Exemplo n.º 1
    def angle(self, id, desired_th):
        mult_ang = 0.4

        d_th = desired_th - self.cur_posture[id][TH]
        d_th = helper.trim_radian(d_th)

        # the robot instead puts the direction rear if the angle difference is large
        if (d_th > helper.d2r(95)):
            d_th -= math.pi
            sign = -1
        elif (d_th < helper.d2r(-95)):
            d_th += math.pi
            sign = -1

        self.set_wheel_velocity(id, -mult_ang * d_th, mult_ang * d_th, False)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_target_position(self, id, x, y, scale, mult_lin, mult_ang,
        damping = 0.35
        ka = 0
        sign = 1

        # calculate how far the target position is from the robot
        dx = x - self.cur_posture[id][X]
        dy = y - self.cur_posture[id][Y]
        d_e = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2))

        # calculate how much the direction is off
        desired_th = (math.pi /
                      2) if (dx == 0 and dy == 0) else math.atan2(dy, dx)
        d_th = desired_th - self.cur_posture[id][TH]
        while (d_th > math.pi):
            d_th -= 2 * math.pi
        while (d_th < -math.pi):
            d_th += 2 * math.pi

        # based on how far the target position is, set a parameter that
        # decides how much importance should be put into changing directions
        # farther the target is, less need to change directions fastly
        if (d_e > 1):
            ka = 17 / 90
        elif (d_e > 0.5):
            ka = 19 / 90
        elif (d_e > 0.3):
            ka = 21 / 90
        elif (d_e > 0.2):
            ka = 23 / 90
            ka = 25 / 90

        # if the target position is at rear of the robot, drive backward instead
        if (d_th > helper.d2r(95)):
            d_th -= math.pi
            sign = -1
        elif (d_th < helper.d2r(-95)):
            d_th += math.pi
            sign = -1

        # if the direction is off by more than 85 degrees,
        # make a turn first instead of start moving toward the target
        if (abs(d_th) > helper.d2r(85)):
            self.set_wheel_velocity(id, -mult_ang * d_th, mult_ang * d_th,
        # otherwise
            # scale the angular velocity further down if the direction is off by less than 40 degrees
            if (d_e < 5 and abs(d_th) < helper.d2r(40)):
                ka = 0.1
            ka *= 4

            # set the wheel velocity
            # 'sign' determines the direction [forward, backward]
            # 'scale' scales the overall velocity at which the robot is driving
            # 'mult_lin' scales the linear velocity at which the robot is driving
            # larger distance 'd_e' scales the base linear velocity higher
            # 'damping' slows the linear velocity down
            # 'mult_ang' and 'ka' scales the angular velocity at which the robot is driving
            # larger angular difference 'd_th' scales the base angular velocity higher
            # if 'max_velocity' is true, the overall velocity is scaled to the point
            # where at least one wheel is operating at maximum velocity
                sign * scale *
                (mult_lin *
                 (1 /
                  (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) - mult_ang * ka * d_th),
                sign * scale *
                (mult_lin *
                 (1 /
                  (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) + mult_ang * ka * d_th),