0]
        if ensemble_policy == 'vote':
            t = np.where(t >= 0.5, 1., 0.)  # majority vote
        # channel first [C, H, W] -> channel last [H, W, C]
        t = np.transpose(t, (1, 2, 0))
        # Remove single-dimensional channel from the shape of an array
        t = np.squeeze(t)
        t = align_size(t, size, resize)
        return t

    # get input data
    uid = data['uid']
    size = data['size']
    inputs = data['image']
    # prepare input variables
    inputs = inputs.unsqueeze(0)
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        inputs = inputs.cuda()
    if not resize:
        inputs = pad_tensor(inputs, size)
        inputs = Variable(inputs)

    y_s = y_c = y_m = torch.FloatTensor()
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        y_s, y_c, y_m = y_s.cuda(), y_c.cuda(), y_m.cuda()
    for model in models:
        model_name = type(model).__name__.lower()
        with_contour = config.getboolean(model_name,
        with_marker = config.getboolean(model_name,
        # predict model output
        c = m = Variable()
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            c, m = c.cuda(), m.cuda()
        s = model(inputs)
        # convert predict to numpy array
        if with_contour and with_marker:
            s, c, m = s
        elif with_contour:
            s, c = s
        # concat outputs
        if ensemble_policy == 'avg':
            y_s = torch.cat([y_s, s.data], 0)
            y_c = torch.cat([y_c, c.data], 0)
            y_m = torch.cat([y_m, m.data], 0)
        elif ensemble_policy == 'vote':
            y_s = torch.cat([y_s, (s.data > threshold).float()], 0)
            y_c = torch.cat([y_c, (c.data > threshold_edge).float()], 0)
            y_m = torch.cat([y_m, (m.data > threshold_mark).float()], 0)
            raise NotImplementedError("Ensemble policy not implemented")
    return uid, convert(y_s), convert(y_c), convert(y_m)
Exemplo n.º 9
def valid(loader, model, epoch, writer, n_step):
    iou = AverageMeter()   # semantic IoU
    iou_c = AverageMeter() # contour IoU
    iou_m = AverageMeter() # marker IoU
    losses = AverageMeter()
    only_contour = config['contour'].getboolean('exclusive')
    weight_map = config['param'].getboolean('weight_map')
    model_name = config['param']['model']
    with_contour = config.getboolean(model_name, 'branch_contour')
    with_marker = config.getboolean(model_name, 'branch_marker')
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

    # Sets the model in evaluation mode.
    for i, data in enumerate(loader):
        # get the inputs
        inputs = data['image'].to(device)
        labels = data['label'].to(device)
        labels_c = data['label_c'].to(device)
        labels_m = data['label_m'].to(device)
        # get loss weight
        weights = None
        if weight_map and 'weight' in data:
            weights = data['weight'].to(device)
        # forward step
        outputs = model(inputs)
        if with_contour and with_marker:
            outputs, outputs_c, outputs_m = outputs
        elif with_contour:
            outputs, outputs_c = outputs
        # compute loss
        if only_contour:
            loss = contour_criterion(outputs, labels_c)
            # weight_criterion equals to segment_criterion if weights is none
            loss = focal_criterion(outputs, labels, weights)
            if with_contour:
                loss += focal_criterion(outputs_c, labels_c, weights)
            if with_marker:
                loss += focal_criterion(outputs_m, labels_m, weights)
        # measure accuracy and record loss (Non-instance level IoU)
        losses.update(loss.item(), inputs.size(0))
        if only_contour:
            batch_iou = iou_mean(outputs, labels_c)
            batch_iou = iou_mean(outputs, labels)
        iou.update(batch_iou, inputs.size(0))
        if with_contour:
            batch_iou_c = iou_mean(outputs_c, labels_c)
            iou_c.update(batch_iou_c, inputs.size(0))
        if with_marker:
            batch_iou_m = iou_mean(outputs_m, labels_m)
            iou_m.update(batch_iou_m, inputs.size(0))
    # end of loop, dump epoch summary
    writer.add_scalar('CV/epoch_loss', losses.avg, epoch)
    writer.add_scalar('CV/epoch_iou', iou.avg, epoch)
    writer.add_scalar('CV/epoch_iou_c', iou_c.avg, epoch)
    writer.add_scalar('CV/epoch_iou_m', iou_m.avg, epoch)
        'Epoch: [{0}]\t\tcross-validation\t'
        'Loss: N/A    (avg: {loss.avg:.4f})\t'
        'IoU: {iou.avg:.3f} (Coutour: {iou_c.avg:.3f}, Marker: {iou_m.avg:.3f})\t'
            epoch, loss=losses, iou=iou, iou_c=iou_c, iou_m=iou_m
    return iou.avg # return epoch average iou
Exemplo n.º 10
def is_docker_enabled():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF","docker_enabled")
Exemplo n.º 11
def is_vm_enabled():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF","vm_enabled")
Exemplo n.º 12
def inference(data, models, resize):
    threshold = config['param'].getfloat('threshold')
    threshold_edge = config['param'].getfloat('threshold_edge')
    threshold_mark = config['param'].getfloat('threshold_mark')
    tta = config['valid'].getboolean('test_time_augment')
    ensemble_policy = config['valid']['ensemble']
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

