Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: seek.py Projeto: w4k2/tests
#!/usr/bin/env python
import helper as h
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import csv, scipy, json
import warnings

np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)

# Parameters
repetitions = 10
datasets = h.datasets()
clfs = h.classifiers().keys()
results = h.results()
measures = ["t", "w"]
cv_methods = ["k10", "k20", "k30", "k2x5"]
p_s = h.p_s()

for i, clf in enumerate(clfs):
    collisions = []
    print("---\n%s [%i]" % (clf, i))
    for measure in measures:
        for p in p_s:
            for cv_method in cv_methods:
                for r in range(repetitions):
                    db_count = 0
                    dbs = []
                    for dataset in datasets:
                        dbname = dataset[1]
                        filename = "jsons/%s_r%i_%s_p%i.json" % (dbname,r,cv_method,int(p*100))
Exemplo n.º 2
def hill_climber(cargo_list_csv, slice, boundaries, number):
        Hill climber used for questions a, b and c
        Swaps parcels between spaceships and cargolists

    # load the first cargo list
    cargo1_list = hlp.load_csv_cargolist(str(cargo_list_csv))

    # slice list and sort it on kg/m3 ratio
    combined_list = hlp.sort_and_slice(cargo1_list, slice)
    cargo1_list = combined_list[0][:]
    remaining_list = combined_list[1][:]

    # define properties of the spacecrafts
    Cygnus = Spacecraft(2000, 18.9, 7400, 390000000, 0.73)
    Progress = Spacecraft(2400, 7.6, 7020, 175000000, 0.74)
    Kounotori = Spacecraft(5200, 14, 10500, 420000000, 0.71)
    Dragon = Spacecraft(6000, 10, 12200, 347000000, 0.72)
    TianZhou = Spacecraft(6500, 15, 13500, 412000000, 0.75)
    Verne_ATV = Spacecraft(7500, 48, 20500, 1080000000, 0.72)

    # create a list containing all the spaceships
    spacecrafts = [Cygnus, Dragon, Kounotori, Progress]

    # sort list on kg/m3 ratio
    spacecrafts = sorted(spacecrafts, key=lambda spacecraft: spacecraft.ratio)

    # experiment: start hill climber with some cargo already pre-loaded
    hlp.preload_spacecrafts(cargo1_list, spacecrafts, remaining_list,

    # organize data with list
    # make copy of list also for the hill climber
    copy_spacecrafts = spacecrafts[:]

    # counter variables
    counter = 0
    number_found = 0
    cost = 0
    previous_len = 0
    total_len = 0

    # list needed to save data for matplotlib
    counter_list = []
    total_len_list = []

    while counter < number:  # total_len < 90:
        # counter needed for the visualization
        counter += 1
        #  boolean which can turn true if the hill climber wants it to
        accept = False

        # copy all list incase hill climber wants to go back
        alt_Cygnus = copy.deepcopy(Cygnus.cargo_list)
        alt_Dragon = copy.deepcopy(Dragon.cargo_list)
        alt_Kounotori = copy.deepcopy(Kounotori.cargo_list)
        alt_Progress = copy.deepcopy(Progress.cargo_list)

        # choose random object
        random_object = random.choice(copy_spacecrafts)
        random_object2 = random.choice(copy_spacecrafts)

        # check if random object is not selected twice
        if random_object != random_object2:

            # if random object is a list, it is the list containing the remaining parcels
            # loop to load these remaining parcels into a random spacecraft
            if type(random_object) == list:
                accept = hlp.swap_list_spacecraft(random_object,

            elif type(random_object2) == list:
                accept = hlp.swap_list_spacecraft(random_object2,

                accept = hlp.swap_between_spacecraft(random_object,

        # double-check total length cargo float and remaining weight and volume
        result_dic = hlp.results(spacecrafts)
        total_len = result_dic["length"]
        total_cost = result_dic["cost"]
        total_filled = result_dic["total_filled"]

        # check if score will be accepted
        if (accept == True):
            if ((total_len > previous_len) or (total_cost < cost)):
                previous_len = total_len
                cost = total_cost
                if type(random_object) != list:
                    random_object.cargo_list = random_object.cargo_list
                if type(random_object2) != list:
                    random_object2.cargo_list = random_object2.cargo_list
                accept == False

        # if new situation is not better return to old situation
        if (accept == False) or (total_len < previous_len):
            Cygnus.cargo_list = alt_Cygnus
            Dragon.cargo_list = alt_Dragon
            Kounotori.cargo_list = alt_Kounotori
            Progress.cargo_list = alt_Progress

        # store best result in a textfile if higer than 83
        if (total_len > 83) and (cost < total_cost):
            with open("output.txt", 'w') as output:
                number_found += 1
                json.dump(total_filled, output)


    # plot and draw graph
    plt.plot(counter_list, total_len_list)

    # result to return multiple values
    result = {"length": total_len, "cost": cost}

    return result
Exemplo n.º 3


# Do the multiplication
start_time = time()

mmul(queue, (N, N), None, N, d_a, d_b, d_c)

run_time = time() - start_time

cl.enqueue_copy(queue, h_C, d_c)

