Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: gen.py Projeto: Mokronos/ba
def fakekalman():
    #read coords
    gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:,2:6]
    statsinfo = np.load(macropath + "pre/statsdata.npy")

    gtcen = h.corcen(gt)

    fakebboxcen = h.createfakedet(gtcen,statsinfo[1,1,:])
    fakebboxcor = h.cencor(fakebboxcen)

    stdvalues = [0.01,5,25]
    for i in range(len(stdvalues)):
        #for i in range(0, bbox.shape[0], 1):
        #    bbox.mask[i,:] = True

        memcen,memk, memp = kalman(fakebboxcen,gtcen, statsinfo, stdvalues[i])
        memcor = h.cencor(memcen)

        memioubefore = h.iouclip(fakebboxcor,gt)
        memiouafter = h.iouclip(memcor, gt)


        ylabel = ["Mittelpunktx [px]","Mittelpunkty [px]","Breite [px]","Höhe [px]"]
        h.timeplot3(gtcen,fakebboxcen, memcen, "-results", [[0,1920],[1080,0],[0,400],[0,2]], ylabel, ["Frame [k]"]*4, savepath + clipname  + "fakedetectionsstd" + str(stdvalues[i]) )
        h.plotiou(gt, memcor, ["IoU"],  ["Frame [k]"], savepath + clipname  + "fakedetectionsstd" + str(stdvalues[i]) +  "iouot")
        h.errorplot(gt, memcor,[1,1,1,1], ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] *4, savepath + clipname  + "fakedetectionsstd" + str(stdvalues[i]) +  "error")
        h.viskal(fakebboxcor,gt,memcor,clippath, savepath + clipname + "fakedetectionsQ" + str(stdvalues[i]))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: synth.py Projeto: Mokronos/ba
def creategt(path, savepath):

    #extract vidname
    vidname = path.split("/")[3]
    #extract imagename
    samplelist = os.listdir(path)
    pathlist = []
    for i in range(len(samplelist)):
        if samplelist[i].split(".")[-1] == "txt":

    #create masked array
    gt = ma.array(np.zeros((len(pathlist), 6)), mask=True, dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(len(pathlist)):
        with open(path + pathlist[i], "r") as text:

            listtext = list(text)

            comp = []
            for j in range(len(listtext)):
                comp.append(listtext[j].split(" ")[1])

            #select bbox by selecting max centerx
            indx = comp.index(max(comp))

            #select relevant row
            relrow = list(map(float, listtext[indx].split(" ")))

            dimx = 1920
            dimy = 1080

            label = relrow[0]
            centerx = relrow[1] * dimx
            centery = relrow[2] * dimy
            width = relrow[3] * dimx
            height = relrow[4] * dimy

            gt[i, 0] = label
            gt[i, 1] = 1
            #coords in "cor" format
            gt[i, 2], gt[i, 3], gt[i,
                                   4], gt[i,
                                          5] = centerx, centery, width, height
    gt[:, 2:6] = h.cencor(gt[:, 2:6])

    h.writemaarray(gt, savepath + "gtsynthetic/" + vidname,
                   "gt from synthetic data")
Exemplo n.º 3
def kalclip(bbox, gt, model, clippath, stats, ofpoint=0, R=500, Q=500, P=0):

    #define start(no need to initiate before detections)
    start = h.getstartindex(bbox)

    clipname = h.extract(clippath)
    #for 30fps --> 1/fps
    #irrelevant in my case --> set 1 (i dont rly make a reference to reality here)
    deltat = 1

    #define what model has what representation for retransformation after:
    correp = []
    cenrep = ["cenof", "simplecen"]
    asprep = ["aspof", "aspofwidth", "aspofwidthman"]
    std = 70

    #define dimensions and model(depends on representation)
    if model == "simplecen":

        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corcen(bbox)
        gt = h.corcen(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z = 4, 4
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z)
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0][0] = Kal.H[1][1] = Kal.H[2][2] = Kal.H[3][3] = 1
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[0, 1, i]**2

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "cenof":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corcen(bbox)
        gt = h.corcen(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 2
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[1, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1] = stats[3, 1, 0], stats[3, 1, 1]
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "aspof":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corasp(bbox)
        gt = h.corasp(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 2
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[2, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1], Kal.Q[3,
                                        3] = stats[3, 1,
                                                   0]**2, stats[3, 1,
                                                                1]**2, 0.0001
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "aspofwidth":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corasp(bbox)
        gt = h.corasp(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 3
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[2, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        #TODO put in stats for std width from of
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1], Kal.Q[2, 2], Kal.Q[3, 3] = stats[
            3, 1, 0]**2, stats[3, 1, 1]**2, stats[3, 1, 2]**2, 0.0001
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "aspofwidthman":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corasp(bbox)
        gt = h.corasp(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 3
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[2, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1], Kal.Q[2, 2], Kal.Q[3, 3] = stats[
            3, 1, 0], stats[3, 1, 1], 1**2, 0.0001
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    #parameters to define(try these on all representations)