    # sub-rountine to convert output tensor to numpy
    def convert(t):
        assert isinstance(t, (torch.FloatTensor, torch.cuda.FloatTensor))
        if len(t) == 0:
            return None
        # pixel wise ensemble output of models
        t = torch.mean(t, 0, True)
        # to numpy array
        t = t.to('cpu').numpy()[0]
        if ensemble_policy == 'vote':
            t = np.where(t >= 0.5, 1., 0.) # majority vote
        # channel first [C, H, W] -> channel last [H, W, C]
        t = np.transpose(t, (1, 2, 0))
        # Remove single-dimensional channel from the shape of an array
        t = np.squeeze(t)
        t = align_size(t, size, resize)
        return t

    # get input data
    uid = data['uid']
    size = data['size']
    inputs = data['image']
    # prepare input variables
    inputs = inputs.unsqueeze(0)
    inputs = inputs.to(device)

    if tta:
        txf_funcs = [lambda x: x,
                     lambda x: flip(x, 2), # up down flip
                     lambda x: flip(x, 3), # left right flip
                     lambda x: flip(flip(x, 3), 2),
        txf_funcs = [lambda x: x]

    y_s = y_c = y_m = torch.FloatTensor().to(device)
    for model in models:
        model_name = type(model).__name__.lower()
        with_contour = config.getboolean(model_name, 'branch_contour')
        with_marker = config.getboolean(model_name, 'branch_marker')
        # predict model output
        for txf in txf_funcs:
            # apply test time transform 
            x = inputs
            x = txf(x)
            # padding
            if not resize:
                x = pad_tensor(x, size)
            # inference model
            s = model(x)
            # handle multi-head
            c = m = torch.FloatTensor().to(device)
            if with_contour and with_marker:
                s, c, m = s
            elif with_contour:
                s, c = s
            # crop padding
            if not resize:
                w, h = size
                s = s[:, :, :h, :w]
                c = c[:, :, :h, :w] if len(c) > 0 else c
                m = m[:, :, :h, :w] if len(m) > 0 else m
            # reverse flip
            s = txf(s)
            c = txf(c)
            m = txf(m)
            # concat outputs
            if ensemble_policy == 'avg':
                y_s = torch.cat([y_s, s], 0)
                if len(c) > 0:
                    y_c = torch.cat([y_c, c], 0)
                if len(m) > 0:
                    y_m = torch.cat([y_m, m], 0)
            elif ensemble_policy == 'vote':
                y_s = torch.cat([y_s, (s > threshold).float()], 0)
                if len(c) > 0:
                    y_c = torch.cat([y_c, (c > threshold_edge).float()], 0)
                if len(m) > 0:
                    y_m = torch.cat([y_m, (m > threshold_mark).float()], 0)
                raise NotImplementedError("Ensemble policy not implemented")
    return uid, convert(y_s), convert(y_c), convert(y_m)
Exemplo n.º 13
from cont_handler import Container, addip
from gluon import current
from helper import get_context_path, get_docker_daemon_address, \
    get_nginx_server_address, log_exception , config
from images import getImageProfile
from log_handler import logger
import docker
import os
import random
import remote_vm_task as remote_machine