# show results
helper.results(N, h_C, run_time, AVAL, BVAL, TOL)

# STRATEGY  3.b)   C row per work item

#initiate the computations

kernelsource = open("./CL/C_row.cl").read()
program = cl.Program(context, kernelsource).build()
mmul = program.mmul
mmul.set_scalar_arg_dtypes([numpy.int32, None, None, None])

print("\n===== OpenCL, matrix mult, C row per work item, order", N, "======\n")

Exemplo n.º 4
# boundaries needed for pre loading cargolists
boundaries_cargo1 = [100, 15, 19, 250]
boundaries_cargo2 = [130, 20, 45, 150]

if question == "a" or question == "b":

    # answer a and b with greedy algorithm
    if algorithm == "greedy":
        prepared_list = pre_load_greedy("CargoList1", 83, 0)

        # define the properties of the spacecraft
        # the list of spacecrafts is sorted on kg/m3 ratio
        spacecrafts = hlp.define_spacecrafts()
        hlp.greedy_filling(prepared_list, spacecrafts)
        greedy_results = hlp.results(spacecrafts)
        print("Result Greedy, question A:", greedy_results["length"])
        print("Result Greedy, question B:", greedy_results["cost"])

    # highest length found with the random greedy was 83
    # lowest cost found with 83 with the random greedy was 1985465920 dollar
    if algorithm == "random greedy":
        result_rnd_greedy_1 = random_greedy("CargoList1", 83, 0, 1000, boundaries_cargo1)
        print("Result random greedy question A:", result_rnd_greedy_1["length"])
        print("Result random greedy question B:", result_rnd_greedy_1["cost"])

    # highest length found with the hill climber was 83
    # lowest cost found with 83 with the hill climber was 1980951280 dollar
    if algorithm == "hill climber":
        result_hc_1 = hill_climber("CargoList1", 83, boundaries_cargo1, 1000)
        print("Result hill climber question A:", result_hc_1["length"])
Exemplo n.º 5
def random_greedy(cargolist, volume_slicer, mass_slicer, number, boundaries):
        Random Greedy used for questions a, b and class
        Fills the the spacecrafts patially with the best density parcels
        and after that we randomly put packages into the spacecrafts
        Give a number to decide how many time the random loop will be


    # load the cargo list
    cargo_list = hlp.load_csv_cargolist(str(cargolist))

    # slice and sort it on kg/m3 ratio
    combined_list = hlp.sort_and_slice(cargo_list, volume_slicer, mass_slicer)
    cargo_list = combined_list[0][:]
    remain1 = combined_list[1]

    # variables
    cost = 0
    counter = 0
    max_len = 0
    total_len = 0

    # repeat 'number' times
    while counter < number:
        remaining_list = []

        counter += 1

        # define properties of the spacecrafts
        Cygnus = Spacecraft(2000, 18.9, 7400, 390000000, 0.73)
        Progress = Spacecraft(2400, 7.6, 7020, 175000000, 0.74)
        Kounotori = Spacecraft(5200, 14, 10500, 420000000, 0.71)
        Dragon = Spacecraft(6000, 10, 12200, 347000000, 0.72)
        TianZhou = Spacecraft(6500, 15, 13500, 412000000, 0.75)
        Verne_ATV = Spacecraft(7500, 48, 20500, 1080000000, 0.72)

        Cygnus.cargo_list = []
        Progress.cargo_list = []
        Kounotori.cargo_list = []
        Dragon.cargo_list = []

        # create a list containing all the spaceships
        spacecrafts = [Cygnus, Dragon, Kounotori, Progress]

        # sort list on kg/m3 ratio
        spacecrafts = sorted(spacecrafts,
                             key=lambda spacecraft: spacecraft.ratio)

        remaining_list = []
        boundaries = boundaries

        # preload the the spacecrafts
        hlp.preload_spacecrafts(cargo_list, spacecrafts, remaining_list,
        remaining_lists = remaining_list[:] + remain1

        counter2 = 0

        # repeat the random choices 300 times
        while (counter2 < 300):
            counter2 += 1
            total_cost = 0

            # choose random parcel from remaining list and spacecrafts
            parcel = random.choice(remaining_lists)
            spacecraft = random.choice(spacecrafts)

            # check if placement is possible
            if (parcel["mass"] <= spacecraft.remaining_mass) and (
                    parcel["volume"] <= spacecraft.remaining_volume):
                spacecraft.add_cargo(parcel["id"], parcel["mass"],

        # get the results dictionary
        result = hlp.results(spacecrafts)

        # unpack dictionary
        total_len = result["length"]
        total_cost = result["cost"]
        cargo_dicts = result["total_filled"]

        # only write out the best solution
        if (total_len > 70) and (max_len < total_len or total_cost < cost):

            with open(
                    "outputfile(" + str(total_len) + ') (' + str(total_cost) +
                    ").txt", 'w') as output:
                json.dump(cargo_dicts, output)
                cost = total_cost

        if total_len > max_len:
            max_len = total_len

        # put cost and length in dictionary
        result = {"length": max_len, "cost": cost}

    return result