    Kal.x = init

    #create new array for results of the algorithm
    mem = ma.array(np.zeros_like(bbox), mask=True)
    mem[0, :] = init
    for j in range(memp.shape[1]):
        memp[0, j] = Kal.P[j, j]
    for j in range(memk.shape[1]):
        memk[0, j] = Kal.K[j, j]

    for i in range(1, bbox.shape[0], 1):

        z = bbox[i, :]
        if bbox.mask[i, 0] == True:
            z = None

        if model == "cenof":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            u = np.array([vx, vy])
        elif model == "aspof":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            u = np.array([vx, vy])
        elif model == "aspofwidth":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            vwidth = ofpoint[i, 2] - ofpoint[i - 1, 2]
            u = np.array([vx, vy, vwidth])
        elif model == "aspofwidthman":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            vwidth = ofpoint[i, 2] - ofpoint[i - 1, 2]
            u = np.array([vx, vy, vwidth])
        x = Kal.x
        y = x[:4]

        #write into resulting array
        mem[i, :] = y[:4]

        for j in range(memp.shape[1]):
            memp[i, j] = Kal.P[j, j]
        for j in range(memk.shape[1]):
            memk[i, j] = Kal.K[j, j]

    #just return result --> do back-transformation into other representations outside of this function(as well as creating visuals)
    if model in correp:
        mem = mem
    elif model in cenrep:
        mem = h.cencor(mem)
    elif model in asprep:
        mem = h.aspcor(mem)
    return mem, memp, memk
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: gen.py Projeto: Mokronos/ba
def onlydetkalman():

    textpath = "drawmaininfo1"
    #load info for clips
    mainvidpath, info = h.readtimes(textpath)
    mainvid = mainvidpath.split(".")[-2]
    mainvid = mainvid.split("/")[-1]
    datapath = "./data/"
    macropath = datapath + mainvid + "/macroanalysis/"
    savepathbase = "./gen/kalman/"

    #delete folders

    #create folders
    for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):
        h.makedirsx(savepathbase + info[i][2])

    stdvalues = [1, 9, 81]
    statsinfo = np.load(macropath + "pre/statsdata.npy")

    memiou = []
    for i in range(len(stdvalues)):

    for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

        savepath = savepathbase + info[i][2] + "/"
        clipname = info[i][2]
        clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + clipname 

        #read coords
        gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:,2:6]
        bbox = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/cleancorr")

        #define start and end where detectios appear
        start = h.firstindex(bbox)
        end = h.lastindex(bbox)

        #change gt and bbox to start at first detection 
        gt = gt[start:,:]
        bbox = bbox[start:,:]

        #transform to coordinates that are used in experiment
        gtcen = h.corcen(gt)
        bboxcen = h.corcen(bbox)

        #loop over std values to test each 
        for j in range(len(stdvalues)):

            #for i in range(0, bbox.shape[0], 1):
            #    bbox.mask[i,:] = True

            memcen,memk, memp = kalman(bboxcen,gtcen, statsinfo, stdvalues[j])
            memcor = h.cencor(memcen)

            memioubefore = h.iouclip(bbox,gt)
            memiouafter = h.iouclip(memcor, gt)


            memiou[j].extend(h.iouclip(memcor, gt))

            ylabel = ["Mittelpunktx [px]","Mittelpunkty [px]","Breite [px]","Höhe [px]"]
            h.timeplot3(gtcen,bboxcen, memcen, "-results", [[0,1920],[1080,0],[0,400],[0,2]], ylabel, ["Frame [k]"]*4, savepath + clipname  + "fakedetectionsstd" + str(stdvalues[j]) )
            h.plotiou(gt, memcor, ["IoU"],  ["Frame [k]"], savepath + clipname  + "fakedetectionsstd" + str(stdvalues[j]) +  "iouot")
            h.errorplot(gt, memcor,[1,1,1,1], ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] *4, savepath + clipname  + "fakedetectionsstd" + str(stdvalues[j]) +  "error")
            h.viskal(bbox,gt,memcor,clippath, savepath + clipname + "bbox" + str(stdvalues[j]), start = start)

    for j in range(len(stdvalues)):

        np.savetxt(savepathbase + "std" + str(stdvalues[j]) + "iou.txt", np.array(memiou[j][1:]),fmt = "%1.2f",header ="iou of all clips(compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)")
        np.savetxt(savepathbase + "std" + str(stdvalues[j]) + "iouavg.txt", [np.array(memiou[j][1:]).mean(),np.array(memiou[j][1:]).std()],fmt = "%1.2f",header ="iou of all clips(compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)")