if config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF", "docker_enabled"):
    cert_path = os.path.join(get_context_path(), 'modules/certs/')
    tls_config = docker.tls.TLSConfig(client_cert=(cert_path + 'cert.pem',
                                                   cert_path + 'key.pem'),
                                      verify=cert_path + 'ca.pem')

    docker_machine = get_docker_daemon_address()
    #client = docker.Client(base_url='https://:',version='auto', tls=tls_config)
    client = docker.Client(base_url='https://' + docker_machine[0] + ':' +

def proxieddomain(name):
    #alias = '.baadalgateway.cse.iitd.ac.in'
    alias = '.docker.iitd.ac.in'
    address = name + alias
    return address[1:]
Exemplo n.º 14
    Field('name', 'string', length = 255, notnull = True, unique = True),
    Field('value', 'string', length = 255, notnull = True))

    Field('name', 'string', length = 255, notnull = True, unique = True),
    Field('details', 'string', length = 255),
    Field('public_ip', 'string',length = 15),
    Field('admin_mailid', 'string', length = 50),
    format = '%(details)s')

from gluon.tools import Auth
auth = Auth(db)

from gluon.tools import Mail
mail = Mail()
if config.getboolean("MAIL_CONF","mail_active"):
    mail.settings.server = config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_server")
    mail.settings.sender = config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_sender")
    mail.settings.login = config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_login")
    mail.settings.tls = literal_eval(config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_server_tls"))

#added to make auth and db objects available in modules
from gluon import current  # @Reimport
current.auth = auth
current.db = db
current.auth_type = config.get("AUTH_CONF","auth_type")

## configure custom auth tables
auth.settings.table_user_name = 'user'
auth.settings.table_group_name = 'user_group'
auth.settings.table_membership_name = 'user_membership'
Exemplo n.º 15
def is_object_store_enabled():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF","object_store_enabled")
Exemplo n.º 16
def train(loader, model, optimizer, epoch, writer):
    batch_time = AverageMeter()
    data_time = AverageMeter()
    losses = AverageMeter()
    iou = AverageMeter()   # semantic IoU
    iou_c = AverageMeter() # contour IoU
    iou_m = AverageMeter() # marker IoU
    print_freq = config['train'].getfloat('print_freq')
    only_contour = config['contour'].getboolean('exclusive')
    weight_map = config['param'].getboolean('weight_map')
    model_name = config['param']['model']
    with_contour = config.getboolean(model_name, 'branch_contour')
    with_marker = config.getboolean(model_name, 'branch_marker')
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

    # Sets the module in training mode.
    end = time.time()
    n_step = len(loader)
    for i, data in enumerate(loader):
        # measure data loading time
        data_time.update(time.time() - end)
        # split sample data
        inputs = data['image'].to(device)
        labels = data['label'].to(device)
        labels_c = data['label_c'].to(device)
        labels_m = data['label_m'].to(device)
        # get loss weight
        weights = None
        if weight_map and 'weight' in data:
            weights = data['weight'].to(device)
        # zero the parameter gradients
        # forward step
        outputs = model(inputs)
        if with_contour and with_marker:
            outputs, outputs_c, outputs_m = outputs
        elif with_contour:
            outputs, outputs_c = outputs
        # compute loss
        if only_contour:
            loss = contour_criterion(outputs, labels_c)
            # weight_criterion equals to segment_criterion if weights is none
            loss = focal_criterion(outputs, labels, weights)
            if with_contour:
                loss += focal_criterion(outputs_c, labels_c, weights)
            if with_marker:
                loss += focal_criterion(outputs_m, labels_m, weights)
        # compute gradient and do backward step
        # measure elapsed time
        batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
        end = time.time()
        # measure accuracy and record loss
        # NOT instance-level IoU in training phase, for better speed & instance separation handled in post-processing
        losses.update(loss.item(), inputs.size(0))
        if only_contour:
            batch_iou = iou_mean(outputs, labels_c)
            batch_iou = iou_mean(outputs, labels)
        iou.update(batch_iou, inputs.size(0))
        if with_contour:
            batch_iou_c = iou_mean(outputs_c, labels_c)
            iou_c.update(batch_iou_c, inputs.size(0))
        if with_marker:
            batch_iou_m = iou_mean(outputs_m, labels_m)
            iou_m.update(batch_iou_m, inputs.size(0))
        # log to summary
        #step = i + epoch * n_step
        #writer.add_scalar('training/loss', loss.item(), step)
        #writer.add_scalar('training/batch_elapse', batch_time.val, step)
        #writer.add_scalar('training/batch_iou', iou.val, step)
        #writer.add_scalar('training/batch_iou_c', iou_c.val, step)
        #writer.add_scalar('training/batch_iou_m', iou_m.val, step)
        if (i + 1) % print_freq == 0:
                'Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}]\t'
                'Time: {batch_time.avg:.2f} (io: {data_time.avg:.2f})\t'
                'Loss: {loss.val:.4f} (avg: {loss.avg:.4f})\t'
                'IoU: {iou.avg:.3f} (Coutour: {iou_c.avg:.3f}, Marker: {iou_m.avg:.3f})\t'
                    epoch, i, n_step, batch_time=batch_time,
                    data_time=data_time, loss=losses, iou=iou, iou_c=iou_c, iou_m=iou_m
    # end of loop, dump epoch summary
    writer.add_scalar('training/epoch_loss', losses.avg, epoch)
    writer.add_scalar('training/epoch_iou', iou.avg, epoch)
    writer.add_scalar('training/epoch_iou_c', iou_c.avg, epoch)
    writer.add_scalar('training/epoch_iou_m', iou_m.avg, epoch)
    return iou.avg # return epoch average iou
Exemplo n.º 17
def is_nic_setup():
    return config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF","nic_setup")
Exemplo n.º 18
    Field('name', 'string', length = 255, notnull = True, unique = True),
    Field('value', 'string', length = 255, notnull = True))

    Field('name', 'string', length = 255, notnull = True, unique = True),
    Field('details', 'string', length = 255),
    Field('public_ip', 'string',length = 15),
    Field('admin_mailid', 'string', length = 50),
    format = '%(details)s')

from gluon.tools import Auth
auth = Auth(db)

from gluon.tools import Mail
mail = Mail()
if config.getboolean("MAIL_CONF","mail_active"):
    mail.settings.server = config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_server")
    mail.settings.sender = config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_sender")
    mail.settings.login = config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_login")
    mail.settings.tls = literal_eval(config.get("MAIL_CONF","mail_server_tls"))

#added to make auth and db objects available in modules
from gluon import current  # @Reimport
current.auth = auth
current.db = db
current.auth_type = config.get("AUTH_CONF","auth_type")

## configure custom auth tables
auth.settings.table_user_name = 'user'
auth.settings.table_group_name = 'user_group'
auth.settings.table_membership_name = 'user_membership'
Exemplo n.º 19
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Added to enable code completion in IDE's.
if 0:
    import gluon
    global auth; auth = gluon.tools.Auth()
    from gluon import T,request,response,URL,H2
    from applications.baadal.models import *  # @UnusedWildImport
from helper import get_constant, config
from auth_user import is_auth_type_db

docker_enabled = config.getboolean("GENERAL_CONF","docker_enabled")
response.title = request.application
response.google_analytics_id = None

response.top_menu = [
    (T('About'), False, URL('default','index')),
    (T('FAQ'), False, URL('default','faq')),
    (T('Team Baadal'), False, URL('default','team')),
    (T('Contact'), False, URL('default','contact'))
if auth.is_logged_in():
    response.user_menu = [
        (H2('USER MENU'),False, dict(_href='#', _id='menu_user')),
        (T('Home'), False, URL('default','index')),
        (T('Request VM'), False, URL('user','request_vm')),
        (T('Request Object Store'), False, URL('user','request_object_store')),
        (T('Pending Requests'), False, URL('user','list_my_requests')),
        (T('My VMs'), False, URL('user','list_my_vm')),